Java Programming
Chapter13: File Input and Output
Understanding Computer Files:
- Volatile storage is temporary. Random access memory (RAM) is a temporary storage.
- Nonvolatile storage is permanent storage.
- Computer file exists on permanent storage devices.
- Files can be categorized as two parts: Text files and Binary files.
- Root directory, folders and directories, path delimiter.
Using the Path and Files Classes
- The Path class is to used to create objects that contain information about files and directories.
- The File class is used to perform operations onfiles and directories.
- To use Path and File classes:
Import java.nio.file.*;
Creating a Path
- To create a path, you first determine the default file system by using a statement such as:
FileSystem fs = FileSystems.getDefault();
Without ending s, FileSystem is used to instantiate the object. FilesSystems, is a class that contains factory methods. - After creating a FileSystem object, you can de fine a Path using the getPath():
Path path = fs.getPath(" ");
you can also use FileSystem method getSeparator() to indicate a path delimiter. - You can also use Paths class to create a Path object. You can create a Path object by stating:
Path path = Paths.get(" ");
- After the Path is created, you use its identifier(filePath) to refer to the file.
- Absolute and relative path.
Retrieving Information About a Path
Method | Description |
String toString() | Returns the String representation of the Path. |
Path getFileName() | Returns the file or directory denoted by this Path. |
int getNameCount() | Returns the number of name elements in the Path. |
Path getName() | Returns the name in the position of the Path specified by the integer parameter. |
Converting a Relative Path to an Abolute One
- The toAbsolutePath() method converts a relative path to and absolute path. You can use statements like following:
Path fullpath = inputPath.toAbsolutePath();
Checking File Accessibility
You can use CheckAccess() method to verify that a file exists. The following import statements enable you to access the constants that can be used as arguments to the method:
import static java.nio.file.AccessMode.*;
You can use CheckAccess() method as follows:
You can used any of the following as arguments to checkAccess() method:
No argument: checks that the file exists
READ: checks that file exists and that the program has permission to read the file.
WRITE: checks that file exists and that the program has permission to write the file.
EXECUTE: checks that file exists and that the program has permission to excute the file.
Deleting a Path
- The Files class delete() method accepts a Path parameter and delets the last element in the path.
- The Files class deleteIfExists() method also can be used to delete a file, but if the file does not exist, no exception is thrown.
DeterMining File Attributes
You can use the readAttributes() method of the Files class to retrieve useful information about a file.
It returns an instance of the BasicFileAttributes class, you might create an instance with a statement such as:
BasicFileAttributes attr = Files.readAttributes(filePath, BasicFileAttributes.class);
After you create the object, you can used several methods such as size(), creationTime(), lastModifiedTime().
Above time methods returns a FileTime object.
compareTo() method returns a value of less than 0 if the first FileTime comes before the argument’s FileTime.
File Organization, Stream, and Buffers
- A field is a group of characters that has some meaning.
- A record is a collection of fields that contain data about an entity.
- Records are grouped to create files. Data files consist of related records.
- A data file can be used as a sequential access file when each record is accessed one after another in the order in which it was stored.
- A java application opens a file by creating an object and associating a stream of bytes with it.
- You should always close every file you open.
- When you perform an input operation in an application, you can imagine bytes flowing into your program from an input device through a stream, which functions as a pipeline or channel.
- A buffer describes a memory location where bytes are held after they are logically output but before they are sent to the output device.
- Flushing clears any bytes that have been sent to a buffer for output but have not yet been output to a hardware device.
Using java’s IO Classes
- InputStream, OutputStream, and Reader are subclasses of the Object class. All three of them are abstract.
