from curses import endwin
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
import os
import random
VOC_CLASSES = ( # 定义所有的类名
'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat',
'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair',
'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant',
'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor') # 使用其他训练集需要更改
# VOC_CLASSES=[]# 自己的数据集
# 切换成当前路径-需要修改
# os.chdir('/root/workspace/YOLOV1-pytorch/')
# 定义一些参数
train_set = open('voctrain.txt', 'w')
test_set = open('voctest.txt', 'w')
# Annotations = 'VOCdevkit//VOC2007//Annotations//'
xml_files = os.listdir(Annotations)
random.shuffle(xml_files) # 打乱数据集
train_num = int(len(xml_files) * 0.7) # 训练集数量
train_lists = xml_files[:train_num] # 训练列表
test_lists = xml_files[train_num:] # 测测试列表
# 输出一些信息
def parse_rec(filename): # 输入xml文件名
tree = ET.parse(filename)# 生成一个总目录名为tree
objects = []
for obj in tree.findall('object'):
obj_struct = {}
difficult = int(obj.find('difficult').text)
if difficult == 1: # 若为1则跳过本次循环
obj_struct['name'] = obj.find('name').text
bbox = obj.find('bndbox')
obj_struct['bbox'] = [int(float(bbox.find('xmin').text)),
return objects
def write_txt():
count = 0
for train_list in train_lists: # 生成训练集txt
count += 1
image_name = train_list.split('.')[0] + '.jpg' # 图片文件名
results = parse_rec(Annotations + train_list)
if len(results) == 0:
for result in results:
class_name = result['name']
# # 添加类别名字
# if class_name not in VOC_CLASSES:
# VOC_CLASSES.append(class_name)
bbox = result['bbox']
class_name = VOC_CLASSES.index(class_name)
train_set.write(' ' + str(bbox[0]) +
' ' + str(bbox[1]) +
' ' + str(bbox[2]) +
' ' + str(bbox[3]) +
' ' + str(class_name))
for test_list in test_lists: # 生成测试集txt
count += 1
image_name = test_list.split('.')[0] + '.jpg' # 图片文件名
results = parse_rec(Annotations + test_list)
if len(results) == 0:
for result in results:
class_name = result['name']
# # 添加类别名字
# if class_name not in VOC_CLASSES:
# VOC_CLASSES.append(class_name)
bbox = result['bbox']
class_name = VOC_CLASSES.index(class_name)
test_set.write(' ' + str(bbox[0]) +
' ' + str(bbox[1]) +
' ' + str(bbox[2]) +
' ' + str(bbox[3]) +
' ' + str(class_name))
if __name__ == "__main__": 的作用
在Python中,每个Python文件(模块)都可以作为脚本直接运行,也可以被其他文件导入。__name__ 是一个特殊变量,
当文件被直接运行时,__name__ 的值被设置为 "__main__"。如果文件是被导入的,则 __name__ 的值会被设置为该模块的名字。
if __name__ == "__main__": 这行代码的作用是判断该文件是否作为主程序运行。如果是,则执行该条件语句块下的代码。
if __name__ == '__main__':
print(VOC_CLASSES)# 类别名称
import torch
import cv2
import os
import os.path
import random
import numpy as np
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader, Dataset
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from PIL import Image
# from write_txt import VOC_CLASSES # 这个使用要谨慎,因为对应文件里面定义的两个txt是全局变量,导入的时候里面的全局变量会重新赋值
CLASS_NUM = 20 # 使用其他训练集需要更改
# CLASS_NUM=len(VOC_CLASSES) # 类别的数量
# os.chdir('/root/workspace/YOLOV1-pytorch/')
class yoloDataset(Dataset):
image_size = 448 # 输入图片大小
def __init__(self, img_root, list_file, train, transform): # list_file为txt文件 img_root为图片路径
self.root = img_root
self.train = train
self.transform = transform
# 后续要提取txt文件信息,分类后装入以下三个列表
self.fnames = []
self.boxes = []
self.labels = []
self.S = 7 # YOLOV1
self.B = 2 # 相关
self.C = CLASS_NUM # 参数
self.mean = (123, 117, 104) # RGB
file_txt = open(list_file,'r')
lines = file_txt.readlines() # 读取txt文件每一行
for line in lines: # 逐行开始操作
# strip() # 移除首位的换行符号;split() # 以空格为分界线,将所有元素组成一个列表
splited = line.strip().split() # 移除首位的换行符号再生成一张列表
self.fnames.append(splited[0]) # 存储图片的名字
num_boxes = (len(splited) - 1) // 5 # 每一幅图片里面有多少个bbox
box = []
label = []
for i in range(num_boxes): # bbox四个角的坐标
x = float(splited[1 + 5 * i])
y = float(splited[2 + 5 * i])
x2 = float(splited[3 + 5 * i])
y2 = float(splited[4 + 5 * i])
c = splited[5 + 5 * i] # 代表物体的类别,即是20种物体里面的哪一种 值域 0-19
box.append([x, y, x2, y2])
self.num_samples = len(self.boxes)
# 访问坐标的时候就会直接执行这个函数
def __getitem__(self, idx):
fname = self.fnames[idx]
img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(self.root + fname))
boxes = self.boxes[idx].clone()
labels = self.labels[idx].clone()
if self.train: # 数据增强里面的各种变换用torch自带的transform是做不到的,因为对图片进行旋转、随即裁剪等会造成bbox的坐标也会发生变化,所以需要自己来定义数据增强
img, boxes = self.random_flip(img, boxes) # 随机翻转
img, boxes = self.randomScale(img, boxes) # 随机伸缩变换
img = self.randomBlur(img)# 随机模糊处理
img = self.RandomBrightness(img)# 随机调整亮度
# img = self.RandomHue(img)
# img = self.RandomSaturation(img)
img, boxes, labels = self.randomShift(img, boxes, labels)# 平移转换
