Spire.Doc for Java 4.9.0 Crack

This is the list of changelogs of Spire.Doc for Java New release and hotfix. You can get the detail information of each version's new features and bug solutions.

Version: 4.9.0
Category    ID    Description 鹅180846090
Bug    SPIREDOC-4614    Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Width (0) and height (0) cannot be <= 0" when loading the file.
Bug    SPIREDOC-4711    Fixes the issue that it generated garbled characters after converting TXT to Word in Linux system.
Bug    SPIREDOC-5336    Fixes the issue that when comparing two same documents, the comparison showed that they had differences.
Bug    SPIREDOC-5768
SPIREDOC-5768    Fixes the issue that the text across paragraphs could not be found when using regular expressions.

Bug    SPIREDOC-6148    Fixes the issue that the math equation was not successfully added after adding HTML strings.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6245    Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Unknown format" when appending HTML to paragraphs.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6247    Fixes the issue that it extracted garbled characters when extracting text in Linux system.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6330    Fixes the issue that the content format was changed after adding watermarks.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6377
SPIREDOC-6594    Fixes the issue that the content was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6387    Fixes the issue that the comparison result was incorrect when comparing documents.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6388    Fixes the issue that the pagination was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6390    Fixes the issue that the image was not rendered after converting HTML to Word.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6420    Fixes the issue that the it could not set the character format for the SDT text.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6427    Fixes the issue that the application hung when converting Word to PDF.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6429    Fixes the issue that the background color was changed after converting TXT to JPG.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6445    Fixes the issue that it failed to accept changes.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6454    Fixes the issue that the table content was incorrect after converting Word to PDF.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6471    Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Key '/word/webextensions/taskpanes1.xml' already exists in list" when merging Word files.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6500    Fixes the issue that the fonts were not embedded correctly after converting Word to PDF.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6502    Fixes the issue that splitting cells would additionally copy the table contents.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6509    Fixes the issue that the comments could not be obtained.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6510    Fixes the issue that the result was incorrect when getting the protection type of a file.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6511    Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "NullPointerException" when replacing bookmark content.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6556    Fixes the issue that the comment could not be removed.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6564    Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "style identifier" when comparing documents.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6567    Fixes the issue that the Chinese characters were not rendered correctly after converting Word to PDF.
Bug    SPIREDOC-6569    Fixes the issue that the application threw the error "Wrong block length" when loading a Word file.


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spire.doc for java 是一款专为Java平台设计的文档操作组件,它拥有无限制的功能和使用权限。 首先,spire.doc for java 支持多种常见的文档格式,如DOCDOCX、RTF、TXT等,用户可以使用它来创建、编辑、转换和打印这些文档。无论是简单的纯文本还是复杂的格式和样式,spire.doc for java 都能处理得非常好。 其次,spire.doc for java 提供了丰富的文档操作功能,比如插入文字、图片、表格、超链接等元素,设置格式、样式和布局,添加页眉页脚、目录、批注等。用户可以利用这些功能来定制自己想要的文档内容和格式。 此外,spire.doc for java 还支持文档的转换和打印。用户可以将文档转换为不同格式,比如将DOC转换为PDF,或将RTF转换为DOCX。同时,用户还可以使用spire.doc for java 打印文档,以便于将其输出到打印机或其他输出设备。 最重要的是,spire.doc for java 在使用上没有任何限制。用户可以在任何环境和平台上使用它,无论是个人使用还是商业使用,都没有任何限制。这意味着用户可以自由地使用spire.doc for java来满足自己的文档处理需求。 总之,spire.doc for java 是一款功能强大的文档操作组件,拥有无限制的功能和使用权限,用户可以灵活地使用它来处理各种文档,满足各种需求。无论是个人还是企业用户,都可以放心地使用spire.doc for java来完成文档相关的工作。




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