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        最近在做一个QT的项目,实现流媒体的在线播放,是基于RTSP协议的。我们只做客户端,服务器采用的是利live555。对于音频的播放,我一开始采用的播放器是madplay,它支持音频流的在线播放。既然是播放器那么它也得要能播放视频,但是madplay是不能作为视频播放器的,所以我采用了一个linux下使用率很高的开源的播放器MPlayer。它的界面很友好,现在最新的已经是1.1版了,可以到它的官网上下载(http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/dload.html)。下载之后,我们对他进行编译,和普通的源码文件的编译方式一样,大体有4步,我在这里简单的说下。1.解压源码 。2.进行配置 。3.执行make。4.执行make install。当然,在这个过程中会出现一些错误,你把这些错误码复制一下,在网上都可以找到相对应的解决方法。其中可能有一个错误很棘手,我在这里也是卡了很久,就是编译时出现:

libavcodec/flashsv.c: In function 'calc_deflate_block_size':
libavcodec/flashsv.c:224:5: error: implicit declaration of function 'deflateBound' [-Werror=implicit-function-declaration]
cc1: some warnings being treated as errors
make[1]: *** [libavcodec/flashsv.o] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/chenyu/chenyu/MPlayer-1.1/ffmpeg'
make: *** [ffmpeg/libavcodec/libavcodec.a] 错误 2


Porting to old zlib (deflateBound) & old mktemp (e.g., Red Hat Linux 9)
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From: David A. Wheeler <dwheeler@dwheeler.com>
Date: 2005-04-22 09:27:57

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005 12:19:32 -0500 Joel Schopp wrote:

>| I downloaded git-pasky 0.6.2.  I cannot compile it because my zlib 
>| version is 1.1.4 and git-pasky relies on functiondeflateBound()which 
>| wasn't introduced until zlib version 1.2.x  Is there a patch out there 
>| to work around this and maybe conditionally compile based on the zlib 
>| version?
Here's a quick (read: nasty, dreadful) hack to port git
to older systems like Red Hat Linux 9 which have old versions
of zlib & mktemp. Someone who actually spent two seconds
on this can no doubt give you a better solution, but it "worked for me".

Edit sha1_file.c, and change the line:
size = deflateBound(&stream, len);   //既然没有它,我们可以可以用其他的语句代替它,我试了一下,可以,但是你 
to                //发现这样不方便,因为下面还有很多用到的它,这样一个一个该很不方便,

size = len + 1024; /* 1024=emergency extra space */    //我们要从中找到本质的原因,这样就不会这么麻烦。我在上

//面的红色标出来了,可以看出来这是因为版本的原因,查一    //下我的zlib版本是1.1.4的,我换了一下zlib,换成了zlib1.2.7


The "deflateBound" call just finds out the maximum amount of allocation 
The documentation says that "deflateBound() may return a
conservative value that may be larger than /sourceLen/" in certain cases,
which worried me. So to be safe I just added a big pile of excess space 
to "len";
I suspect that "size = len" is sufficient but I didn't investigate it.

If you're trying to get this to work on Red Hat Linux 9, you'll
have another problem too: old versions of "mktemp"
don't support the "-t" option. Other old distributions will
have the same problem.  To find these cases, do:
 grep "mktemp.*-t" *
and edit all the files to remove the "-t" option from mktemp.
That's the bare minimum to make it work; a much
cleaner solution would to specify the tempdir, e.g.,:
 mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp/}gitci.XXXXX
or even more portably, write the shell code to set TMPDIR to "/tmp"
locally if it's not set, then use $TMPDIR everywhere.

Not a good final solution, but enough to get started in the interim.
In long term, this should be made more portable, but it's
only ~2 weeks old after all.  Some people are trying to fly this plane
to transport a buffalo herd, while others are working to attach the 
wings :-).