# img, boxes, labels = self.randomCrop(img, boxes, labels)
h, w, _ = img.shape
boxes /= torch.Tensor([w, h, w, h]).expand_as(boxes) # 坐标归一化处理,为了方便训练,这个表示的bbox的宽高占整个图像的比例
img = self.BGR2RGB(img) # because pytorch pretrained model use RGB
img = self.subMean(img, self.mean) # 减去均值
是相当于bbox所在的grid cell的左上角坐标进行归一化的,也就是下面的encoder操作,所以这一步是正确的。
# YOLO V1输入图像大小设置为448*448* 3
img = cv2.resize(img, (self.image_size, self.image_size)) # 将所有图片都resize到指定大小,这里不是图像增强,而是为了方便网络的输入
target = self.encoder(boxes, labels) # 将图片标签编码到7x7*30的向量
for t in self.transform:
img = t(img)
# 返回的img是经过图像增强的img
return img, target
def __len__(self):
return self.num_samples
# def letterbox_image(self, image, size):
# # 对图片进行resize,使图片不失真。在空缺的地方进行padding
# iw, ih = image.size
# scale = min(size / iw, size / ih)
# nw = int(iw * scale)
# nh = int(ih * scale)
# image = image.resize((nw, nh), Image.BICUBIC)
# new_image = Image.new('RGB', size, (128, 128, 128))
# new_image.paste(image, ((size - nw) // 2, (size - nh) // 2))
# return new_image
def encoder(self, boxes, labels): # 输入的box为归一化形式(X1,Y1,X2,Y2) , 输出ground truth (7*7*30)
grid_num = 7
target = torch.zeros((grid_num, grid_num, int(CLASS_NUM + 10))) # 7*7*30
# cell_size 是图像宽度和高度被划分成的等分数,用于将归一化的坐标转换为网格索引。
cell_size = 1. / grid_num # 1/7
# 这个是bbox的归一化后的宽高
wh = boxes[:, 2:] - boxes[:, :2] # wh = [w, h] 1*1
# 物体中心坐标集合
cxcy = (boxes[:, 2:] + boxes[:, :2]) / 2 # 归一化含小数的中心坐标
for i in range(cxcy.size()[0]):
cxcy_sample = cxcy[i] # 中心坐标 1*1
ij 并不是直接表示“左上角坐标(7*7)为整数,而是表示边界框中心点所在的网格的索引。ceil()表示向上取整;-1是因为python的索引是从0开始的
ij 是一个包含两个元素的tensor,分别表示边界框中心点所在的网格的x和y索引
了,所以直接乘7,也就是 / cell_size 就可以得到结果。-1是为了让索引从0开始。
ij = (cxcy_sample / cell_size).ceil() - 1 # 左上角坐标 (7*7)为整数
# 这里先1后0是因为坐标提取就是先行后列
# 第一个框的置信度,4表示第一个标注框的置信度存储在下标为4的位置,下面9同理,并且这里的意义是,只有有标注框的置信度置位为1
target[int(ij[1]), int(ij[0]), 4] = 1
# 第二个框的置信度
target[int(ij[1]), int(ij[0]), 9] = 1
target[int(ij[1]), int(ij[0]), int(labels[i]) + 10] = 1 # 20个类别对应处的概率设置为1
xy = ij * cell_size # 归一化左上坐标 (1*1)
# 在YOLOV1原文中,其bbox的五个参数中的x,y就是中心坐标相对于其grid cell左上角的坐标的相对值
delta_xy = (cxcy_sample - xy) / cell_size # 中心与左上坐标差值 (7*7)
# 坐标w,h代表了预测的bounding box的width、height相对于整幅图像width,height的比例
target[int(ij[1]), int(ij[0]), 2:4] = wh[i] # w1,h1
target[int(ij[1]), int(ij[0]), :2] = delta_xy # x1,y1
# 每一个网格有两个边框,在真实数据中,两个边框的值是一样的
target[int(ij[1]), int(ij[0]), 7:9] = wh[i] # w2,h2
# 由此可得其实返回的中心坐标其实是相对左上角顶点的偏移,因此在进行预测的时候还需要进行解码
target[int(ij[1]), int(ij[0]), 5:7] = delta_xy # [5,7) 表示x2,y2
这里来解释为什么(xc,yc) = 7*7 (w,h) = 1*1
首先解释一个简单点的,(w,h) = 1*1,是因为target保存的时候,是直接保存了前面归一化的wh,所以这里是1*1
接下来解释(xc,yc) = 7*7,这里理一遍整个流程,首先获得了归一化的中心坐标cxcy,这个时候是1*1的,和上面wh的解释一样,
最后求delta_xy的时候是(cxcy_sample - xy)*7,并且保存的也是delta_xy,那么自然也就是7*7的,这里理解很重要
return target # (xc,yc) = 7*7 (w,h) = 1*1
# 以下方法都是数据增强操作
def BGR2RGB(self, img):
return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
def BGR2HSV(self, img):# BGR变换为HSV
return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
def HSV2BGR(self, img):
return cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR)
def RandomBrightness(self, bgr):# 随机调整亮度
if random.random() < 0.5:
# 由于直接在BGR颜色空间调整亮度可能会改变图像的颜色,因此通常会在HSV(色调、饱和度、亮度)颜色空间中进行调整。
hsv = self.BGR2HSV(bgr)
# 使用 cv2.split() 将HSV图像分离成三个单独的通道:色调(H)、饱和度(S)和亮度(V)。
h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv)
adjust = random.choice([0.5, 1.5])
v = v * adjust
# 使用 np.clip() 函数确保亮度值不会超出有效范围(0到255),并将结果转换回原始HSV图像的数据类型。
v = np.clip(v, 0, 255).astype(hsv.dtype)
# 使用 cv2.merge() 将调整后的亮度通道(V)与原始的色调(H)和饱和度(S)通道合并回HSV图像。
hsv = cv2.merge((h, s, v))
bgr = self.HSV2BGR(hsv)
return bgr
def RandomSaturation(self, bgr):
if random.random() < 0.5:
hsv = self.BGR2HSV(bgr)
h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv)
adjust = random.choice([0.5, 1.5])
s = s * adjust
s = np.clip(s, 0, 255).astype(hsv.dtype)
hsv = cv2.merge((h, s, v))
bgr = self.HSV2BGR(hsv)
return bgr
def RandomHue(self, bgr):
if random.random() < 0.5:
hsv = self.BGR2HSV(bgr)
h, s, v = cv2.split(hsv)
adjust = random.choice([0.5, 1.5])
h = h * adjust
h = np.clip(h, 0, 255).astype(hsv.dtype)
hsv = cv2.merge((h, s, v))
bgr = self.HSV2BGR(hsv)
return bgr
def randomBlur(self, bgr):# 随机模糊处理
if random.random() < 0.5:
cv2.blur() 函数实际上是一个简单的平均模糊函数,它会计算核内所有像素的平均值,并用这个平均值替换核中心的像素值。
bgr = cv2.blur(bgr, (5, 5))# 固定模糊核是5*5,核越大,模糊效果越明显
return bgr
def randomShift(self, bgr, boxes, labels):# 平移转换
center = (boxes[:, 2:] + boxes[:, :2]) / 2
if random.random() < 0.5:
height, width, c = bgr.shape
