



The CISSP certification covers material from the eight topical domains. These eight domains are as follows:

  • Domain 1: Security and Risk Management

  • Domain 2: Asset Security

  • Domain 3: Security Architecture and Engineering

  • Domain 4: Communication and Network Security

  • Domain 5: Identity and Access Management (IAM)

  • Domain 6: Security Assessment and Testing

  • Domain 7: Security Operations

  • Domain 8: Software Development Security

These eight domains provide a vendor-independent overview of a common security framework. This framework is the basis for a discussion on security practices that can be supported in all types of organizations worldwide.


(ISC)2 has defined the qualification requirements you must meet to become a CISSP.

  1. First, you must be a practicing security professional with at least five years’ full-time paid work experience or with four years’ experience and a recent IT or IS degree or an approved security certification (see isc2.org for details). Professional experience is defined as security work performed for salary or commission within two or more of the eight CBK domains.

  2. Second, you must agree to adhere to a formal code of ethics. The CISSP Code of Ethics is a set of guidelines (ISC)2 that wants all CISSP candidates to follow to maintain professionalism in the field of information systems security. You can find it in the Information section on the (ISC)2 website at isc2.org.



  • The CISSP exam is in an adaptive format that (ISC)2 calls CISSP-CAT (Computerized Adaptive Testing). For complete details of this new version of exam presentation, please see www.isc2.org/certifications/CISSP/CISSP-CAT.

  • The CISSP-CAT exam will have a minimum of 100 questions and a maximum of 150. Not all items you are presented with count toward your score or passing status. These unscored items are called pretest questions by (ISC)², whereas the scored items are called operational items. The questions are not labeled on the exam as to whether they are scored (i.e., operational items) or unscored (i.e., pretest questions). Test candidates will receive 25 unscored items on their exam, regardless of whether they achieve a passing rank at question 100 or see all of the 150 questions.

  • The CISSP-CAT grants a maximum of three hours to take the exam. If you run out of time before achieving a passing rank, you will automatically fail.

  • The CISSP-CAT does not allow you to return to a previous question to change your answer. Your answer selection is final once you leave a question by submitting your answer selection.

  • It is not possible to take the previous English paper-based or CBT (computer-based testing) flat 250-question version of the exam. CISSP is now available only in the CBT CISSP-CAT format in English through (ISC)2-authorized Pearson VUE test centers in authorized markets.

  • The CISSP exam is available in English, French, German, Brazilian Portuguese, Spanish (Modern), Japanese, Simplified Chinese, and Korean. These non-English versions of CISSP are still administered using the 250-question linear, fixed-form, flat exam.


  • The CISSP-CAT does not have a published or set score to achieve. Instead, you must demonstrate the ability to answer above the (ISC)2 bar for passing, called the passing standard (which is not disclosed), within the last 75 operational items (i.e., questions).

  • If the computer determines that you have a less than 5 percent chance of achieving a passing standard and you have seen 75 operational items (which will be at question 100), your test will automatically end with a failure.

  • If the computer determines that you have a higher than 95 percent chance of achieving or maintaining a passing standard once you have seen 75 operational items (which will be at question 100), your test will automatically end with a pass.

  • If neither of these extremes is met, then you will see another question, and your status will be evaluated again after it is answered. You are not guaranteed to see any more questions than are necessary for the computer grading system to determine with 95 percent confidence your ability to achieve a passing standard or to fail to meet the passing standard.

  • If you do not achieve the passing standard after submitting your answer to question 150, then you fail. If you run out of time, then you fail.


If you do not pass the CISSP exam on your first attempt, you are allowed to retake the CISSP exam under the following conditions:

  • You can take the CISSP exam a maximum of four times per 12-month period.

  • You must wait 30 days after your first attempt before trying a second time.

  • You must wait an additional 60 days after your second attempt before trying a third time.

  • You must wait an additional 90 days after your third or subsequent attempts before trying again.

You will need to pay full price for each additional exam attempt.