Class | Description |
InputStream | Abstract class that contains methods for performing input |
FileInputStream | Child of InputStream that provides the capability to read from disk files |
BufferedInputStream | Child of FilterInputStream, handles input from a system’s standard input device. |
Output Stream | Abstract class that contains methods for performing input |
FileOutputStream | Child of OutputStream that allows you to write to disk files |
BufferedOutputStream | Child of FilterOutputStream, handles output from a system’s standard output device. |
PrintStream | Child of FilterInputStream, System.out is a PrintStream object |
Reader | Abstract class for reading character streams; Must implement read(char[], int, int) and close(). |
BufferedReader | Reads from a character-input stream, buffering characters to provide efficient reading of characters, arrays, and lines. |
BufferedWriter | Writes text to a character-output stream, buffering characters to provide efficient writing of characters, arrays, and lines. |
OutputStream Method | Description |
void close() | Closes the output stream and releases associated system resources. |
void flush() | Flushes the output stream; if any bytes are buffered, they will be written. |
void write(byte[] b) | Writes all the bytes to the output stream from a specific byte array. |
void write(byte[] b, int off, int len) | write bytes to the output stream from the specific byte array starting at offset position off for a length of len characters. |
- Although you have no need to, you can create your own OutputStream object and assign System.out to it.
Writing to a File
- You can construct a BufferedOutputStream object and assign it to the OutputStream in order to assign a file to OutputStream.
- Java lets you assign a file to a Stream object so that screen output and file output work in the same manner.
- You can create a writeable file by using the Files class newOutputStream() method. You pass a Path and a StandardOpenOption argument to this method.
StandardOpenOption | Description |
WRITE | Opens the file for writing |
APPEND | Appends new data to the ends of the file; Use this with WRITE or CREATE |
TRUNCATE_EXISTING | Truncates the existing file to 0 bytes. Use this with WRITE |
CREATE_NEW | Creates a new file only if it does not exist |
CREATE | Opens the file if is exist or creates a new file if it does not |
DELETE_ON_CLOSE | Deletes the file when the stream is closed |
- Use following import statements in an application that writes a String of bytes to a file:
import java.nio.file.*;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*;
Reading from a File
You use InputStream like you use an OutputStream. However, it is more convenient to use Scanner class for keyboard input.
You can use the Files class newInputStream() method to open a file for reading. This method accept a Path parameter and returns a stream that can read bytes from a file.
If you need to read and display multiple lines from the file, you could use a loop.
BufferedReader Methods | Description |
close() | Closes the stream and any resources associated with it |
read() | Reads a single character |
read(char[] buffer, int off, int len) | Reads characters into a portion of an array from position off for len characters |
readLine() | Reads a line of text |
skip(long n) | Skip the specified number of characters |
Creating and Using Sequential Data Files
- Following application reads employee ID numbers, names and pay rates from the key board and sends them to a comma-separated file.
import java.nio.file.*;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class WriteEmployeeFile
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
Path file =
Paths.get("Enter your own path");
String s = "";
String delimiter = ",";
int id;
String name;
double payRate;
final int QUIT = 999;
OutputStream output = new
BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(file, CREATE));
BufferedWriter writer = new
BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output));
System.out.print("Enter employee ID number >> ");
id = input.nextInt();
while(id != QUIT)
System.out.print("Enter name for employee #" + id + " >> ");
name = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter pay rate >> ");
payRate = input.nextDouble();
s = id + delimiter + name + delimiter + payRate;
writer.write(s, 0, s.length());
System.out.print("Enter next ID number or " + QUIT + "to quit >> ");
id = input.nextInt();
catch(Exception e)
System.out.println("Message: " + e);
- The BufferedWriter class is the counterpart to BufferedReader.
BufferedWriter Method | Description |
close() | Closes the stream, flushing it first |
flush() | Flushes the stream |
newline() | Writes a line separator |
write(String s, int off, int len) | Writes a String from position off for length len |
write(char[] array, int off, int len) | Writes a character array from position off for length len |
write(int c) | Writes a single character |
Learning About Random Access Files
- Business store data in sequential order when they use the records for batch processing, which involves performing the same tasks with many records.