--- David A. Wheeler
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       编译好之后生成的mplayer就可以播放视频和音频文件了,但是播放的这个视频或者音频文件是完整的在本地磁盘的。而这个QT项目的要求是实现远程数据流的播放,按照上述方法编译出来的mplay是播放不了流媒体的。你如果让他去播放live555服务器发送的媒体流,会出现  “MPEG: Missing video stream!? Contact the author, it may be a bug :( ”  这样的错误。但是前辈们为我们想到了这一点,我们可以在mplayer的官网上看到(http://www.live555.com/mplayer/)  

RTSP/RTP streaming support for MPlayer

Please do the following steps, in order:

  1. Download and build the "LIVE555 Streaming Media" libraries. You may wish to move the resulting "live/" directory to "/usr/local/", "/usr/local/lib/", or "/usr/lib/". (Note: If you do this, you must move the entire "live/" directory - not just the library files.)
  2. Download the newest version of the MPlayer source code.
  3. If, in Step 1, you moved the "live/" directory to "/usr/local/", "/usr/local/lib/", or "/usr/lib/", run
        cd MPlayer* ; ./configure
    and check to see whether the "live555" library was automaticaly detected. Otherwise, run
        cd MPlayer* ; ./configure --extracflags=-I <path-to-LIVE555-Streaming-Media-library-directory>
  4. Now, build and install MPlayer as usual - i.e.,
        make ; make install
    (Note that you must build MPlayer with the same version of "gcc" that you used to build the LIVE555 Streaming Media code.)
按照上面的第一步先对LIVE555 Streaming Media进行编译,它的编译方法和一般的不一样,我们可以在中看到官网(http://www.live555.com/liveMedia/)给出的方法。如下:进入live目录下,执行下面的红色命令:

How to configure and build the code on Unix (including Linux, Mac OS X, QNX, and other Posix-compliant systems)

The source code package can be found (as a ".tar.gz" file)  here . Use "tar -x" and "gunzip" (or "tar -xz", if available) to extract the package; then cd to the "live" directory. Then run
    ./genMakefiles <os-platform>      //os-platform指你的平台,我这里是写的linux
where  <os-platform>  is your target platform - e.g., "linux" or "solaris" - defined by a "config. <os-platform> " file. This will generate a Makefile in the "live" directory and each subdirectory.Then run "make".
  • If the "make" fails, you may need to make small modifications to the appropriate "config.<os-platform>" file, and then re-run "genMakefiles <os-platform>". (E.g., you may need to add another "-I<dir>" flag to the COMPILE_OPTS definition.)
  • Some people (in particular, FreeBSD users) have reported that the GNU version of "make" - often called "gmake" - works better than their default, pre-installed version of "make". (In particular, you should try using "gmake" if you encounter linking problems with the "ar" command.)
  • If you're using "gcc" version 3.0 or greater: You may also wish to add the -Wno-deprecated flag to CPLUSPLUS_FLAGS.
  • If no "config.<os-platform>" file exists for your target platform, then try using one of the existing files as a template.
If you wish, you can also 'install' the headers, libraries, and applications byrunning "make install".

./configure --enable-live --extra-cflags="-I /usr/local/lib/live/liveMedia/include
-I /usr/local/lib/live/UsageEnvironment/include
-I /usr/local/lib/live/BasicUsageEnvironment/include
-I /usr/local/lib/live/groupsock/include"
--extra-ldflags="-L /usr/local/lib/live/liveMedia/libliveMedia.a
-L /usr/local/lib/live/UsageEnvironment/libUsageEnvironment.a
-L /usr/local/lib/live/BasicUsageEnvironment/libBasicUsageEnvironment.a
-L /usr/local/lib/live/groupsock/libgroupsock.a"


