嵌入式开发 DSP芯片运行方式(挖坑-填坑中-坑已平 :))

前两天用德州仪器的TMS320F28335芯片,试着实现了一个走马灯,感觉挺好; 但后来,发现,这里面有个 ”坑“;【报告: 2024.2.23 这个坑终于填平了 ,下电后再上电,走马灯依然正常跑了

一、”坑“ 的现象:

发现这个走马灯的控制板正常带电的时候,下载完程序 运行 的时候,运行的很正常;但是一但控制板下电,再重新上电,哎? 不运行了,走马灯不跑了。 嘻嘻嘻嘻!


为什么呢? 一脑袋的 Question Mark,  不过瞬间就想明白了,DSP芯片运行的程序(二进制执行码), 这个执行码应该可以存在RAM中,也可以存在FLASH,两个地方 啊,是不是程序下载的地方错了。


RAM 一旦掉电,保存在RAM中的东西就 ”丢了“

FLASH 保存在这里的东西,下电后这个东西一直会保存着, 不会丢


1、看看这个芯片的存储空间:ROM在哪里,RAM在哪里,FLASH在哪里: 查资料截图如下:


红色框部分-ROM 只读的 掉电不丢失,也不可以写(这里面安装的是DSP基础程序 类似 BIOS)

绿色框部分-SARAM 读写 数据或程序 掉电会丢失;

蓝色框部分-FLASH 读写 数据或程序 写入后 掉电不会丢失;

”是不是我下载的程序 下载到了 RAM中, 应该下载到FLASH里就对了“

再看看德州仪器的这款芯片的内存、IO、等设备与地址映射图: 下面哈


地址: 0x00XXXX-(0X000800-1) 这一段是RAM  掉电就丢失了;32*32 +1K*16+1K*16

地址: 0x008000-(0X010000-1) 这一段是RAM  掉电就丢失了;8*4K*16

地址:0x30XXXX-(0x33FFF8-1) 这一段是FLASH 掉电不丢失;256K  [靠 !运行码应该下载到这里吧]

地址: 0x3FXXXX-(0X3FC000-1)这一段是RAM  掉电就丢失了;

地址:0x3FE000-(0x3FFFC0-1) 这一段是ROM  掉电 不丢失 但也写不进去 芯片出厂被写死写,类似BIOS

2、 找找这个芯片编程手册、直接写下结论、手册说在编译源程序是有下载配置文件,nonBIOS 一共有三个

 【1】DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd【2】 28335_RAM_lnk.cmd 【3】F28335.cmd 这是德州仪器编译系统给的。

1)   如果运行码在RAM运行 使用 文件【1】和【2】

2)   如果运行码在FLASH运行 使用 文件 【1】和【3】



// TI File $Revision: /main/5 $
// Checkin $Date: May 11, 2007   13:43:46 $
// FILE:    DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd
// TITLE:   DSP2833x Peripheral registers linker command file 
//          This file is for use in Non-BIOS applications.
//          Linker command file to place the peripheral structures 
//          used within the DSP2833x headerfiles into the correct memory
//          mapped locations.
//          This version of the file includes the PieVectorTable structure.
//          For BIOS applications, please use the DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd file
//          which does not include the PieVectorTable structure.

 PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */

 PAGE 1:    /* Data Memory */
   DEV_EMU     : origin = 0x000880, length = 0x000180     /* device emulation registers */
   FLASH_REGS  : origin = 0x000A80, length = 0x000060     /* FLASH registers */
   CSM         : origin = 0x000AE0, length = 0x000010     /* code security module registers */
   ADC_MIRROR  : origin = 0x000B00, length = 0x000010     /* ADC Results register mirror */

   XINTF       : origin = 0x000B20, length = 0x000020     /* external interface registers */
   CPU_TIMER0  : origin = 0x000C00, length = 0x000008     /* CPU Timer0 registers */
   CPU_TIMER1  : origin = 0x000C08, length = 0x000008     /* CPU Timer0 registers (CPU Timer1 & Timer2 reserved TI use)*/
   CPU_TIMER2  : origin = 0x000C10, length = 0x000008     /* CPU Timer0 registers (CPU Timer1 & Timer2 reserved TI use)*/

   PIE_CTRL    : origin = 0x000CE0, length = 0x000020     /* PIE control registers */
   PIE_VECT    : origin = 0x000D00, length = 0x000100     /* PIE Vector Table */

