Notes for Java(Part c)

五、Writing methods

Classes and methods

         To date every class has had one method - main

        It is the starting point for an application

        These classes are called driver programs

         We have used (invoked) prewritten methods

        eg from the Math class: pow(),  random()

        eg from the String class: toUpperCase(), charAt()

         We know how they work but we didn’t write them

         We also need to write general purpose methods

         Methods do things

         They are like an independent mini-program

         By giving a name to a series of statements a program is easier to read and debug

         In some programming languages they are called

         functions, procedures, subprograms, subroutines

         It is good programming style to provide methods for doing particular functions

         ie isolate the function in a method

         Sequence of events when a method is called:

        the program “jumps” to that method.

        the arguments in the call (if any) are copied into the method’s corresponding parameters.

        the method begins executing.

        when the method is finished, the program “returns” to the point at which the method was called.

        If there is a return statement, the value specified is returned also

A  main method

public class Welcome


            public static void main(String[] args)


                        System.out.println(“Ladies and gentlemen – welcome to the Snakepit”);             System.out.println(“And we hope you enjoy the show”);



         If the first print line is to be reused, we could create another method (also static as called from the static method main, not by an object)

Like a telephone call

main() is the calling method

welcomeMessage() is the called or invoked method


         As the static called method is located in the same class

        Only the method name is required to call the method


         If the static called method is located in another class

        The method name must be preceded by the class name and period


Methods with parameters

         Recall the Math max method we have studied eg.

                        static int max(int num1, int num2)

         We could also write a max method

                        public static  int  max (int num1, int num2)


                             int result;

                             if (num1 > num2)

                                    result = num1;


                                    result =  num2;

                            return result;


Void methods

       void methods do not return a value

         They do not have a return statement

        their return type is stated as void

         eg main method

                        public static void main(String[] args)

Passing one parameter

         Write a main method that

        prompts the user for their name

        calls a method displayString and passes the name to it

         Write a method displayString that

        accepts a String parameter and displays it

Overloading Methods

         Method overloading is using the same method name for multiple methods

         The header of each overloaded method must be unique

         The header includes

        the return type,

        the order and the number of parameters

                        public static double addNumbers (double a, double b)

                        public static double addNumbers (double a, double b, double c)

         The compiler must be able to determine which version of the method is being invoked by analysing the signature

Overloaded Methods

         The println method is overloaded:

            println (String s)

            println (int i)

            println (double d)

         The following lines invoke different versions of the println method:

     System.out.println ("The total is:“ + total);

            System.out.println (total);

Data scope

         The scope or visibility of a variable (or constant) is the area in a program in which that data can be used (referenced)


         Local variables and Parameter variables

        are declared within a method and can only be used in that method.

        They are created on the line where they are declared and destroyed when the method is exited

Variable scope

         Blocks can be separate or nested but never overlapping





         When you declare a variable within a block you cannot access it outside the block – it ceases to exist

        A nested block is within the scope of an outer block

         The portion of a program where you can reference a variable is its scope

Scope of Local Variables, cont.

         The scope of a local variable declared in a for loop header is the for loop block



public static void correctMethod()


     int x = 1, y = 1;

     for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)          // i is declared


          x = x + i;


     for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)         // i is declared again


          y = y + i;



A common mistake

       Declaring a variable in a block and then trying to use it outside the block


            for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++)


          x = x + i;


            System.out.println(“the value of  i = “ +  i);          

         This will cause a compilation error

         We pass parameters to methods because of scope

         The parameter num is passed to the cube method because the cube method cannot access it – it is out of scope


public class TestCube


            public static void main(String[] args)


                        for (int num = 0; num < 6; num++)

                               System.out.println(num + “/t” + cube(num);



            public static int cube(int x)


                        return x * x * x;



BlueJ Debugger

         Demonstrate BlueJ debugger (eg OddEven)

         A debugger is an essential tool for finding logic errors

         What functions does it provide?