# 创建一个与原图相同大小和类型的全零图像,并用特定的BGR值(104, 117, 123)填充,这个值通常用于图像预处理中的均值归一化。
after_shift_image = np.zeros((height, width, c), dtype=bgr.dtype)
after_shift_image[:, :, :] = (104, 117, 123) # bgr
# 随机生成水平或者垂直方向上的平移量
shift_x = random.uniform(-width * 0.2, width * 0.2)
shift_y = random.uniform(-height * 0.2, height * 0.2)
# print(bgr.shape,shift_x,shift_y)
# 原图像的平移
# 根据平移量的正负,分别处理图像的不同部分,分四种情况处理
if shift_x >= 0 and shift_y >= 0:# 右下
# 这里要注意,这里的注释里面括号是(y,x),不是(x,y)
# 填充,偏移后需要填充的部分是(shift_y,shift_x)到(height,width),用的是原始图像的(0,0)到(height - int(shift_y),width - int(shift_x))填充
after_shift_image[int(shift_y):,int(shift_x):,:] = bgr[:height - int(shift_y),:width - int(shift_x),:]
elif shift_x >= 0 and shift_y < 0:# 右上
# 填充,偏移后需要填充的部分是(0,height + int(shift_y))(这里int(shift_y)是个负数),原始图像是(-int(shift_y),0)到(height,width - int(shift_x))
after_shift_image[:height + int(shift_y),int(shift_x):,:] = bgr[-int(shift_y):,:width - int(shift_x),:]
elif shift_x < 0 and shift_y >= 0:# 左下
after_shift_image[int(shift_y):, :width +int(shift_x), :] = bgr[:height -int(shift_y), -int(shift_x):, :]
elif shift_x < 0 and shift_y < 0:# 左上
after_shift_image[:height + int(shift_y), :width + int(shift_x), :] = bgr[-int(shift_y):, -int(shift_x):, :]
# 扩展后的center
shift_xy = torch.FloatTensor([[int(shift_x), int(shift_y)]]).expand_as(center)
center = center + shift_xy
# 检查中心点的坐标是否在图像的边界内
mask1 = (center[:, 0] > 0) & (center[:, 0] < width)
mask2 = (center[:, 1] > 0) & (center[:, 1] < height)
mask = (mask1 & mask2).view(-1, 1)
# mask.expand_as(boxes)的操作等同于mask.squeeze(1),这里操作后,boxes_in只会包含到mask中维true的部分,得到一个新的张量,也就是包含了中心的bbox会被保留
boxes_in = boxes[mask.expand_as(boxes)].view(-1, 4)
if len(boxes_in) == 0:# 如果变换后没有包含任何的标注框,那么就不变换,返回原始的图片、bbox和labels
return bgr, boxes, labels
# 变换标注框的坐标
box_shift = torch.FloatTensor([[int(shift_x), int(shift_y), int(shift_x), int(shift_y)]]).expand_as(boxes_in)
boxes_in = boxes_in + box_shift
# 保留还剩余的标注框的label
labels_in = labels[mask.view(-1)]
return after_shift_image, boxes_in, labels_in
return bgr, boxes, labels
def randomScale(self, bgr, boxes):# 随机伸缩变换
# 固定住高度,以0.8-1.2伸缩宽度,做图像形变
if random.random() < 0.5:
scale = random.uniform(0.8, 1.2)
height, width, c = bgr.shape
bgr = cv2.resize(bgr, (int(width * scale), height))
使用 expand_as(boxes) 方法将 scale_tensor 扩展到与 boxes 相同的形状,以便逐元素相乘。
这样,boxes 中的每个边界框都会根据 scale_tensor 中的值进行相应的伸缩变换。
expand_as方法要求 boxes 的第一维度(即批处理大小或边界框的数量)与 scale_tensor 的第一维度(这里是1)兼容
scale_tensor = torch.FloatTensor([[scale, 1, scale, 1]]).expand_as(boxes)
boxes = boxes * scale_tensor
return bgr, boxes
return bgr, boxes
def randomCrop(self, bgr, boxes, labels):
if random.random() < 0.5:
center = (boxes[:, 2:] + boxes[:, :2]) / 2
height, width, c = bgr.shape
h = random.uniform(0.6 * height, height)
w = random.uniform(0.6 * width, width)
x = random.uniform(0, width - w)
y = random.uniform(0, height - h)
x, y, h, w = int(x), int(y), int(h), int(w)
center = center - torch.FloatTensor([[x, y]]).expand_as(center)
mask1 = (center[:, 0] > 0) & (center[:, 0] < w)
mask2 = (center[:, 1] > 0) & (center[:, 1] < h)
mask = (mask1 & mask2).view(-1, 1)
boxes_in = boxes[mask.expand_as(boxes)].view(-1, 4)
if (len(boxes_in) == 0):
return bgr, boxes, labels
box_shift = torch.FloatTensor([[x, y, x, y]]).expand_as(boxes_in)
boxes_in = boxes_in - box_shift
boxes_in[:, 0] = boxes_in[:, 0].clamp_(min=0, max=w)
boxes_in[:, 2] = boxes_in[:, 2].clamp_(min=0, max=w)
boxes_in[:, 1] = boxes_in[:, 1].clamp_(min=0, max=h)
boxes_in[:, 3] = boxes_in[:, 3].clamp_(min=0, max=h)
labels_in = labels[mask.view(-1)]
img_croped = bgr[y:y + h, x:x + w, :]
return img_croped, boxes_in, labels_in
return bgr, boxes, labels
def subMean(self, bgr, mean):# 减掉均值
mean = np.array(mean, dtype=np.float32)
bgr = bgr - mean
return bgr
def random_flip(self, im, boxes):# 随机翻转
给定的图像 im 和对应的边界框坐标 boxes 进行随机水平翻转。如果随机生成的数小于0.5(即有一半的概率),
if random.random() < 0.5:
# 使用 np.fliplr(im).copy() 对图像进行水平翻转,并复制结果以避免修改原始图像
im_lr = np.fliplr(im).copy()
h, w, _ = im.shape# h w c
xmin = w - boxes[:, 2]# w-xmax
xmax = w - boxes[:, 0]# w-xmin
boxes[:, 0] = xmin
boxes[:, 2] = xmax
return im_lr, boxes
return im, boxes
def random_bright(self, im, delta=16):
alpha = random.random()
if alpha > 0.3:
im = im * alpha + random.randrange(-delta, delta)
im = im.clip(min=0, max=255).astype(np.uint8)
return im
def main():
file_root = 'VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/'
train_dataset = yoloDataset(
shuffle=False:这意味着数据加载器不会打乱数据集中的样本顺序。如果您希望每个epoch的数据顺序都不同,应该将此参数设置为 True
train_loader = DataLoader(
