- 开源的GNSS软件接收机 GNSS Software Defined Receiver
GNSS-SDR provides a common framework for GNSS signal processingwhich can operate in a variety of computer platforms.
Language:C - gpsTk
provide an open source library and suite of applications to thesatellite navigation community.
Language:C++ - RTKLIB 开源的高精度定位算法库
RTKLIB is an open source program package for standard and precisepositioning with GNSS.
Language:C - goGPS
goGPS is a software package designed to improve the positioningaccuracy of low-cost GPS devices by RTK technique and with the aidof a DTM.
Language:Matlab and Java - GNU Radio开源的软件无线电
GNU Radio is a free & open-source softwaredevelopment toolkit that provides signal processing blocks toimplement software radios.
Language:Python and C++ - OSGRS (Open Source GNSS Reference Server)
OSGRS is an Open Source project to develop the software andprotocols for operating an Assisted-GNSS (A-GNSS) server connectedto one or more reference stations.
Language:Java - GPL-GPS
GPL-GPS (“General Public License”-GPS) project, an effort to bringfree and open source software to inexpensive,commercially-available OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) GPSreceiver boards
Language:C - FastGps
provideopensource gps receiver - OpenSourceGPS
an opensource gps write in Clanguage that works withhardware correlators - http://www.gpscreations.com
anopensource gps include acquire and pvt
- OpenGTS 基于WEB的位置监控系统
OpenGTS™ (“Open GPS Tracking System”) is the first available opensource project designed specifically to provide web-based GPStracking services for a “fleet” of vehicles.
Language:Java - OpenDMTP
OpenDMTP is a protocol/framework that allows communications withsmall devices.
Language:C - http://swiftnav.com/piksi.html 开源Piksi RTK GPS接收器问世 定位精确到厘米!