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翻译 【翻译】CGAL-Surface Mesh Manual
2023-01-05 15:04:34 621
原创 [中文]Teigha SDK Developer's Guide:Run-time Type Identification #2
文章目录Kernel SDK Developer’s GuideRun-Time Type IdentificationKernel SDK Developer’s GuideRun-Time Type Identification
2020-04-23 12:14:20 910
原创 [译]露天矿山道路设计指南:第一章
文章目录1 SURVEY OF HAUL TRUCKS & ROADS FOR SURFACE MINES1.1 Introduction1.2 Haul Trucks and Construction/Maintenance Equipment1.3 Haul Road Length1.4 Haul Road Geometry1.5 Haul Road Construction Mat...
2020-04-18 22:17:26 2702
原创 [译]露天矿山道路设计指南:序言
Preface编写露天矿公路手册或指南的想法是由阿尔伯塔大学已故教授Muirhead于1999年提出的。这项工作得到了来自NSERC、SMART(表面采矿协会研究和技术)ATCO Power和Finning的支持与帮助。Syncrude Canada Ltd.和Suncor Ltd.提供了道路设计数据和方法。Syncrude Canada Ltd.的内部报告验证了本手册中所提倡的运输道路的基于...
2020-04-14 13:41:37 789
原创 [中文]Teigha SDK Developer's Guide:Run-time Type Identification #1
文章目录Run-Time Type IdentificationConcept of RTTI TechnologyRun-Time Type IdentificationConcept of RTTI Technology运行时类型标识(RTTI)技术提供了动态标识类并在运行时获取有关类的各种信息的能力。RTTI允许开发者:检查实例是否属于指定的类;在处理数据之前,检查指针到指定类型...
2020-03-25 22:05:04 993
原创 [中文]Teigha SDK Developer's Guide:Basic Operations-Work with Smart Pointers #3
文章目录Kernel SDK Developer’s GuideBasic Operations-Work with Smart PointersKernel SDK Developer’s GuideBasic Operations-Work with Smart Pointers
2020-03-14 22:24:39 589
原创 [中文]Teigha SDK Developer's Guide:Basic Operations-Work with Smart Pointers #2
文章目录Kernel SDK Developer’s GuideBasic Operations-Work with Smart PointersCreating a Standard Implementation of the Reference CounterUsing the Standard Implementation of the Reference CounterExample o...
2020-03-06 23:00:28 691
原创 [中文]Teigha SDK Developer's Guide:Basic Operations-Work with Smart Pointers #1
Kernel SDK Developer’s Guide-Basic Operations文章目录Kernel SDK Developer’s Guide-Basic OperationsWork with Smart PointersConcept of Smart PointersOverview of Classes that Implement Smart PointersOdRxOb...
2020-03-06 00:36:29 1257
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