GmSSL-master\include\openssl\engine.h 注释翻译

 * Copyright 2000-2016 The OpenSSL Project Authors. All Rights Reserved.
 * Licensed under the OpenSSL license (the "License").  You may not use
 * this file except in compliance with the License.  You can obtain a copy
 * in the file LICENSE in the source distribution or at

/* ====================================================================
 * Copyright 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
 * ECDH support in OpenSSL originally developed by
 * SUN MICROSYSTEMS, INC., and contributed to the OpenSSL project.


# include <openssl/opensslconf.h>

# if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x10100000L
#  include <openssl/bn.h>
#  include <openssl/rsa.h>
#  include <openssl/dsa.h>
#  include <openssl/dh.h>
#  include <openssl/ec.h>
#  include <openssl/rand.h>
#  include <openssl/ui.h>
#  include <openssl/err.h>
# endif
# include <openssl/ossl_typ.h>
# include <openssl/symhacks.h>
# include <openssl/x509.h>
# ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {
# endif

 * These flags are used to control combinations of algorithm (methods) by
 * bitwise "OR"ing.
 * 这些标志用于通过按位“或”ing 来控制算法(方法)的组合。
# define ENGINE_METHOD_RSA               (unsigned int)0x0001
# define ENGINE_METHOD_DSA               (unsigned int)0x0002
# define ENGINE_METHOD_DH                (unsigned int)0x0004
# define ENGINE_METHOD_RAND              (unsigned int)0x0008
# define ENGINE_METHOD_CIPHERS           (unsigned int)0x0040
# define ENGINE_METHOD_DIGESTS           (unsigned int)0x0080
# define ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_METHS        (unsigned int)0x0200
# define ENGINE_METHOD_PKEY_ASN1_METHS   (unsigned int)0x0400
# define ENGINE_METHOD_EC                (unsigned int)0x0800
/* Obvious all-or-nothing cases. */
# define ENGINE_METHOD_ALL               (unsigned int)0xFFFF
# define ENGINE_METHOD_NONE              (unsigned int)0x0000

 * This(ese) flag(s) controls behaviour of the ENGINE_TABLE mechanism used
 * internally to control registration of ENGINE implementations, and can be
 * set by ENGINE_set_table_flags(). The "NOINIT" flag prevents attempts to
 * initialise registered ENGINEs if they are not already initialised.

 * 这个(ese)标志控制内部使用的 ENGINE_TABLE 机制的行为来控制 ENGINE 实现的注册,
 * 并且可以通过 ENGINE_set_table_flags() 设置。 
 * “NOINIT”标志可防止尝试初始化尚未初始化的已注册引擎。
# define ENGINE_TABLE_FLAG_NOINIT        (unsigned int)0x0001

/* ENGINE flags that can be set by ENGINE_set_flags(). */
/* Not used */
/* #define ENGINE_FLAGS_MALLOCED        0x0001 */

/* 可以通过 ENGINE_set_flags() 设置的 ENGINE 标志。 */
/* 不曾用过 */
/* #define ENGINE_FLAGS_MALLOCED 0x0001 */

 * This flag is for ENGINEs that wish to handle the various 'CMD'-related
 * control commands on their own. Without this flag, ENGINE_ctrl() handles
 * these control commands on behalf of the ENGINE using their "cmd_defns"
 * data.

 * 此标志适用于希望自行处理各种与“CMD”相关的控制命令的引擎。 
 * 如果没有此标志,ENGINE_ctrl() 将使用“cmd_defns”数据代表 ENGINE 处理这些控制命令。
# define ENGINE_FLAGS_MANUAL_CMD_CTRL    (int)0x0002

 * This flag is for ENGINEs who return new duplicate structures when found
 * via "ENGINE_by_id()". When an ENGINE must store state (eg. if
 * ENGINE_ctrl() commands are called in sequence as part of some stateful
 * process like key-generation setup and execution), it can set this flag -
 * then each attempt to obtain the ENGINE will result in it being copied into
 * a new structure. Normally, ENGINEs don't declare this flag so
 * ENGINE_by_id() just increments the existing ENGINE's structural reference
 * count.

 * 此标志适用于通过“ENGINE_by_id()”找到时返回新的重复结构的引擎。 当引擎必须存储状态时(例如,如果
 *  ENGINE_ctrl() 命令作为某些有状态过程的一部分(如密钥生成设置和执行)按顺序调用),它可以设置此标志
 *  - 然后每次尝试获取 ENGINE 都会导致它被复制到一个新结构中。 通常,ENGINE 不会声明此标志,
 * 因此 ENGINE_by_id() 只会增加现有 ENGINE 的结构引用计数。
# define ENGINE_FLAGS_BY_ID_COPY         (int)0x0004

 * This flag if for an ENGINE that does not want its methods registered as
 * part of ENGINE_register_all_complete() for example if the methods are not
 * usable as default methods.

 * 如果引擎不希望将其方法注册为 ENGINE_register_all_complete() 的一部分,
 * 例如如果这些方法不能用作默认方法,则此标志。

# define ENGINE_FLAGS_NO_REGISTER_ALL    (int)0x0008

 * ENGINEs can support their own command types, and these flags are used in
 * ENGINE_CTRL_GET_CMD_FLAGS to indicate to the caller what kind of input
 * each command expects. Currently only numeric and string input is
 * supported. If a control command supports none of the _NUMERIC, _STRING, or
 * _NO_INPUT options, then it is regarded as an "internal" control command -
 * and not for use in config setting situations. As such, they're not
 * available to the ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string() function, only raw ENGINE_ctrl()
 * access. Changes to this list of 'command types' should be reflected
 * carefully in ENGINE_cmd_is_executable() and ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string().

