

@AutoConfigureAfter(name = "org.springframework.cloud.netflix.eureka.EurekaClientAutoConfiguration")
@AutoConfigureBefore({LoadBalancerAutoConfiguration.class, AsyncLoadBalancerAutoConfiguration.class})
@EnableConfigurationProperties({RibbonEagerLoadProperties.class, ServerIntrospectorProperties.class})
public class RibbonAutoConfiguration {


	@Autowired(required = false)
	private List<RestTemplate> restTemplates = Collections.emptyList();


@Target({ ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER, ElementType.METHOD })
public @interface LoadBalanced {


@Autowired(required = false)
	private List<LoadBalancerRequestTransformer> transformers = Collections.emptyList();


	static class LoadBalancerInterceptorConfig {
		public LoadBalancerInterceptor ribbonInterceptor(
				LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient,
				LoadBalancerRequestFactory requestFactory) {
			return new LoadBalancerInterceptor(loadBalancerClient, requestFactory);

		public RestTemplateCustomizer restTemplateCustomizer(
				final LoadBalancerInterceptor loadBalancerInterceptor) {
			return restTemplate -> {
                List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> list = new ArrayList<>(
  1. 注册一个LoadBalancerInterceptor
  2. 把自动注入的restTemplate中添加拦截器LoadBalancerInterceptor
	public static class RetryInterceptorAutoConfiguration {
		public RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor ribbonInterceptor(
				LoadBalancerClient loadBalancerClient, LoadBalancerRetryProperties properties,
				LoadBalancerRequestFactory requestFactory,
				LoadBalancedRetryFactory loadBalancedRetryFactory) {
			return new RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor(loadBalancerClient, properties,
					requestFactory, loadBalancedRetryFactory);

		public RestTemplateCustomizer restTemplateCustomizer(
				final RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor loadBalancerInterceptor) {
			return restTemplate -> {
                List<ClientHttpRequestInterceptor> list = new ArrayList<>(
  1. 注册一个RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor
  2. 把自动注入的restTemplate中添加拦截RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor



public interface LoadBalancerClient extends ServiceInstanceChooser {

	 * Executes request using a ServiceInstance from the LoadBalancer for the specified
	 * service.
	 * @param serviceId The service ID to look up the LoadBalancer.
	 * @param request Allows implementations to execute pre and post actions, such as
	 * incrementing metrics.
	 * @return The result of the LoadBalancerRequest callback on the selected
	 * ServiceInstance.
	<T> T execute(String serviceId, LoadBalancerRequest<T> request) throws IOException;

	 * Executes request using a ServiceInstance from the LoadBalancer for the specified
	 * service.
	 * @param serviceId The service ID to look up the LoadBalancer.
	 * @param serviceInstance The service to execute the request to.
	 * @param request Allows implementations to execute pre and post actions, such as
	 * incrementing metrics.
	 * @return The result of the LoadBalancerRequest callback on the selected
	 * ServiceInstance.
	<T> T execute(String serviceId, ServiceInstance serviceInstance, LoadBalancerRequest<T> request) throws IOException;

	 * Creates a proper URI with a real host and port for systems to utilize.
	 * Some systems use a URI with the logical service name as the host,
	 * such as http://myservice/path/to/service.  This will replace the
	 * service name with the host:port from the ServiceInstance.
	 * @param instance
	 * @param original A URI with the host as a logical service name.
	 * @return A reconstructed URI.
	URI reconstructURI(ServiceInstance instance, URI original);


public interface ServiceInstanceChooser {

     * Chooses a ServiceInstance from the LoadBalancer for the specified service.
     * @param serviceId The service ID to look up the LoadBalancer.
     * @return A ServiceInstance that matches the serviceId.
    ServiceInstance choose(String serviceId);

LoadBalancerRequestFactory的作用是为 LoadBalancerInterceptor 和 RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor 创建 LoadBalancerRequests。将 LoadBalancerRequestTransformers 应用于拦截的 HttpRequest。(实现LoadBalancerRequestTransformer接口客制化一些需求)

public LoadBalancerRequest<ClientHttpResponse> createRequest(final HttpRequest request,
			final byte[] body, final ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) {
		return instance -> {
            HttpRequest serviceRequest = new ServiceRequestWrapper(request, instance, loadBalancer);
            if (transformers != null) {
                for (LoadBalancerRequestTransformer transformer : transformers) {
                    serviceRequest = transformer.transformRequest(serviceRequest, instance);
            return execution.execute(serviceRequest, body);


	public ClientHttpResponse intercept(final HttpRequest request, final byte[] body,
			final ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {
		final URI originalUri = request.getURI();
		String serviceName = originalUri.getHost();
		Assert.state(serviceName != null, "Request URI does not contain a valid hostname: " + originalUri);
		return this.loadBalancer.execute(serviceName, requestFactory.createRequest(request, body, execution));