   DMA         : origin = 0x001000, length = 0x000200     /* DMA Rev 0 registers */

   MCBSPA      : origin = 0x005000, length = 0x000040     /* McBSP-A registers */
   MCBSPB      : origin = 0x005040, length = 0x000040     /* McBSP-B registers */

   ECANA       : origin = 0x006000, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-A control and status registers */ 
   ECANA_LAM   : origin = 0x006040, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-A local acceptance masks */
   ECANA_MOTS  : origin = 0x006080, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-A message object time stamps */
   ECANA_MOTO  : origin = 0x0060C0, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-A object time-out registers */
   ECANA_MBOX  : origin = 0x006100, length = 0x000100     /* eCAN-A mailboxes */

   ECANB       : origin = 0x006200, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-B control and status registers */ 
   ECANB_LAM   : origin = 0x006240, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-B local acceptance masks */
   ECANB_MOTS  : origin = 0x006280, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-B message object time stamps */
   ECANB_MOTO  : origin = 0x0062C0, length = 0x000040     /* eCAN-B object time-out registers */
   ECANB_MBOX  : origin = 0x006300, length = 0x000100     /* eCAN-B mailboxes */

   EPWM1       : origin = 0x006800, length = 0x000022     /* Enhanced PWM 1 registers */
   EPWM2       : origin = 0x006840, length = 0x000022     /* Enhanced PWM 2 registers */
   EPWM3       : origin = 0x006880, length = 0x000022     /* Enhanced PWM 3 registers */
   EPWM4       : origin = 0x0068C0, length = 0x000022     /* Enhanced PWM 4 registers */
   EPWM5       : origin = 0x006900, length = 0x000022     /* Enhanced PWM 5 registers */
   EPWM6       : origin = 0x006940, length = 0x000022     /* Enhanced PWM 6 registers */

   ECAP1       : origin = 0x006A00, length = 0x000020     /* Enhanced Capture 1 registers */
   ECAP2       : origin = 0x006A20, length = 0x000020     /* Enhanced Capture 2 registers */
   ECAP3       : origin = 0x006A40, length = 0x000020     /* Enhanced Capture 3 registers */
   ECAP4       : origin = 0x006A60, length = 0x000020     /* Enhanced Capture 4 registers */         
   ECAP5       : origin = 0x006A80, length = 0x000020     /* Enhanced Capture 5 registers */         
   ECAP6       : origin = 0x006AA0, length = 0x000020     /* Enhanced Capture 6 registers */         
   EQEP1       : origin = 0x006B00, length = 0x000040     /* Enhanced QEP 1 registers */
   EQEP2       : origin = 0x006B40, length = 0x000040     /* Enhanced QEP 2 registers */   

   GPIOCTRL    : origin = 0x006F80, length = 0x000040     /* GPIO control registers */
   GPIODAT     : origin = 0x006FC0, length = 0x000020     /* GPIO data registers */
   GPIOINT     : origin = 0x006FE0, length = 0x000020     /* GPIO interrupt/LPM registers */
   SYSTEM      : origin = 0x007010, length = 0x000020     /* System control registers */
   SPIA        : origin = 0x007040, length = 0x000010     /* SPI-A registers */
   SCIA        : origin = 0x007050, length = 0x000010     /* SCI-A registers */
   XINTRUPT    : origin = 0x007070, length = 0x000010     /* external interrupt registers */

   ADC         : origin = 0x007100, length = 0x000020     /* ADC registers */

   SCIB        : origin = 0x007750, length = 0x000010     /* SCI-B registers */

   SCIC        : origin = 0x007770, length = 0x000010     /* SCI-C registers */
   I2CA        : origin = 0x007900, length = 0x000040     /* I2C-A registers */
   CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Part of FLASHA.  CSM password locations. */

   PARTID      : origin = 0x380090, length = 0x000001     /* Part ID register location */

   PieVectTableFile : > PIE_VECT,   PAGE = 1

/*** Peripheral Frame 0 Register Structures ***/
   DevEmuRegsFile    : > DEV_EMU,     PAGE = 1
   FlashRegsFile     : > FLASH_REGS,  PAGE = 1
   CsmRegsFile       : > CSM,         PAGE = 1
   AdcMirrorFile     : > ADC_MIRROR,  PAGE = 1 
   XintfRegsFile     : > XINTF,       PAGE = 1
   CpuTimer0RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER0,  PAGE = 1
   CpuTimer1RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER1,  PAGE = 1
   CpuTimer2RegsFile : > CPU_TIMER2,  PAGE = 1  
   PieCtrlRegsFile   : > PIE_CTRL,    PAGE = 1     
   DmaRegsFile       : > DMA,         PAGE = 1 

