
1. Daily Life Vocabulary (日常生活词汇)

1.1 Food and Drink (饮食)

1.1.1 Ingredients (食材)

  • Meat (肉类)

    • Beef [biːf] 牛肉
    • Chicken [ˈtʃɪkɪn] 鸡肉
    • Pork [pɔːrk] 猪肉
    • Lamb [læm] 羊肉
    • Bacon [ˈbeɪkən] 培根
    • Ham [hæm] 火腿
    • Turkey [ˈtɜːrki] 火鸡
    • Sausage [ˈsɔːsɪdʒ] 香肠
    • Duck [dʌk] 鸭肉
    • Veal [viːl] 小牛肉
  • Seafood (海鲜类)

    • Shrimp [ʃrɪmp] 虾
    • Crab [kræb] 螃蟹
    • Fish [fɪʃ] 鱼
    • Lobster [ˈlɑːbstər] 龙虾
    • Salmon [ˈsæmən] 三文鱼
    • Tuna [ˈtuːnə] 金枪鱼
    • Clam [klæm] 蛤蜊
    • Oyster [ˈɔɪstər] 牡蛎
    • Squid [skwɪd] 鱿鱼
    • Scallop [ˈskæləp] 扇贝
  • Vegetables (蔬菜类)

    • Carrot [ˈkærət] 胡萝卜
    • Broccoli [ˈbrɒkəli] 西兰花
    • Lettuce [ˈletɪs] 生菜
    • Tomato [təˈmeɪtoʊ] 番茄
    • Cucumber [ˈkjuːkʌmbər] 黄瓜
    • Spinach [ˈspɪnɪtʃ] 菠菜
    • Bell Pepper [bel ˈpepər] 甜椒
    • Onion [ˈʌnjən] 洋葱
    • Garlic [ˈɡɑːrlɪk] 大蒜
    • Potato [pəˈteɪtoʊ] 土豆
  • Fruits (水果类)

    • Apple [ˈæpl] 苹果
    • Banana [bəˈnænə] 香蕉
    • Orange [ˈɒrɪndʒ] 橙子
    • Grapes [ɡreɪps] 葡萄
    • Strawberry [ˈstrɔːberi] 草莓
    • Mango [ˈmæŋɡoʊ] 芒果
    • Pineapple [ˈpaɪnæpl] 菠萝
    • Watermelon [ˈwɔːtərmelən] 西瓜
    • Peach [piːtʃ] 桃子
    • Blueberry [ˈbluːberi] 蓝莓

1.1.2 Dishes (菜肴)

  • Chinese Dishes (中式菜肴)

    • Kung Pao Chicken [ˈkʌŋ paʊ ˈtʃɪkɪn] 宫保鸡丁
    • Sweet and Sour Pork [swiːt ənd saʊər pɔːrk] 糖醋排骨
    • Fried Rice [fraɪd raɪs] 炒饭
    • Dumplings [ˈdʌmplɪŋz] 饺子
    • Mapo Tofu [ˈmɑːpoʊ ˈtoʊfuː] 麻婆豆腐
    • Peking Duck [ˈpiːkɪŋ dʌk] 北京烤鸭
    • Hot Pot [hɒt pɒt] 火锅
    • Spring Rolls [sprɪŋ roʊlz] 春卷
    • Chow Mein [ˈtʃaʊ ˈmeɪn] 炒面
    • Wonton Soup [ˈwʌntɒn suːp] 馄饨汤
  • Western Dishes (西式菜肴)

    • Spaghetti [spəˈɡeti] 意大利面
    • Hamburger [ˈhæmbɜːrɡər] 汉堡包
    • Pizza [ˈpiːtsə] 披萨
    • Caesar Salad [ˈsiːzər ˈsæləd] 凯撒沙拉
    • Roast Chicken [roʊst ˈtʃɪkɪn] 烤鸡
    • Grilled Cheese Sandwich [ɡrɪld tʃiːz ˈsænwɪtʃ] 烤奶酪三明治
    • Lasagna [ləˈzɑːnjə] 千层面
    • Fish and Chips [fɪʃ ənd tʃɪps] 炸鱼薯条
    • Macaroni and Cheese [ˌmækəˈroʊni ənd tʃiːz] 芝士通心粉
    • Steak [steɪk] 牛排

