MySQL 源码|13 - 词法解析的状态存储器(Lex_input_stream)的主要数据成员与函数

MySQL 源码|词法解析的状态存储器(Lex_input_stream)的主要数据成员与函数

源码位置:(版本 = MySQL 8.0.37)

处理 token 层级指针的函数

start_token():将当前位置作为一个新的 token 的开始位置

将当前位置指定为一个新的 token 的开始位置。具体地:

  • 将指向原始输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针(t_tok_start)改为指向原始数据流中当前位置(m_ptr
  • 将指向原始输入流中当前 token 结束位置的指针(m_tok_end)改为指向原始数据流中当前位置(m_ptr
  • 将指向预处理输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针(m_cpp_tok_start)改为指向预处理输入流中的当前位置(m_cpp_ptr
  • 将指向预处理输入流中当前 token 结束位置的指针(m_cpp_tok_end)改为指向预处理输入流中的当前位置(m_cpp_ptr
  /** Mark the stream position as the start of a new token. */
  void start_token() {
    m_tok_start = m_ptr;
    m_tok_end = m_ptr;

    m_cpp_tok_start = m_cpp_ptr;
    m_cpp_tok_end = m_cpp_ptr;
restart_token():调整当前 token 的开始位置

调整当前 token 的开始位置,用于处理开头的空白字符的情况。具体地:

  • 将指向原始输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针(t_tok_start)改为指向原始数据流中当前位置(m_ptr
  • 将指向预处理输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针(m_cpp_tok_start)改为指向预处理输入流中的当前位置(m_cpp_ptr
    Adjust the starting position of the current token.
    This is used to compensate for starting whitespace.
  void restart_token() {
    m_tok_start = m_ptr;
    m_cpp_tok_start = m_cpp_ptr;




    Look at the next character to parse, but do not accept it.
  unsigned char yyPeek() const {
    assert(m_ptr <= m_end_of_query);
    return m_ptr[0];
yyPeekn(int n):获取当前字符之后的第 n 个字符,但不移动指针

根据指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr),获取该指针指向字符后的第 n 个字符。

    Look ahead at some character to parse.
    @param n offset of the character to look up
  unsigned char yyPeekn(int n) const {
    assert(m_ptr + n <= m_end_of_query);
    return m_ptr[n];

根据指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr),获取该指针指向字符的前 1 个字符。

    Get the last character accepted.
    @return the last character accepted.
  unsigned char yyGetLast() const { return m_ptr[-1]; }
yyGet():返回当前字符,并将指针向后移动 1 个字符

根据指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr)获取该指针当前指向的字符用于返回,然后将该指针向后移动 1 个字符。

如果需要将处理后的数据流回显到预处理数据流中(m_echo 为 True),则将该字符回显到指向预处理输入流中的当前位置的指针(m_cpp_ptr),然后将该指针向后移动 1 个字符。

    Get a character, and advance in the stream.
    @return the next character to parse.
  unsigned char yyGet() {
    assert(m_ptr <= m_end_of_query);
    char c = *m_ptr++;
    if (m_echo) *m_cpp_ptr++ = c;
    return c;
yySkip():将指针向后移动 1 个字符

如果需要将处理后的数据流回显到预处理数据流中(m_echo 为 True),则将指向预处理输入流中的当前位置的指针(m_cpp_ptr)改为指向原始数据流中当前位置(m_ptr),并将这两个指针都向后移动 1 个字符。

否则将指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr)向后移动 1 个字符。

    Accept a character, by advancing the input stream.
  void yySkip() {
    assert(m_ptr <= m_end_of_query);
    if (m_echo)
      *m_cpp_ptr++ = *m_ptr++;
yySkipn(int n):将指针向后移动 n 个字符

如果需要将处理后的数据流回显到预处理数据流中(m_echo 为 True),则将原始数据流中的 n 字符复制到预处理数据流中,并将这两个指针都向后移动 n 个字符。

否则只将指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr)向后移动 n 个字符。

    Accept multiple characters at once.
    @param n the number of characters to accept.
  void yySkipn(int n) {
    assert(m_ptr + n <= m_end_of_query);
    if (m_echo) {
      memcpy(m_cpp_ptr, m_ptr, n);
      m_cpp_ptr += n;
    m_ptr += n;
skip_binary(int n):将指针向后移动 n 个字符