  • Most of the questions on the CISSP exam are four-option, multiple-choice questions with a single correct answer. Some are straightforward, such as asking you to select a definition.
  • Some are a bit more involved, asking you to select the appropriate concept or best practice. And some questions present you with a scenario or situation and ask you to select the best response. You must select the one correct or best answer and mark it. In some cases, the correct answer will be obvious to you. In other cases, several answers may seem correct. In these instances, you must choose the best answer to the question asked. Watch for general, specific, universal, superset, and subset answer selections. In other cases, none of the answers will seem correct. In these instances, you’ll need to select the least incorrect answer.
  • Some multiple-choice questions may require that you select more than one answer; if so, these will state what is necessary to provide a complete answer.
  • In addition to the standard multiple-choice question format, the exam may include a few advanced question formats, which (ISC)2 calls advanced innovative questions. These include drag-and-drop questions and hotspot questions. These types of questions require you to place topics or concepts in order of operations, in priority preference, or in relation to proper positioning for the needed solution. Specifically, the drag-and-drop questions require the test taker to move labels or icons to mark items on an image. The hotspot questions require the test taker to pinpoint a location on an image with a crosshair marker. These question concepts are easy to work with and understand, but be careful about your accuracy when dropping or marking.


  • The CISSP exam consists of two key elements. First, you need to know the material from the eight domains. Second, you must have good test-taking skills.

  • You have a maximum of 3 hours to achieve a passing standard with the potential to see up to 150 questions. Thus, you will have on average just over a minute for each question, so it is important to work quickly, without rushing, but also without wasting time.

  • Question skipping is no longer allowed on the CISSP exam, and you’re also not allowed to jump around, so one way or another, you have to come up with your best answer on each question. We recommend that you attempt to eliminate as many answer options as possible before making a guess. Then you can make educated guesses from a reduced set of options to increase your chance of getting a question correct.

  • Also note that (ISC)2 does not disclose if there is partial credit given for multiple-part questions if you get only some of the elements correct. So, pay attention to questions with checkboxes, and be sure to select as many items as necessary to properly address the question.

  • You will be provided with a dry-erase board and a marker to jot down thoughts and make notes. But nothing written on that board will be used to alter your score. That board must be returned to the test administrator prior to departing the test facility.

  • To maximize your test-taking activities, here are some general guidelines:

    • Read each question, then read the answer options, and then reread the question.

    • Eliminate wrong answers before selecting the correct one.

    • Watch for double negatives.

    • Be sure you understand what the question is asking.

  • Manage your time. You can take breaks during your test, but this will consume some of your test time. You might consider bringing a drink and snacks, but your food and drink will be stored for you away from the testing area, and that break time will count against your test time limit.

  • Be sure to bring any medications or other essential items, but leave all things electronic at home or in your car. You should avoid wearing anything on your wrists, including watches, fitness trackers, and jewelry.

  • You are not allowed to bring any form of noise-canceling headsets or earbuds, although you can use foam earplugs. We also recommend wearing comfortable clothes and taking a light jacket with you (some testing locations are a bit chilly).


We recommend planning for a month or so of nightly intensive study for the CISSP exam. Here are some suggestions to maximize your learning time; you can modify them as necessary based on your own learning habits:

  • Take one or two evenings to read each chapter in this book and work through its review material.

  • Answer all the review questions and take the practice exams provided in the book and/or in the online test engine. Be sure to research each question that you get wrong in order to learn what you didn’t know.

  • Complete the written labs from each chapter.

  • Read and understand the Exam Essentials.

  • Review the (ISC)²’s Exam Outline: isc2.org.

  • Use the flashcards included with the study tools to reinforce your understanding of concepts.


  • Once you have been informed that you successfully passed the CISSP certification, there is one final step before you are actually awarded the CISSP certification. That final step is known as endorsement. Basically, this involves getting someone who is a CISSP, or other (ISC)2 certification holder, in good standing and familiar with your work history to submit an endorsement form on your behalf. Once you pass the CISSP exam, you will receive an email with instructions. However, you can review the endorsement application process at www.isc2.org/Endorsement.

  • If you registered for CISSP, then you must complete endorsement within nine months of your exam. If you registered for Associate of (ISC)2, then you have six years from your exam data to complete endorsement. Once (ISC)2 accepts your endorsement, the certification process will be completed and you will be sent a welcome packet.