通过将 train_loader 转换为迭代器 train_iter,您可以使用 next(train_iter) 来逐个批次地获取数据。
但是,请注意,一旦迭代器被耗尽(即,当您已经遍历了数据集中的所有批次时),再次调用 next(train_iter) 将引发 StopIteration 异常。
# train_iter = iter(train_loader)
# for i in range(100):
# img, target = next(train_iter)
# print(img.shape)
# print(target)
for img,target in train_loader:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch.autograd import Variable
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # 忽略警告消息
CLASS_NUM = 20 # (使用自己的数据集时需要更改)
class yoloLoss(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, S, B, l_coord, l_noobj):
# 一般而言 l_coord = 5 , l_noobj = 0.5
super(yoloLoss, self).__init__()
self.S = S # S = 7
self.B = B # B = 2
self.l_coord = l_coord
self.l_noobj = l_noobj
def compute_iou(self, box1, box2): # box1(2,4) box2(1,4)
N = box1.size(0) # 2
M = box2.size(0) # 1
lt = torch.max( # 返回张量所有元素的最大值
# [N,2] -> [N,1,2] -> [N,M,2]
box1[:, :2].unsqueeze(1).expand(N, M, 2),
# [M,2] -> [1,M,2] -> [N,M,2]
box2[:, :2].unsqueeze(0).expand(N, M, 2),
rb = torch.min(
# [N,2] -> [N,1,2] -> [N,M,2]
box1[:, 2:].unsqueeze(1).expand(N, M, 2),
# [M,2] -> [1,M,2] -> [N,M,2]
box2[:, 2:].unsqueeze(0).expand(N, M, 2),
# 求差值
wh = rb - lt # [N,M,2]
wh < 0:这是一个布尔索引操作,它会生成一个与原数组wh形状相同的布尔数组。在这个布尔数组中,所有对应于原数组中值小于0的位置的元素
wh[wh < 0] = 0 # clip at 0,去除那些可能没有交集的框
inter = wh[:, :, 0] * wh[:, :, 1] # [N,M] 框重叠的部分的面积
area1 = (box1[:, 2] - box1[:, 0]) * (box1[:, 3] - box1[:, 1]) # [N,]
area2 = (box2[:, 2] - box2[:, 0]) * (box2[:, 3] - box2[:, 1]) # [M,]
area1 = area1.unsqueeze(1).expand_as(inter) # [N,] -> [N,1] -> [N,M]
area2 = area2.unsqueeze(0).expand_as(inter) # [M,] -> [1,M] -> [N,M]
iou = inter / (area1 + area2 - inter) # iou=交集/并集
return iou # [2,1]
后者就是yoloData制作的target也就是ground truth。需要提取ground truth与pred_target的bbox信息,置信度信息
def forward(self, pred_tensor, target_tensor):
pred_tensor: (tensor) size(batchsize,7,7,30)
target_tensor: (tensor) size(batchsize,7,7,30) --- ground truth
N = pred_tensor.size()[0] # batchsize
coo_mask = target_tensor[:, :, :, 4] > 0 # 具有目标标签的索引值 true ,batchsize*7*7
noo_mask = target_tensor[:, :, :, 4] == 0 # 不具有目标的标签索引值 false ,batchsize*7*7
# unsqueeze(-1):在最后面增加一个维度,expand_as:将原本的张量扩充,一般是将通道数扩充,扩充的部分就是将原来的部分复制粘贴。
coo_mask = coo_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(target_tensor) # 得到含物体的坐标等信息,复制粘贴 batchsize*7*7*30
noo_mask = noo_mask.unsqueeze(-1).expand_as(target_tensor) # 得到不含物体的坐标等信息 batchsize*7*7*30
然后,使用.view(-1, int(CLASS_NUM + 10))将这些选出的元素重新塑形。-1表示该维度的大小将自动计算,以保持总元素数量不变。
int(CLASS_NUM + 10)指定了第二维的大小,这里假设每个预测包含CLASS_NUM个类别预测加上额外的10个值(可能是边界框的坐标或其他属性)。
coo_pred = pred_tensor[coo_mask].view(-1, int(CLASS_NUM + 10)) # view类似于reshape
# .contiguous()确保这些元素在内存中是连续的,这对于某些PyTorch操作是必需的,尤其是在重塑(reshape)或转换设备(如CPU到GPU)时。
box_pred = coo_pred[:, :10].contiguous().view(-1, 5) # 塑造成X行5列(-1表示自动计算),一个box包含5个值
class_pred = coo_pred[:, 10:] # [n_coord, 20]
coo_target = target_tensor[coo_mask].view(-1, int(CLASS_NUM + 10))
box_target = coo_target[:, :10].contiguous().view(-1, 5)
class_target = coo_target[:, 10:]
# 不包含物体grid ceil的置信度损失
noo_pred = pred_tensor[noo_mask].view(-1, int(CLASS_NUM + 10))
noo_target = target_tensor[noo_mask].view(-1, int(CLASS_NUM + 10))
noo_pred_mask = torch.cuda.ByteTensor(noo_pred.size()).bool()
# YOLOv1原文提到,如果不负责预测物体的noobj为1,负责预测物体的noobj为0
noo_pred_mask[:, 4] = 1
noo_pred_mask[:, 9] = 1
# 只会留下noo_pred_mask被置位为1的数字,也就是只有第4个位置和第9个位置的数字会被留下来,其他都为0,方便使用均方损失计算置信度的损失
noo_pred_c = noo_pred[noo_pred_mask] # noo pred只需要计算 c 的损失 size[-1,2]
noo_target_c = noo_target[noo_pred_mask]
nooobj_loss = F.mse_loss(noo_pred_c, noo_target_c, size_average=False) # 均方误差
# compute contain obj loss
coo_response_mask = torch.cuda.ByteTensor(box_target.size()).bool() # ByteTensor 构建Byte类型的tensor元素全为0
coo_response_mask.zero_() # 全部元素置False bool:将其元素转变为布尔值
no_coo_response_mask = torch.cuda.ByteTensor(box_target.size()).bool() # ByteTensor 构建Byte类型的tensor元素全为0
no_coo_response_mask.zero_() # 全部元素置False bool:将其元素转变为布尔值
box_target_iou = torch.zeros(box_target.size()).cuda()
# box1 = 预测框 box2 = ground truth
for i in range(0, box_target.size()[0], 2): # box_target.size()[0]:有多少bbox,并且一次取两个bbox
box1 = box_pred[i:i + 2] # 第一个grid ceil对应的两个bbox,取的是 i 和 i+1,2*5
box1_xyxy = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(box1.size()))
# 这个是求bbox的左上角和右下角坐标,也就是xmin,ymin,xmax,ymax
box1_xyxy[:, :2] = box1[:, :2] / float(self.S) - 0.5 * box1[:, 2:4] # 原本(xc,yc)为7*7 所以要除以7
box1_xyxy[:, 2:4] = box1[:, :2] / float(self.S) + 0.5 * box1[:, 2:4]
box2 = box_target[i].view(-1, 5)# 因为对于真实值,两个bbox的值是完全一样的