逻辑与 yySkipn(int n) 一致。

如果需要将处理后的数据流回显到预处理数据流中(m_echo 为 True),则将原始数据流中的 n 字符复制到预处理数据流中,并将这两个指针都向后移动 n 个字符。

否则只将指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr)向后移动 n 个字符。

  void skip_binary(int n) {
    assert(m_ptr + n <= m_end_of_query);
    if (m_echo) {
      memcpy(m_cpp_ptr, m_ptr, n);
      m_cpp_ptr += n;
    m_ptr += n;
yyLength():返回当前 token 在原始数据流中的长度

根据指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr)和指向原始输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针(m_tok_start),计算当前 token 在原始数据流中的长度。

  /** Get the length of the current token, in the raw buffer. */
  uint yyLength() const {
      The assumption is that the lexical analyser is always 1 character ahead,
      which the -1 account for.
    assert(m_ptr > m_tok_start);
    return (uint)((m_ptr - m_tok_start) - 1);
yyUnget():将指针向前移动 1 个字符

将指针向前移动 1 个字符,取消上一次 yyGet()yySkip() 的影响。具体地:

  • 将指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr)向前移动 1 个字符。
  • 如果需要将处理后的数据流回显到预处理数据流中(m_echo 为 True),则将指向预处理输入流(开始位置)的指针(m_cpp_buf)向前移动 1 个字符。
    Cancel the effect of the last yyGet() or yySkip().
    Note that the echo mode should not change between calls to yyGet / yySkip
    and yyUnget. The caller is responsible for ensuring that.
  void yyUnget() {
    if (m_echo) m_cpp_ptr--;
yyUnput(char ch):将指针向前移动 1 个字符,并将新位置置为字符 ch

将指针向前移动 1 个字符,取消上一次 yyGet()yySkip() 的影响,并将新位置置为字符 ch。具体地:

  • 将指向原始数据流中当前位置的指针(m_ptr)向前移动 1 个字符,并将新位置置为字符 ch。
  • 如果需要将处理后的数据流回显到预处理数据流中(m_echo 为 True),则将指向预处理输入流(开始位置)的指针(m_cpp_buf)向前移动 1 个字符。
    Puts a character back into the stream, canceling
    the effect of the last yyGet() or yySkip().
    Note that the echo mode should not change between calls
    to unput, get, or skip from the stream.
  char *yyUnput(char ch) {
    *--m_ptr = ch;
    if (m_echo) m_cpp_ptr--;
    return m_ptr;
cpp_inject(char ch):在预处理输入流中当前位置置为添加一个字符 ch

将预处理输入流中的当前位置(m_cpp_ptr)置为字符 ch,并将指针向后移动 1 个字符。

    Inject a character into the pre-processed stream.

    Note, this function is used to inject a space instead of multi-character
    C-comment. Thus there is no boundary checks here (basically, we replace
    N-chars by 1-char here).
  char *cpp_inject(char ch) {
    *m_cpp_ptr = ch;
    return ++m_cpp_ptr;


init():初始化 Lex_input_stream 实例
  • 初始化数据成员 query_charset(当前线程的字符集)和 m_thd(当前线程)
  • m_cpp_buf(预处理输入流)申请内存空间
  • 调用 reset() 方法初始化除 m_cpp_buf 外的其他所有数据成员
  Perform initialization of Lex_input_stream instance.

  Basically, a buffer for a pre-processed query. This buffer should be large
  enough to keep a multi-statement query. The allocation is done once in
  Lex_input_stream::init() in order to prevent memory pollution when
  the server is processing large multi-statement queries.

bool Lex_input_stream::init(THD *thd, const char *buff, size_t length) {

  query_charset = thd->charset();

  m_cpp_buf = (char *)thd->alloc(length + 1);


  if (m_cpp_buf == nullptr) return true;

  m_thd = thd;
  reset(buff, length);

  return false;
reset():为下一个 SQL 语句准备 Lex_input_stream 实例状态

准备 Lex_input_stream 实例状态,以备处理下一个 SQL 语句。在处理多个语句的查询时,会在处理每两个语句之间调用的这个函数。这个函数会重置 Lex_input_stream 实例中除 m_cpp_buf(预处理数据流)之外的所有数据成员的状态。

