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原创 wandb一直上传 解决方案

wandb一直上传 解决方案

2024-09-15 18:07:20 422

原创 No module named ‘wandb_osh‘ 解决方案

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'wandb_osh' 解决方案

2024-04-11 17:25:28 334

原创 one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation 解决方案

RuntimeError: one of the variables needed for gradient computation has been modified by an inplace operation: [torch.cuda.FloatTensor [256, 1]], which is output 0 of TBackward, is at version 2; expected version 1 instead. Hint: the backtrace further above

2024-01-23 21:48:53 2840

原创 mujoco131 设置了环境变量却还在提示加入环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin 解决方案

mujoco131 设置了环境变量却还在提示加入环境变量LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:~/.mujoco/mujoco200/bin 解决方案

2024-01-16 10:35:13 606

原创 Vscode调试多卡程序


2023-12-14 14:54:18 1143

原创 Mujoco-py is incompatible with cython 3 (Cannot assign type ‘void (const char *) except * nogil‘解决方案

mujoco-py Cannot assign type 'void (const char *) except * nogil' to 'void (*)(const char *) noexcept nogil'. Exception values are incompatible. Suggest adding 'noexcept' to type 'void (const char *) except * nogil'.解决方案

2023-12-13 21:39:14 1983

原创 Linux: scripts/build-info.sh: 31: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting “then“) 解决方案

Linux: scripts/build-info.sh: 31: Syntax error: end of file unexpected (expecting "then") 解决方案

2023-12-13 11:22:59 846

原创 Command ‘npm‘ not found, but can be installed with:sudo apt install npm 解决方案

Command 'npm' not found, but can be installed with:sudo apt install npm 解决方案

2023-12-12 21:06:15 1258

原创 Package nodejs-legacy is not available, but is referred to by another package. 解决方案

Package nodejs-legacy is not available, but is referred to by another package. 解决方案

2023-12-12 21:02:14 568

原创 AttributeError: module ‘importlib_resources‘ has no attribute ‘path‘ 解决方案

AttributeError: module 'importlib_resources' has no attribute 'path' 解决方案

2023-12-07 19:57:23 1793

原创 zotero Chinese-STD-GB-T-7714 各版本获取

zotero Chinese-STD-GB-T-7714 各版本获取

2023-11-03 11:45:07 2385

原创 chorme安装esay scholar及chrome 无法从该网站添加应用、扩展程序和用户脚本解决方案

chorme安装esay scholar及chrome 无法从该网站添加应用、扩展程序和用户脚本解决方案

2023-10-30 11:20:08 3072

原创 如何调整seaborn图的大小


2023-10-24 14:38:41 1001

原创 Ubuntu apt-get update踩坑 Could not connect to packages.cloud.google.com:443 (


2023-10-11 14:04:29 1604

原创 按照字典的键或值进行排序 python

按照字典的键或值进行排序 python

2023-09-22 20:46:51 90

原创 如何在latex中插入assumption/theorem


2023-09-19 20:50:33 2292

原创 Expected end or semicolon (after version specifier) opencv-python>=3. 解决方案

wheel.vendored.packaging._tokenizer.ParserSyntaxError: Expected end or semicolon (after version specifier) opencv-python>=3. 解决方案

2023-09-15 20:08:01 4169

原创 AttributeError: module ‘distutils‘ has no attribute ‘version‘ 解决方案

AttributeError: module 'distutils' has no attribute 'version' 解决方案

2023-09-01 21:59:43 1212 3

原创 GPU显存泄露/显存溢出/显存爆炸 解决方案

GPU显存泄露/显存溢出/显存爆炸 解决方案

2023-08-07 17:36:42 3680

原创 AttributeError: ‘EnvSpec‘ object has no attribute ‘_kwargs‘ 解决方案

AttributeError: 'EnvSpec' object has no attribute '_kwargs' 解决方案

2023-07-24 21:29:34 530

原创 AttributeError: module ‘tf_slim.layers.layers‘ has no attribute ‘xavier_initializer‘ 解决方案

AttributeError: module 'tf_slim.layers.layers' has no attribute 'xavier_initializer' 解决方案

2023-06-26 11:16:42 507

原创 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘tensorflow.contrib‘ 解决方案

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow.contrib' 解决方案

2023-06-26 11:14:01 2668 1

原创 ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement keras-nightly (from versions: none)

ERROR: Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement keras-nightly (from versions: none)ERROR: No matching distribution found for keras-nightly 解决方案