/*** Peripheral Frame 3 Register Structures ***/
   McbspaRegsFile    : > MCBSPA,      PAGE = 1
   McbspbRegsFile    : > MCBSPB,      PAGE = 1

/*** Peripheral Frame 1 Register Structures ***/
   ECanaRegsFile     : > ECANA,       PAGE = 1
   ECanaLAMRegsFile  : > ECANA_LAM    PAGE = 1   
   ECanaMboxesFile   : > ECANA_MBOX   PAGE = 1
   ECanaMOTSRegsFile : > ECANA_MOTS   PAGE = 1
   ECanaMOTORegsFile : > ECANA_MOTO   PAGE = 1
   ECanbRegsFile     : > ECANB,       PAGE = 1
   ECanbLAMRegsFile  : > ECANB_LAM    PAGE = 1   
   ECanbMboxesFile   : > ECANB_MBOX   PAGE = 1
   ECanbMOTSRegsFile : > ECANB_MOTS   PAGE = 1
   ECanbMOTORegsFile : > ECANB_MOTO   PAGE = 1
   EPwm1RegsFile     : > EPWM1        PAGE = 1   
   EPwm2RegsFile     : > EPWM2        PAGE = 1   
   EPwm3RegsFile     : > EPWM3        PAGE = 1   
   EPwm4RegsFile     : > EPWM4        PAGE = 1   
   EPwm5RegsFile     : > EPWM5        PAGE = 1   
   EPwm6RegsFile     : > EPWM6        PAGE = 1
   ECap1RegsFile     : > ECAP1        PAGE = 1   
   ECap2RegsFile     : > ECAP2        PAGE = 1   
   ECap3RegsFile     : > ECAP3        PAGE = 1   
   ECap4RegsFile     : > ECAP4        PAGE = 1
   ECap5RegsFile     : > ECAP5        PAGE = 1   
   ECap6RegsFile     : > ECAP6        PAGE = 1

   EQep1RegsFile     : > EQEP1        PAGE = 1   
   EQep2RegsFile     : > EQEP2        PAGE = 1               

   GpioCtrlRegsFile  : > GPIOCTRL     PAGE = 1
   GpioDataRegsFile  : > GPIODAT      PAGE = 1
   GpioIntRegsFile   : > GPIOINT      PAGE = 1
/*** Peripheral Frame 2 Register Structures ***/
   SysCtrlRegsFile   : > SYSTEM,      PAGE = 1
   SpiaRegsFile      : > SPIA,        PAGE = 1
   SciaRegsFile      : > SCIA,        PAGE = 1
   XIntruptRegsFile  : > XINTRUPT,    PAGE = 1
   AdcRegsFile       : > ADC,         PAGE = 1
   ScibRegsFile      : > SCIB,        PAGE = 1
   ScicRegsFile      : > SCIC,        PAGE = 1
   I2caRegsFile      : > I2CA,        PAGE = 1
/*** Code Security Module Register Structures ***/
   CsmPwlFile        : > CSM_PWL,     PAGE = 1

/*** Device Part ID Register Structures ***/
   PartIdRegsFile    : > PARTID,      PAGE = 1

// End of file.

4、分别 文件【2】和 文件【3】 做配置 就可以在 修改下载位置, 嗯 不错! 这两个文件有啥不一样, 打开进去看看:


// TI File $Revision: /main/11 $
// Checkin $Date: April 15, 2009   09:57:28 $
// FILE:    28335_RAM_lnk.cmd
// TITLE:   Linker Command File For 28335 examples that run out of RAM
//          This ONLY includes all SARAM blocks on the 28335 device.
//          This does not include flash or OTP.
//          Keep in mind that L0 and L1 are protected by the code
//          security module.
//          What this means is in most cases you will want to move to
//          another memory map file which has more memory defined.
// $TI Release:   $
// $Release Date:   $

/* ======================================================
// For Code Composer Studio V2.2 and later
// ---------------------------------------
// In addition to this memory linker command file,
// add the header linker command file directly to the project.
// The header linker command file is required to link the
// peripheral structures to the proper locations within
// the memory map.
// The header linker files are found in <base>\DSP2833x_Headers\cmd
// For BIOS applications add:      DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd
// For nonBIOS applications add:   DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd
========================================================= */