        Setting breakpoints

         This stops program execution at this point and displays the code

         Click in the area to the left of the text in the text editor

        Stepping through the code

         Step line by line

         Step into a method

        Inspecting variables

         These are automatically displayed

六、Arrays and exceptions


         An array is a simple but powerful programming construct

         Consider this cumbersome expression

    avgSales = (janSales + febSales + marSales + aprSales  + maySales +          junSales + julSales + augSales + sepSales + octSales + novSales + decSales) /12;

         If the type of each field is identical we can create an array or list of values

         Instead of defining 12 variables, we define one and access it with an index

         An array stores multiple values of the same type

         That type can be primitive types or objects

         Therefore, we can create

         an array of integers

         an array of doubles

         an array of characters, or

         an array of String objects etc.

         In Java, the array itself is an object

         The scores array could be declared as follows:

     int[ ] scores = new int[10];

         The type of the variable scores is int[] (an array of integers)

         ie. a new array object that can hold 10 integers

Bounds Checking

         Once an array is created, it has a fixed size

         An index used in an array reference must specify a valid element

         That is, the index value must be in bounds (0 to n-1)

         The Java interpreter will throw an exception if an array index is out of bounds

         Each array object has a public constant called length that stores the size of the array ie the number of elements

         It is referenced using the array name (just like any other object):


Array Declarations

         The brackets of the array type can be associated with the type or with the name of the array

         Therefore the following declarations are equivalent:

     double[] prices;

     double prices[];

         The first format is more common

Initializer Lists

         An initializer list can be used to instantiate and initialize an array in one step

         Values are delimited by braces and separated by commas


    int[ ] units = {147, 323, 89, 933, 540, 269, 97, 114};                                                         

    char[ ] letterGrades = {'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'F'};

         Note that when an initializer list is used:

        the new operator is not used

        no size value is specified

         The size of the array is determined by the number of items

Passing Array elements to Methods

         You can pass a single array element to a method in exactly the same way as you pass a variable

         The variables are local to the method and any changes to variables passed into methods are not permanent

        ie changes are not reflected in the main() program

         Arrays are objects

         Arrays are passed by reference

        the method receives the memory address of the array and has access to the actual values in the array elements

        the method can therefore change values in the array


         When a Java program performs an illegal operation,

        an exception happens

         Exceptions occur during program execution – not compilation ie errors the compiler cannot detect

         If a program has no special provisions for dealing with exceptions, it will behave badly if one occurs

        the program will terminate immediately

         Java provides a way for a program to detect that an exception has occurred and execute statements that are designed to deal with the problem.

Handling Exceptions

         When an exception occurs (is thrown), the program has the option of catching it.

         In order to catch an exception, the code in which the exception might occur must be enclosed in a try block.

         After the try block comes a catch block that catches the exception (if it occurs) and performs the desired action.



catch (exception-type identifier)




              // one or more statements at least one of which may

    // be capable of causing an exception


  catch (exceptionName argument)


              // one or more statements to execute if the exception

    // occurs


         If an exception is thrown within the try block, and the exception matches the one named in the catch block, the code in the catch block is executed

         If the try block executes normally—without an exception—the catch block is ignored


          an illegal arithmetic operation is performed

         eg trying to divide by zero

    int divisor = 0;



              quotient = dividend / divisor;


    catch (ArithmeticException e)


              System.out.println("Error: Division by zero");



        Occurs when an attempt is made to convert a string that does not contain the appropriate characters

        eg trying to convert alpha characters or spaces to an integer



              int num = Integer.parseInt(“doh”);



  catch (NumberFormatException e)


              System.out.println("Error: Not an integer");       


Valid data entry

         A robust program will not allow erroneous data input by a user to cause it to crash

         If invalid data is entered it needs to be caught

         Put the try and catch blocks in a loop

         Allow the user multiple attempts to enter a valid data


String numStr;

int num = 0;

while (num < 1 || num > 100)


         numStr = JOptionPane.showInputDialog

                                       ("Enter an integer between 1 and 10");



                   num = Integer.parseInt(numStr);


          catch (NumberFormatException e)


                 JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Not an integer");



七、Writing instantiable classes

Two types of Class

         Those not as templates for objects (no instances of these classes will be created):

        Driver programs ie a class that contains a main method

        Collections of constants and/or methods eg. Math

         Those used for defining and creating objects

        instantiable classes

        ie we can create instances of these classes (objects)

         An instantiable  class is a blueprint  used to create objects

        many things or objects are made from a pattern or template

         It is a generalised case that defines what data we need to define a specific case (an object )

        eg a car

         What generalised data might we use to define cars?