- You can use Java’s FileChannel class to create your own random access files.
FileChannel Method | Description |
FileChannel open(Path file, OpenOption… options) | Opens or creates a file, returning a file channel to access the file |
long posistion() | Returns the channel’s file position |
FileChannel position(long newPosition) | Sets the channel’s file position |
int read(ByteBuffer buffer) | Reads a sequence of bytes from the channel into the buffer |
long size() | Returns the size of the channel’s file |
int write(ByteBuffer buffer) | Writes a sequence of bytes to the channel from the buffer |
An array of bytes can be wrapped, or encompassed, into a ByteBuffer using the ByteBuffer wrap() method.
You can use the Files class newByteChannel() method to get a ByteChannel for a Path, The newByteChannel() method accepts Path and StandardOpenOption arguments that specify how the file will be opened.
The ByteChannel returned by the newByteChannel() method then can be cast to a FileChannel using a statement similar to the following:
FileChannel fc = (FileChannel)Files.newByteChannel(File, READ, WRITE);
You can create a byte array as follows:
String s = "XYZ";
byte[] data = s.getBytes();
The byte array can be wrapped into a ByteBuffer as follows:
ByteBuffer out = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
Then the ByteBuffer can be written to the declared FileChannel such as following:
You can test whether a ByteBuffer’s contents have been used up by checking the hasRemaining() method.
After you have written the contens of a ByteBuffer, you can write the same ByteBuffer contents again by using the rewind() method to reposition the ByteBuffer to the beginning of the buffer.
Writing Records to a Random Access Data File
You can access the nth record in a FileChannel named fc using the following statement:
fc.position((n - 1) * 50);
A key field is the field in a record that makes the record unique from all others.
The following statements descrive a byte array is constructed from the String and wrapped into a buffer. Then a file is opened in CREATE mode and a BufferedWriter is established:
String s = " ";
byte[] data = s.getbytes();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
OutputStream output = new BufferedOutputStream(Files.newOutputStream(file, CREAT));
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(output));
You can use following application to accept any number of records as user input:
import java.nio.file.*;
import java.nio.channels.FileChannel;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import static java.nio.file.StandardOpenOption.*;
import java.util.Scanner;
public class CreateEmployeeRandomFile
public static void main(String[] args)
Scanner input = new Scanner(;
Path file =
String s = "000, ,00.00" +
final int RECSIZE = s.length();
FileChannel fc = null;
String delimiter = ",";
String idString;
int id;
String name;
String payRate;
final String QUIT = "999";
fc = (FileChannel)Files.newByteChannel(file, READ, WRITE);
System.out.print("Enter employee ID number >> ");
idString = input.nextLine();
id = Integer.parseInt(idString);
System.out.print("Enter name for employee #" + id + " >> ");
name = input.nextLine();
System.out.print("Enter pay rate >> ");
payRate = input.nextLine();
s = idString + delimiter + name + delimiter + payRate +
byte[] data = s.getBytes();
ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
fc.position(id * RECSIZE);
System.out.print("Enter next ID number or " + QUIT + "to quit >> ");
idString = input.nextLine();
catch (Exception e)
System.out.println("Error message: " + e);
Reading Records from a Access Data File
Accessing a Random Access File Sequentially
- You can use following statments to access a random access file sequentially:
While(s != null)
array = s.split(delimiter);
stringId = array[0];
id = Integer.parseInt(array[0]);
if(id != 0)
name = array[1];
payRate = Double.parseDouble(array[2]);
gross = payRate * HRS_IN_WEEK;
Accessing a Random Access File Randomly
- You can use following statments to access a random access file randomly:
id = Integer.parseInt(toString());
buffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(data);
fc.position(id * RECSIZE);;
s = new String(data);
System.out.println("ID #" + id + " " + s);
System.out.print("Enter ID number or" + QUIT + " to quit >> ");
idString = keyBoard.nextLine();