/* ======================================================
// For Code Composer Studio prior to V2.2
// --------------------------------------
// 1) Use one of the following -l statements to include the
// header linker command file in the project. The header linker
// file is required to link the peripheral structures to the proper
// locations within the memory map                                    */

/* Uncomment this line to include file only for non-BIOS applications */
/* -l DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd */

/* Uncomment this line to include file only for BIOS applications */
/* -l DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd */

/* 2) In your project add the path to <base>\DSP2833x_headers\cmd to the
   library search path under project->build options, linker tab,
   library search path (-i).
/*========================================================= */

/* Define the memory block start/length for the F28335
   PAGE 0 will be used to organize program sections
   PAGE 1 will be used to organize data sections

         Memory blocks on F28335 are uniform (ie same
         physical memory) in both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.
         That is the same memory region should not be
         defined for both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.
         Doing so will result in corruption of program
         and/or data.

         L0/L1/L2 and L3 memory blocks are mirrored - that is
         they can be accessed in high memory or low memory.
         For simplicity only one instance is used in this
         linker file.

         Contiguous SARAM memory blocks can be combined
         if required to create a larger memory block.

PAGE 0 :
   /* BEGIN is used for the "boot to SARAM" bootloader mode      */

   BEGIN      : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000002     /* Boot to M0 will go here                      */
   RAMM0      : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0
   RAML0      : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x001000
   RAML1      : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x001000
   RAML2      : origin = 0x00A000, length = 0x001000
   RAML3      : origin = 0x00B000, length = 0x001000
   ZONE7A     : origin = 0x200000, length = 0x00FC00    /* XINTF zone 7 - program space */
   CSM_RSVD   : origin = 0x33FF80, length = 0x000076     /* Part of FLASHA.  Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */
   CSM_PWL    : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Part of FLASHA.  CSM password locations in FLASHA            */
   ADC_CAL    : origin = 0x380080, length = 0x000009
   RESET      : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002
   IQTABLES   : origin = 0x3FE000, length = 0x000b50
   IQTABLES2  : origin = 0x3FEB50, length = 0x00008c
   FPUTABLES  : origin = 0x3FEBDC, length = 0x0006A0
   BOOTROM    : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44

PAGE 1 :
   /* BOOT_RSVD is used by the boot ROM for stack.               */
   /* This section is only reserved to keep the BOOT ROM from    */
   /* corrupting this area during the debug process              */

   BOOT_RSVD  : origin = 0x000002, length = 0x00004E     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
   RAMM1      : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   RAML4      : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x001000
   RAML5      : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x001000
   RAML6      : origin = 0x00E000, length = 0x001000
   RAML7      : origin = 0x00F000, length = 0x001000
   ZONE7B     : origin = 0x20FC00, length = 0x000400     /* XINTF zone 7 - data space */

   /* Setup for "boot to SARAM" mode:
      The codestart section (found in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm)
      re-directs execution to the start of user code.  */
   codestart        : > BEGIN,     PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs         : > RAML0,     PAGE = 0
   #if __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ >= 15009000
    .TI.ramfunc : {} > RAML0,      PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs         : > RAML0,     PAGE = 0   
   .text            : > RAML1,     PAGE = 0
   .cinit           : > RAML0,     PAGE = 0
   .pinit           : > RAML0,     PAGE = 0
   .switch          : > RAML0,     PAGE = 0

   .stack           : > RAMM1,     PAGE = 1
   .ebss            : > RAML4,     PAGE = 1
   .econst          : > RAML5,     PAGE = 1
   .esysmem         : > RAMM1,     PAGE = 1

   IQmath           : > RAML1,     PAGE = 0
   IQmathTables     : > IQTABLES,  PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD

   /* Uncomment the section below if calling the IQNexp() or IQexp()
      functions from the IQMath.lib library in order to utilize the
      relevant IQ Math table in Boot ROM (This saves space and Boot ROM
      is 1 wait-state). If this section is not uncommented, IQmathTables2
      will be loaded into other memory (SARAM, Flash, etc.) and will take
      up space, but 0 wait-state is possible.
   IQmathTables2    : > IQTABLES2, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD

              IQmath.lib<IQNexpTable.obj> (IQmathTablesRam)


   FPUmathTables    : > FPUTABLES, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD

   DMARAML4         : > RAML4,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML5         : > RAML5,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML6         : > RAML6,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML7         : > RAML7,     PAGE = 1

   ZONE7DATA        : > ZONE7B,    PAGE = 1

   .reset           : > RESET,     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used                    */
   csm_rsvd         : > CSM_RSVD   PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used for SARAM examples */
   csmpasswds       : > CSM_PWL    PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT /* not used for SARAM examples */

   /* Allocate ADC_cal function (pre-programmed by factory into TI reserved memory) */
   .adc_cal     : load = ADC_CAL,   PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD


// End of file.


