文件分割合并(Win32, C++)

49 篇文章 0 订阅


#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <functional>

#ifdef _UNICODE
using _tstring = std::wstring;
using _tstring = std::string;

typedef struct _SPLIT_DATA_INFO
    long long llBeginPos = 0;   //分割起始位置
    long long llEndPos = 0;     //分割结束位置
    long long llSize = 0;       //分割大小
    long long llCount = 0;      //分割数量

    _SPLIT_DATA_INFO() : llBeginPos(0), llEndPos(0), llSize(0), llCount(0)
        memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));

typedef struct _SPLIT_FILE_INFO
    long long llBeginPos = 0;   //分割起始位置
    long long llSize = 0;       //分割大小

    _SPLIT_FILE_INFO() : llBeginPos(0), llSize(0)
        memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));

class CFileSplitUtils

    // @brief: 合并文件
    // @param: fileList         文件路径字符串容器
    // @param: strFilePath      保存文件路径
    // @param: cbProgress       进度回调函数, 返回false则终止合并
    // @ret: void
    static bool CombineFile(
        const std::vector<_tstring>& fileList,
        const _tstring& strFilePath,
            unsigned long long ullFileCount,            //已处理文件数
            unsigned long long ullFileTotal,       //总文件数
            unsigned long long ullBytesCount,           //已处理数据量
            unsigned long long ullBytesTotal       //总数据量
            )> cbProgress = nullptr

    // @brief: 分割文件
    // @param: strFilePath      文件路径
    // @param: strFileOutDir    保存文件夹
    // @param: strSplitCfg      分割配置字符串, 参数: 起始, 结束, 块大小, 份数
    //                              如: "0, -1, 8K, 16", 从文件头开始, 文件尾结束, 每个块8KB, 最多分割为16个文件
    // @param: strPrefixName    文件名前缀
    // @param: strExtName       文件名后缀
    // @param: nIndex           文件名起始索引
    // @param: bHexnIndex       文件名起始索引使用十六进制
    // @param: bHasRange        文件名包含数据范围
    // @param: bHasCrc32        文件名包含CRC32校验码
    // @param: cbProgress       进度回调函数, 返回false则终止合并
    // @ret: void
    static bool SplitFile(
        const _tstring& strFilePath,
        const _tstring& strFileOutDir,
        const _tstring& strSplitCfg,
        const _tstring& strPrefixName,
        const _tstring& strExtName,
        long long nIndex = 0,
        bool bHexIndex = false,
        bool bHasRange = false,
        bool bHasCrc32 = false,

            unsigned long long ullFileCount,            //已处理文件数
            unsigned long long ullFileTotal,       //总文件数
            unsigned long long ullBytesCount,           //已处理数据量
            unsigned long long ullBytesTotal       //总数据量
            )> cbProgress = nullptr

    // @brief: 获取文件大小
    // @param: strFilePath      保存文件路径
    // @ret: long long          文件大小
    static long long GetFileSize(
        const _tstring& strFilePath

    // @brief: 从字符串解析分割信息
    // @param: strSplitCfg      分割配置字符串
    // @ret: std::vector<FILE_SPLIT_INFO>        分割信息
    static std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO> GetSplitDataInfos(
        const _tstring& strSplitCfg

    // @brief: 从分割信息分解出分割元素
    // @param: splitInfo        分割信息
    // @param: llFileSize       文件大小
    // @ret: std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>        单个文件分割信息
    static std::vector<SPLIT_FILE_INFO> GetSpliFilenfos(
        const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
        long long llFileSize

    // @brief: 从分割信息统计分割后文件总数
    // @param: splitInfo        分割信息
    // @param: llFileSize       文件大小
    // @ret: long long          分割后文件总数
    static long long GetSplitFileCount(
        const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
        long long llFileSize

    // @brief: 从分割信息统计分割后数据总量
    // @param: splitInfo        分割信息
    // @param: llFileSize       文件大小
    // @ret: long long          分割后数据总量
    static long long GetSplitTotalSize(
        const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
        long long llFileSize

    // @brief: 从分割信息统计分割后最大数据位置
    // @param: splitInfo        分割信息
    // @param: llFileSize       文件大小
    // @ret: long long          分割后最大数据位置
    static long long GetSplitMaxPos(
        const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
        long long llFileSize


