CHC5223 Data Structures and Algorithms代码实现

CHC5223 Data Structures and Algorithms代码实现

Assignment 1
Value 35% of Coursework
Individual work
Learning outcomes
Students will be able to understand
1.1 Data structures
1.2 The applications of data structures
1.3 Object-oriented programming concepts
1.4 Methods for program testing
Students will have acquired skills in:
2.1 Data abstraction
2.2 The use of data structures
2.3 Programming at a more advanced level in a high-level object-oriented language
2.4 Program testing and documentation
Students will have acquired skills in:
3.1 Self-management
3.2 Learning
3.3 Communication
3.4 Problem solving
3.5 Information technology
Process and what submit to Student Website
The assignment submitted should be compressed into a .zip file, the following files should be
contained in the compressed file:
• a report as a Microsoft Word document containing the text of all your classes.
filename format: 12345678_CHC5223_CW1_Report.docx
• a .zip file containing the project: the runnable jar file (if available) and all the program’s
source texts (.java), including those provided
filename format: 12345678_CHC5223_
General requirements
All your programming must conform to “Java Conventions and Programming Guidelines”
You must paste the source code of all your classes into your report, as text, not images.
The topic of this assignment is hash table.
This assignment requires you to implement two Java classes (one is provided as a general
framework in Appendixes). The class LinearProbingHashTable is structured by methods for
implementing a hash table based on an array and should achieve collision resolution by using
linear probing way.
The class ChainingHashTable should be structured for implementing a hash table based on an
array which should achieve collision resolution by using the chaining way.
You must implement LinearProbingHashTable as a hash table for Assignment 1.
You must implement ChainingHashTable as a hash table for Assignment 1.
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Task 1
You must create one project in the developing environment based on the codes provided in the
One Java class should be defined in the .java file respectively.
2 marks
Task 2
You must complete the class LinearProbingHashTable based on the codes provided in the
appendix. You must use a Java array for implementing the hash table (not an array list or other
collection class). You must not encapsulate existing implementations of collections in your
submission. Failure to comply with this will result in zero marks for this part.
You must complete the constructor and the methods set already in the provided codes for this
class. Include explanations of your implementations of these methods in your report.
6 marks
Task 3
You must devise your own hash function that will work well for strings. You must not use the
Java built-in hashCode method, though you can experiment with it.
You will need to perform some experiments to devise one hash function which is easy to lead to
collisions and devise one hash function which can cater to the collision for well. Design examples
for the hash functions you devised and contrast the results. Indicate and analyze the results
brought by different hash functions in your report. Make an explanation of your collisionresolution strategy and your experiments in your report.
Tip: Take care to avoid numeric overflow when calculating your hash function. This can be done
by applying a mod (%) operation at the early stages of the calculation, rather than just at the end.
4 marks
Task 4
You must create the class ChainingHashTable which is implemented as a hash table based on an
array and achieves the collision resolution by using the changing way. You must use a Java array
for implementing the hash table (not an array list or other collection class). You must not
encapsulate existing implementations of collections in your submission. Failure to comply with
this will result in zero marks for this part.
The class ChainingHashTable should contain methods similar to those specified in the class
Tip: You need to consider how to implement a chain structure based on a Java array where each
node contains a string. You need to make a linear search within the chain.
8 marks
Make an explanation of your collision resolution strategy, a reflection of your encoding work on
achieving the chaining way, and your experiments in your report.
5 marks
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Task 5
You must modify the provided main program to make it applicable to the objects of both the
class LinearProbingHashTable and the class ChainingHashTable.
2 marks
Task 6
Your class must keep track of the ‘load factor’ of the hash table and display this after each
insertion or deletion. Note that with chaining the load factor can exceed 100%.
2 marks
Task 7
There are some potential risks/bugs in the provided codes, you should try your best to find out
and fix them.
Make explanations of the reasons for the risks/bugs generated and your experiments of fixing in
your report.
4 marks
Task 8
You must state honestly which of the requirements of Assignment 1 you have successfully
fulfilled, citing evidence. Also, comment on the time efficiency and space efficiency of your
implementation of the hash table.
2 marks
total 35 marks
Relevant quotation
“There are two ways of constructing a software design: One way is to make it so simple that
there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other way is to make it so complicated that there are
no obvious deficiencies. The first method is far more difficult.”
Professor Sir Tony Hoare
1980 Turing Award Lecture; Communications of the ACM 24 (2), (February 1981): pp. 75-83
Please try to do this the first way.
Obtaining help
It is always permissible to request advice on what is required for this assignment. Please try to
do this during normal contact time and avoid asking for such help in the last week before the
You can discuss the requirements and the material covered in the assignment with others but
what you create must be all your own work. Be careful to avoid collusion.
Declare in your report any help you have received other than that from the module teaching
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In addition to the written feedback that we aim to provide within the normal interval, you will be
able to obtain fast, brief, verbal formative feedback and help on correcting your work at your
practical classes.





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