public ClientHttpResponse intercept(final HttpRequest request, final byte[] body,
										final ClientHttpRequestExecution execution) throws IOException {
		final URI originalUri = request.getURI();
		final String serviceName = originalUri.getHost();
		Assert.state(serviceName != null, "Request URI does not contain a valid hostname: " + originalUri);
		final LoadBalancedRetryPolicy retryPolicy = lbRetryFactory.createRetryPolicy(serviceName,
		RetryTemplate template = createRetryTemplate(serviceName, request, retryPolicy);
		return template.execute(context -> {
			ServiceInstance serviceInstance = null;
			if (context instanceof LoadBalancedRetryContext) {
				LoadBalancedRetryContext lbContext = (LoadBalancedRetryContext) context;
				serviceInstance = lbContext.getServiceInstance();
			if (serviceInstance == null) {
				serviceInstance = loadBalancer.choose(serviceName);
			ClientHttpResponse response = RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor.this.loadBalancer.execute(
					serviceName, serviceInstance,
					requestFactory.createRequest(request, body, execution));
			int statusCode = response.getRawStatusCode();
			if (retryPolicy != null && retryPolicy.retryableStatusCode(statusCode)) {
				byte[] bodyCopy = StreamUtils.copyToByteArray(response.getBody());
				throw new ClientHttpResponseStatusCodeException(serviceName, response, bodyCopy);
			return response;
		}, new LoadBalancedRecoveryCallback<ClientHttpResponse, ClientHttpResponse>() {
			//This is a special case, where both parameters to LoadBalancedRecoveryCallback are
			//the same.  In most cases they would be different.
			protected ClientHttpResponse createResponse(ClientHttpResponse response, URI uri) {
				return response;


public interface LoadBalancedRetryFactory {

	 * Creates a {@link LoadBalancedRetryPolicy}.
	 * @param service The ID of the service to create the retry policy for.
	 * @param serviceInstanceChooser Used to get the next server from a load balancer.
	 * @return A retry policy for the service.
	default LoadBalancedRetryPolicy createRetryPolicy(String service, ServiceInstanceChooser serviceInstanceChooser) {
		return null;

	 * Creates an array of {@link RetryListener}s for a given service.
	 * @param service The service to create the {@link RetryListener}s for.
	 * @return An array of {@link RetryListener}s.
	default RetryListener[] createRetryListeners(String service) {
		return new RetryListener[0];

	 * Creates a {@link BackOffPolicy} for a given service.
	 * @param service The service to create the {@link BackOffPolicy} for.
	 * @return The {@link BackOffPolicy}.
	default BackOffPolicy createBackOffPolicy(String service) {
		return new NoBackOffPolicy();


     * Return true to retry the failed request on the same server.
     * This method may be called more than once when executing a single operation.
     * @param context The context for the retry operation.
     * @return True to retry the failed request on the same server; false otherwise.
    public boolean canRetrySameServer(LoadBalancedRetryContext context);

     * Return true to retry the failed request on the next server from the load balancer.
     * This method may be called more than once when executing a single operation.
     * @param context The context for the retry operation.
     * @return True to retry the failed request on the next server from the load balancer; false otherwise.
    public boolean canRetryNextServer(LoadBalancedRetryContext context);

     * Called when the retry operation has ended.
     * @param context The context for the retry operation.
    public abstract void close(LoadBalancedRetryContext context);

     * Called when the execution fails.
     * @param context The context for the retry operation.
     * @param throwable The throwable from the failed execution.
    public abstract void registerThrowable(LoadBalancedRetryContext context, Throwable throwable);

     * If an exception is not thrown when making a request, this method will be called to see if the
     * client would like to retry the request based on the status code returned.  For example, in
     * Cloud Foundry, the router will return a <code>404</code> when an app is not available.  Since
     * HTTP clients do not throw an exception when a <code>404</code> is returned,
     * <code>retryableStatusCode</code> allows clients to force a retry.
     * @param statusCode The HTTP status code.
     * @return True if a retry should be attempted; false to just return the response.
    public boolean retryableStatusCode(int statusCode);
	public boolean canRetrySameServer(LoadBalancedRetryContext context) {
		return sameServerCount < lbContext.getRetryHandler().getMaxRetriesOnSameServer() && canRetry(context);

	public boolean canRetryNextServer(LoadBalancedRetryContext context) {
		//this will be called after a failure occurs and we increment the counter
		//so we check that the count is less than or equals to too make sure
		//we try the next server the right number of times
		return nextServerCount <= lbContext.getRetryHandler().getMaxRetriesOnNextServer() && canRetry(context);


public boolean canRetry(LoadBalancedRetryContext context) {
		HttpMethod method = context.getRequest().getMethod();
		return HttpMethod.GET == method || lbContext.isOkToRetryOnAllOperations();


protected RetryHandler defaultRetryHandler = new DefaultLoadBalancerRetryHandler();
public DefaultLoadBalancerRetryHandler() {
        this.retrySameServer = 0;
        this.retryNextServer = 0;
        this.retryEnabled = false;



  1. 自动注入@LoadBalanced标记的restTemplates
  2. 自动注入实现了LoadBalancerRequestTransformer的transformers
  3. 创建LoadBalancerRequestFactory,为 LoadBalancerInterceptor 和 RetryLoadBalancerInterceptor 创建 LoadBalancerRequests。将 LoadBalancerRequestTransformers 应用于拦截的 HttpRequest。
  4. 为restTemplate添加LoadBalancerInterceptor和RetryInterceptorAutoConfiguration






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