


  1. It cannot be denied that nothing can play a more indispensable than … for the general public.

  2. Especially in contemporary society where is making rapid progress, there is a growing recognition that … between … exert a profound impact on … development.

  3. Specifically, … renders us to … efficiently, while … can provide us with a comfortable …ing environment.

    Specifically, doing … renders us to … with others more comfortably and efficiently.

  4. The past several years has witnessed an exponential increasing in the number of … which achieved success because of their …

  5. We, as a member of society, have to … to scrape a living. However, … Simultaneously, through …, we can ease our nerve and relax our mind.

  6. To sum up, one should attach significant attention to doing … in the workplace,which is bound to create a harmonious environment.


  1. 之一

    one of + 名词复数

  2. 感到… + 形容词

    find … + 形容词

  3. …的…

    前后都是名词 …of…

  4. … 几乎没有任何困难

    … have hardly any difficulty in … / … without any difficulty

  5. 采取了各种措施

    take various measure to do

  6. 可以追溯到…

    be traced back to … / go(goes) back to

  7. … 的起源

    The origin of …

  8. 被描绘成…

    be described as…

  9. …被认为是…的一个组成部分

    …be considered as a component of…

  10. 以统一的方式来…

    be … in a uniform way

  11. 在…中广泛使用

    … be widely used in …

  12. 因…而闻名

    be knowns as … / be famous for …

  13. 坐落在…

    be located in / on / along

  14. 越来越多的… / 越来越 + 形容词

    More and More… / An increasing number of… / An growing number of… / increasingly + 形容词

  15. 随着…增长/增强

    With the rapid development/growth of…

  16. …大大增加

    … has increased greatly

  17. 无主语

    换成被动 / there be / 添加主语we they people it

  18. have has 拥有 / there be 存在 / with 伴随

  19. …年来 / 在过去的…年

    Over … of years / for … of years + 时间段 (+have / has / had done)

  20. 在过去的几十年

    Over the past decades,

  21. 自… 以来 / 自从

    Since + 时间点 (+have / has / had done)

  22. 原因从句

    As / Since + 句子 / due to + 短语

  23. 可以预见…

    It can be expected that …

  24. 由于…日益严重 / 越来越严重

    As … more and more serious

第一剑 词义选择

  • 解决逗号:分句;介词;非谓语动词;从句

  • 找出主干:动词

  • 添加定状

  • 真题实例:

    1. However,Chinese families usually gather for the annual(每年) reunion(团聚) dinner on New Year’s Eve.

    2. People will decorate the doors with red couplets.

      或Doors will be decorated with red couplets.(people作主语用被动更好)


  1. He like surf-riding.

  2. It doesn’t look like rain.

  3. Like enough it will snow.

    或It’s likely to snow.


  1. She shook his hand and went upstairs.(表示并列用and连,表示目的用to连接)
  2. Hand of a clock or watch show the time.
  3. That company was short of hands.(缺少… be short of… / be+形容词+of=动词)
  4. We have the situation well in hand.
  5. They give the film-star a big hand.


  1. Lincoln was respected by his people for his foresightedness(富于远见).(受到,得到:用被动 / 因为,由于:for)
  2. We need tough-minded(意志坚定) soldiers in our army.
  3. The Chinese people are industrious(勤劳的)and brave.
  4. We were shocked by his rude attitude.(感到feel:换为被动be shocked)
  5. Her jealousy is the cause of her failure.(根源:原因cause)
  6. Jim was an aggressive engineer who did his job quite well.(干得很出色:quite well)
  • 强化练习:

    1. The artist’s work showed a master’s hand.
    2. The president has set his hand to the document(文件).(签了字:set hid hand)
    3. The works(机件) of these watches and clocks are all home-produced.(国产的:home-produced)
    4. All the inventors have a restless(思想活跃) mind.(有:there be—地方拥有,客观存在;have—人的拥有;with—伴随拥有)
    5. Our village boasts a beautiful lake.(拥有…而自豪,吹嘘,自夸:boast)

第二剑 词性转换

  • 动词转换:名称;be+形容词;介词

  • 真题实例:

    1. Customers and traditions about the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place.(动词+名词——名词+of+名词 / 各地…有很大差异:vary widely from place to place / 运用在作文中:vary widely from person to person 表示有不同的观点)

    2. Chinese families usually gather for the annual reunion dinner .

      或Chinese families usually gather to have the annual reunion dinner.