 * ENGINE 可以支持自己的命令类型,这些标志用于 ENGINE_CTRL_GET_CMD_FLAGS 以向调用者指示每个命令
 * 期望的输入类型。 目前仅支持数字和字符串输入。 如果控制命令不支持 _NUMERIC、_STRING 或 _NO_INPUT 选项,
 * 则它被视为“内部”控制命令 - 而不是用于配置设置情况。 因此,它们对 ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string() 函数不可用,
 * 只有原始的 ENGINE_ctrl()使用权。 对这个“命令类型”列表的更改应该仔细反映在 ENGINE_cmd_is_executable()
 * 和 ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string() 中。

/* accepts a 'long' input value (3rd parameter to ENGINE_ctrl) 
	接受“长”输入值(ENGINE_ctrl 的第三个参数)
# define ENGINE_CMD_FLAG_NUMERIC         (unsigned int)0x0001
 * accepts string input (cast from 'void*' to 'const char *', 4th parameter
 * to ENGINE_ctrl)

 接受字符串输入(从'void*'转换为'const char *',第四个参数到 ENGINE_ctrl)
# define ENGINE_CMD_FLAG_STRING          (unsigned int)0x0002
 * Indicates that the control command takes *no* input. Ie. the control
 * command is unparameterised.

 表示控制命令接受 *no* 输入。 IE。 控制命令未参数化。
# define ENGINE_CMD_FLAG_NO_INPUT        (unsigned int)0x0004
 * Indicates that the control command is internal. This control command won't
 * be shown in any output, and is only usable through the ENGINE_ctrl_cmd()
 * function.

 指示控制命令是内部的。 此控制命令不会显示在任何输出中,并且只能通过 ENGINE_ctrl_cmd() 函数使用。
# define ENGINE_CMD_FLAG_INTERNAL        (unsigned int)0x0008

 * NB: These 3 control commands are deprecated and should not be used.
 * ENGINEs relying on these commands should compile conditional support for
 * compatibility (eg. if these symbols are defined) but should also migrate
 * the same functionality to their own ENGINE-specific control functions that
 * can be "discovered" by calling applications. The fact these control
 * commands wouldn't be "executable" (ie. usable by text-based config)
 * doesn't change the fact that application code can find and use them
 * without requiring per-ENGINE hacking.

 * 注意:这 3 个控制命令已弃用,不应使用。 依赖这些命令的 ENGINE 应该编译有条件的兼容性支持
 (例如,如果定义了这些符号),但也应该将相同的功能迁移到它们自己的特定于 ENGINE 的控制功能,
 这些控制功能可以通过调用应用程序“发现”。 这些控制命令不是“可执行的”(即可由基于文本的配置使用)

 * These flags are used to tell the ctrl function what should be done. All
 * command numbers are shared between all engines, even if some don't make
 * sense to some engines.  In such a case, they do nothing but return the

 * 这些标志用于告诉 ctrl 函数应该做什么。 所有命令号在所有引擎之间共享,即使有些命令号对某些引擎没有意义。 
# define ENGINE_CTRL_SET_LOGSTREAM               1
# define ENGINE_CTRL_HUP                         3/* Close and reinitialise
                                                   * any handles/connections
                                                   * etc. */   /*关闭并重新初始化任何句柄/连接等 */
# define ENGINE_CTRL_SET_USER_INTERFACE          4/* Alternative to callback */  //回调的替代方法
# define ENGINE_CTRL_SET_CALLBACK_DATA           5/* User-specific data, used
                                                   * when calling the password
                                                   * callback and the user
                                                   * interface */ //用户特定数据,在调用密码回调和用户界面时使用
# define ENGINE_CTRL_LOAD_CONFIGURATION          6/* Load a configuration,
                                                   * given a string that
                                                   * represents a file name
                                                   * or so */ //加载配置,给定一个表示文件名左右的字符串
# define ENGINE_CTRL_LOAD_SECTION                7/* Load data from a given
                                                   * section in the already
                                                   * loaded configuration */ //从已加载配置中的给定部分加载数据

 * These control commands allow an application to deal with an arbitrary
 * engine in a dynamic way. Warn: Negative return values indicate errors FOR
 * THESE COMMANDS because zero is used to indicate 'end-of-list'. Other
 * commands, including ENGINE-specific command types, return zero for an
 * error. An ENGINE can choose to implement these ctrl functions, and can
 * internally manage things however it chooses - it does so by setting the
 * ENGINE_FLAGS_MANUAL_CMD_CTRL flag (using ENGINE_set_flags()). Otherwise
 * the ENGINE_ctrl() code handles this on the ENGINE's behalf using the
 * cmd_defns data (set using ENGINE_set_cmd_defns()). This means an ENGINE's
 * ctrl() handler need only implement its own commands - the above "meta"
 * commands will be taken care of.

 * 这些控制命令允许应用程序以动态方式处理任意引擎。
 其他命令,包括特定于 ENGINE 的命令类型,对于错误返回零。 一个 ENGINE 可以选择实现这些 ctrl 函数,
 并且可以在内部管理它选择的东西——它通过设置 ENGINE_FLAGS_MANUAL_CMD_CTRL 标志(使用 ENGINE_set_flags())来实现。
 否则,ENGINE_ctrl() 代码使用 cmd_defns 数据(使用 ENGINE_set_cmd_defns() 设置)代表 ENGINE 处理此问题。 
 这意味着引擎的 ctrl() 处理程序只需要实现它自己的命令——上面的“元”命令将被处理。

 * Returns non-zero if the supplied ENGINE has a ctrl() handler. If "not",
 * then all the remaining control commands will return failure, so it is
 * worth checking this first if the caller is trying to "discover" the
 * engine's capabilities and doesn't want errors generated unnecessarily.

 如果提供的 ENGINE 具有 ctrl() 处理程序,则返回非零值。 如果不”,
# define ENGINE_CTRL_HAS_CTRL_FUNCTION           10
 * Returns a positive command number for the first command supported by the
 * engine. Returns zero if no ctrl commands are supported.

 返回引擎支持的第一个命令的正命令号。 如果不支持 ctrl 命令,则返回零。
# define ENGINE_CTRL_GET_FIRST_CMD_TYPE          11
 * The 'long' argument specifies a command implemented by the engine, and the
 * return value is the next command supported, or zero if there are no more.

 'long' 参数指定引擎实现的命令,返回值是下一个支持的命令,如果没有更多命令则为零。
# define ENGINE_CTRL_GET_NEXT_CMD_TYPE           12
 * The 'void*' argument is a command name (cast from 'const char *'), and the
 * return value is the command that corresponds to it.