// TI File $Revision: /main/10 $
// Checkin $Date: July 9, 2008   13:43:56 $
// FILE:	F28335.cmd
// TITLE:	Linker Command File For F28335 Device
// $TI Release:$
// $Release Date:$

/* ======================================================
// For Code Composer Studio V2.2 and later
// ---------------------------------------
// In addition to this memory linker command file, 
// add the header linker command file directly to the project. 
// The header linker command file is required to link the
// peripheral structures to the proper locations within 
// the memory map.
// The header linker files are found in <base>\DSP2833x_Headers\cmd
// For BIOS applications add:      DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd
// For nonBIOS applications add:   DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd    
========================================================= */

/* ======================================================
// For Code Composer Studio prior to V2.2
// --------------------------------------
// 1) Use one of the following -l statements to include the 
// header linker command file in the project. The header linker
// file is required to link the peripheral structures to the proper 
// locations within the memory map                                    */

/* Uncomment this line to include file only for non-BIOS applications */
/* -l DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd */

/* Uncomment this line to include file only for BIOS applications */
/* -l DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd */

/* 2) In your project add the path to <base>\DSP2833x_headers\cmd to the
   library search path under project->build options, linker tab, 
   library search path (-i).
/*========================================================= */

/* Define the memory block start/length for the F28335  
   PAGE 0 will be used to organize program sections
   PAGE 1 will be used to organize data sections

          Memory blocks on F28335 are uniform (ie same
          physical memory) in both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.  
          That is the same memory region should not be
          defined for both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.
          Doing so will result in corruption of program 
          and/or data. 
          L0/L1/L2 and L3 memory blocks are mirrored - that is
          they can be accessed in high memory or low memory.
          For simplicity only one instance is used in this
          linker file. 
          Contiguous SARAM memory blocks can be combined 
          if required to create a larger memory block. 

PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */

   ZONE0       : origin = 0x004000, length = 0x001000     /* XINTF zone 0 */
   RAML0       : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L0 */
   RAML1       : origin = 0x009000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML2       : origin = 0x00A000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L2 */
   RAML3       : origin = 0x00B000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L3 */
   ZONE6       : origin = 0x0100000, length = 0x100000    /* XINTF zone 6 */ 
   ZONE7A      : origin = 0x0200000, length = 0x00FC00    /* XINTF zone 7 - program space */ 
   FLASHH      : origin = 0x300000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHG      : origin = 0x308000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHF      : origin = 0x310000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHE      : origin = 0x318000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHD      : origin = 0x320000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHC      : origin = 0x328000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHA      : origin = 0x338000, length = 0x007F80     /* on-chip FLASH */
   CSM_RSVD    : origin = 0x33FF80, length = 0x000076     /* Part of FLASHA.  Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */
   BEGIN       : origin = 0x33FFF6, length = 0x000002     /* Part of FLASHA.  Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
   CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Part of FLASHA.  CSM password locations in FLASHA */
   OTP         : origin = 0x380400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip OTP */
   ADC_CAL     : origin = 0x380080, length = 0x000009     /* ADC_cal function in Reserved memory */
   IQTABLES    : origin = 0x3FE000, length = 0x000b50     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */
   IQTABLES2   : origin = 0x3FEB50, length = 0x00008c     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */  
   FPUTABLES   : origin = 0x3FEBDC, length = 0x0006A0     /* FPU Tables in Boot ROM */
   ROM         : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44     /* Boot ROM */        
   RESET       : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002     /* part of boot ROM  */
   VECTORS     : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E     /* part of boot ROM  */

PAGE 1 :   /* Data Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
           /* Registers remain on PAGE1                                                  */
   BOOT_RSVD   : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000050     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
   RAMM0       : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0     /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
   RAMM1       : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   RAML4       : origin = 0x00C000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML5       : origin = 0x00D000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML6       : origin = 0x00E000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   RAML7       : origin = 0x00F000, length = 0x001000     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
   ZONE7B      : origin = 0x20FC00, length = 0x000400     /* XINTF zone 7 - data space */
   FLASHB      : origin = 0x330000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */

/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.
         codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used to redirect code 
                   execution when booting to flash
         ramfuncs  user defined section to store functions that will be copied from Flash into RAM
   /* Allocate program areas: */
   .cinit              : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .pinit              : > FLASHA,     PAGE = 0
   .text               : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   codestart           : > BEGIN       PAGE = 0
   #if __TI_COMPILER_VERSION__ >= 15009000
    .TI.ramfunc : {} LOAD = FLASHD,
                         RUN = RAML0,
                         PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs            : LOAD = FLASHD, 
                         RUN = RAML0, 
                         PAGE = 0   

   csmpasswds          : > CSM_PWL     PAGE = 0
   csm_rsvd            : > CSM_RSVD    PAGE = 0
   /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
   .stack              : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1
   .ebss               : > RAML4       PAGE = 1
   .esysmem            : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1

   /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
   /* For SDFlash to program these, they must be allocated to page 0 */
   .econst             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .switch             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0      

   /* Allocate IQ math areas: */
   IQmath              : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0                  /* Math Code */
   IQmathTables     : > IQTABLES,  PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD 
   /* Uncomment the section below if calling the IQNexp() or IQexp()
      functions from the IQMath.lib library in order to utilize the 
      relevant IQ Math table in Boot ROM (This saves space and Boot ROM 
      is 1 wait-state). If this section is not uncommented, IQmathTables2
      will be loaded into other memory (SARAM, Flash, etc.) and will take
      up space, but 0 wait-state is possible.
   IQmathTables2    : > IQTABLES2, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD 
              IQmath.lib<IQNexpTable.obj> (IQmathTablesRam)
   FPUmathTables    : > FPUTABLES, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD 
   /* Allocate DMA-accessible RAM sections: */
   DMARAML4         : > RAML4,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML5         : > RAML5,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML6         : > RAML6,     PAGE = 1
   DMARAML7         : > RAML7,     PAGE = 1
   /* Allocate 0x400 of XINTF Zone 7 to storing data */
   ZONE7DATA        : > ZONE7B,    PAGE = 1

   /* .reset is a standard section used by the compiler.  It contains the */ 
   /* the address of the start of _c_int00 for C Code.   /*
   /* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector */
   /* table is not needed.  Thus the default type is set here to  */
   /* DSECT  */ 
   .reset              : > RESET,      PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   vectors             : > VECTORS     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   /* Allocate ADC_cal function (pre-programmed by factory into TI reserved memory) */
   .adc_cal     : load = ADC_CAL,   PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD


// End of file.

嗯~  确实 不太一样!


先看看德州仪器这帮家伙在两种运行情况下怎么分配地址的,确实是,如果掉电运行,他们把程序代码放在了FLASH区, 见下表,不过看着有点乱(就是没看明白),有看明白的来这里扯一扯哈 :)00   不过,有一点看明白了,这个文件应该可以根据硬件设计调整。


多说一嘴,编程的时候要告诉芯片 我要写入的位置 运行位置, 有这么两条指令, 别忘了加到程序中。



   #ifdef FLASH
   InitFlash();                                                                    //初始化DSP片内闪存
   DELAY_US(5000);                                                                 //5ms完成程序装载, 函数包含在DSP2833x_usDelay.asm

这些,我都做了!   还是 ”不灵啊“  哈哈哈哈哈,还有哪个地方没整对, 我还要努力烟酒烟酒。

把上面代码中的ifdef FLASH,#endif 两行注释掉,修改如下

//   #ifdef FLASH
//   #endif
   InitFlash();                                                                    //初始化DSP片内闪存
//   DELAY_US(5000);                                                                 //5ms完成程序装载, 函数包含在DSP2833x_usDelay.asm

再  啰嗦几个词 上面出现的。

.text            生成汇编指令代码存放段。
.cinit           全局和静态变量初始化的常数存放段。
.const         包含字符串常量和全局变量、静态变量(由const声明)的初始化及说明数据 存放段。
.econst       包含字符串常量和全局变量、静态变量(由far const声明)的初始化及说明。
.pinit           全局构造器(C++)程序列表。
.switch        存放switch语句产生的常数表格。
.bss            全局变量和局部变量保留的空间。在程序上电时,.cinit空间中的数据复制出来并存储在.bss空间。
.ebss          使用大寄存器莫实时的全局变量和静态变量保留的空间。在程序上电时,.cinit空间中的数据复制出来并存储在.ebss空间。
.stack         系统堆栈保留的空间,主要用于与函数传递变量或为局部变量分配空间。
.system      动态存储分配包保留的空间。如果有宏函数,此空间被宏函数占用;如果没有此空间保留0。
.esystem    为动态存储分配包保留的空间。如果有far函数,此空间被宏函数占用;如果没有此空间保留0。