  • Once you have achieved your CISSP certification, you must now work toward maintaining the certification. You will need to earn 120 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) credits by your third-year anniversary. For details on earning and reporting CPEs, please consult the (ISC)2 Continuing Professional Education (CPE) Handbook (www.isc2.org/-/media/ISC2/Certifications/CPE/CPE---Handbook.ashx) and the CPE Opportunities page (www.isc2.org/Membership/CPE-Opportunities).

  • You will also be required to pay an annual maintenance fee (AMF) upon earning your certification and at each annual anniversary. For details on the AMF, please see the (ISC)2 CPE Handbook and www.isc2.org/Policies-Procedures/Member-Policies.

CISSP CAT常见问题及解答

1.问:什么是计算机化自适应考试 (CAT)?




3.问:为什么ISC2会将某些语言的CISSP固定形式线性考试调整为可变长度的计算机化自适应考试 (CAT)?


4.问:CISSP CAT考试通过的证书,和之前线性考试通过的证书,效力是否一样?


5.问:CISSP CAT考试实行后,考生还能以线性格式参加英语CISSP考试吗?


6.问:报名参加CISSP CAT考试需要多少钱?

答:所有ISC2认证考试的定价都可以在ISC2官网找到。CISSP CAT和CISSP线性考试的价格没有区别。

7.问:考生参加CISSP CAT考试需要多长时间?

答:4月15日变化前CISSP CAT的最长管理时间为四小时,4月15日变化后CISSP CAT的最长管理时间为三小时。仅向获得ISC2预先批准的医疗设施的考生提供例外情况。没有最低管理时间限制。考生可以按照自己认为合适的速度完成考试。

8.问:CISSP CAT考试的休息政策是什么?

答:ISC2不限制考生休息的次数或持续时间;但是,4月15日变化前CISSP CAT的最大管理时间为四小时,4月15日变化后CISSP CAT的最大管理时间为三小时,所有休息时间都将包含在最长管理时间内。

9.问:考生将在CISSP CAT考试中作答多少题目?

答:CISSP CAT是一种可变长度的计算机化自适应考试。4月15日变化前每位考生将收到至少125,最多175道题目。4月15日变化后每位考生将收到至少100,最多150道题目。4月15日前要获得成绩,考生必须回答至少75道有效题目,并且回答的有效题目不得超过125道。作为最低时长考试的一部分,每场考试将包含50个预考题或不计分的题目。预考题目是指正在被评估是否纳入以后考试的题目。考生无法区分有效题目和预考题目;因此,考生应仔细思考,并根据所提供的信息认真作答。如考试大纲中所述,CISSP考试有八个知识域。作为一项自适应考试,考试题目会根据考生的情况进行调整,以便让考生展示出对每个知识域的概念的最低掌握水平。通过125道考题的考生已在所有知识域掌握了足够概念,足以证明其熟练程度。没有通过125道考题的考生没有在足够的知识域显示出达到最低及格分数所需的熟练程度。超过125道考题的考生可能精通某些知识域,但是会提供更多的题目使考生有机会继续证明其在其他知识域的熟练程度,从而可以达到最低的及格分数。

10.问:CISSP CAT考试的内容是分部进行的吗?

答:不是。内容不会分部或按任何预先确定的顺序呈现;考试题目由CAT题目选择算法随机选择,以符合CISSP考试大纲。无论考试时间长短,每次CISSP CAT考试的内容均按照CISSP考试大纲中规定的知识域权重进行。

11.问:CISSP CAT考试是否允许回看题目?

答:由于CISSP CAT考试是一项可变长度的计算机化自适应考试,而且提交给考生的题目的难度取决于之前的答案,因此不允许回看题目。考生确定答案后,无法对其进行回看或更改。

12.问:CISSP CAT考试是否比CISSP线性考试更难?

答:不会。两个版本考试的考试大纲和及格标准完全相同。无论采用何种考试形式,都将根据相同的内容对每位考生进行评估,并且必须表现出相同的能力水平。由于CISSP CAT是一项可变长度的计算机化自适应考试,因此所呈现的每一道考题对考生来说都会觉得很有挑战性。但是,无论形式如何,通过考试所需的标准都完全相同。

13.问:CISSP CAT与CISSP线性考试有何不同?


14.问:当前的CISSP CAT考试大纲是什么?