libmpdemux/demux_rtp.o: In function `demux_close_rtp':
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xd6): undefined reference to `RTSPClient::teardownMediaSession(MediaSession&)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xef): undefined reference to `Medium::close(Medium*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xfa): undefined reference to `Medium::close(Medium*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x105): undefined reference to `Medium::close(Medium*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x131): undefined reference to `operator delete[](void*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x139): undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x14d): undefined reference to `UsageEnvironment::reclaim()'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x18f): undefined reference to `SIPClient::sendBYE()'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp.o: In function `demux_open_rtp':
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x4df): undefined reference to `BasicTaskScheduler::createNew(unsigned int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x4ef): undefined reference to `BasicUsageEnvironment::createNew(TaskScheduler&)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x548): undefined reference to `MediaSession::createNew(UsageEnvironment&, char const*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x560): undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x5b8): undefined reference to `MediaSubsessionIterator::MediaSubsessionIterator(MediaSession const&)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x5d8): undefined reference to `MediaSubsessionIterator::next()'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x624): undefined reference to `MediaSubsession::setClientPortNum(unsigned short)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x634): undefined reference to `MediaSubsession::initiate(int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x73f): undefined reference to `increaseReceiveBufferTo(UsageEnvironment&, int, unsigned int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x7a8): undefined reference to `RTSPClient::setupMediaSubsession(MediaSubsession&, unsigned char, unsigned char, unsigned char)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x862): undefined reference to `RTSPClient::playMediaSession(MediaSession&, double, double, float)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x876): undefined reference to `MediaSubsessionIterator::reset()'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x8bd): undefined reference to `MediaSubsessionIterator::next()'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x8f8): undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x990): undefined reference to `operator new(unsigned int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xa28): undefined reference to `MediaSubsessionIterator::~MediaSubsessionIterator()'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xab9): undefined reference to `SIPClient::sendACK()'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xaca): undefined reference to `MediaSubsessionIterator::~MediaSubsessionIterator()'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xb2b): undefined reference to `RTSPClient::createNew(UsageEnvironment&, int, char const*, unsigned short)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xb7c): undefined reference to `RTSPClient::describeWithPassword(char const*, char const*, char const*, unsigned char, int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xbf8): undefined reference to `SIPClient::createNew(UsageEnvironment&, unsigned char, char const*, int, char const*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xc42): undefined reference to `SIPClient::inviteWithPassword(char const*, char const*, char const*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xcc2): undefined reference to `RTSPClient::describeURL(char const*, Authenticator*, unsigned char, int)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xce5): undefined reference to `SIPClient::invite(char const*, Authenticator*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0xd16): undefined reference to `MediaSubsessionIterator::~MediaSubsessionIterator()'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp.o: In function `getBuffer(demuxer*, demux_stream_t*, unsigned char, float&)':
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x1666): undefined reference to `FramedSource::getNextFrame(unsigned char*, unsigned int, void (*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, timeval, unsigned int), void*, void (*)(void*), void*)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x1917): undefined reference to `FramedSource::getNextFrame(unsigned char*, unsigned int, void (*)(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int, timeval, unsigned int), void*, void (*)(void*), void*)'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp.o: In function `ReadBufferQueue::~ReadBufferQueue()':
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text+0x112b): undefined reference to `operator delete(void*)'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp.o: In function `_GLOBAL__sub_I_rtsp_transport_tcp':
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text.startup+0x7): undefined reference to `DELAY_SECOND'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text.startup+0x1b): undefined reference to `operator*(short, DelayInterval const&)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text.startup+0x3a): undefined reference to `operator*(short, DelayInterval const&)'
demux_rtp.cpp:(.text.startup+0x59): undefined reference to `operator*(short, DelayInterval const&)'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp.o:(.rodata._ZTI15ReadBufferQueue[typeinfo for ReadBufferQueue]+0x0): undefined reference to `vtable for __cxxabiv1::__class_type_info'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp.o:(.eh_frame+0xf3): undefined reference to `__gxx_personality_v0'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp_codec.o: In function `rtpCodecInitialize_video(demuxer*, MediaSubsession*, unsigned int&)':
demux_rtp_codec.cpp:(.text+0x61b): undefined reference to `operator new[](unsigned int)'
demux_rtp_codec.cpp:(.text+0x6f9): undefined reference to `operator delete[](void*)'
demux_rtp_codec.cpp:(.text+0x7a4): undefined reference to `parseGeneralConfigStr(char const*, unsigned int&)'
libmpdemux/demux_rtp_codec.o: In function `rtpCodecInitialize_audio(demuxer*, MediaSubsession*, unsigned int&)':
demux_rtp_codec.cpp:(.text+0xe77): undefined reference to `parseStreamMuxConfigStr(char const*, unsigned int&)'
demux_rtp_codec.cpp:(.text+0xe99): undefined reference to `MPEG4LATMAudioRTPSource::omitLATMDataLengthField()'
demux_rtp_codec.cpp:(.text+0xec0): undefined reference to `parseGeneralConfigStr(char const*, unsigned int&)'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [mplayer] 错误 1