这个“坑”,我一铲子 一铲子 地填, 还没填平呢! 酿的 快疯了  哈哈哈哈

继续填坑~  这是别人搞得一个 .mcd 配置, 下电后,在上电可以了,但是跑着跑着 就 ”嗝屁“ 不稳定,看看他们咋改的, 你们也来读一读吧,反正我是有点郁闷了。 :):)


// TI File $Revision: /main/9 $
// Checkin $Date: August 28, 2007   11:23:38 $
// FILE:	F28335.cmd
// TITLE:	Linker Command File For F28335 Device
// $TI Release: DSP2833x Header Files V1.01 $
// $Release Date: September 26, 2007 $

/* ======================================================
// For Code Composer Studio V2.2 and later
// ---------------------------------------
// In addition to this memory linker command file, 
// add the header linker command file directly to the project. 
// The header linker command file is required to link the
// peripheral structures to the proper locations within 
// the memory map.
// The header linker files are found in <base>\DSP2833x_Headers\cmd
// For BIOS applications add:      DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd
// For nonBIOS applications add:   DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd    
========================================================= */

/* ======================================================
// For Code Composer Studio prior to V2.2
// --------------------------------------
// 1) Use one of the following -l statements to include the 
// header linker command file in the project. The header linker
// file is required to link the peripheral structures to the proper 
// locations within the memory map                                    */

/* Uncomment this line to include file only for non-BIOS applications */
/* -l DSP2833x_Headers_nonBIOS.cmd */

/* Uncomment this line to include file only for BIOS applications */
/* -l DSP2833x_Headers_BIOS.cmd */

/* 2) In your project add the path to <base>\DSP2833x_headers\cmd to the
   library search path under project->build options, linker tab, 
   library search path (-i).
/*========================================================= */

/* Define the memory block start/length for the F28335  
   PAGE 0 will be used to organize program sections
   PAGE 1 will be used to organize data sections

          Memory blocks on F28335 are uniform (ie same
          physical memory) in both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.  
          That is the same memory region should not be
          defined for both PAGE 0 and PAGE 1.
          Doing so will result in corruption of program 
          and/or data. 
          L0/L1/L2 and L3 memory blocks are mirrored - that is
          they can be accessed in high memory or low memory.
          For simplicity only one instance is used in this
          linker file. 
          Contiguous SARAM memory blocks can be combined 
          if required to create a larger memory block. 

PAGE 0:    /* Program Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE1 for data allocation */

   ZONE0       : origin = 0x004000, length = 0x001000     /* XINTF zone 0 */
   RAML0       : origin = 0x008000, length = 0x002900     /* on-chip RAM block L0 */
   ZONE6A      : origin = 0x100000, length = 0x00FC00    /* XINTF zone 6 - program space*/ 
   ZONE7A      : origin = 0x200000, length = 0x50000    /* XINTF zone 7  */ 
   FLASHH      : origin = 0x300000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHG      : origin = 0x308000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHF      : origin = 0x310000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHE      : origin = 0x318000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHD      : origin = 0x320000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHC      : origin = 0x328000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   FLASHA      : origin = 0x338000, length = 0x007F80     /* on-chip FLASH */
   CSM_RSVD    : origin = 0x33FF80, length = 0x000076     /* Part of FLASHA.  Program with all 0x0000 when CSM is in use. */
   BEGIN       : origin = 0x33FFF6, length = 0x000002     /* Part of FLASHA.  Used for "boot to Flash" bootloader mode. */
   CSM_PWL     : origin = 0x33FFF8, length = 0x000008     /* Part of FLASHA.  CSM password locations in FLASHA */
   OTP         : origin = 0x380400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip OTP */
   ADC_CAL     : origin = 0x380080, length = 0x000009     /* ADC_cal function in Reserved memory */
   IQTABLES    : origin = 0x3FE000, length = 0x000b50     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */
   IQTABLES2   : origin = 0x3FEB50, length = 0x00008c     /* IQ Math Tables in Boot ROM */  
   FPUTABLES   : origin = 0x3FEBDC, length = 0x0006A0     /* FPU Tables in Boot ROM */
   ROM         : origin = 0x3FF27C, length = 0x000D44     /* Boot ROM */        
   RESET       : origin = 0x3FFFC0, length = 0x000002     /* part of boot ROM  */
   VECTORS     : origin = 0x3FFFC2, length = 0x00003E     /* part of boot ROM  */

