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原创 Github 十分钟上手 (10 minutes Github config)
1. Create a account in https://github.com/ and create a new repository by click "Create a new project"2. Apt install github in ubuntu, actually you can use different ways in different OS, quite easy
2016-10-21 14:29:40 734
原创 802.11协议帧间间隔 Difference between SIFS, PIFS, DIFS, EIFS and AIFS
I am currently assigned with a project for PCF and TDMA.Here are some notes below.Short Interframe Space(SIFS):在802.11系列无线局域网中SIFS是固定值,SIFS是最小的帧间间隔,因此采用SIFS的节点具有访问无线链路的最高优先级。它等于节点从发送状态切换到接收状态并能正确解
2016-07-22 11:16:18 3686
原创 Could not start GlassFish Server 4.1 occupied by null
netstat -aon | find ":8080" | find "LISTENING"taskkill /pid 1228 /f
2016-04-02 12:16:06 765
原创 HashMap,HashSet,Hashtable,Vector,ArrayList 笔记
2016-03-22 11:16:50 838
原创 gets() - fgets() & strcpy() - strncpy()
Never use gets. It offers no protections against a buffer overflow vulnerability (that is, you cannot tell it how big the buffer you pass to it is, so it cannot prevent a user from entering a line l
2016-02-22 15:29:11 607
原创 Check list
I figure out several things that need to be pay attention to:DS:Tree, graph, linklist, heap, queue.How to implement them? Especially, the node on a tree. Insertion?Some algorithm:DP, BFS
2016-02-19 17:41:00 600
原创 AWS 构建个人网站(2)
笔记:How to remove ‘WordPress’ from your URLcd /var/www/html Install and create your WordPress Website in a directory namedwordpress on your Host.Go to http://example.com/wordpress/wp-ad
2016-02-02 23:56:10 1122
原创 AWS 构建个人网站(1)
最近在AWS上构建个人网站,遇到了一些问题,记笔记时间。还是在网上找教程,吐个槽,也许是时间问题,现在网上教程各种,说话说一半,犹抱琵琶半遮面的感觉,总是“卧槽这一步怎么做了没有用”ok, 主要是跟着这一个在做:http://www.cnblogs.com/deltacat/p/amazon-aws-web-1.html主要问题有:1. phpMyA
2016-01-20 13:24:31 3258
原创 Hacker之路技能树(2)
Fuzzing 测试了tcpdump-4.6.2, 跑了一天1000+的crash,然而版本更新一次后啥都没有了。。总结下:初级————————————————————————————————CC=afl-gcc ./configuremake#To build tcpdump with afl instead of the default gcc compiler, I
2015-09-13 16:40:45 724
原创 关于Java中buffer类的学习
一些学习笔记:首先, Buffer 是一个线性的有限长度的特定基本数据的序列。 除了基础数据外,它还包括一些基础操作和属性, 比如capacity, limit 和 position。实际使用中使用特定的子类来处理数据。每个子类都定义了两套get/put的操作。相对位置操作 (Relative )。 从当前位置position读写一个或者多个元素, 并posit
2015-08-06 13:28:37 673
原创 Sizeof 关键字
sizeof (var)sizeof(type_name)sizeof varexample:char* ss="0123456789";sizeof(ss); //4,is a pointersizeof(*ss);//1,the first charchar ss[]="0123456789";sizeof(ss);//11sizeof(
2015-06-16 21:46:30 531
原创 测试系统的大小印第安序
直接贴代码了:#include typedef unsigned char BYTE; int main(void) {unsigned int num, *p;p=#num=0;*(BYTE *)p=0xff;if(num==0xff){printf("its little");}else{printf("its big");}re
2015-06-05 22:31:43 1169
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