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翻译 Data structure alignmentData structure alignment
There're some terms in Data structure alignment we must know: 1. A memory address a, is said to be n-byte aligned when n is a power of two and a is a multiple of n bytes. In this context a byte is th
2012-06-15 13:26:59 537
原创 Windows编程非典型错误
最近在做Windows编程,动手的时候有些小问题,贴在这里以免重复犯错.#include LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); int WINAPI WinMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, PSTR szCmdLine, int iCmdShow) { WNDCLASS wd; HWND hwnd; MSG msg; wd.style = CS_
2010-12-15 15:14:00 678
原创 编程之美 Chapter1.8 小飞的电梯调度算法
<br />题目:一栋楼共N层,电梯每次从1层往上行走时只停其中的某一层,停止的依据是能够保证这次乘坐电梯的所有乘客爬楼梯(向上或向下都行)的层数只和最少。<br /> <br />书中解法:<br />假设电梯停在第i层楼,此时所有乘客需要爬的楼梯层数总和为Y,其中有N1个人在i层以下,N2个人恰好在第i层,N3个人在i层以上。这是,如果电梯停在第i-1层,所有目的地在第i-1层以上的乘客需要多爬一层,共需多爬N2+N3层,而所有在第i层以下的乘客可以少爬一层,共可以少爬N1层。因此,此时乘客共需爬的层数
2010-08-28 16:39:00 1245
原创 How to invoke a function from another .cpp source file
Senario:There are two source files a.cpp and b.cpp both in a project. a.cpp includes a function called viod show(). Now I wanna invoke that function in b.cpp.As I know, there are two ways we can use to invoke a function from another .cpp source file:1. In
2010-08-25 10:15:00 638
原创 循环左移数组
假设有一个数组{1,2,3,4,5,6},要求输出其循环左移若干位之后的结果。(算法实现)书上的解释已经非常明白了,只是实现了一下算法。可以将问题转化成把数组ab变成ba。先将b翻转成b',然后将a翻转成a',随后将a'b'一起翻转成为(a'b')',也就是ba。完成。代码如下:#include "stdafx.h"#include #include #include using namespace std;void reverse(int left, int right, int *ray){for(in
2010-08-16 11:24:00 1074
转载 约瑟夫环详解
2010-07-21 10:27:00 1491
原创 Quick_Sort
<br />贴在这里,省得以后又忘。<br /><br /><br />#include "stdafx.h"<br />#include <iostream><br />using namespace std;<br />void quick_sort(int ray[],int left, int right)<br />{<br />int pivot = ray[right];<br />int less = left;<br />for(int i = left; i < right; i++)<
2010-07-14 16:14:00 564
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