         What data would define a specific car object eg my car?

        What about a book, a triangle, a student, a room…

         A class also defines methods to allow us to change objects

         The String class is used to define String objects

                        String str;

         Each String object contains specific data (its state)

                        str = “a meaningless string”;

         Each String object can perform pre-defined methods

                        String newStr = str.toUpperCase();

         Suppose we wanted to write a program that simulates the flipping of a coin

         Think of a coin object as an actual coin

         We could write a Coin class to define coin objects

         How would we define the state (data) of a coin?

         If you are just flipping a coin, what data would you need to  define a coin?

         What method (or behaviour)could you apply to the coin?

         The state of the coin is its current face (heads or tails).

        How would you represent the face of a coin?

         Because the state of an object can change, it is defined by variables ..known as instance variables

        Each object is an instance of the Coin class

         The behaviour of the coin is that it can be flipped.

        the behaviours of objects are defined by instance methods

        How would you represent flipping a coin?

         Note that the behaviour of the coin might change its state


         A constructor is a special method that contains instructions to set up a newly created object

         When writing a constructor, remember that:

        it has the same name as the class

        it is syntactically similar to a method

        it does not return a value

        it has no return type, not even void

        it often sets the initial values of instance variables

        it is invoked by the keyword new

Passing data to a Constructor

         The Coin or Date constructors did not require any data to be passed to it them create objects

        the instance variables were initialised by existing data

         Often constructors require data to initialise objects uniquely

         Note: if no constructor is provided Java will provide a default one to create an object

        instance variables will be set to default values

         Consider an Account class for a bank

         What instance variables could define each object?

         What methods would the class require?

         When setting up a new account (ie creating an Account object), it would be useful to create it and initialise the instance variables appropriately

         The constructor accepts parameters just like methods

Visibility (or Access) Modifiers

         Usually the declaration of

        an instance variable,

        a constructor, or

        an instance method

begins with an visibility modifier (public or private)

         A visibility modifier determines whether that entity can be

        accessed by other classes (public) or

        accessed only by methods within the class itself (private)

         The most common arrangement is for instance variables to be private

         This makes access to them available only by methods within the class

            private int face;

         The only access to face therefore will be through the instance methods provided in the Coin class

        private int face;

Access to instance data

    public void flip ()              //  Flips the coin by randomly choosing a face


        face = (int) (Math.random() * 2);


     public int getFace ()        //  Returns true if the current face of the coin is heads


       return face;


         The driver program cannot access the face variable directly

Visibility – constructors and methods

         Constructors and methods that provide the object's services are usually declared with public visibility

        Then they can be invoked by clients

         So any program that uses a Coin object can invoke the following:

              public Coin()                          //constructor

              public void flip()                      //method

             public int getFace()                  //method

Information hiding

         By limiting access to the variables in a class

        making them private

         If access to a variable is needed outside the class,

        provide a method that returns the value of the variable

        and/or a method that changes the value of the variable.

         Methods that modify the variables can check the validity of the new values


         An encapsulated object can be thought of as a black box

         Its inner workings are hidden to the client, which only invokes the methods

         Most documentation has been removed from the programs shown on the lecture slides to conserve space

         Do not treat these programs as being sufficiently documented – they are not!

         Now that you are developing methods it is particularly important that every class and every method is documented, as in the text


   //  Sets up the coin by flipping it initially.


   public Coin ()


      flip();   }


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