14 年后再夺欧冠,看利物浦球迷如何狂欢? ——法新社AFP

‘They’re brilliant’: Liverpool fans line streets to honour idols

Under leaden English skies, Liverpool became a carnival of red on Sunday as the football-mad city hailed its heroes for bringing home the Champions League trophy for the first time in 14 years.
It followed an epic season in which Liverpool narrowly missed out on a first league title in three decades, causing agony — now somewhat relieved — for fans impatient to end the long wait.
Celebrations ran late into the night in Liverpool city centre, as ecstatic supporters danced drunkenly in the streets singing a repertoire of the club’s anthems.
The morning after, bleary-eyed fans began streaming back onto the streets ahead of the parade, which worked its way slowly towards the city centre.
A jubilant atmosphere rippled through the city, as all manner of Liverpool flags flew from buildings and cars, drivers sounded horns and fans carried everything from banners to balloon replicas of the trophy.
Aleisha Tipton, 23, from nearby Cheshire, staked out a prime spot near the waterfront end-point. “We don’t care about waiting all afternoon to see them, ” she said of her heroes as light rain started to fall.
“It can rain all day, we don’t care!” She was wearing a commemorative scarf from 2005, when Liverpool last won the competition in a memorable come-from-behind victory over AC Milan in Istanbul. “This time is better for me as I was only nine then.”
For her granddad Ken Jones, 79, this Liverpool team is up there with the best he has seen. “They’re brilliant, ” he said. “I don’t think they could replace them with anything better.”

‘They’re brilliant’: Liverpool fans line streets to honour idols

Under leaden English skies, Liverpool became a carnival of red on Sunday as the football-mad city hailed its heroes for bringing home the Champions League trophy for the first time in 14 years.
上周日,英格兰灰蒙蒙的天空下,利物浦变成了一座红色的狂欢之城,那一刻,这座为足球而疯狂的城市向它的英雄们欢呼,因为 14 年来利物浦队首次捧回了欧洲冠军联赛的奖杯。
It followed an epic season in which Liverpool narrowly missed out on a first league title in three decades, causing agony — now somewhat relieved — for fans impatient to end the long wait.
Celebrations ran late into the night in Liverpool city centre, as ecstatic supporters danced drunkenly in the streets singing a repertoire of the club’s anthems.
The morning after, bleary-eyed fans began streaming back onto the streets ahead of the parade, which worked its way slowly towards the city centre.
A jubilant atmosphere rippled through the city, as all manner of Liverpool flags flew from buildings and cars, drivers sounded horns and fans carried everything from banners to balloon replicas of the trophy.
Aleisha Tipton, 23, from nearby Cheshire, staked out a prime spot near the waterfront end-point. “We don’t care about waiting all afternoon to see them,” she said of her heroes as light rain started to fall.
来自附近柴郡的 23 岁的阿丽莎·蒂普顿,在海滨区的终点附近立桩标出了一个主要庆祝地点:“我们不介意等候整个下午再见到他们”,她这样谈起她心目中的英雄,当时天空中刚下起小雨。
“It can rain all day, we don’t care!” She was wearing a commemorative scarf from 2005, when Liverpool last won the competition in a memorable come-from-behind victory over AC Milan in Istanbul. “This time is better for me as I was only nine then.”
“就让雨下一整天好了,我们无所谓!”她戴了一条 2005 年的有纪念意义的围巾,那是上一次利物浦赢下欧冠的一年,他们在伊斯坦布尔对阵 AC 米兰时完成了令人难忘的逆转。她说:“对我而言这次夺冠更让人开心,因为那时我才 9 岁。”
For her granddad Ken Jones, 79, this Liverpool team is up there with the best he has seen. “They’re brilliant,” he said. “I don’t think they could replace them with anything better.”
在她 79 岁的祖父肯·琼斯看来,这支利物浦球队是他所见过的最好的球队。他说道:“他们太棒了,我认为没有更好的阵容可以替代他们。”

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