box2_xyxy = Variable(torch.FloatTensor(box2.size()))
box2_xyxy[:, :2] = box2[:, :2] / float(self.S) - 0.5 * box2[:, 2:4]
box2_xyxy[:, 2:4] = box2[:, :2] / float(self.S) + 0.5 * box2[:, 2:4]
iou = self.compute_iou(box1_xyxy[:, :4], box2_xyxy[:, :4]) # 2*1
max_iou, max_index = iou.max(0)
max_index = max_index.data.cuda()
coo_response_mask[i + max_index] = 1 # IOU最大的bbox
no_coo_response_mask[i + 1 - max_index] = 1 # 舍去的bbox
# confidence score = predicted box 与 the ground truth 的 IOU
box_target_iou[i + max_index, torch.LongTensor([4]).cuda()] = max_iou.data.cuda()
box_target_iou = Variable(box_target_iou).cuda()
# 置信度误差(含物体的grid ceil的两个bbox与ground truth的IOU较大的一方)
box_pred_response = box_pred[coo_response_mask].view(-1, 5)
box_target_response_iou = box_target_iou[coo_response_mask].view(-1, 5)
# IOU较小的一方
no_box_pred_response = box_pred[no_coo_response_mask].view(-1, 5)
no_box_target_response_iou = box_target_iou[no_coo_response_mask].view(-1, 5)
no_box_target_response_iou[:, 4] = 0 # 保险起见置0(其实原本就是0)
box_target_response = box_target[coo_response_mask].view(-1, 5)
# 含物体grid ceil中IOU较大的bbox置信度损失
contain_loss = F.mse_loss(box_pred_response[:, 4], box_target_response_iou[:, 4], size_average=False)
# 含物体grid ceil中舍去的bbox损失
no_contain_loss = F.mse_loss(no_box_pred_response[:, 4], no_box_target_response_iou[:, 4], size_average=False)
# bbox坐标损失
loc_loss = F.mse_loss(box_pred_response[:, :2], box_target_response[:, :2], size_average=False) + F.mse_loss(
torch.sqrt(box_pred_response[:, 2:4]), torch.sqrt(box_target_response[:, 2:4]), size_average=False)
# 类别损失
class_loss = F.mse_loss(class_pred, class_target, size_average=False)
return (self.l_coord * loc_loss + contain_loss + self.l_noobj * (nooobj_loss + no_contain_loss) + class_loss) / N
import torch
from torch.nn import Sequential, Conv2d, MaxPool2d, ReLU, BatchNorm2d
from torch import nn
from torch.utils import model_zoo
# model_urls = {'resnet50': 'https://download.pytorch.org/models/resnet50-19c8e357.pth'}
model_urls = {'resnet50': '/root/.cache/torch/hub/checkpoints/resnet50-19c8e357.pth'}
CLASS_NUM = 20 # 使用其他训练集需要更改
class Bottleneck(nn.Module): # 定义基本块
def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, stride, downsample):
super(Bottleneck, self).__init__()
self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
self.downsample = downsample
self.in_channel = in_channel
self.out_channel = out_channel
self.bottleneck = Sequential(
Conv2d(in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size=1, stride=stride[0], padding=0, bias=False),
BatchNorm2d(out_channel),# 归一化层
Conv2d(out_channel, out_channel, kernel_size=3, stride=stride[1], padding=1, bias=False),
Conv2d(out_channel, out_channel * 4, kernel_size=1, stride=stride[2], padding=0, bias=False),
BatchNorm2d(out_channel * 4),
if self.downsample is False: # 如果 downsample = True则为Conv_Block 为False为Identity_Block
self.shortcut = Sequential()
self.shortcut = Sequential(
Conv2d(self.in_channel, self.out_channel * 4, kernel_size=1, stride=stride[0], bias=False),
BatchNorm2d(self.out_channel * 4)
def forward(self, x):
out = self.bottleneck(x)
out += self.shortcut(x)# 残差连接
out = self.relu(out)
return out
class output_net(nn.Module):
# no expansion
# dilation = 2
# type B use 1x1 conv
expansion = 1
def __init__(self, in_planes, planes, stride=1, block_type='A'):
super(output_net, self).__init__()
self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(in_planes, planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.bn1 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv2d(planes, planes, kernel_size=3, stride=stride, padding=2, bias=False, dilation=2)
self.bn2 = nn.BatchNorm2d(planes)
self.conv3 = nn.Conv2d(planes, self.expansion * planes, kernel_size=1, bias=False)
self.bn3 = nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion * planes)
self.downsample = nn.Sequential()# 按顺序堆叠不同的层(layer),形成一个序列模型(Sequential Model)
self.relu = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
if stride != 1 or in_planes != self.expansion * planes or block_type == 'B':
self.downsample = nn.Sequential(
self.expansion * planes,
nn.BatchNorm2d(self.expansion * planes))
def forward(self, x):
out = self.relu(self.bn1(self.conv1(x)))
out = self.relu(self.bn2(self.conv2(out)))
out = self.bn3(self.conv3(out))
out += self.downsample(x)
out = self.relu(out)
return out
class ResNet50(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, block):
super(ResNet50, self).__init__()
self.block = block# block=Bottleneck