 * 'void*' 参数是一个命令名(由'const char *' 转换而来),返回值是它对应的命令。
# define ENGINE_CTRL_GET_CMD_FROM_NAME           13
 * The next two allow a command to be converted into its corresponding string
 * form. In each case, the 'long' argument supplies the command. In the
 * NAME_LEN case, the return value is the length of the command name (not
 * counting a trailing EOL). In the NAME case, the 'void*' argument must be a
 * string buffer large enough, and it will be populated with the name of the
 * command (WITH a trailing EOL).

 接下来的两个允许将命令转换为其相应的字符串形式。 在每种情况下,“long”参数都提供命令。 
 在 NAME_LEN 的情况下,返回值是命令名称的长度(不包括尾随的 EOL)。 在 NAME 的情况下,
 'void*' 参数必须是一个足够大的字符串缓冲区,并且它将填充命令的名称(带有尾随的 EOL)。
# define ENGINE_CTRL_GET_NAME_FROM_CMD           15
/* The next two are similar but give a "short description" of a command. */
// 接下来的两个类似,但给出了命令的“简短描述”。
# define ENGINE_CTRL_GET_DESC_FROM_CMD           17
 * With this command, the return value is the OR'd combination of
 * ENGINE_CMD_FLAG_*** values that indicate what kind of input a given
 * engine-specific ctrl command expects.
 * 使用此命令,返回值是 ENGINE_CMD_FLAG_*** 值的 OR 组合,指示给定引擎特定的 ctrl
# define ENGINE_CTRL_GET_CMD_FLAGS               18

 * ENGINE implementations should start the numbering of their own control
 * commands from this value. (ie. ENGINE_CMD_BASE, ENGINE_CMD_BASE + 1, etc).

 ENGINE 实现应该从这个值开始对它们自己的控制命令进行编号。 
# define ENGINE_CMD_BASE                         200

 * NB: These 2 nCipher "chil" control commands are deprecated, and their
 * functionality is now available through ENGINE-specific control commands
 * (exposed through the above-mentioned 'CMD'-handling). Code using these 2
 * commands should be migrated to the more general command handling before
 * these are removed.

 * 注意:这 2 个 nCipher“chil”控制命令已弃用,它们的功能现在可通过 ENGINE 特定的控制命令
 (通过上述“CMD”处理公开)获得。 使用这 2 个命令的代码应该在删除之前迁移到更通用的命令处理。

/* Flags specific to the nCipher "chil" engine */
//特定于 nCipher“chil”引擎的标志
# define ENGINE_CTRL_CHIL_SET_FORKCHECK          100
         * Depending on the value of the (long)i argument, this sets or
         * unsets the SimpleForkCheck flag in the CHIL API to enable or
         * disable checking and workarounds for applications that fork().
         根据 (long)i 参数的值,这会设置或取消设置 CHIL API 中的 SimpleForkCheck 标志,
         以启用或禁用 fork() 应用程序的检查和解决方法。
# define ENGINE_CTRL_CHIL_NO_LOCKING             101
         * This prevents the initialisation function from providing mutex
         * callbacks to the nCipher library.
         这可以防止初始化函数向 nCipher 库提供互斥回调。

 * If an ENGINE supports its own specific control commands and wishes the
 * framework to handle the above 'ENGINE_CMD_***'-manipulation commands on
 * its behalf, it should supply a null-terminated array of ENGINE_CMD_DEFN
 * entries to ENGINE_set_cmd_defns(). It should also implement a ctrl()
 * handler that supports the stated commands (ie. the "cmd_num" entries as
 * described by the array). NB: The array must be ordered in increasing order
 * of cmd_num. "null-terminated" means that the last ENGINE_CMD_DEFN element
 * has cmd_num set to zero and/or cmd_name set to NULL.

 如果 ENGINE 支持其自己的特定控制命令并希望框架代表其处理上述“ENGINE_CMD_***”操作命令,
 则它应向 ENGINE_set_cmd_defns() 提供一个以空字符结尾的 ENGINE_CMD_DEFN 条目数组。 
 它还应该实现一个支持指定命令的 ctrl() 处理程序(即数组描述的“cmd_num”条目)。 
 注意:数组必须按 cmd_num 的递增顺序排列。 “null-terminated”意味着最后一个 
 ENGINE_CMD_DEFN 元素将 cmd_num 设置为零和/或 cmd_name 设置为 NULL
typedef struct ENGINE_CMD_DEFN_st {
    unsigned int cmd_num;       /* The command number */  //命令编号
    const char *cmd_name;       /* The command name itself */ //命令名称本身
    const char *cmd_desc;       /* A short description of the command */ //命令的简短描述
    unsigned int cmd_flags;     /* The input the command expects */ //命令期望的输入

