x264重要结构体详细说明(4): x264_t



struct x264_t
/* encoder parameters */
x264_param_t    param; // 编码器编码参数,包括量化步长、编码级别等等一些参数

x264_t   *thread[X264_THREAD_MAX+1];
x264_t   *lookahead_thread[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX];
int    b_thread_active;
int    i_thread_phase; /* which thread to use for the next frame */
int    i_thread_idx;   /* which thread this is */
int    i_threadslice_start; /* first row in this thread slice */
int    i_threadslice_end; /* row after the end of this thread slice */
int    i_threadslice_pass; /* which pass of encoding we are on */
x264_threadpool_t  *threadpool;
x264_threadpool_t  *lookaheadpool;
x264_pthread_mutex_t mutex;
x264_pthread_cond_t   cv;

 /* bitstream output */
int    i_nal;
int    i_nals_allocated;
int    i_bitstream;     /* size of p_bitstream */
uint8_t   *p_bitstream;   /* will hold data for all nal */
bs_t  bs;
x264_nal_t  *nal;
} out;

uint8_t *nal_buffer;
int    nal_buffer_size;
int    reconfig;
x264_t  *reconfig_h;

/**** thread synchronization starts here ****/
/* frame number/poc */
int    i_frame; // 编码帧号,用于计算POC(picture of count 标识视频帧的解码顺序)
int    i_frame_num;
int    i_thread_frames; // Number of different frames being encoded by threads;
// 1 when sliced-threads is on.
int         i_nal_type; // Nal单元的类型,这些类型值定义在x264.h中,需要理解的类型有:
// 不分区(一帧作为一个片)非IDR图像的片;片分区A、片分区B、片分区C、
// IDR图像中的片、序列参数集、图像参数集
int         i_nal_ref_idc; // Nal单元的优先级别,取值范围[0,1,2,3],值越大表示优先级越高,此Nal单元就越重要
int64_t   i_disp_fields; // Number of displayed fields (both coded and implied via pic_struct)
int         i_disp_fields_last_frame;
int64_t   i_prev_duration; // Duration of previous frame
int64_t   i_coded_fields; // Number of coded fields (both coded and implied via pic_struct)
int64_t   i_cpb_delay; // Equal to number of fields preceding this field since last buffering_period SEI
int64_t   i_coded_fields_lookahead; // Use separate counters for lookahead
int64_t   i_cpb_delay_lookahead;
int64_t   i_cpb_delay_pir_offset;
int64_t   i_cpb_delay_pir_offset_next;
int64_t   i_last_idr_pts;
int         b_queued_intra_refresh;
int         i_idr_pic_id;

/* quantization matrix for decoding, [cqm][qp%6][coef] */
int       (*dequant4_mf[4])[16];   /* [4][6][16] */
int       (*dequant8_mf[4])[64];   /* [4][6][64] */
/* quantization matrix for trellis, [cqm][qp][coef] */
int      (*unquant4_mf[4])[16];   /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][16] */
int      (*unquant8_mf[4])[64];   /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][64] */
/* quantization matrix for deadzone */
udctcoef        (*quant4_mf[4])[16];     /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][16] */
udctcoef        (*quant8_mf[4])[64];     /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][64] */
udctcoef        (*quant4_bias[4])[16];   /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][16] */
udctcoef        (*quant8_bias[4])[64];   /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][64] */
udctcoef        (*quant4_bias0[4])[16];   /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][16] */
udctcoef        (*quant8_bias0[4])[64];   /* [4][QP_MAX_SPEC][64] */
udctcoef        (*nr_offset_emergency)[4][64];

/* mv/ref cost arrays. */
uint16_t *cost_mv[QP_MAX+1];
uint16_t *cost_mv_fpel[QP_MAX+1][4];

/* includes both the nonlinear luma->chroma mapping and chroma_qp_offset */
const uint8_t   *chroma_qp_table; 

/* Slice header,条带头结构体定义在common/common.h中 */
x264_slice_header_t sh;

/* SPS / PPS,我们只是用一个sps和一个pps */
x264_sps_t   sps[1];
x264_pps_t   pps[1];