1.1.3 Beverages (饮料)

  • Common Beverages (常见饮料)
    • Water [ˈwɔːtər] 水
    • Coffee [ˈkɔːfi] 咖啡
    • Tea [tiː] 茶
    • Juice [dʒuːs] 果汁
    • Milk [mɪlk] 牛奶
    • Soda [ˈsoʊdə] 汽水
    • Beer [bɪr] 啤酒
    • Wine [waɪn] 葡萄酒
    • Smoothie [ˈsmuːði] 奶昔
    • Hot Chocolate [hɒt ˈtʃɒklət] 热巧克力

1.1.4 Condiments and Spices (调味品)

  • Common Condiments (常用调味品)
    • Salt [sɔːlt] 盐
    • Pepper [ˈpepər] 胡椒
    • Soy Sauce [sɔɪ sɔːs] 酱油
    • Vinegar [ˈvɪnɪɡər] 醋
    • Ketchup [ˈketʃəp] 番茄酱
    • Mustard [ˈmʌstərd] 芥末
    • Mayonnaise [ˌmeɪəˈneɪz] 蛋黄酱
    • Olive Oil [ˈɒlɪv ɔɪl] 橄榄油
    • Garlic Powder [ˈɡɑːrlɪk ˈpaʊdər] 蒜粉
    • Chili Powder [ˈtʃɪli ˈpaʊdər] 辣椒粉

1.2 Living Essentials (生活必需品)

1.2.1 Furniture (家具)

  • Common Furniture (常见家具)
    • Sofa [ˈsoʊfə] 沙发
    • Bed [bed] 床
    • Table [ˈteɪbl] 桌子
    • Chair [tʃer] 椅子
    • Desk [desk] 书桌
    • Wardrobe [ˈwɔːrdrəʊb] 衣柜
    • Bookshelf [ˈbʊkʃelf] 书架
    • Coffee Table [ˈkɒfi ˈteɪbl] 茶几
    • Nightstand [ˈnaɪtstænd] 床头柜
    • Dresser [ˈdresər] 梳妆台

1.2.2 Appliances (电器)

  • Common Appliances (常见电器)
    • Refrigerator [rɪˈfrɪdʒəreɪtər] 冰箱
    • Microwave [ˈmaɪkrəweɪv] 微波炉
    • Washing Machine [ˈwɑːʃɪŋ məˈʃiːn] 洗衣机
    • Air Conditioner [ˈer kəndɪʃənər] 空调
    • Television [ˈtelɪvɪʒn] 电视
    • Vacuum Cleaner [ˈvækjuːm ˈkliːnər] 吸尘器
    • Oven [ˈʌvn] 烤箱
    • Toaster [ˈtoʊstər] 烤面包机
    • Blender [ˈblendər] 搅拌机
    • Hair Dryer [ˈher ˈdraɪər] 吹风机

1.2.3 Hygiene Products (卫生用品)

  • Common Hygiene Products (常见卫生用品)
    • Toothpaste [ˈtuːθpeɪst] 牙膏
    • Toothbrush [ˈtuːθbrʌʃ] 牙刷
    • Shampoo [ʃæmˈpuː] 洗发水
    • Soap [soʊp] 肥皂
    • Toilet Paper [ˈtɔɪlət ˈpeɪpər] 卫生纸
    • Towel [ˈtaʊəl] 毛巾
    • Hand Sanitizer [hænd ˈsænɪtaɪzər] 洗手液
    • Deodorant [diˈoʊdərənt] 除臭剂
    • Razor [ˈreɪzər] 剃须刀
    • Body Lotion [ˈbɒdi ˈloʊʃən] 身体乳