  • 强化练习:

    1. She skipped over the grassland, up the path and the steps, across the veranda/balcony and into the porch/lobby.(动词转换成介词)

    2. This nation with God, will have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, will not disappear/vanish/perish from the earth.(而:而且—并列,然而—转折;主语一致是并列,不一致是转折;国家和政府主语一致)

    3. Later all kinds of her legends were handed down in books and on films, in poetry and songs.

    4. There are mountains with extensive forests and rich mineral resources.(很多动词可以转换成为with,表示伴随着 / extensive 广泛的,大量的 / extend 扩大,延伸 / extent 范围,程度)

    5. This proposal was against the spirit of group/collectivism(individual-individualism 个人主义 / 出现建议,命令等,应使用虚拟语气should+动词原形)

    6. He came to my house for help.(来请求:表目的for)

    7. Yesterday when I went to his home/visited him at 10 o’clock, he was already between the sheets.

    8. It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing dynasties.

    9. This solution is not acceptable.(解决问题:figure out / come up with a solution / resolve problem)

    10. A good leader is not content with merely taking care of/guarding what already there.(满足:be content with=satisfy / 仅仅 merely)

    11. Doctor said they were not sure they could save his life.

    12. He was sorry/regretful for being rude to his mother.(后悔:be+形容词 be sorry for=regret to do 对要做的事遗憾 regret doing 对做过的事遗憾)

    13. Audience around the world like/are fond of movies about Mickey Mouse

      或Movies about Micky Mouse have been popular with audience.(喜欢:be fond of / 被喜欢 be popular with)

    14. Rocket has been used for the exploration of the universe.(动词+宾语=名称+介词of+名称)

    15. This accident resulted from his neglect of duties.(前因后果“导致”:contribute to / lead to / result to ;前果后因“归因于”:attribute to / result from / credit to;混合因果:be bound up with / be associated with)(credit:学分,信用 credit hour /credit card)(be bound to do 必然,一定 / association 协会社团,联系联合)


选词填空 5%

  • 共35.5分——正确率达4个

段落匹配 10%

  • 共71分——正确率达8个——时间:15-20分钟
  • 80%句子词汇替换 + 20%句子句意替换
  1. 读10句话,划关键词
    • 关键词 = 名(普通名词+专有名词:数字、人名、地名)、动、形、副
    • 引导实验结果的客套话,不算关键词
    • 某些词出现超过3遍,就不关键了
  2. 看首尾句,搜关键词
    • 先看首尾段的首尾句,再看其他段落
  3. 用2+1法,验关键词
    • 2个原词/词组+1个同义词/词组一致
    • 2个同义词/词组+1个原词/词组一致
  • 选项分析:明显错误、隐蔽错误(主):
  1. 细节题选项非出题句,注意周边句一般为迷惑项
  2. 选项偷换主语:题目特点有无主语/代词/多主语;and可能并列两个主语;原因结果混淆
  3. 选项有额外的修饰词:尤其是绝对词和比较级
  4. 选项有时态变化:现在完成时,过去和将来
  5. 选项利用语法迷惑(包括代词):代词指代的不同东西

仔细阅读 20%

  • 共142分——正确率达7-8个——时间:20-25分钟
  1. 细节题(多):找关键词定位、同义替换
  2. 例证题(少):illustrate、indicate,为关注例子前方或后方的句子,常常为论点
  3. 因果题:in that、lead to,定位关键词所在句或瞻前顾后
  4. 主旨题:convey,全文主旨首尾段,段落主旨首尾句,关注转折
  5. 推断题:关键词定位,关注转折及段落首末句
  6. 观点态度题:关键词定位,关注转折


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