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原创 TC-Traffic Control in Linux
for vs. while in C programmingOriginal sourceThere are three loops in C: for, while, and do-while. What’s the difference between them? AnswerA while loop will always evaluate the condition first.while (condition) { //gets executed after condition is
2021-09-17 20:35:19 407
原创 top-level const & low-level const
top-level const & low-level consttop-level const & low-level consttop-level const & low-level consttop-level const to indicate that the pointer itself is a const. When a pointer can point to a const object, we refer tothat const as a low-leve
2021-09-17 20:32:10 135
原创 MATLAB 2016a中多项式化简
syms a; %定义为符号变量syms b;syms c;r = 2;ss = a^r/((a-b)*(a-c))+b^r/((b-c)*(b-a))+c^r/((c-a)*(c-b)); %多项式公式simplify(ss) %%简化多项式%simple(ss)simple是通过对多项式式尝试多种不同的方法(包括simplify)进行化简,以寻求符号表达式S的最简...
2018-12-04 11:14:09 7136 2
转载 MATLAB Robotic Toolbox工具箱学习笔记(一)
Robotic Toolbox工具箱学习笔记(一)软件:matlab2016a工具箱:Matlab Robotic Toolbox v9.8Matlab Robotic Toolbox工具箱学习笔记根据Robot Toolbox demonstrations目录,将分三大部分阐述:1、General(Rotations,Transformations,Trajectory)2、Arm(R...
2018-09-21 15:41:18 4103
原创 Windows屏幕保护程序的制作
Windows屏幕保护程序的制作前些日子看了阿卓工作室的一篇关于如何制作屏保程序的文章及其示例,我便想自己做一个玩玩,所以按他说的做,结果不行,所以就在MSDN中搜索了下,得到这么一篇文章,翻译备份如下,以后要用得时候看: 屏幕保护程序的制作Microsoft的WIN32API支持特殊类
2015-06-01 15:19:38 7998 1
原创 c++MFC编译错误
在编译vc时出现了这样的错误,因为这个程序不是本人写的,可能是编写环境的设置问题。所以在自己的电脑上会出现这样的错, (我用的是中文版的vc IDE)fatal error C1083: Cannot open precompiled header file: No such file or directory在网上搜集了一下,这个错误是预编译文件的设置造成的,有几种可以尝
2015-06-01 15:13:54 715
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