/* Generic function pointer */  //通用函数指针
typedef int (*ENGINE_GEN_FUNC_PTR) (void);
/* Generic function pointer taking no arguments */ //不带参数的通用函数指针
typedef int (*ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR) (ENGINE *);
/* Specific control function pointer */  //具体控制函数指针
typedef int (*ENGINE_CTRL_FUNC_PTR) (ENGINE *, int, long, void *,
                                     void (*f) (void));
/* Generic load_key function pointer */ //通用 load_key 函数指针
typedef EVP_PKEY *(*ENGINE_LOAD_KEY_PTR)(ENGINE *, const char *,
                                         UI_METHOD *ui_method,
                                         void *callback_data);
typedef int (*ENGINE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_PTR) (ENGINE *, SSL *ssl,
                                           STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *ca_dn,
                                           X509 **pcert, EVP_PKEY **pkey,
                                           STACK_OF(X509) **pother,
                                           UI_METHOD *ui_method,
                                           void *callback_data);
 * These callback types are for an ENGINE's handler for cipher and digest logic.
 * These handlers have these prototypes;
 这些回调类型用于 ENGINE 的密码和摘要逻辑处理程序。 这些处理程序有这些原型
 *   int foo(ENGINE *e, const EVP_CIPHER **cipher, const int **nids, int nid);
 *   int foo(ENGINE *e, const EVP_MD **digest, const int **nids, int nid);
 * Looking at how to implement these handlers in the case of cipher support, if
 * the framework wants the EVP_CIPHER for 'nid', it will call;
 查看在支持密码的情况下如何实现这些处理程序,如果框架需要“nid”的 EVP_CIPHER,它将调用;
 *   foo(e, &p_evp_cipher, NULL, nid);    (return zero for failure)
 * If the framework wants a list of supported 'nid's, it will call;
 *   foo(e, NULL, &p_nids, 0); (returns number of 'nids' or -1 for error)
 * Returns to a pointer to the array of supported cipher 'nid's. If the
 * second parameter is non-NULL it is set to the size of the returned array.
 返回指向支持的密码“nid”数组的指针。 如果第二个参数是非 NULL,则它被设置为返回数组的大小
typedef int (*ENGINE_CIPHERS_PTR) (ENGINE *, const EVP_CIPHER **,
                                   const int **, int);
typedef int (*ENGINE_DIGESTS_PTR) (ENGINE *, const EVP_MD **, const int **,
                                      const int **, int);
                                           const int **, int);
 * STRUCTURE functions ... all of these functions deal with pointers to
 * ENGINE structures where the pointers have a "structural reference". This
 * means that their reference is to allowed access to the structure but it
 * does not imply that the structure is functional. To simply increment or
 * decrement the structural reference count, use ENGINE_by_id and
 * ENGINE_free. NB: This is not required when iterating using ENGINE_get_next
 * as it will automatically decrement the structural reference count of the
 * "current" ENGINE and increment the structural reference count of the
 * ENGINE it returns (unless it is NULL).

 STRUCTURE 函数......所有这些函数都处理指向 ENGINE 结构的指针,其中指针具有“结构引用”。
 要简单地增加或减少结构引用计数,请使用 ENGINE_by_id 和 ENGINE_free。 
 注意:使用 ENGINE_get_next 进行迭代时不需要这样做,因为它会自动减少“当前”引擎的
 结构引用计数并增加它返回的引擎的结构引用计数(除非它为 NULL)。

/* Get the first/last "ENGINE" type available. */
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_first(void);
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_last(void);
/* Iterate to the next/previous "ENGINE" type (NULL = end of the list). */
//迭代到下一个/上一个“ENGINE”类型(NULL = 列表末尾)。
/* Add another "ENGINE" type into the array. */
int ENGINE_add(ENGINE *e);
/* Remove an existing "ENGINE" type from the array. */
int ENGINE_remove(ENGINE *e);
/* Retrieve an engine from the list by its unique "id" value. */
ENGINE *ENGINE_by_id(const char *id);

#if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x10100000L
# define ENGINE_load_openssl() \
# define ENGINE_load_dynamic() \
#  define ENGINE_load_padlock() \
#  define ENGINE_load_capi() \
#  define ENGINE_load_skf() \
#  define ENGINE_load_sdf() \
#  define ENGINE_load_afalg() \
# endif
# define ENGINE_load_cryptodev() \
# define ENGINE_load_rdrand() \
void ENGINE_load_builtin_engines(void);

 * Get and set global flags (ENGINE_TABLE_FLAG_***) for the implementation
 * "registry" handling.

 获取并设置用于实现“注册表”处理的全局标志 (ENGINE_TABLE_FLAG_***)。
unsigned int ENGINE_get_table_flags(void);
void ENGINE_set_table_flags(unsigned int flags);

/*- Manage registration of ENGINEs per "table". For each type, there are 3
 * functions; 管理每个“表”的引擎注册。 对于每种类型,有 3 功能;
 *   ENGINE_register_***(e) - registers the implementation from 'e' (if it has one)
 ENGINE_register_***(e) - 从“e”注册实现(如果有的话)
 *   ENGINE_unregister_***(e) - unregister the implementation from 'e'
 ENGINE_unregister_***(e) - 从“e”注销实现
 *   ENGINE_register_all_***() - call ENGINE_register_***() for each 'e' in the list
 ENGINE_register_all_***() - 为列表中的每个“e”调用 ENGINE_register_***()
 * Cleanup is automatically registered from each table when required.

int ENGINE_register_RSA(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_RSA(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_RSA(void);

int ENGINE_register_DSA(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_DSA(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_DSA(void);

int ENGINE_register_EC(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_EC(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_EC(void);

int ENGINE_register_DH(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_DH(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_DH(void);

int ENGINE_register_RAND(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_RAND(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_RAND(void);

int ENGINE_register_ciphers(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_ciphers(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_ciphers(void);

int ENGINE_register_digests(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_digests(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_digests(void);

int ENGINE_register_pkey_meths(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_pkey_meths(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_pkey_meths(void);

int ENGINE_register_pkey_asn1_meths(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_unregister_pkey_asn1_meths(ENGINE *e);
void ENGINE_register_all_pkey_asn1_meths(void);

 * These functions register all support from the above categories. Note, use
 * of these functions can result in static linkage of code your application
 * may not need. If you only need a subset of functionality, consider using
 * more selective initialisation.
int ENGINE_register_complete(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_register_all_complete(void);

 * Send parametrised control commands to the engine. The possibilities to
 * send down an integer, a pointer to data or a function pointer are
 * provided. Any of the parameters may or may not be NULL, depending on the
 * command number. In actuality, this function only requires a structural
 * (rather than functional) reference to an engine, but many control commands
 * may require the engine be functional. The caller should be aware of trying
 * commands that require an operational ENGINE, and only use functional
 * references in such situations.

 向引擎发送参数化控制命令。 向下发送整数、指向数据的指针或函数指针的可能性是
假如。 任何参数可能为 NULL,也可能不为 NULL,具体取决于命令编号。 
int ENGINE_ctrl(ENGINE *e, int cmd, long i, void *p, void (*f) (void));

 * This function tests if an ENGINE-specific command is usable as a
 * "setting". Eg. in an application's config file that gets processed through
 * ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(). If this returns zero, it is not available to
 * ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(), only ENGINE_ctrl().