15.问:计算机如何确定考生是通过还是不通过CISSP CAT考试?

答:CISSP CAT考试成功的概率完全基于考生与通过考试所需标准相关的评估能力。评分算法使用以下三个规则之一来确定考生是通过还是未通过CISSP考试:

1.置信区间规则 — 一旦满足最低考试时长,当考生的能力估计值以95%的统计置信度排除及格点时,考试将结束。对于能力估计值在统计上超过及格标准的考生,考试通过。对于能力估计值在统计上低于及格标准的考生,考试未通过。

2.最大时长考试规则 — 如果在最高考试时长,之前没有调用过置信区间规则,则将根据及格标准评估考生的能力估计。如果在最后回答的75个有效题目中,考生的能力估计值持续高于及格标准,则考试通过。如果在最后 75 个操作项目中的任何时候,考生的能力估计值都低于及格标准,则结果为未通过。对与及格标准相关的能力估计值的评估不考虑置信区间。

3.时间用完 (R.O.O.T.) 规则 — 如果在最长考试时间,之前没有调用过置信区间规则,则将根据及格标准评估考生的能力估计值。如果在回答的最后七十五个有效题目中,考生的能力估计值持续高于及格标准,则考试通过。如果在这七十五个项目上的任何时候,考生的能力估计值都低于及格标准,则结果为未通过。对与及格标准相关的能力估计值的评估不考虑置信区间。如果考生在最长考试时间内没有回答七十五个有效题目,则该考生将自动不及格。

16.问:CISSP CAT考试可以通过那些渠道报考?

答:ISC2考试仅通过培生专业中心 (PPC) 和 ISC2授权的Pearson VUE精选考试中心(PVTC Selects)提供。

17.问:考生何时会收到CISSP CAT成绩?




19.问:CISSP CAT补考政策是什么?

答:考生在12个月内最多可以参加三次ISC2考试。对于CISSP CAT和线性考试:如果考生第一次没有通过考试,他们可以在30天后重新考试。如果考生第二次没有通过考试,他们可以在90天后重新考试。如果考生第三次没有通过考试,他们可以在最后一次考试后的180天后重新考试。请特别注意,补考需再次支付考试费。










答:不。题目是按照CISSP CAT考试大纲规范进行管理,题目选择算法基于考生的能力。考生无法选择接收预定数量的考题。考题始终是根据考生对前面题目的回答和考试大纲的完成情况来选择的。无论作答的题目数量多少或考试时间长短,当可以以95%的置信度确定考生的表现高于或低于及格标准时,考试就结束了。

25.问:考生参加CISSP CAT考试应该如何准备?




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智慧校园建设方案旨在通过信息化手段提升教育、管理和服务水平,实现资源数字化、工作流程化、管理高效化和决策智能化。方案包括智慧校园信息化平台和安防平台的建设,涉及教学、科研、管理和服务等多个方面,以满足现代教育和培训需求。 技术服务要求强调了统一支撑平台的建设,包括数据标准、接口标准、代码标准和用户信息标准的统一制定。平台需满足信创和X86交叉适配要求,确保安全自主可控的系统开发环境。此外,方案还涵盖了用户中心系统、统一认证授权中心、统一工作流中心、统一智能报表中心等多个模块,以及数据共享中心、语音识别、移动服务终端等功能,以实现校园内外部信息的互联互通和资源共享。 智慧校园信息化平台的建设还包括了对教学管理、人事管理、公文管理、档案管理、即时通讯、会议管理、督办工作、资产管理等方面的数字化和自动化升级。这些模块的集成旨在提高工作效率,优化资源配置,加强监督管理,并通过移动应用等技术手段,实现随时随地的信息访问和业务处理。 安防平台的建设则侧重于校园安全,包括停车场管理、人脸识别测温、访客自助登记、视频监控等多个系统。这些系统的集成旨在提高校园的安全管理水平,实现对校园内外人员和车辆的有效监控和管理,确保校园环境的安全稳定。 最后,方案还提到了对固定资产的管理,包括购置、使用、归还、报废等全生命周期的管理,以及对网络设备、安防设备、服务器等硬件设施的配置和管理。通过这些措施,智慧校园建设方案旨在为校园提供一个安全、高效、便捷的学习和工作环境。




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