self.layer0 = Sequential(
# 指定了输入通道为3,输出为64
Conv2d(3, 64, kernel_size=7, stride=2, padding=3, bias=False),
MaxPool2d(kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
self.layer1 = self.make_layer(self.block, channel=[64, 64], stride1=[1, 1, 1], stride2=[1, 1, 1], n_re=3)
self.layer2 = self.make_layer(self.block, channel=[256, 128], stride1=[2, 1, 1], stride2=[1, 1, 1], n_re=4)
self.layer3 = self.make_layer(self.block, channel=[512, 256], stride1=[2, 1, 1], stride2=[1, 1, 1], n_re=6)
self.layer4 = self.make_layer(self.block, channel=[1024, 512], stride1=[2, 1, 1], stride2=[1, 1, 1], n_re=3)
self.layer5 = self._make_output_layer(in_channels=2048)# out=256
self.avgpool = nn.AvgPool2d(2) # kernel_size = 2 , stride = 2
self.conv_end = nn.Conv2d(256, int(CLASS_NUM + 10), kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1, bias=False)
self.bn_end = nn.BatchNorm2d(int(CLASS_NUM + 10))
def make_layer(self, block, channel, stride1, stride2, n_re):
layers = []
for num_layer in range(0, n_re):
if num_layer == 0:
layers.append(block(channel[0], channel[1], stride1, downsample=True))
layers.append(block(channel[1]*4, channel[1], stride2, downsample=False))
return Sequential(*layers)
def _make_output_layer(self, in_channels):
layers = []
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
def forward(self, x):
# print(x.shape) # 3*448*448
out = self.layer0(x)
# print(out.shape) # 64*112*112
out = self.layer1(out)
# print(out.shape) # 256*112*112
out = self.layer2(out)
# print(out.shape) # 512*56*56
out = self.layer3(out)
# print(out.shape) # 1024*28*28
out = self.layer4(out) # 2048*14*14
out = self.layer5(out) # batch_size*256*14*14
out = self.avgpool(out) # batch_size*256*7*7
out = self.conv_end(out) # batch_size*30*7*7
out = self.bn_end(out)
out = torch.sigmoid(out)
out = out.permute(0, 2, 3, 1) # bitch_size*7*7*30
return out
def resnet50(pretrained=False):
model = ResNet50(Bottleneck)
if pretrained:
# model.load_state_dict(torch.load('resnet50.pth')) # 手动加载预训练权重
return model
if __name__=='__main__':
model = resnet50()
# 遍历state_dict()的键,输出模型中所有可训练参数(以及可能的一些非可训练参数,如批量归一化层的运行均值和方差)的名称
for i in model.state_dict().keys():
from yoloData import yoloDataset
from yoloLoss import yoloLoss
from new_resnet import resnet50
from torchvision import models
import torchvision.transforms as transforms
from torch.utils.data import DataLoader
import torch
import os
device = 'cuda'
file_root = 'VOCdevkit/VOC2007/JPEGImages/'
batch_size = 2 # 若显存较大可以调大此参数 4,8,16,32等等
learning_rate = 0.001
num_epochs = 100
train_dataset = yoloDataset(img_root=file_root, list_file='voctrain.txt', train=True, transform=[transforms.ToTensor()])
train_loader = DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=0)# shuffle=True:这意味着数据加载器会打乱数据集中的样本顺序
test_dataset = yoloDataset(img_root=file_root, list_file='voctest.txt', train=False, transform=[transforms.ToTensor()])
test_loader = DataLoader(test_dataset, batch_size=batch_size, shuffle=True, num_workers=0)
print('the train_dataset has %d images' % (len(train_dataset)))
net = resnet50() # 自己定义的网络
net = net.cuda()
resnet = models.resnet50(pretrained=True) # torchvison库中的网络
new_state_dict = resnet.state_dict()
op = net.state_dict()
# for i in new_state_dict.keys(): # 查看网络结构的名称 并且得出一共有320个key
# print(i)
# 若定义的网络结构的key()名称与torchvision库中的ResNet50的key()相同则可以使用此方法
# for k in new_state_dict.keys():
# # print(k) # 输出层的名字
# if k in op.keys() and not k.startswith('fc'): # startswith() 方法用于检查字符串是否是以指定子字符串开头,如果是则返回 True,否则返回 False
# op[k] = new_state_dict[k] # 与自定义的网络比对 相同则把权重参数导入 不同则不导入
# net.load_state_dict(op)
# 无论名称是否相同都可以使用;enumerate: for循环中经常用到,既可以遍历元素又可以遍历索引
for new_state_dict_num, new_state_dict_value in enumerate(new_state_dict.values()):
for op_num, op_key in enumerate(op.keys()):
if op_num == new_state_dict_num and op_num <= 317: # 320个key中不需要最后的全连接层的两个参数
op[op_key] = new_state_dict_value
net.load_state_dict(op) # 更改了state_dict的值记得把它导入网络中
print('cuda', torch.cuda.current_device(), torch.cuda.device_count()) # 确认一下cuda的设备
criterion = yoloLoss(7, 2, 5, 0.5)
criterion = criterion.to(device)
net.train() # 训练前需要加入的语句
params = [] # 里面存字典
# net网络的参数名称和参数对象的元祖,通过named_parameters()方法获取,返回的事一个字典
params_dict = dict(net.named_parameters()) # 返回各层中key(只包含weight and bias) and value
for key, value in params_dict.items():
params += [{'params': [value], 'lr':learning_rate}] # value和学习率相加,其实是append
optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( # 定义优化器 “随机梯度下降”
params, # net.parameters() 为什么不用这个???