 * 此函数测试特定于 ENGINE 的命令是否可用作“环境”。 例如。 在通过 
 ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string() 处理的应用程序配置文件中。 如果返回零,
 则它对 ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string() 不可用,仅对 ENGINE_ctrl() 可用。
int ENGINE_cmd_is_executable(ENGINE *e, int cmd);

 * This function works like ENGINE_ctrl() with the exception of taking a
 * command name instead of a command number, and can handle optional
 * commands. See the comment on ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string() for an explanation
 * on how to use the cmd_name and cmd_optional.

 此函数的工作方式与 ENGINE_ctrl() 类似,只是采用命令名称而不是命令编号,
 并且可以处理可选命令。 有关如何使用 cmd_name 和 cmd_optional 的说明,
 请参阅 ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string() 的注释。
int ENGINE_ctrl_cmd(ENGINE *e, const char *cmd_name,
                    long i, void *p, void (*f) (void), int cmd_optional);

 * This function passes a command-name and argument to an ENGINE. The
 * cmd_name is converted to a command number and the control command is
 * called using 'arg' as an argument (unless the ENGINE doesn't support such
 * a command, in which case no control command is called). The command is
 * checked for input flags, and if necessary the argument will be converted
 * to a numeric value. If cmd_optional is non-zero, then if the ENGINE
 * doesn't support the given cmd_name the return value will be success
 * anyway. This function is intended for applications to use so that users
 * (or config files) can supply engine-specific config data to the ENGINE at
 * run-time to control behaviour of specific engines. As such, it shouldn't
 * be used for calling ENGINE_ctrl() functions that return data, deal with
 * binary data, or that are otherwise supposed to be used directly through
 * ENGINE_ctrl() in application code. Any "return" data from an ENGINE_ctrl()
 * operation in this function will be lost - the return value is interpreted
 * as failure if the return value is zero, success otherwise, and this
 * function returns a boolean value as a result. In other words, vendors of
 * 'ENGINE'-enabled devices should write ENGINE implementations with
 * parameterisations that work in this scheme, so that compliant ENGINE-based
 * applications can work consistently with the same configuration for the
 * same ENGINE-enabled devices, across applications.

 * 此函数将命令名称和参数传递给 ENGINE。 
 cmd_name 被转换为命令编号,并使用“arg”作为参数调用控制命令(除非 ENGINE 不支持此类命令,
 在这种情况下不会调用控制命令)。 检查命令的输入标志,如有必要,参数将转换为数值。 
 如果 cmd_optional 不为零,那么如果 ENGINE 不支持给定的 cmd_name,则返回值无论如何都会成功。
 此函数旨在供应用程序使用,以便用户(或配置文件)可以在运行时向 ENGINE 提供特定于引擎的配置
 数据,以控制特定引擎的行为。 因此,它不应该用于调用返回数据、处理二进制数据的 ENGINE_ctrl()
 函数,或者应该在应用程序代码中直接通过 ENGINE_ctrl() 使用的函数。 此函数中来自 ENGINE_ctrl
 () 操作的任何“返回”数据都将丢失 - 如果返回值为零,则返回值被解释为失败,否则为成功,并且此
 函数返回一个布尔值作为结果。 换句话说,启用“ENGINE”的设备的供应商应该编写具有在此方案中工
 作的参数化的 ENGINE 实现,以便基于 ENGINE 的兼容应用程序可以跨应用程序与相同的启用 ENGINE 
int ENGINE_ctrl_cmd_string(ENGINE *e, const char *cmd_name, const char *arg,
                           int cmd_optional);

 * These functions are useful for manufacturing new ENGINE structures. They
 * don't address reference counting at all - one uses them to populate an
 * ENGINE structure with personalised implementations of things prior to
 * using it directly or adding it to the builtin ENGINE list in OpenSSL.
 * These are also here so that the ENGINE structure doesn't have to be
 * exposed and break binary compatibility!

 这些功能对于制造新的 ENGINE 结构很有用。 
 它们根本不解决引用计数问题——在直接使用它或将其添加到 OpenSSL 中的内置引擎列表之前,
 这些也在这里,因此不必暴露 ENGINE 结构并破坏二进制兼容性!
ENGINE *ENGINE_new(void);
int ENGINE_free(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_up_ref(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_id(ENGINE *e, const char *id);
int ENGINE_set_name(ENGINE *e, const char *name);
int ENGINE_set_RSA(ENGINE *e, const RSA_METHOD *rsa_meth);
int ENGINE_set_DSA(ENGINE *e, const DSA_METHOD *dsa_meth);
int ENGINE_set_EC(ENGINE *e, const EC_KEY_METHOD *ecdsa_meth);
int ENGINE_set_DH(ENGINE *e, const DH_METHOD *dh_meth);
int ENGINE_set_RAND(ENGINE *e, const RAND_METHOD *rand_meth);
int ENGINE_set_destroy_function(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR destroy_f);
int ENGINE_set_init_function(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR init_f);
int ENGINE_set_finish_function(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR finish_f);
int ENGINE_set_ctrl_function(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_CTRL_FUNC_PTR ctrl_f);
int ENGINE_set_load_privkey_function(ENGINE *e,
                                     ENGINE_LOAD_KEY_PTR loadpriv_f);
int ENGINE_set_load_pubkey_function(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_LOAD_KEY_PTR loadpub_f);
int ENGINE_set_load_ssl_client_cert_function(ENGINE *e,
int ENGINE_set_ciphers(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_CIPHERS_PTR f);
int ENGINE_set_digests(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_DIGESTS_PTR f);
int ENGINE_set_pkey_meths(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_PKEY_METHS_PTR f);
int ENGINE_set_pkey_asn1_meths(ENGINE *e, ENGINE_PKEY_ASN1_METHS_PTR f);
int ENGINE_set_flags(ENGINE *e, int flags);
int ENGINE_set_cmd_defns(ENGINE *e, const ENGINE_CMD_DEFN *defns);
/* These functions allow control over any per-structure ENGINE data. */
//这些函数允许控制任何基于结构的 ENGINE 数据
#define ENGINE_get_ex_new_index(l, p, newf, dupf, freef) \
    CRYPTO_get_ex_new_index(CRYPTO_EX_INDEX_ENGINE, l, p, newf, dupf, freef)
int ENGINE_set_ex_data(ENGINE *e, int idx, void *arg);
void *ENGINE_get_ex_data(const ENGINE *e, int idx);