PAGE 1 :   /* Data Memory */
           /* Memory (RAM/FLASH/OTP) blocks can be moved to PAGE0 for program allocation */
           /* Registers remain on PAGE1                                                  */
   BOOT_RSVD   : origin = 0x000000, length = 0x000050     /* Part of M0, BOOT rom will use this for stack */
   RAMM0       : origin = 0x000050, length = 0x0003B0     /* on-chip RAM block M0 */
   RAMM1       : origin = 0x000400, length = 0x000400     /* on-chip RAM block M1 */
   RAML4       : origin = 0x00A900, length = 0x005900     /* on-chip RAM block L1 */
//   RAML_XXXCMD : origin = 0x00A200, length = 0x005E00		//
   ZONE6B      : origin = 0x10FC00, length = 0x000400     /* XINTF zone 6 - data space */
   FLASHB      : origin = 0x330000, length = 0x008000     /* on-chip FLASH */
   ZONE7B      : origin = 0x250000, length = 0x50000

/* Allocate sections to memory blocks.
         codestart user defined section in DSP28_CodeStartBranch.asm used to redirect code 
                   execution when booting to flash
         ramfuncs  user defined section to store functions that will be copied from Flash into RAM
   /* Allocate program areas: */
   .cinit              : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .pinit              : > FLASHA,     PAGE = 0
   .text               : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   codestart           : > BEGIN       PAGE = 0
   ramfuncs            : LOAD = FLASHD, 
                         RUN = RAML0, 
                         PAGE = 0

   csmpasswds          : > CSM_PWL     PAGE = 0
   csm_rsvd            : > CSM_RSVD    PAGE = 0
   /* Allocate uninitalized data sections: */
//   ramdata			   :>RAML_XXXCMD   PAGE = 1
//	.my_sect0    		: > FLASHB	 PAGE 1
//		.my_sect1   		: > FLASHB	 PAGE 1
//	.my_sect    		: > FLASHB	 PAGE 1
   .stack              : > RAMM1       PAGE = 1
   .ebss               : > RAML4      PAGE = 1  
   .esysmem            : > FLASHA       PAGE = 0
//   firldb    align(0x100) > RAML0   PAGE = 0
//   firfilt   align(0x200) > RAML0   PAGE = 0
//   firldb2   align(0x100) > RAML3   PAGE = 0
//   firfilt2  align(0x200) > RAML3   PAGE = 0
//   coefffilt align(0x100) > RAML0   PAGE = 0
   /* Initalized sections go in Flash */
   /* For SDFlash to program these, they must be allocated to page 0 */
   .econst             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0
   .switch             : > FLASHA      PAGE = 0      

   /* Allocate IQ math areas: */
   IQmath              : > FLASHC      PAGE = 0                  /* Math Code */
   IQmathTables     : > IQTABLES,  PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD 
   IQmathTables2    : > IQTABLES2, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD 
   FPUmathTables    : > FPUTABLES, PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD 
   /* Allocate 0x50000 of XINTF Zone 7 to storing data */
   ZONE7DATA        : > ZONE7B,    PAGE = 1   /*PIANXUAN7*/

   /* .reset is a standard section used by the compiler.  It contains the */ 
   /* the address of the start of _c_int00 for C Code.   /*
   /* When using the boot ROM this section and the CPU vector */
   /* table is not needed.  Thus the default type is set here to  */
   /* DSECT  */ 
   .reset              : > RESET,      PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   vectors             : > VECTORS     PAGE = 0, TYPE = DSECT
   /* Allocate ADC_cal function (pre-programmed by factory into TI reserved memory) */
   .adc_cal     : load = ADC_CAL,   PAGE = 0, TYPE = NOLOAD


// End of file.

这个坑终于让我给填平了,参考下面视频 :(等审核过后,我把这个小视频插入进来哈

DSP 走马灯程序 终于写道 FLASH里面了

成功,把整改后的完整程序(项目)分享给大家,点【这里】下载, 导入到CCS里,自己去玩玩儿,试试吧! :)





当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