1.2.4 Home Decor (家居装饰)

  • Common Home Decor (常见家居装饰)
    • Curtains [ˈkɜːrtənz] 窗帘
    • Rug [rʌɡ] 地毯
    • Lamp [læmp] 灯
    • Picture Frame [ˈpɪktʃər freɪm] 相框
    • Mirror [ˈmɪrər] 镜子
    • Vase [veɪs] 花瓶
    • Cushion [ˈkʊʃn] 靠垫
    • Clock [klɑːk] 时钟
    • Candle [ˈkændl] 蜡烛
    • Shelf [ʃelf] 架子

1.3 Clothing (服饰)

1.3.1 Types of Clothing (服装类型)

  • Common Clothing (常见服装)
    • T-shirt [ˈtiː ʃɜːrt] T恤
    • Jeans [dʒiːnz] 牛仔裤
    • Dress [dres] 连衣裙
    • Skirt [skɜːrt] 短裙
    • Jacket [ˈdʒækɪt] 夹克
    • Sweater [ˈswetər] 毛衣
    • Shorts [ʃɔːrts] 短裤
    • Coat [koʊt] 大衣
    • Socks [sɑːks] 袜子
    • Suit [suːt] 西装

1.3.2 Accessories (配饰)

  • Common Accessories (常见配饰)
    • Hat [hæt] 帽子
    • Scarf [skɑːrf] 围巾
    • Gloves [ɡlʌvz] 手套
    • Belt [belt] 腰带
    • Sunglasses [ˈsʌnˌɡlæsɪz] 太阳镜
    • Watch [wɑːtʃ] 手表
    • Necklace [ˈnekləs] 项链
    • Earrings [ˈɪərɪŋz] 耳环
    • Bracelet [ˈbreɪslɪt] 手镯
    • Ring [rɪŋ] 戒指

1.4 Entertainment and Hobbies (娱乐与爱好)

1.4.1 Hobbies (爱好)

  • Outdoor Activities (户外活动)

    • Hiking [ˈhaɪkɪŋ] 徒步旅行
    • Camping [ˈkæmpɪŋ] 露营
    • Fishing [ˈfɪʃɪŋ] 钓鱼
    • Cycling [ˈsaɪklɪŋ] 骑自行车
    • Running [ˈrʌnɪŋ] 跑步
    • Gardening [ˈɡɑːrdənɪŋ] 园艺
    • Bird Watching [bɜːrd ˈwɒtʃɪŋ] 观鸟
    • Swimming [ˈswɪmɪŋ] 游泳
    • Playing Tennis [ˈpleɪɪŋ ˈtenɪs] 打网球
    • Surfing [ˈsɜːrfɪŋ] 冲浪
  • Indoor Activities (室内活动)

    • Reading [ˈriːdɪŋ] 阅读
    • Cooking [ˈkʊkɪŋ] 烹饪
    • Painting [ˈpeɪntɪŋ] 绘画
    • Knitting [ˈnɪtɪŋ] 编织
    • Playing Chess [ˈpleɪɪŋ tʃes] 下棋
    • Watching Movies [ˈwɑːtʃɪŋ ˈmuːviz] 看电影
    • Playing Video Games [ˈpleɪɪŋ ˈvɪdioʊ ɡeɪmz] 玩电子游戏
    • Yoga [ˈjoʊɡə] 瑜伽
    • Playing the Piano [ˈpleɪɪŋ ðə piˈænoʊ] 弹钢琴
    • Collecting Stamps [kəˈlektɪŋ stæmps] 集邮

1.4.2 Books and Reading (书籍与阅读)

  • Types of Books (书籍类型)
    • Fiction [ˈfɪkʃn] 小说
    • Non-fiction [nɒn ˈfɪkʃn] 非小说
    • Mystery [ˈmɪstəri] 悬疑小说
    • Biography [baɪˈɒɡrəfi] 传记
    • Science Fiction [ˈsaɪəns ˈfɪkʃn] 科幻小说
    • Fantasy [ˈfæntəsi] 奇幻小说
    • Romance [roʊˈmæns] 浪漫小说
    • Thriller [ˈθrɪlər] 惊悚小说
    • Historical [hɪˈstɒrɪkl] 历史书
    • Self-help [ˌself ˈhelp] 自助书

