Climb the hills on May Day

      My activity on May Day (actually ,it's on May 2) is climbing the hills (cause it's free O(∩_∩)O~). The hills is around the West Lake, they are not so high, with an average elevation about 300 meters. Yesterday, we three man , Ian, Albert, and me ,went there together. We toke some food and two bottles of water each.

      We started at GuDang(古荡),climbed over the LaoHe hill(老河山), General hill(将军山), and LingFeng hill(灵峰山) , and got to the North High Peek in the afternoon, with many other visitors along the whole way. This is just our original plan, but at that time , we all think it's too easy.At that time , an old man talked with us ,and gave us an advice that went to the Song City. He said the trip need about 2 hours ,so we decided to do that.

      So did us. We climbed a dozen of hills, up and down. Two hours had already past, but we just finish half of the trip! At that moment, we had only a bottle of water left, tired and thirsty. Many times we got to the sideway, we had to make a choice. We could go down the hills ,or went on climbing. Though we found we have already got to our limit, we  preferred to going on. I thought I was very close to the victory, if I decided to give up now, I must be regretful when we back.So I was unwillingl to give up at eve of the victory, keeping on climbing the hills. 

      We tried to endure the thirst ,or just lapped the only water; We tired to endure the exhaustion, or just had a short rest. We help each other, support each other, cause we are a team ,and we have the same dream.

      Another  two hours later ,we were still walking in the hills. The road was always like the same, and gave no hope to us. We even didn't know where we are , for there were less road signs and persons.we were all tired out, what's worse, we had no water at all. God knew we tried to find an easier way, and now , it's time to end our trip at the next fork.

      When we got there and wanted to give up, we met two visitors. We asked them how far is it form the Song city, what made us excited, they said :"You are almost there. Down the hills , then you will see it!"   WOW^!  "Forget the damn water, come on man, let's go!"I shouted out. Then we hurried down the hill, and finally we saw the Song City!

      I came! I saw! I conquered!


ps: the red line is our route.




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