#include "CFileSplitUtils.h"
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fstream>
#include <tchar.h>
#include "CCrc32Utils.h"
#include "CStrUtils.h"
#include "CPathUtils.h"

long long CFileSplitUtils::GetFileSize(const _tstring& strFilePath)
    struct _stat64 statbuf = { 0 };
    if (0 == _tstat64(strFilePath.c_str(), &statbuf))
        return statbuf.st_size;

    return 0;

bool CFileSplitUtils::SplitFile(
    const _tstring& strFilePath,
    const _tstring& strFileOutDir,
    const _tstring& strSplitCfg,
    const _tstring& strPrefixName,
    const _tstring& strExtName,
    long long nIndex/* = 0*/,
    bool bHexIndex/* = false*/,
    bool bHasRange/* = false*/,
    bool bHasCrc32/* = false*/,
        unsigned long long ullFileCount,            //已处理文件数
        unsigned long long ullFileTotal,       //总文件数
        unsigned long long ullBytesCount,           //已处理数据量
        unsigned long long ullBytesTotal       //总数据量
    > cbProgress/* = nullptr*/
    _tstring strOutDir = strFileOutDir;
    _tstring strPrefix = strPrefixName;
    _tstring strExt = strExtName;

    std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO> vFileSplitInfos = GetSplitDataInfos(strSplitCfg);

    long long llFileSize = GetFileSize(strFilePath);

    long long llSplitCount = GetSplitFileCount(vFileSplitInfos, llFileSize);

    long long llSplitMaxPos = GetSplitMaxPos(vFileSplitInfos, llFileSize);

    long long llTotalSize = GetSplitTotalSize(vFileSplitInfos, llFileSize);

    std::vector<SPLIT_FILE_INFO> vSplitInfos = GetSpliFilenfos(vFileSplitInfos, llFileSize);

    if (0 == llFileSize || 0 == llSplitCount)
        return false;

    std::ifstream inputFile(strFilePath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
    if (!inputFile.is_open())
        return false;

    long long ullFileCount = 0;
    long long ullFileTotal = llSplitCount;
    long long ullBytesCount = 0;
    long long ullBytesTotal = llTotalSize;
    bool bCancel = false;

    _tstring strIndexFormat;
    if (bHexIndex)
        strIndexFormat = CStrUtils::Format(_T("%%0%dX"), CStrUtils::Format(_T("%X"), llSplitCount + nIndex - 1).size());
        strIndexFormat = CStrUtils::Format(_T("%%0%dd"), CStrUtils::Format(_T("%d"), llSplitCount + nIndex - 1).size());

    int nRangeLength = (int)CStrUtils::Format(_T("%llX"), llSplitMaxPos).size();
    _tstring strRangeFormat = CStrUtils::Format(_T("%%0%dllX-%%0%dllX"), nRangeLength, nRangeLength);

    if (strPrefix.empty())
        strPrefix = CPathUtils::GetFileName(strFilePath, false);

    if (strOutDir.empty())
        strOutDir = CPathUtils::GetFileDir(strFilePath);
        strOutDir += _T("\\");
        strOutDir += CPathUtils::GetFileName(strFilePath, false);
        strOutDir += _T("_Split");

    if (!CPathUtils::IsExist(strOutDir))

    _tstring strOutTemp = strOutDir + _T("\\Temp");

    const size_t bufSize = static_cast<size_t>(1024 * 1024) * 4;
    char* pDataBuf = new (std::nothrow) char[bufSize];
    if (nullptr == pDataBuf)
        return false;

    for (int i = 0; i < vSplitInfos.size(); i++)
        SPLIT_FILE_INFO& info = vSplitInfos[i];

        std::ofstream outFile(strOutTemp, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
        if (!outFile.is_open())
            return 0;

        inputFile.seekg(info.llBeginPos, std::ios::beg);

        uint32_t uCrc32 = 0;
        long long nBlockSize = bufSize;
        long long llSize = info.llSize;

        while (llSize > 0)
            if (llSize > bufSize)
                nBlockSize = bufSize;
                nBlockSize = llSize;

            inputFile.read(pDataBuf, nBlockSize);
            size_t llRead = (size_t)inputFile.gcount();

            if (bHasCrc32)
                uCrc32 = CCrc32Utils::GetPartCrc32(uCrc32, pDataBuf, llRead);

            outFile.write(pDataBuf, llRead);
            llSize -= nBlockSize;
            ullBytesCount += llRead;

            if (0 == llSize)
                long long llBegin = info.llBeginPos;
                long long llEnd = info.llBeginPos + info.llSize - 1;

                _tstring strOutPath = strOutDir + _T("\\");

                if (!strPrefix.empty())
                    strOutPath += strPrefix;
                    strOutPath += _T("_");

                strOutPath += CStrUtils::Format(strIndexFormat.c_str(), nIndex + i);

                if (bHasRange)
                    _tstring strRange = CStrUtils::Format(strRangeFormat.c_str(), llBegin, llEnd);
                    strOutPath += _T("_");
                    strOutPath += strRange;

                if (bHasCrc32)
                    strOutPath += _T("_");
                    strOutPath += CCrc32Utils::GetStrFromValue(uCrc32, true);

                if (!strExt.empty())
                    strOutPath += _T(".");
                    strOutPath += strExt;