#if OPENSSL_API_COMPAT < 0x10100000L
 * This function previously cleaned up anything that needs it. Auto-deinit will
 * now take care of it so it is no longer required to call this function.
 此功能以前清除了任何需要它的东西。 Auto-deinit 现在会处理它,因此不再需要调用此函数。
# define ENGINE_cleanup() while(0) continue

 * These return values from within the ENGINE structure. These can be useful
 * with functional references as well as structural references - it depends
 * which you obtained. Using the result for functional purposes if you only
 * obtained a structural reference may be problematic!
 这些从 ENGINE 结构中返回值。 这些对于功能参考和结构参考可能很有用
 这取决于您获得的是什么。 如果仅获得结构参考,将结果用于功能目的可能会出现问题!
const char *ENGINE_get_id(const ENGINE *e);
const char *ENGINE_get_name(const ENGINE *e);
const RSA_METHOD *ENGINE_get_RSA(const ENGINE *e);
const DSA_METHOD *ENGINE_get_DSA(const ENGINE *e);
const EC_KEY_METHOD *ENGINE_get_EC(const ENGINE *e);
const DH_METHOD *ENGINE_get_DH(const ENGINE *e);
const RAND_METHOD *ENGINE_get_RAND(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR ENGINE_get_destroy_function(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR ENGINE_get_init_function(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_GEN_INT_FUNC_PTR ENGINE_get_finish_function(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_CTRL_FUNC_PTR ENGINE_get_ctrl_function(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_LOAD_KEY_PTR ENGINE_get_load_privkey_function(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_LOAD_KEY_PTR ENGINE_get_load_pubkey_function(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_SSL_CLIENT_CERT_PTR ENGINE_get_ssl_client_cert_function(const ENGINE
ENGINE_PKEY_METHS_PTR ENGINE_get_pkey_meths(const ENGINE *e);
ENGINE_PKEY_ASN1_METHS_PTR ENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_meths(const ENGINE *e);
const EVP_CIPHER *ENGINE_get_cipher(ENGINE *e, int nid);
const EVP_MD *ENGINE_get_digest(ENGINE *e, int nid);
const EVP_PKEY_METHOD *ENGINE_get_pkey_meth(ENGINE *e, int nid);
const EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD *ENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_meth(ENGINE *e, int nid);
const EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD *ENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_meth_str(ENGINE *e,
                                                          const char *str,
                                                          int len);
const EVP_PKEY_ASN1_METHOD *ENGINE_pkey_asn1_find_str(ENGINE **pe,
                                                      const char *str,
                                                      int len);
const ENGINE_CMD_DEFN *ENGINE_get_cmd_defns(const ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_get_flags(const ENGINE *e);

 * FUNCTIONAL functions. These functions deal with ENGINE structures that
 * have (or will) be initialised for use. Broadly speaking, the structural
 * functions are useful for iterating the list of available engine types,
 * creating new engine types, and other "list" operations. These functions
 * actually deal with ENGINEs that are to be used. As such these functions
 * can fail (if applicable) when particular engines are unavailable - eg. if
 * a hardware accelerator is not attached or not functioning correctly. Each
 * ENGINE has 2 reference counts; structural and functional. Every time a
 * functional reference is obtained or released, a corresponding structural
 * reference is automatically obtained or released too.
 功能性功能。 这些函数处理已经(或将要)初始化使用的 ENGINE 结构。 
 这些函数实际上处理要使用的引擎。 因此,当特定引擎不可用时,这些功能可能会失败(如果适用)
 - 例如。 如果硬件加速器未连接或未正常运行。 每个 ENGINE 有 2 个引用计数;结构和功能。

 * Initialise a engine type for use (or up its reference count if it's
 * already in use). This will fail if the engine is not currently operational
 * and cannot initialise.
int ENGINE_init(ENGINE *e);
 * Free a functional reference to a engine type. This does not require a
 * corresponding call to ENGINE_free as it also releases a structural
 * reference.
 释放对引擎类型的功能引用。 这不需要对 ENGINE_free 的相应调用,因为它还会释放结构引用。
int ENGINE_finish(ENGINE *e);

 * The following functions handle keys that are stored in some secondary
 * location, handled by the engine.  The storage may be on a card or
 * whatever.以下函数处理存储在某个次要位置的键,由引擎处理。 
EVP_PKEY *ENGINE_load_private_key(ENGINE *e, const char *key_id,
                                  UI_METHOD *ui_method, void *callback_data);
EVP_PKEY *ENGINE_load_public_key(ENGINE *e, const char *key_id,
                                 UI_METHOD *ui_method, void *callback_data);
int ENGINE_load_ssl_client_cert(ENGINE *e, SSL *s,
                                STACK_OF(X509_NAME) *ca_dn, X509 **pcert,
                                EVP_PKEY **ppkey, STACK_OF(X509) **pother,
                                UI_METHOD *ui_method, void *callback_data);

 * This returns a pointer for the current ENGINE structure that is (by
 * default) performing any RSA operations. The value returned is an
 * incremented reference, so it should be free'd (ENGINE_finish) before it is
 * discarded.
 这将返回当前 ENGINE 结构的指针,该结构(默认情况下)正在执行任何 RSA 操作。 
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_default_RSA(void);
/* Same for the other "methods" */ //其他“方法”也一样
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_default_DSA(void);
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_default_EC(void);
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_default_DH(void);
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_default_RAND(void);
 * These functions can be used to get a functional reference to perform
 * ciphering or digesting corresponding to "nid".
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_cipher_engine(int nid);
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_digest_engine(int nid);
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_pkey_meth_engine(int nid);
ENGINE *ENGINE_get_pkey_asn1_meth_engine(int nid);

