The Ways to Develop your Creative thinking Skills in your daily life

The use of creative thinking

Creative thinking is often used in our daily life, not only in the classroom we need to learn, but also in our daily life there are many places for us to learn, to use for reference.

In normal times, when we want to record life, taking pictures and short video, we can use creative thinking, we’re going to think about the background how put, how people should stand, how can the photo looks good, there are also some short video producers, want to think about the daily script or video content, all of these will be used to creative thinking.So in our daily life, creative thinking is indispensable.

5 ways to Cultivate creative thinking in your daily life

  1. Look at and think about things in a “different” way

In other words, in our study, work and life, we should pay more
attention to the difference and particularity of objective things
consciously. Do not stick to routine, do not trust authority, with a
skeptical and critical attitude towards all things and phenomena.

  1. Consciously think in the opposite direction of conventional thinking

If we regard traditional ideas, conventional experience and
authoritative statements as the golden rule, it will often hinder the
development of innovative thinking activities. Therefore, in the face
of new problems or problems that cannot be solved for a long time, we
should not be used to thinking along the long-established and fixed
ideas of predecessors or ourselves. Instead, we should seek solutions
in the opposite direction.

  1. Look at and analyze problems with divergent thinking

Divergent thinking is the core of innovative thinking. The process
starts from a certain point and diverges arbitrarily without any
definite direction or scope.

Divergent thinking can produce a large number of alternative plans,
methods and Suggestions, can put forward some unique, unexpected
insights, so that some seemingly unsolvable problems readily solved.

  1. Use associations actively and effectively

Association is often used in innovative thinking, but also relatively
easy to see the results. We often say “from here to there, draw
inferences by analogy” is the association of “experience association”.

There is a certain connection between anything, which is the objective
basis for people to use association, so the most important method of
association is to actively seek the relationship between things,
actively, actively and consciously think about the connection between

5, learn to integrate, to see the macro

Many of us are good at “matter-of-fact” thinking, or what we see is
what we see, and our minds tend to be confined to a certain area.
Integration is a kind of thinking method to unify the cognition of
each aspect, part and attribute of things into a whole, so as to grasp
the essence and law of things.

Of course, integration is not a random and subjective patchwork of the
various parts, sides and attributes of things, nor is it a mechanical
addition, but a way of thinking in which the whole thing is reproduced
in thinking according to their intrinsic, necessary and essential
By 5 Ways to Develop your Creative thinking Skills in your daily life!

How to think creatively

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