1.4.3 Games (游戏)

  • Types of Games (游戏类型)
    • Board Games [bɔːrd ɡeɪmz] 桌游
    • Card Games [kɑːrd ɡeɪmz] 纸牌游戏
    • Video Games [ˈvɪdioʊ ɡeɪmz] 电子游戏
    • Puzzle Games [ˈpʌzl ɡeɪmz] 拼图游戏
    • Role-playing Games [ˈroʊl pleɪɪŋ ɡeɪmz] 角色扮演游戏
    • Strategy Games [ˈstrætədʒi ɡeɪmz] 策略游戏
    • Sports Games [spɔːrts ɡeɪmz] 体育游戏
    • Arcade Games [ɑːrˈkeɪd ɡeɪmz] 街机游戏
    • Trivia Games [ˈtrɪviə ɡeɪmz] 问答游戏
    • Simulation Games [ˌsɪmjuˈleɪʃn ɡeɪmz] 模拟游戏

1.5 Work and Study (工作与学习)

1.5.1 Office Supplies (办公用品)

  • Common Office Supplies (常见办公用品)
    • Pen [pen] 钢笔
    • Notebook [ˈnoʊtbʊk] 笔记本
    • Stapler [ˈsteɪplər] 订书机
    • Paper Clips [ˈpeɪpər klɪps] 回形针
    • Scissors [ˈsɪzərz] 剪刀
    • Highlighter [ˈhaɪlaɪtər] 荧光笔
    • Sticky Notes [ˈstɪki noʊts] 便利贴
    • Calculator [ˈkælkjuleɪtər] 计算器
    • Printer [ˈprɪntər] 打印机
    • Folder [ˈfoʊldər] 文件夹

1.5.2 Study Materials (学习材料)

  • Common Study Materials (常见学习材料)
    • Textbook [ˈtekstbʊk] 教科书
    • Workbook [ˈwɜːrkˌbʊk] 练习册
    • Dictionary [ˈdɪkʃəneri] 词典
    • Notebook [ˈnoʊtbʊk] 笔记本
    • Flashcards [ˈflæʃkɑːrdz] 抽认卡
    • Binder [ˈbaɪndər] 活页夹
    • Pencil Case [ˈpensl keɪs] 铅笔盒
    • Eraser [ɪˈreɪzər] 橡皮擦
    • Ruler [ˈruːlər] 尺子
    • Glue [ɡluː] 胶水

1.6 Transportation (交通工具)

1.6.1 Vehicles (交通工具)

  • Common Vehicles (常见交通工具)
    • Car [kɑːr] 汽车
    • Bicycle [ˈbaɪsɪkl] 自行车
    • Motorcycle [ˈmoʊtərsaɪkl] 摩托车
    • Bus [bʌs] 公共汽车
    • Train [treɪn] 火车
    • Airplane [ˈerpleɪn] 飞机
    • Boat [boʊt] 船
    • Truck [trʌk] 卡车
    • Scooter [ˈskuːtər] 踏板车
    • Van [væn] 厢式货车

1.6.2 Public Transportation (公共交通)

  • Common Public Transportation (常见公共交通)
    • Bus [bʌs] 公共汽车
    • Subway [ˈsʌbweɪ] 地铁
    • Taxi [ˈtæksi] 出租车
    • Train [treɪn] 火车
    • Tram [træm] 有轨电车
    • Ferry [ˈferi] 渡船
    • Cable Car [ˈkeɪbl kɑːr] 缆车
    • Light Rail [laɪt reɪl] 轻轨
    • Monorail [ˈmɒnəreɪl] 单轨列车
    • Bus Rapid Transit [bʌs ˈræpɪd ˈtrænsɪt] 快速公交

