
    对初学者来说,Lisp库的找寻和安装一直是个大问题,这也是制约着Lisp推广的一个重要因素。Lisp缺乏一个现代化的标准库(lisp的标准库很 大,但已经标准化很多年了,缺乏一些现代化的原素),同时lisp的灵活性又给了库设计者很大的自由,这导致了事实上的标准库也难以出现。加上库之间复杂 的依赖关系,如何在众多的库中找到并安装相应的库一直是困扰广大初学者的一个问题。asdf-install曾被设计来解决这个问题,但仍然存在着缺乏对 windows的支持、对外部工具的依赖、缺乏一个中心的软件储存仓库、对库版本之间的依赖性计算不充分等问题。我自己就遇到过在windows平台上的 SBCL下安装库的麻烦,下载了好几种外部工具和库才解决,后来重装系统后干脆换到Debian下工作了。
    新的quicklisp有望解决初学者的这些烦恼。你可以把quicklisp视作如同Debian中的包管理器,工作人员已经确认过库之间的依赖关系并 将其存储在服务器上,会按你的要求自动下载和安装。当然,因为是新项目,库的支持还是不全面的,但300多个库对初学者来说的确是足够了,不,或许是太多 了。我按自己的需要选择了其中一小部分,并加工上了库的介绍,有兴趣的朋友可以看看。当然,全面的列表还请访问官 网:http://www.quicklisp.org。

ltk                           LTK is a Common Lisp binding for the Tk graphics toolkit.
cl-gtk2                       a Common Lisp GUI library that provides access to the Gtk+ cross-platform GUI library in idiomatic Lisp style.
cl-cairo2                     cl-cairo2 is a graphics library that provides Common Lisp bindings for the Cairo API.
cl-opengl                     cl-opengl is a set of CFFI bindings to the OpenGL, GLU and GLUT APIs.
cl-glfw                       Is a public domain set of CFFI bindings for the GLFW OpenGL helper library.     

ch-image                      ch-image is an open-source Common Lisp library for image representation, processing and manipulation.
vecto                         Vecto is a simplified interface to the powerful CL-VECTORS vector rasterization library.
ADW-Charting                  ADW-Charting is a simple chart drawing library for quickly creating reasonable-looking charts.
cl-png                        CL-PNG is a Common Lisp library for reading and writing PNG files.  
cl-jpeg                       CL-JPEG is a baseline JPEG encoder/decoder library written in ANSI Common Lisp.
s-dot                         S-Dot is an S-Expression syntax for the input language of the 'Dot' graph drawing tool from the AT&T GraphViz suite.
SKIPPY                        Read and write GIF files with Common Lisp.

clem                          CLEM is an open-source Common Lisp library for the representation and manipulation of matrices.
cl-random                     cl-random is a Mathematics Library for uni- and multivariate probability distributions and statistical functions.
gsll                          GNU Scientific Library for Lisp.
L-MATH                        L-MATH is a Common Lisp library for simple linear algebra for use in geometric applications.
MT19937                       MT19937 is a portable Mersenne Twister random number generator.
RCL                           RCL uses CFFI to communicate with the R environment.

Low level library:
cffi                          the Common Foreign Function Interface, purports to be a portable foreign function interface for Common Lisp.
FFA                           Foreign friendly arrays for Common Lisp.
FSBV                          Call foreign functions when one or more arguments and/or the return value are structures by value.
gsd                           Operations on data structured as a grid, i.e., generalized arrays.

lisp-unit                     lisp-unit is a Common Lisp library that supports unit testing.

Data store/transfer:
s-base64                      A Common Lisp implementation of Base64 Encoding/Decoding.    
s-xml                         S-XML is a simple XML parser implemented in Common Lisp.
s-xml-rpc                     S-XML-RPC is an implementation of XML-RPC in Common Lisp for both client and server.
CL-SQLITE                     CL-SQLITE package is an interface to the SQLite embedded relational database engine.
cl-store                      A Common Lisp Serialization Package.

alexandria                    Alexandria is a collection of portable public domain utilities.
babel                         Babel is a charset encoding/decoding library.
iterate                       iterate is an iteration construct for Common Lisp.
array-operations              Array-operations provides commonly used operations on arrays.
CL-Containers                 CL-containers adds binary search trees, red-black trees, sparse arrays, and other useful containers.
binary-types                  Binary-types is a library for accessing binary format? files with fixed bit-length code-words.
Calispel                      Calispel is a Common Lisp library for thread-safe message-passing channels.
Buildapp                      Buildapp is an application for SBCL that configures and saves an executable Common Lisp image.
CL-DATA-FORMAT-VALIDATION     providing a consistent regular interface for converting external data into internal data types.
CL-FAD                        CL-FAD is a thin layer atop Common Lisp's standard pathname functions.
LOCAL-TIME                    local-time is a development library for manipulating date and time information in a semi-standard manner.
CL-PPCRE                      CL-PPCRE is a portable regular expression library for Common Lisp.

CL-CTRNN                      CL-CTRNN is a Common Lisp library for the simulation of Continuous-Time Recurrent Neural Networks.
colorize                      Colorize is an Application for colorizing chunks of Common Lisp, Scheme, Elisp, C, C++, or Java code.        
external-program              run programs outside the Lisp process.
quicklisp-slime-helper        Helper library for easy Quicklisp SLIME setup.
Screamer                      an extension of Common Lisp that adds support fornondeterministic programming.




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