在这里查了好久都没有搞定,只有到live555的官网去查了,在官网的mails lists里我看到之前有人出现了和我同样的错误,原来在最新的live555里确实存在这样的一个问题,我把原文列出来:
There is a problem with some of the newer live555 libraries. Perhaps the easiest thing is to add:
to your MPlayer ./configure string or consider using an older live555 version:

wget http://live555sourcecontrol.googlecode.com/files/live.2011.12.23.tar.gz

      如果你用的是最新的live555,你在配置MPlayer的时候,在./config 后加上--disable-live,也可以换成其他的旧版本的live,如:



还有的是这样解释的,live555服务器是用C++写的,而MPlayer是用C写的,我们在编译到最后的时候,也就是出现 ”gcc -o mplayer ...... (后面的省略,如果你的出现错误,你会看到的,嘎嘎)“。我们把用C++写的文件包含到C写的Mplayer里,然后用gcc去编译,它是无法识别的,所以会出现那样的错误,网友提供的方法是把gcc -o mplayer ...... ”这段编译代码复制下来,把gcc换成g++ 重新编译,可惜的是我这样试了,可是还是不行,搞得头都大了,现在把问题贴出来,求大神指教啊!!!

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RTSP(Real-Time Streaming Protocol)是一种用于实时媒体传输的协议,通常用于视频、音频等媒体的传输,是一种客户端和服务器程序之间进行的通信协议。为了能够在 Linux 操作系统上使用 RTSP 客户端,必须安装一个 RTSP 客户端程序,该程序是在 Linux 操作系统上运行的。下面我们将结合实际情况,详细介绍 RTSP 客户端在 Linux 上使用的方法。 安装 RTSP 客户端程序是在 Linux 操作系统上使用 RTSP 客户端的第一步。目前较为常用的 RTSP 客户端程序有 MPlayer、vlc 等,这些程序大多数都可以在 Linux 操作系统的软件仓库中找到并直接安装。根据不同的 Linux 发行版,软件仓库的安装方法也可能不同,可参考其官网进行相应的操作。 安装好 RTSP 客户端程序后,就要使用相应的命令在终端中启动 RTSP 客户端,连接到媒体服务器。这些命令通常由客户端程序提供,用户只需要根据需要进行相应的配置即可。例如,在 MPlayer 中使用 rtsp 协议连接到服务器的命令为:mplayer rtsp://[server_address]/[filename]。 在连上媒体服务器后,用户还可以根据需要使用 RTSP 客户端程序提供的其他功能,例如,调整视频、音频的分辨率、流畅度和音量等。 总的来说,使用 RTSP 客户端程序在 Linux 上播放实时媒体是一种简单方便的方法,只需要安装相应的程序并根据需要进行一些必要的设置。此外,由于 Linux 本身具有稳定性和可靠性等优势,能够很好地支持 RTSP 功能,因此在 Linux 平台上使用 RTSP 客户端播放媒体,可以获得更好的播放效果。


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