momentum=0.9, # 即更新的时候在一定程度上保留之前更新的方向 可以在一定程度上增加稳定性,从而学习地更快
weight_decay=5e-4) # L2正则化理论中出现的概念
# torch.multiprocessing.freeze_support() # 多进程相关 猜测是使用多显卡训练需要
for epoch in range(num_epochs):
# 更平滑的衰减,可以考虑使用学习率调度器(如torch.optim.lr_scheduler)
if epoch == 60:
learning_rate = 0.0001
if epoch == 80:
learning_rate = 0.00001
for param_group in optimizer.param_groups: # 其中的元素是2个字典;optimizer.param_groups[0]: 长度为6的字典,包括[‘amsgrad’, ‘params’, ‘lr’, ‘betas’, ‘weight_decay’, ‘eps’]这6个参数;
# optimizer.param_groups[1]: 好像是表示优化器的状态的一个字典;
param_group['lr'] = learning_rate # 更改全部的学习率
print('\n\nStarting epoch %d / %d' % (epoch + 1, num_epochs))
print('Learning Rate for this epoch: {}'.format(learning_rate))
# 训练阶段
total_loss = 0.
for i, (images, target) in enumerate(train_loader):
images, target = images.cuda(), target.cuda()
pred = net(images)# 前向传播
loss = criterion(pred, target)# 计算损失
total_loss += loss.item()# 累积损失
optimizer.zero_grad()# 梯度清零
loss.backward()# 反向传播
optimizer.step()# 更新权重
if (i + 1) % 5 == 0:
print('Epoch [%d/%d], Iter [%d/%d] Loss: %.4f, average_loss: %.4f' % (epoch +1, num_epochs,
i + 1, len(train_loader), loss.item(), total_loss / (i + 1)))
# 验证阶段,每次训练完成之后,都验证一下模型的准确性,并且保存
validation_loss = 20.0
net.eval()# net.eval() 方法用于将模型设置为评估模式(evaluation mode)
for i, (images, target) in enumerate(test_loader): # 导入dataloader 说明开始训练了 enumerate 建立一个迭代序列
images, target = images.cuda(), target.cuda()
pred = net(images) # 将图片输入
loss = criterion(pred, target)
validation_loss += loss.item() # 累加loss值 (固定搭配)
validation_loss /= len(test_loader) # 计算平均loss
best_test_loss = validation_loss
print('get best test loss %.5f' % best_test_loss)
torch.save(net.state_dict(), 'yolo.pth')
import numpy as np
import torch
import cv2
from torchvision.transforms import ToTensor
from new_resnet import resnet50
import os
img_root = "VOCdevkit/VOC2007/test/1.jpg" # 需要预测的图片路径 (自己填入)
model = resnet50()
model.load_state_dict(torch.load("yolo.pth")) # 导入参数 (自己填入)
confident = 0.2
iou_con = 0.4
'aeroplane', 'bicycle', 'bird', 'boat',
'bottle', 'bus', 'car', 'cat', 'chair',
'cow', 'diningtable', 'dog', 'horse',
'motorbike', 'person', 'pottedplant',
'sheep', 'sofa', 'train', 'tvmonitor') # 将自己的名称输入 (使用自己的数据集时需要更改)
# target 7*7*30 值域为0-1
class Pred():
def __init__(self, model, img_root):
self.model = model
self.img_root = img_root
def result(self):
img = cv2.imread(self.img_root)
h, w, _ = img.shape
print(h, w)
image = cv2.resize(img, (448, 448))
img = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
mean = (123, 117, 104) # RGB
img = img - np.array(mean, dtype=np.float32)
transform = ToTensor()
img = transform(img)
img = img.unsqueeze(0) # 输入要求是4维的
Result = self.model(img) # 1*7*7*30
bbox = self.Decode(Result)# 解码
bboxes = self.NMS(bbox) # n*6 bbox坐标是基于7*7网格需要将其转换成448,非极大值抑制
if len(bboxes) == 0:
print("尝试减小 confident 以及 iou_con")
for i in range(0, len(bboxes)): # bbox坐标将其转换为原图像的分辨率
bboxes[i][0] = bboxes[i][0] * 64
bboxes[i][1] = bboxes[i][1] * 64
bboxes[i][2] = bboxes[i][2] * 64
bboxes[i][3] = bboxes[i][3] * 64
x1 = bboxes[i][0].item() # 后面加item()是因为画框时输入的数据不可一味tensor类型
x2 = bboxes[i][1].item()
y1 = bboxes[i][2].item()
y2 = bboxes[i][3].item()
class_name = bboxes[i][5].item()
print(x1, x2, y1, y2, VOC_CLASSES[int(class_name)])
# cv2.rectangle() 函数用于在图像上绘制矩形,最后一个表示矩形框的颜色,是(BGR)格式
cv2.rectangle(image, (int(x1), int(y1)), (int(x2), int(y2)), (144, 144, 255)) # 画框