 * This sets a new default ENGINE structure for performing RSA operations. If
 * the result is non-zero (success) then the ENGINE structure will have had
 * its reference count up'd so the caller should still free their own
 * reference 'e'.
 这为执行 RSA 操作设置了一个新的默认 ENGINE 结构。 如果结果不为零(成功),
 则 ENGINE 结构的引用计数将增加,因此调用者仍应释放他们自己的引用 'e'
int ENGINE_set_default_RSA(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_string(ENGINE *e, const char *def_list);
/* Same for the other "methods" */
int ENGINE_set_default_DSA(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_EC(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_DH(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_RAND(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_ciphers(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_digests(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_pkey_meths(ENGINE *e);
int ENGINE_set_default_pkey_asn1_meths(ENGINE *e);

 * The combination "set" - the flags are bitwise "OR"d from the
 * ENGINE_METHOD_*** defines above. As with the "ENGINE_register_complete()"
 * function, this function can result in unnecessary static linkage. If your
 * application requires only specific functionality, consider using more
 * selective functions.
 组合“设置”- 标志是来自上面定义的 ENGINE_METHOD_*** 的按位“或”。 
int ENGINE_set_default(ENGINE *e, unsigned int flags);

void ENGINE_add_conf_module(void);

/* Deprecated functions ... */ //弃用的功能...
/* int ENGINE_clear_defaults(void); */


/* Binary/behaviour compatibility levels */ //二进制/行为兼容性级别
# define OSSL_DYNAMIC_VERSION            (unsigned long)0x00030000
 * Binary versions older than this are too old for us (whether we're a loader
 * or a loadee) 
# define OSSL_DYNAMIC_OLDEST             (unsigned long)0x00030000

 * When compiling an ENGINE entirely as an external shared library, loadable
 * by the "dynamic" ENGINE, these types are needed. The 'dynamic_fns'
 * structure type provides the calling application's (or library's) error
 * functionality and memory management function pointers to the loaded
 * library. These should be used/set in the loaded library code so that the
 * loading application's 'state' will be used/changed in all operations. The
 * 'static_state' pointer allows the loaded library to know if it shares the
 * same static data as the calling application (or library), and thus whether
 * these callbacks need to be set or not.

 当将 ENGINE 完全编译为外部共享库时,可由“动态”ENGINE 加载,需要这些类型。
typedef void *(*dyn_MEM_malloc_fn) (size_t, const char *, int);
typedef void *(*dyn_MEM_realloc_fn) (void *, size_t, const char *, int);
typedef void (*dyn_MEM_free_fn) (void *, const char *, int);
typedef struct st_dynamic_MEM_fns {
    dyn_MEM_malloc_fn malloc_fn;
    dyn_MEM_realloc_fn realloc_fn;
    dyn_MEM_free_fn free_fn;
} dynamic_MEM_fns;
 * FIXME: Perhaps the memory and locking code (crypto.h) should declare and
 * use these types so we (and any other dependent code) can simplify a bit??
 FIXME:也许内存和锁定代码 (crypto.h) 应该声明和使用这些类型,
/* The top-level structure */ //顶层结构
typedef struct st_dynamic_fns {
    void *static_state;
    dynamic_MEM_fns mem_fns;
} dynamic_fns;

 * The version checking function should be of this prototype. NB: The
 * ossl_version value passed in is the OSSL_DYNAMIC_VERSION of the loading
 * code. If this function returns zero, it indicates a (potential) version
 * incompatibility and the loaded library doesn't believe it can proceed.
 * Otherwise, the returned value is the (latest) version supported by the
 * loading library. The loader may still decide that the loaded code's
 * version is unsatisfactory and could veto the load. The function is
 * expected to be implemented with the symbol name "v_check", and a default
 * implementation can be fully instantiated with
 版本检查功能应该是这个原型。 注意:传入的ossl_version值为加载代码的OSSL_DYNAMIC_VERSION。
 否则,返回值是加载库支持的(最新)版本。 加载器可能仍决定加载代码的版本不令人满意,
 并可能否决加载。 该函数预计将使用符号名称“v_check”实现,并且可以使用 
typedef unsigned long (*dynamic_v_check_fn) (unsigned long ossl_version);
        OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned long v_check(unsigned long v); \
        OPENSSL_EXPORT unsigned long v_check(unsigned long v) { \
                if (v >= OSSL_DYNAMIC_OLDEST) return OSSL_DYNAMIC_VERSION; \
                return 0; }

 * This function is passed the ENGINE structure to initialise with its own
 * function and command settings. It should not adjust the structural or
 * functional reference counts. If this function returns zero, (a) the load
 * will be aborted, (b) the previous ENGINE state will be memcpy'd back onto
 * the structure, and (c) the shared library will be unloaded. So
 * implementations should do their own internal cleanup in failure
 * circumstances otherwise they could leak. The 'id' parameter, if non-NULL,
 * represents the ENGINE id that the loader is looking for. If this is NULL,
 * the shared library can choose to return failure or to initialise a
 * 'default' ENGINE. If non-NULL, the shared library must initialise only an
 * ENGINE matching the passed 'id'. The function is expected to be
 * implemented with the symbol name "bind_engine". A standard implementation
 * can be instantiated with IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_BIND_FN(fn) where the parameter
 * 'fn' is a callback function that populates the ENGINE structure and
 * returns an int value (zero for failure). 'fn' should have prototype;
 * [static] int fn(ENGINE *e, const char *id);
 该函数通过 ENGINE 结构进行初始化功能和命令设置。 它不应该调整结构或功能引用计数。
 如果此函数返回零,(a) 负载将被中止,(b) 先前的 ENGINE 状态将被 memcpy 回到结构中,
 并且 (c) 共享库将被卸载。 所以实现应该在失败情况下进行自己的内部清理,否则它们可能会泄漏。
 'id' 参数,如果非 NULL,则表示加载程序正在寻找的 ENGINE id。 如果这是 NULL,
 共享库可以选择返回失败或初始化一个“默认”引擎。 如果非 NULL,共享库必须只初始化一个
  ENGINE 匹配传递的“id”。 该函数预计以符号名称“bind_engine”实现。 
  可以使用 IMPLEMENT_DYNAMIC_BIND_FN(fn) 实例化标准实现,其中参数“fn”是填充
  ENGINE 结构并返回 int 值(失败为零)的回调函数。 'fn' 应该有原型; 
  [静态] int fn(ENGINE *e, const char *id);
typedef int (*dynamic_bind_engine) (ENGINE *e, const char *id,
                                    const dynamic_fns *fns);
        int bind_engine(ENGINE *e, const char *id, const dynamic_fns *fns); \
        int bind_engine(ENGINE *e, const char *id, const dynamic_fns *fns) { \
            if (ENGINE_get_static_state() == fns->static_state) goto skip_cbs; \
            CRYPTO_set_mem_functions(fns->mem_fns.malloc_fn, \
                                     fns->mem_fns.realloc_fn, \
                                     fns->mem_fns.free_fn); \
        skip_cbs: \
            if (!fn(e, id)) return 0; \
            return 1; }