2. Basic Phrases for Daily Communication (日常交流基础短语)

2.1 Greetings (问候)

  • Hello! 你好!
  • Good morning! 早上好!
  • Good afternoon! 下午好!
  • Good evening! 晚上好!
  • How are you? 你好吗?
  • I’m fine, thank you. 我很好,谢谢。
  • Nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。
  • How’s it going? 近况如何?
  • Long time no see. 好久不见。
  • Have a nice day! 祝你有美好的一天!

2.2 Introducing Yourself (自我介绍)

  • My name is… 我的名字是……
  • I am from… 我来自……
  • I live in… 我住在……
  • I work as a… 我的工作是……
  • I study at… 我在……学习
  • My hobby is… 我的爱好是……
  • I like… 我喜欢……
  • I am… years old. 我……岁
  • I have a family of… 我家有……
  • It’s nice to meet you. 很高兴见到你。

2.3 Common Questions (常见问题)

  • What is your name? 你叫什么名字?
  • Where are you from? 你来自哪里?
  • What do you do? 你是做什么的?
  • How old are you? 你多大了?
  • Do you speak English? 你会说英语吗?
  • Can you help me? 你能帮我吗?
  • How much is this? 这个多少钱?
  • What time is it? 现在几点?
  • Where is the restroom? 洗手间在哪里?
  • What is your phone number? 你的电话号码是多少?

2.4 Asking for Directions (问路)

  • Where is the nearest… ? 最近的……在哪里?
  • How do I get to… ? 我怎么去……?
  • Is it far from here? 离这里远吗?
  • Can you show me on the map? 你能在地图上给我指一下吗?
  • Which way should I go? 我该走哪条路?
  • Is there a bus stop nearby? 附近有公交车站吗?
  • How long does it take to get there? 到那里要多长时间?
  • Can I walk there? 我能走到那里吗?
  • Is it on the left or right? 是在左边还是右边?
  • Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

2.5 Shopping (购物)

  • How much is this? 这个多少钱?
  • Do you have this in a different color/size? 你有其他颜色/尺寸的吗?
  • Can I try this on? 我能试穿一下吗?
  • Do you accept credit cards? 你们接受信用卡吗?
  • Where is the fitting room? 试衣间在哪里?
  • Can you give me a discount? 能打折吗?
  • I am just looking. 我只是看看。
  • I would like to return/exchange this. 我想退货/换货。
  • Do you have a receipt? 你有收据吗?
  • Thank you. 谢谢。

2.6 Dining Out (外出用餐)

  • Can I have the menu, please? 我可以看菜单吗?
  • What do you recommend? 你推荐什么?
  • I would like to order… 我想点……
  • Can I have the bill, please? 请给我账单。
  • Is there a vegetarian option? 有素食选项吗?
  • Can I have some water, please? 请给我些水。
  • Is it spicy? 这辣吗?
  • Do you have any specials today? 今天有什么特价吗?
  • I am allergic to… 我对……过敏。
  • Thank you for the meal. 谢谢你的招待。

2.7 Making Phone Calls (打电话)

  • Hello, this is… 你好,我是……
  • Can I speak to…? 我能和……讲话吗?
  • Is… available? ……在吗?
  • Can I leave a message? 我能留个口信吗?
  • Please call me back at… 请回电给我,号码是……
  • I will call you later. 我稍后再打给你。
  • Can you hear me? 你能听到我吗?
  • I have a poor connection. 信号不好。
  • Thank you for calling. 谢谢来电。
  • Goodbye. 再见。

2.8 Emergencies (紧急情况)

  • Call the police! 报警!
  • I need a doctor. 我需要医生。
  • Where is the nearest hospital? 最近的医院在哪里?
  • I am lost. 我迷路了。
  • My phone is dead. 我的手机没电了。
  • I need help. 我需要帮助。
  • Is there a pharmacy nearby? 附近有药店吗?
  • I have an emergency. 我有紧急情况。
  • Can you call an ambulance? 你能叫救护车吗?
  • I need to report a crime. 我要报案。