org:文本字符串左下角的坐标(x, y),fontScale:字体比例因子,它决定了字体的大小,字体黑色,thickness:线条的粗细
cv2.putText(image, VOC_CLASSES[int(class_name)],(int(x1), int(y1)+5),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.5, (0, 0, 0), thickness=1)
# cv2.imshow('img', image)
cv2.imwrite('result.jpg',image)# 保存结果
# cv2.waitKey(0)# 等待键盘任意键
def Decode(self, result): # x -> 1*7*7*30
result = result.squeeze() # 7*7*30
grid_ceil1 = result[:, :, 4].unsqueeze(2) # 7*7*1
grid_ceil2 = result[:, :, 9].unsqueeze(2)
grid_ceil_con = torch.cat((grid_ceil1, grid_ceil2), 2) # 7*7*2,合并操作
grid_ceil_con, grid_ceil_index = grid_ceil_con.max(2) # 按照第二个维度求最大值 7*7 一个grid ceil两个bbox,两个confidence
class_p, class_index = result[:, :, 10:].max(2) # size -> 7*7 找出单个grid ceil预测的物体类别最大者
class_confidence = class_p * grid_ceil_con # 7*7 真实的类别概率
bbox_info = torch.zeros(7, 7, 6)
for i in range(0, 7):
for j in range(0, 7):
bbox_index = grid_ceil_index[i, j]
# 获取到bbox_index里的位置信息xywh
bbox_info[i, j, :5] = result[i, j, (bbox_index * 5):(bbox_index+1) * 5] # 删选bbox 0-5 或者5-10
# 置信度
bbox_info[:, :, 4] = class_confidence
# 类别id
bbox_info[:, :, 5] = class_index
print(bbox_info[1, 5, :])
return bbox_info # 7*7*6 6 = bbox4个信息+类别概率+类别代号
def NMS(self, bbox, iou_con=iou_con):# 非极大值抑制
for i in range(0, 7):
for j in range(0, 7):
# xc = bbox[i, j, 0] # 目前bbox的四个坐标是以grid ceil的左上角为坐标原点 而且单位不一致
# yc = bbox[i, j, 1] # (xc,yc) 单位= 7*7 (w,h) 单位= 1*1
# w = bbox[i, j, 2] * 7
# h = bbox[i, j, 3] * 7
# Xc = i + xc
# Yc = j + yc
# xmin = Xc - w/2 # 计算bbox四个顶点的坐标(以整张图片的左上角为坐标原点)单位7*7
# xmax = Xc + w/2
# ymin = Yc - h/2
# ymax = Yc + h/2 # 更新bbox参数 xmin and ymin的值有可能小于0
xmin = j + bbox[i, j, 0] - bbox[i, j, 2] * 7 / 2 # xmin
xmax = j + bbox[i, j, 0] + bbox[i, j, 2] * 7 / 2 # xmax
ymin = i + bbox[i, j, 1] - bbox[i, j, 3] * 7 / 2 # ymin
ymax = i + bbox[i, j, 1] + bbox[i, j, 3] * 7 / 2 # ymax
bbox[i, j, 0] = xmin
bbox[i, j, 1] = xmax
bbox[i, j, 2] = ymin
bbox[i, j, 3] = ymax
bbox = bbox.view(-1, 6) # 49*6
bboxes = []
ori_class_index = bbox[:, 5] # 49,类别id
class_index, class_order = ori_class_index.sort(dim=0, descending=False)# 升序排序
class_index = class_index.tolist() # 从0开始排序到7
bbox = bbox[class_order, :] # 更改bbox排列顺序
a = 0
for i in range(0, CLASS_NUM):
num = class_index.count(i)# 同一个类别的数量
if num == 0:
x = bbox[a:a+num, :] # 提取同一类别的所有信息
score = x[:, 4]# 置信度
score_index, score_order = score.sort(dim=0, descending=True)# 同一类别置信度降序排序
y = x[score_order, :] # 同一种类别按照置信度排序,并且把所有信息都包含进来
if y[0, 4] >= confident: # 物体类别的最大置信度大于给定值才能继续删选bbox,否则丢弃全部bbox
for k in range(0, num):
y_score = y[:, 4] # 每一次将置信度置零后都重新进行排序,保证排列顺序依照置信度递减,num个置信度
_, y_score_order = y_score.sort(dim=0, descending=True)# num个置信度降序排序
y = y[y_score_order, :]
if y[k, 4] > 0:# 如果置信度大于0,则执行操作
area0 = (y[k, 1] - y[k, 0]) * (y[k, 3] - y[k, 2])# 面积
for j in range(k+1, num):
area1 = (y[j, 1] - y[j, 0]) * (y[j, 3] - y[j, 2])
x1 = max(y[k, 0], y[j, 0])
x2 = min(y[k, 1], y[j, 1])
y1 = max(y[k, 2], y[j, 2])
y2 = min(y[k, 3], y[j, 3])
w = x2 - x1
h = y2 - y1
if w < 0 or h < 0:
w = 0
h = 0
inter = w * h# 交叉的面积
iou = inter / (area0 + area1 - inter)
# iou大于一定值则认为两个bbox识别了同一物体删除置信度较小的bbox
# 同时物体类别概率小于一定值则认为不包含物体
if iou >= iou_con or y[j, 4] < confident:
y[j, 4] = 0
for mask in range(0, num):# 如果筛选完一遍之后,剩下的bbox存储起来
if y[mask, 4] > 0:
a = num + a
return bboxes
if __name__ == "__main__":
Pred = Pred(model, img_root)