 * If the loading application (or library) and the loaded ENGINE library
 * share the same static data (eg. they're both dynamically linked to the
 * same we need a way to avoid trying to set system callbacks -
 * this would fail, and for the same reason that it's unnecessary to try. If
 * the loaded ENGINE has (or gets from through the loader) its own copy of
 * the libcrypto static data, we will need to set the callbacks. The easiest
 * way to detect this is to have a function that returns a pointer to some
 * static data and let the loading application and loaded ENGINE compare
 * their respective values.

 如果加载应用程序(或库)和加载的 ENGINE 库共享相同的静态数据(例如,它们都动态链接
 出于同样的原因,没有必要尝试。 如果加载的 ENGINE 有(或通过加载器获得)
 它自己的 libcrypto 静态数据副本,我们将需要设置回调。 检测这一点的最简单方法是使用
void *ENGINE_get_static_state(void);

# if defined(__OpenBSD__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) || defined(HAVE_CRYPTODEV)
DEPRECATEDIN_1_1_0(void ENGINE_setup_bsd_cryptodev(void))
# endif

 * The following lines are auto generated by the script Any changes
 * made after this point may be overwritten when the script is next run.
 以下行由脚本 自动生成。 下次运行脚本时,在此之后所做的任何更改都可能被覆盖。

int ERR_load_ENGINE_strings(void);

/* Error codes for the ENGINE functions. */

/* Function codes. */
# define ENGINE_F_DYNAMIC_CTRL                            180
# define ENGINE_F_DYNAMIC_GET_DATA_CTX                    181
# define ENGINE_F_DYNAMIC_LOAD                            182
# define ENGINE_F_DYNAMIC_SET_DATA_CTX                    183
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_ADD                              105
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_BY_ID                            106
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_CMD_IS_EXECUTABLE                170
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_CTRL                             142
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_CTRL_CMD                         178
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_CTRL_CMD_STRING                  171
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_FINISH                           107
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_CIPHER                       185
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_DIGEST                       186
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_FIRST                        195
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_LAST                         196
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_NEXT                         115
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_PKEY_ASN1_METH               193
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_PKEY_METH                    192
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_GET_PREV                         116
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_INIT                             119
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_LIST_ADD                         120
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_LIST_REMOVE                      121
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_LOAD_PRIVATE_KEY                 150
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_LOAD_PUBLIC_KEY                  151
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_LOAD_SSL_CLIENT_CERT             194
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_NEW                              122
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_PKEY_ASN1_FIND_STR               197
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_REMOVE                           123
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_SET_DEFAULT_STRING               189
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_SET_ID                           129
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_SET_NAME                         130
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_TABLE_REGISTER                   184
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_UNLOCKED_FINISH                  191
# define ENGINE_F_ENGINE_UP_REF                           190
# define ENGINE_F_INT_CTRL_HELPER                         172
# define ENGINE_F_INT_ENGINE_CONFIGURE                    188
# define ENGINE_F_INT_ENGINE_MODULE_INIT                  187

/* Reason codes. */
# define ENGINE_R_ALREADY_LOADED                          100
# define ENGINE_R_ARGUMENT_IS_NOT_A_NUMBER                133
# define ENGINE_R_CMD_NOT_EXECUTABLE                      134
# define ENGINE_R_COMMAND_TAKES_INPUT                     135
# define ENGINE_R_COMMAND_TAKES_NO_INPUT                  136
# define ENGINE_R_CONFLICTING_ENGINE_ID                   103
# define ENGINE_R_DSO_FAILURE                             104
# define ENGINE_R_DSO_NOT_FOUND                           132
# define ENGINE_R_ENGINES_SECTION_ERROR                   148
# define ENGINE_R_ENGINE_IS_NOT_IN_LIST                   105
# define ENGINE_R_ENGINE_SECTION_ERROR                    149
# define ENGINE_R_FAILED_LOADING_PRIVATE_KEY              128
# define ENGINE_R_FAILED_LOADING_PUBLIC_KEY               129
# define ENGINE_R_FINISH_FAILED                           106
# define ENGINE_R_ID_OR_NAME_MISSING                      108
# define ENGINE_R_INIT_FAILED                             109
# define ENGINE_R_INTERNAL_LIST_ERROR                     110
# define ENGINE_R_INVALID_ARGUMENT                        143
# define ENGINE_R_INVALID_CMD_NAME                        137
# define ENGINE_R_INVALID_CMD_NUMBER                      138
# define ENGINE_R_INVALID_INIT_VALUE                      151
# define ENGINE_R_INVALID_STRING                          150
# define ENGINE_R_NOT_INITIALISED                         117
# define ENGINE_R_NOT_LOADED                              112
# define ENGINE_R_NO_CONTROL_FUNCTION                     120
# define ENGINE_R_NO_INDEX                                144
# define ENGINE_R_NO_LOAD_FUNCTION                        125
# define ENGINE_R_NO_REFERENCE                            130
# define ENGINE_R_NO_SUCH_ENGINE                          116
# define ENGINE_R_UNIMPLEMENTED_CIPHER                    146
# define ENGINE_R_UNIMPLEMENTED_DIGEST                    147
# define ENGINE_R_VERSION_INCOMPATIBILITY                 145

#  ifdef  __cplusplus
#  endif
# endif





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