  Prepare Lex_input_stream instance state for use for handling next SQL

  It should be called between two statements in a multi-statement query.
  The operation resets the input stream to the beginning-of-parse state,
  but does not reallocate m_cpp_buf.

void Lex_input_stream::reset(const char *buffer, size_t length) {
  yylineno = 1;
  yytoklen = 0;
  yylval = nullptr;
  lookahead_token = grammar_selector_token;
  static Lexer_yystype dummy_yylval;
  lookahead_yylval = &dummy_yylval;
  skip_digest = false;
    Lex_input_stream modifies the query string in one special case (sic!).
    yyUnput() modifises the string when patching version comments.
    This is done to prevent newer slaves from executing a different
    statement than older masters.

    For now, cast away const here. This means that e.g. SHOW PROCESSLIST
    can see partially patched query strings. It would be better if we
    could replicate the query string as is and have the slave take the
    master version into account.
  m_ptr = const_cast<char *>(buffer);
  m_tok_start = nullptr;
  m_tok_end = nullptr;
  m_end_of_query = buffer + length;
  m_buf = buffer;
  m_buf_length = length;
  m_echo = true;
  m_cpp_tok_start = nullptr;
  m_cpp_tok_end = nullptr;
  m_body_utf8 = nullptr;
  m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr = nullptr;
  next_state = MY_LEX_START;
  found_semicolon = nullptr;
  ignore_space = m_thd->variables.sql_mode & MODE_IGNORE_SPACE;
  stmt_prepare_mode = false;
  multi_statements = true;
  in_comment = NO_COMMENT;
  m_underscore_cs = nullptr;
  m_cpp_ptr = m_cpp_buf;

UTF-8 格式流相关函数

body_utf8_start(...):开始生成语句的 UTF-8 格式

调用这个函数后,词法分析器将在 m_body_utf8(在解析过程中生成的 UTF-8 格式流)中生成从 begin_pt 开始的语句的 UTF-8 的格式。具体地:

  • 计算 UTF-8 格式的长度。
  • 根据 UTF-8 格式的长度,初始化 m_body_utf8(在解析过程中生成的 UTF-8 格式流),并将 m_body_utf8_ptr(指向 UTF-8 格式流中的当前位置的指针)指向 UTF-8 格式流的开始位置。
  • m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr(指向已写入到 UTF-8 格式流对应的预处理数据流的位置的指针)指向 begin_ptr 指针指向的预处理流位置。
  The operation is called from the parser in order to
  1) designate the intention to have utf8 body;
  1) Indicate to the lexer that we will need a utf8 representation of this
  2) Determine the beginning of the body.

  @param thd        Thread context.
  @param begin_ptr  Pointer to the start of the body in the pre-processed

void Lex_input_stream::body_utf8_start(THD *thd, const char *begin_ptr) {
  assert(m_cpp_buf <= begin_ptr && begin_ptr <= m_cpp_buf + m_buf_length);

  size_t body_utf8_length =
      (m_buf_length / thd->variables.character_set_client->mbminlen) *

  m_body_utf8 = (char *)thd->alloc(body_utf8_length + 1);
  m_body_utf8_ptr = m_body_utf8;
  *m_body_utf8_ptr = 0;

  m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr = begin_ptr;
body_utf8_append(...):将预处理数据流复制到 UTF-8 格式数据流中
  • 计算从 m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr(指向已写入到 UTF-8 格式流对应的预处理数据流的位置的指针)到需要复制到的预处理工作流中的指针 ptr 之间的长度。
  • 将预处理数据流中的数据复制到 UTF-8 格式数据流中
  • 更新 m_body_utf8_ptr(指向 UTF-8 格式流中的当前位置的指针)到复制结束的位置
  • 更新 m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr(指向已写入到 UTF-8 格式流对应的预处理数据流的位置的指针)到 end_ptr 指针指向的位置
  @brief The operation appends unprocessed part of pre-processed buffer till
  the given pointer (ptr) and sets m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr to end_ptr.

  The idea is that some tokens in the pre-processed buffer (like character
  set introducers) should be skipped.