3. Practice Dialogues (练习对话)

3.1 At a Restaurant (在餐厅)

  • A: Good evening. Do you have a reservation?
  • B: No, we don’t. Can we get a table for two?
  • A: Sure, please follow me. Here are the menus.
  • B: Thank you. Could we have some water, please?
  • A: Of course. What would you like to order?
  • B: I’d like the grilled chicken with a side salad.
  • A: And for you, sir?
  • C: I’ll have the steak, medium rare, please.
  • A: Excellent choices. I’ll bring your drinks right away.

3.2 At a Hotel (在酒店)

  • A: Welcome to our hotel. How can I help you?
  • B: I have a reservation under the name Smith.
  • A: Let me check. Yes, we have your reservation. How many nights will you be staying?
  • B: Three nights.
  • A: Great. Here is your key card. Your room is on the 5th floor.
  • B: Thank you. Can you tell me where the fitness center is?
  • A: It’s on the second floor, next to the pool. Enjoy your stay!

3.3 At the Grocery Store (在杂货店)

  • A: Excuse me, where can I find the dairy section?
  • B: It’s in aisle 5, on your left.
  • A: Thank you. Do you have organic milk?
  • B: Yes, we do. It’s in the same aisle, near the yogurt.
  • A: Great. Also, where can I find fresh produce?
  • B: Fresh produce is in aisle 7.
  • A: Thanks for your help!

3.4 On Public Transportation (在公共交通上)

  • A: Does this bus go to the city center?
  • B: Yes, it does. The next stop is the city center.
  • A: How long does it take to get there?
  • B: About 20 minutes.
  • A: Thank you. Do I need to change buses?
  • B: No, you can stay on this bus until you reach your stop.

3.5 At Work (在工作场所)

  • A: Could you please send me the report by noon?
  • B: Sure, I’ll have it ready before lunch.
  • A: Also, we need to prepare for the meeting this afternoon.
  • B: I’ll start working on the presentation slides.
  • A: Great. Let me know if you need any help.
  • B: Will do. Thanks!

3.6 At School (在学校)

  • A: What class do we have first today?
  • B: We have Math with Mr. Johnson.
  • A: Do we have any homework due?
  • B: Yes, we need to hand in our algebra assignments.
  • A: I finished mine last night. What about you?
  • B: I still need to complete a few problems.
  • A: Let’s review together during the break.
  • B: Sounds good!

3.7 At the Doctor’s Office (在诊所)

  • A: Good morning. Do you have an appointment?
  • B: Yes, I have an appointment with Dr. Brown at 10:00.
  • A: Please have a seat. The doctor will see you shortly.
  • B: Thank you.
  • A: How are you feeling today?
  • B: I have a sore throat and a slight fever.
  • A: The doctor will check your symptoms soon.

3.8 At a Bank (在银行)

  • A: Hello. How can I help you today?
  • B: I’d like to open a savings account.
  • A: Certainly. Please fill out this form and provide your ID.
  • B: Here you go.
  • A: Thank you. I’ll process your application. It will just take a few minutes.
  • B: Great, thank you.

3.9 At a Pharmacy (在药店)

  • A: Hi, I need to pick up a prescription.
  • B: What is your name and date of birth?
  • A: John Smith, May 15, 1985.
  • B: Let me check. Yes, we have your medication ready.
  • A: Thank you. Do you have any over-the-counter cold medicine?
  • B: Yes, it’s on aisle 3.

3.10 At a Post Office (在邮局)

  • A: Hello, I need to send this package.
  • B: Domestic or international?
  • A: Domestic, please.
  • B: How would you like to send it? Standard or express?
  • A: Standard is fine.
  • B: That will be $10.50. Do you need any tracking services?
  • A: Yes, please.
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