2023-06-26 10:45:06 4225 6

原创 Ubuntu:No such file or directory: ‘:/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc‘: ‘:/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc‘ 解决方案

Ubuntu:No such file or directory: ':/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc': ':/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc' 解决方案

2023-06-19 16:20:01 2349 1

原创 Cargo, the Rust package manager, is not installed or is not on PATH. 解决方案

Cargo, the Rust package manager, is not installed or is not on PATH. 解决方案

2023-06-16 14:24:53 11278 2

原创 error in qpth setup command: ‘install_requires‘ must be a string or list of strings 解决方案

error in qpth setup command: 'install_requires' must be a string or list of strings containing valid project/version requirement specifiers; Expected end or semicolon (after version specifier) numpy>=1

2023-06-13 19:33:35 1907

原创 ubuntu不能显示env.render() 画面全黑/Your graphics drivers do not support OpenGL 2.0.

ubuntu不能显示env.render() 画面全黑/Your graphics drivers do not support OpenGL 2.0.

2023-05-22 20:34:12 482

原创 python 在终端上打印出不同颜色的字符串

python 在终端上打印出不同颜色的字符串

2023-05-20 19:58:36 218

原创 AttributeError: ‘DataFrame‘ object has no attribute ‘append‘ 解决方案

AttributeError: 'DataFrame' object has no attribute 'append' 解决方案

2023-05-19 09:54:41 14075

原创 $‘\r‘: command not found syntax error near unexpected token `$‘do\r‘‘ 解决方案

$'\r': command not found syntax error near unexpected token `$'do\r'' 解决方案

2023-05-18 20:06:47 1493

原创 ImportError: cannot import name ‘MemmapingPool‘ from ‘joblib.pool‘

from joblib.pool import MemmapingPool 报错 ImportError: cannot import name 'MemmapingPool' from 'joblib.pool'

2023-05-17 20:52:58 164

原创 from path import Path 报错 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘path‘

from path import Path 报错 ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'path'

2023-05-17 20:46:53 1588

原创 environment.yml常用字段/关键字含义解析


2023-05-17 10:35:11 2175

原创 error: Multiple top-level packages discovered in a flat-layout: [‘alf‘, ‘hidio‘].

error: Multiple top-level packages discovered in a flat-layout

2023-05-17 10:20:35 2818 3

原创 E: 无法获取 dpkg 前端锁 (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend),是否有其他进程正占用它? 解决方案

E: 无法获得锁 /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: 资源暂时不可用)E: 无法获取 dpkg 前端锁 (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend),是否有其他进程正占用它? 解决方案

2023-04-11 10:34:03 578

原创 LaTex 使用plt.savefig保存矢量图并插入论文中

LaTex 使用plt.savefig保存矢量图并插入论文中

2023-04-07 11:38:18 1614 2

原创 latex 如何在overleaf中插入算法伪代码

latex 如何在overleaf中插入算法伪代码

2023-04-04 17:35:21 7153

原创 excel 用一列数据生成图表/折线图

excel 用一列数据生成图表/折线图

2023-04-04 11:48:27 8345

原创 ubuntu 如何在docker容器内部查看允许使用的cpu详细信息以及管理员是否限制了docker容器可使用的cpu核心范围

ubuntu 如何在docker容器内部查看允许使用的cpu详细信息以及管理员是否限制了docker容器可使用的cpu核心范围

2023-04-01 16:25:37 3283

原创 python 创建文件夹/表示文件夹路径的神奇写法

python 创建文件夹/表示文件夹路径的神奇写法

2023-03-28 21:04:06 111


2022年12月5日于官方网站https://bazel.build/bazel-release.pub.gpg上下载的bazel-release.pub.gpg文件,可以用于ubuntu16.04和18.04上bazel的安装。安装教程见: https://blog.csdn.net/qq_37464479/article/details/126385913。希望可以帮到上不去该网站的小伙伴们!








cmake-3.24.1-linux-x86_64.tar 在Linux x86_64中用来安装cmake

从cmake官网上下载的,适合在Linux x86_64中用来安装cmake,如果自己下载太慢的友友可以试一下,其余安装步骤可以参考https://blog.csdn.net/m0_37605642/article/details/119845189


Chinese Std GBT7714 (numeric) AsIs.ens

解决endNote中使用GB/T 7714-2015格式导出时作者名字全是大写的问题,可以和博客https://blog.csdn.net/dream6985/article/details/124794353配套使用。






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