    CPP buffer: SELECT 'str1', _latin1 'str2';
    m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr -- points at the "SELECT ...";
    In order to skip "_latin1", the following call should be made:
      body_utf8_append(<pointer to "_latin1 ...">, <pointer to " 'str2'...">)

  @param ptr      Pointer in the pre-processed buffer, which specifies the
                  end of the chunk, which should be appended to the utf8
  @param end_ptr  Pointer in the pre-processed buffer, to which
                  m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr will be set in the end of the

void Lex_input_stream::body_utf8_append(const char *ptr, const char *end_ptr) {
  assert(m_cpp_buf <= ptr && ptr <= m_cpp_buf + m_buf_length);
  assert(m_cpp_buf <= end_ptr && end_ptr <= m_cpp_buf + m_buf_length);

  if (!m_body_utf8) return;

  if (m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr >= ptr) return;

  size_t bytes_to_copy = ptr - m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr;

  memcpy(m_body_utf8_ptr, m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr, bytes_to_copy);
  m_body_utf8_ptr += bytes_to_copy;
  *m_body_utf8_ptr = 0;

  m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr = end_ptr;

在不需要额外指定 m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr(指向已写入到 UTF-8 格式流对应的预处理数据流的位置的指针)时,直接提供需要复制到的结束位置的指针 ptr 即可。

  The operation appends unprocessed part of the pre-processed buffer till
  the given pointer (ptr) and sets m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr to ptr.

  @param ptr  Pointer in the pre-processed buffer, which specifies the end
              of the chunk, which should be appended to the utf8 body.

void Lex_input_stream::body_utf8_append(const char *ptr) {
  body_utf8_append(ptr, ptr);
body_utf8_append_literal(...):将特殊字符转化为 UTF-8 格式并添加到 UTF-8 格式数据流中
  The operation converts the specified text literal to the utf8 and appends
  the result to the utf8-body.

  @param thd      Thread context.
  @param txt      Text literal.
  @param txt_cs   Character set of the text literal.
  @param end_ptr  Pointer in the pre-processed buffer, to which
                  m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr will be set in the end of the

void Lex_input_stream::body_utf8_append_literal(THD *thd, const LEX_STRING *txt,
                                                const CHARSET_INFO *txt_cs,
                                                const char *end_ptr) {
  if (!m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr) return;

  LEX_STRING utf_txt{nullptr, 0};

  if (!my_charset_same(txt_cs, &my_charset_utf8mb4_general_ci)) {
    thd->convert_string(&utf_txt, &my_charset_utf8mb4_general_ci, txt->str,
                        txt->length, txt_cs);
  } else {
    utf_txt.str = txt->str;
    utf_txt.length = txt->length;

  // GCC 10.2.0 solaris

  /* NOTE: utf_txt.length is in bytes, not in symbols. */
  memcpy(m_body_utf8_ptr, utf_txt.str, utf_txt.length);
  m_body_utf8_ptr += utf_txt.length;
  *m_body_utf8_ptr = 0;

  m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptr = end_ptr;


  • get_buf():获取指向原始输入流的查询文本(query text)的开始位置的指针(m_buf)。
  • get_cpp_buf():获取指向预处理输入流(开始位置)的指针(m_cpp_buf)。
  • get_end_of_query():获取指向原始输入流的查询文本(query text)的结束位置的指针(m_end_of_query)。
  /** Get the raw query buffer. */
  const char *get_buf() const { return m_buf; }

  /** Get the pre-processed query buffer. */
  const char *get_cpp_buf() const { return m_cpp_buf; }

  /** Get the end of the raw query buffer. */
  const char *get_end_of_query() const { return m_end_of_query; }
  • get_tok_start():获取指向原始输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针(m_tok_start)。
  • get_cpp_tok_start():获取指向预处理输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针(m_cpp_tok_start)。
  • get_tok_end():获取指向原始输入流中当前 token 结束位置的指针(m_tok_end)。
  • get_cpp_tok_end():获取指向预处理输入流中当前 token 结束位置的指针(m_cpp_tok_end)。
  • get_ptr():获取指向原始输入流中的当前位置的指针(m_ptr)。
  • get_cpp_ptr():获取指向预处理输入流中的当前位置的指针(m_cpp_ptr)。
  /** Get the token start position, in the raw buffer. */
  const char *get_tok_start() const { return m_tok_start; }

