MySQL or PostgreSQL?

这篇博客讨论了MySQL和PostgreSQL之间的选择。作者Steinar H. Gunderson离职前指出,尽管MySQL 8.0有所改进,但其仍然存在很多不足,建议考虑使用PostgreSQL。文章提及MySQL在优化器和执行器上的局限性,并比较了两者在连接处理、逻辑复制等方面的差异。讨论部分展示了不同用户对两者优缺点的看法,一些用户认为MySQL更适合基础CRUD操作,而PostgreSQL在复杂查询和高级特性上更胜一筹。结论提到,虽然PostgreSQL在技术上更优越,但在招聘DBA和自动化工具方面,MySQL可能更具优势。

MySQL or PostgreSQL?

Steinar H. Gunderson Leaving MySQL

About one month ago, Steinar H. Gunderson wrote a blog rubbishing MySQL and recommending PostgreSQL.

Here is the original content, followed by a wonderful discussion reorganized from more than 300 comments.

Note: Following blog was visible 24 hours ago, but not now, only available for a month?

Sun, 05 Dec 2021 - Leaving MySQL

Today was my last day at Oracle, and thus also in the MySQL team.

When a decision comes to switch workplaces, there’s always the question of “why”, but that question always has multiple answers, and perhaps the simplest one is that I found another opportunity, and and as a whole, it was obvious it was time to move on when that arrived.

But it doesn’t really explain why I did go looking for that somewhere else in the first place. The reasons for that are again complex, and it’s not possible to reduce to a single thing. But nevertheless, let me point out something that I’ve been saying both internally and externally for the last five years (although never on a stage—which explains why I’ve been staying away from stages talking about MySQL): MySQL is a pretty poor database, and you should strongly consider using Postgres instead.(1)

Coming to MySQL was like stepping into a parallel universe, where there were lots of people genuinely believing that MySQL was a state-of-the-art product. At the same time, I was attending orientation and told how the optimizer worked internally, and I genuinely needed shock pauses to take in how primitive nearly everything was. It felt bizarre, but I guess you soon get used to it. In a sense, it didn’t bother me that much; lots of bad code means there’s plenty of room for opportunity for improvement, and management was strongly supportive of large refactors. More jarring were the people who insisted everything was OK (it seems most MySQL users and developers don’t really use other databases); even obviously crazy things like the executor, where everything was one big lump and everything interacted with everything else(2), was hailed as “efficient” (it wasn’t).

Don’t get me wrong; I am genuinely proud of the work I have been doing, and MySQL 8.0 (with its ever-increasing minor version number) is a much better product than 5.7 was—and it will continue to improve. But there is only so much you can do; the changes others and I have been doing take the MySQL optimizer towards a fairly standard early-2000s design with some nice tweaks, but that’s also where it ends. (Someone called it “catching up, one decade at a time”, and I’m not sure if it was meant positively or negatively, but I thought a bit of it as a badge of honor.) In the end, there’s just not enough resources that I could see it turn into a competitive product, no matter how internal company communications tried to spin that Oracle is filled with geniuses and WE ARE WINNING IN THE CLOUD. And that’s probably fine (and again, not really why I quit); if you’re using MySQL and it works for you, sure, go ahead. But perhaps consider taking a look at the other side of that fence at some point, past the “OMG vacuum” memes.

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