/* Slice header backup, for SEI_DEC_REF_PIC_MARKING */
int   b_sh_backup;
x264_slice_header_t sh_backup;

/* cabac context */
x264_cabac_t   cabac;

/* 指示和控制帧编码过程的结构 */
/* Frames to be encoded (whose types have been decided) */
/* 这个结构体涉及到X264编码过程中的帧管理,理解这个结构体中的变量在编码标准的理论意义是非常重要的 */
x264_frame_t **current; // 已确定帧类型,待编码帧,每一个GOP在编码前,每一帧的类型在编码前已经确定。
// 当进行编码时,从这里取出一帧数据
/* Unused frames: 0 = fenc, 1 = fdec */
x264_frame_t **unused[2]; // 这个数组用于回收那些在编码中分配的frame空间,
// 当有新的需要时,直接拿过来用,不用重新分配新的空间,提高效率
/* Unused blank frames (for duplicates) */
x264_frame_t **blank_unused;

/* frames used for reference + sentinels */
x264_frame_t *reference[X264_REF_MAX+2]; // 参考帧队列,注意参考帧都是重建帧

int  i_last_keyframe; // Frame number of the last keyframe,上一个关键字的帧序号
int  i_last_idr;             // Frame number of the last IDR (not RP),上一个IDR帧的帧序号,
// 配合前面的i_frame,可以用来计算POC
int  i_poc_last_open_gop; // Poc of the I frame of the last open-gop. The value is only assigned during the 
// period between that I frame and the next P or I frame, else -1
int  i_input;     // Number of input frames already accepted,已经接收的输入帧数
// frames结构体中i_input指示当前输入的帧的(播放顺序)序号。
int  i_max_dpb;   // Number of frames allocated in the decoded picture buffer
int  i_max_ref0; // 最大前向参考帧数量
int  i_max_ref1; // 最大后向参考帧数量
int  i_delay;   // Number of frames buffered for B reordering;缓存的帧数,用于B帧重排序
int  i_bframe_delay;
int64_t i_bframe_delay_time;
int64_t i_first_pts;
int64_t i_prev_reordered_pts[2];
int64_t i_largest_pts;
int64_t i_second_largest_pts;
int  b_have_lowres;   // Whether 1/2 resolution luma planes are being used,亮度是否使用半像素精度
int  b_have_sub8x8_esa;
} frames; // 指示和控制帧编码过程的结构

/* current frame being encoded */
x264_frame_t    *fenc; // 指向当前编码帧

/* frame being reconstructed */
x264_frame_t    *fdec; // 指向当前重建帧,重建帧的帧号要比当前编码帧的帧号小1

/* references lists */
int    i_ref[2]; // i_ref[0]和i_ref[1]分别表示前向和后向参考帧的数量
int    b_ref_reorder[2];
x264_frame_t    *fref[2][X264_REF_MAX+3]; // fref[0]和fref[1]分别表示存放前向和后向参考帧的数组(参考帧均是重建帧)
x264_frame_t    *fref_nearest[2];
/* hrd */
int  initial_cpb_removal_delay;
int  initial_cpb_removal_delay_offset;
int64_t  i_reordered_pts_delay;

/* Current MB DCT coeffs */
        ALIGNED_N( dctcoef luma16x16_dc[3][16] );
        ALIGNED_16( dctcoef chroma_dc[2][8] );
        // FIXME share memory?
        ALIGNED_N( dctcoef luma8x8[12][64] );
        ALIGNED_N( dctcoef luma4x4[16*3][16] );
} dct;

/* MB table and cache for current frame/mb */
int     i_mb_width;
int     i_mb_height;
int     i_mb_count;                 /* number of mbs in a frame */

/* Chroma subsampling */
int     chroma_h_shift;
int     chroma_v_shift;

/* Strides */
int     i_mb_stride;
int     i_b8_stride;
int     i_b4_stride;
int     left_b8[2];
int     left_b4[2];

/* Current index */
int     i_mb_x;
int     i_mb_y;
int     i_mb_xy;
int     i_b8_xy;
int     i_b4_xy;