  /** Get the token start position, in the pre-processed buffer. */
  const char *get_cpp_tok_start() const { return m_cpp_tok_start; }

  /** Get the token end position, in the raw buffer. */
  const char *get_tok_end() const { return m_tok_end; }

  /** Get the token end position, in the pre-processed buffer. */
  const char *get_cpp_tok_end() const { return m_cpp_tok_end; }

  /** Get the current stream pointer, in the raw buffer. */
  const char *get_ptr() const { return m_ptr; }

  /** Get the current stream pointer, in the pre-processed buffer. */
  const char *get_cpp_ptr() const { return m_cpp_ptr; }


m_ptrchar *Pointer to the current position in the raw input stream.
m_tok_startconst char *Starting position of the last token parsed, in the raw buffer.
指向原始输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针。
m_tok_endconst char *Ending position of the previous token parsed, inthe raw buffer.
指向原始输入流中当前 token 结束位置的指针。
m_end_of_queryconst char *End of query text in the input stream, in the raw buffer.
指向原始输入流的查询文本(query text)的结束位置的指针。
m_bufconst char *Begining of the query text in the input stream, in the raw buffer.
指向原始输入流的查询文本(query text)的开始位置的指针。
m_buf_lengthsize_tLength of the raw buffer.
m_echoboolEcho the parsed stream to the pre-processed buffer.
m_echo_savedboolEcho the parsed stream to the pre-processed buffer.
m_cpp_bufchar *Pre-processed buffer.
m_cpp_ptrchar *Pointer to the current position in the pre-processed input stream.
m_cpp_tok_startconst char *Starting position of the last token parsed, in the pre-processed buffer.
指向预处理输入流中当前 token 开始位置的指针。
m_cpp_tok_endconst char *Ending position of the previous token parsed, in the pre-processed buffer.
指向预处理输入流中当前 token 结束位置的指针。
m_body_utf8char *UTF8-body buffer created during parseing.
在解析过程中生成的 UTF-8 格式流
m_body_utf8_ptrchar *Pointer to the current position in the UTF8-body buffer.
指向 UTF-8 格式流中的当前位置的指针。
m_cpp_utf8_processed_ptrconst char *Position in the pre-processed buffer. The query from m_cpp_buf to m_cpp_utf_processed_ptr is convered to UTF8-body.
指向已写入到 UTF-8 格式流对应的预处理数据流的位置的指针。
m_thdTHD *Current thread.
yylinenouintCurrent line number.
yytokenuintLength of the last token parsed.
上一个解析的 token 的长度
yylvalLKexer_yystype *Interface with bison, value of the last token parsed.
Bison 的接口,上一个解析的 token 的值
lookahead_tokenintLALR(2) resolution, look ahead token. Value fo the next token to return, if any, or -1, if no token was parsed in advance. Node: 0 is a legal token, and represents YYEOF.
lookahead_yylvalLexer_yystype *LALR(2) resolution, value of the look ahead token.
skip_digestboolSkip adding of the current token’s digest since it is already added.
query_charsetconst CHARSET_INFO当前线程的字符集
next_stateenum my_lex_statesCurrent state of the lexical analyser.
found_semicolonconst char *Position of ‘;’ in the stream, to delimit multiplke queries. This delimiter is in the raw buffer.
tok_bitmapucharToken character bitmaps, to detect 7bit strings.
ignore_spaceboolSQL_MODE = IGNORE_SPACE
stmt_prepare_modebooltrue if we’re parsing a prepared statement: in this mode we should allow placeholders.
multi_statementsbooltrue if we should allow multi-statements.
in_commentenum_comment_stateState of the lexcial analyser for comment.
in_comment_savedenum_comment_stateState of the lexcial analyser for comment.
m_cpp_text_startconst char *Starting position of the TEXT_STRING or INDENT in the pre-processed buffer.
m_cpp_text_endconst char *Ending position of the TEXT_STRING or IDENT in the pre-processed buffer.
m_underscore_csconst CHARSET_INFO *Character set specified by the character-set-introducer.
字符集引导器(Character Set Introducer)指定的字符集
m_digestsql_digest_state *Current statement digest instrumentation.
grammar_selector_tokenconst intThe synthetic 1st token to prepend token stream with.
数据流中合成的第一个前置 token




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