/* Search parameters */
int     i_me_method;
int     i_subpel_refine;
int     b_chroma_me;
int     b_trellis;
int     b_noise_reduction;
int     b_dct_decimate;
int     i_psy_rd; /* Psy RD strength--fixed point value*/
int     i_psy_trellis; /* Psy trellis strength--fixed point value*/
int     b_interlaced;
int     b_adaptive_mbaff; /* MBAFF+subme 0 requires non-adaptive MBAFF i.e. all field mbs */

/* Allowed qpel MV range to stay within the picture + emulated edge pixels */
int     mv_min[2];
int     mv_max[2];
int     mv_miny_row[3]; /* 0 == top progressive, 1 == bot progressive, 2 == interlaced */
int     mv_maxy_row[3];

/* Subpel MV range for motion search. same mv_min/max but includes levels' i_mv_range. */
int     mv_min_spel[2];
int     mv_max_spel[2];
int     mv_miny_spel_row[3];
int     mv_maxy_spel_row[3];

/* Fullpel MV range for motion search */
ALIGNED_8( int16_t mv_limit_fpel[2][2] ); /* min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y */
int     mv_miny_fpel_row[3];
int     mv_maxy_fpel_row[3];

/* neighboring MBs */
unsigned int i_neighbour;
unsigned int i_neighbour8[4]; /* neighbours of each 8x8 or 4x4 block that are available */
unsigned int i_neighbour4[16]; /* at the time the block is coded */
unsigned int i_neighbour_intra; /* for constrained intra pred */
unsigned int i_neighbour_frame; /* ignoring slice boundaries */
int     i_mb_type_top;
int     i_mb_type_left[2];
int     i_mb_type_topleft;
int     i_mb_type_topright;
int     i_mb_prev_xy;
int     i_mb_left_xy[2];
int     i_mb_top_xy;
int     i_mb_topleft_xy;
int     i_mb_topright_xy;
int     i_mb_top_y;
int     i_mb_topleft_y;
int     i_mb_topright_y;
const x264_left_table_t *left_index_table;
int     i_mb_top_mbpair_xy;
int     topleft_partition;
int     b_allow_skip;
int     field_decoding_flag;

/**** thread synchronization ends here ****/
/* subsequent variables are either thread-local or constant,
 * and won't be copied from one thread to another */

/* mb table */
uint8_t *base; /* base pointer for all malloced data in this mb */
int8_t  *type;   /* mb type */
uint8_t *partition;   /* mb partition */
int8_t  *qp; /* mb qp */
int16_t *cbp; // mb cbp:0x0?:luma, 0x?0:chroma, 0x100:luma dc,
// 0x0200 and 0x0400: chroma dc(all set for PCM)
int8_t  (*intra4x4_pred_mode)[8]; /* intra4x4 pred mode. for non I4x4 set to I_PRED_4x4_DC(2) */
/* actually has only 7 entries; set to 8 for write-combining optimizations */
uint8_t (*non_zero_count)[16*3]; /* nzc. for I_PCM set to 16 */
int8_t  *chroma_pred_mode; /* chroma_pred_mode. cabac only. for non intra I_PRED_CHROMA_DC(0) */
int16_t (*mv[2])[2]; /* mb mv. set to 0 for intra mb */
uint8_t (*mvd[2])[8][2]; // absolute value of mb mv difference with predict, clipped to [0,33].
// set to 0 if intra. cabac only
int8_t   *ref[2]; /* mb ref. set to -1 if non used (intra or Lx only) */
int16_t (*mvr[2][X264_REF_MAX*2])[2]; /* 16x16 mv for each possible ref */
int8_t  *skipbp; /* block pattern for SKIP or DIRECT (sub)mbs. B-frames + cabac only */
int8_t  *mb_transform_size; /* transform_size_8x8_flag of each mb */
uint16_t *slice_table; /* sh->first_mb of the slice that the indexed mb is part of
 * NOTE: this will fail on resolutions above 2^16 MBs... */
uint8_t *field;

/* buffer for weighted versions of the reference frames */
pixel *p_weight_buf[X264_REF_MAX];







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领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