                //删除文件, 防止影响重命名失败

                CPathUtils::Rename(strOutTemp, strOutPath);

            if (nullptr == cbProgress)

            if (!cbProgress(ullFileCount, ullFileTotal, ullBytesCount, ullBytesTotal))

                bCancel = true;

    if (nullptr != pDataBuf)
        pDataBuf = nullptr;

    return true;

bool CFileSplitUtils::CombineFile(
    const std::vector<_tstring>& fileList,
    const _tstring& strFilePath,
        unsigned long long ullFileCount,            //已处理文件数
        unsigned long long ullFileTotal,       //总文件数
        unsigned long long ullBytesCount,           //已处理数据量
        unsigned long long ullBytesTotal       //总数据量
    > cbProgress/* = nullptr*/
    const size_t bufSize = static_cast<size_t>(1024 * 1024) * 4;
    char* pDataBuf = new (std::nothrow) char[bufSize];
    if (nullptr == pDataBuf)
        return false;

    long long ullFileCount = 0;
    long long ullTotalFileCount = 0;
    long long ullBytesCount = 0;
    long long ullTotalBytesCount = 0;
    bool bCancel = false;

    std::ofstream outFile(strFilePath, std::ios::binary | std::ios::out);
    if (!outFile.is_open())
        return false;

    for (const auto& item : fileList)
        long long llFileSize = GetFileSize(item);
        if (-1 != llFileSize)
            ullTotalBytesCount += llFileSize;

    for (const auto& item : fileList)
        std::ifstream inputFile(item, std::ios::binary | std::ios::in);
        if (!inputFile.is_open())

        long long nBlockSize = bufSize;

        long long llSize = GetFileSize(item);

        while (llSize > 0)
            if (llSize > bufSize)
                nBlockSize = bufSize;
                nBlockSize = llSize;

            inputFile.read(pDataBuf, nBlockSize);
            long long llRead = inputFile.gcount();
            outFile.write(pDataBuf, llRead);
            llSize -= nBlockSize;
            ullBytesCount += llRead;

            if (0 == llSize)

            if (cbProgress)
                if (!cbProgress(ullFileCount, ullTotalFileCount, ullBytesCount, ullTotalBytesCount))
                    bCancel = true;


        if (bCancel)

    if (nullptr != pDataBuf)
        pDataBuf = nullptr;


    return true;

std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO> CFileSplitUtils::GetSplitDataInfos(
    const _tstring& strSplitCfg
    std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO> infos;

    _tstring strSplitList = strSplitCfg;

    CStrUtils::Replace(strSplitList, _T(" "), _T(""), false);
    std::vector<_tstring> vSplitList = CStrUtils::SplitStr(strSplitList, _T("\r\n"));

    for (const auto& lineItem : vSplitList)
        //开头 ; 认为是注释, 忽略不管
        if (_T(';') == lineItem.front())

        std::vector<_tstring> vSplitItem = CStrUtils::SplitStr(lineItem, _T(";"));
        for (const auto& subItem : vSplitItem)
            long long llValues[4] = { 0, -1, 0, 0 };

            std::vector<_tstring> vSplitValue = CStrUtils::SplitStr(subItem, _T(","));
            for (int i = 0; i < (int)vSplitValue.size(); i++)
                if (i >= _countof(llValues))

                _tstring strHex = _T("0x");
                _tstring strNegative = _T("-");
                bool bNegative = false;

                TCHAR* pEndChar = nullptr;

                _tstring itemValue = vSplitValue[i];

                if (0 == CStrUtils::FindSubString(itemValue, strNegative))
                    bNegative = true;
                    itemValue = itemValue.substr(1, (size_t)-1);

                if (0 == CStrUtils::FindSubString(itemValue, strHex))
                    llValues[i] = _tcstoll(itemValue.c_str(), &pEndChar, 16);
                    llValues[i] = _tcstoll(itemValue.c_str(), &pEndChar, 10);

                if (nullptr != pEndChar)
                    if (_T('K') == *pEndChar || _T('k') == *pEndChar)
                        llValues[i] *= 1024;
                    if (_T('M') == *pEndChar || _T('m') == *pEndChar)
                        llValues[i] *= 1024 * 1024;
                    if (_T('G') == *pEndChar || _T('g') == *pEndChar)
                        llValues[i] *= 1024 * 1024 * 1024;

                if (bNegative)
                    llValues[i] = 0 - llValues[i];

            SPLIT_DATA_INFO info;
            info.llBeginPos = llValues[0];
            info.llEndPos = llValues[1];
            info.llSize = llValues[2];
            info.llCount = llValues[3];


    return infos;

long long CFileSplitUtils::GetSplitFileCount(
    const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
    long long llFileSize
    long long llSplitCopunt = 0;

    for (const auto& item : splitInfo)
        long long llBeginPos = item.llBeginPos;
        long long llEndPos = item.llEndPos;
        long long llSize = item.llSize;
        long long llCount = item.llCount;

        if (item.llEndPos < 0)
            llEndPos = llFileSize + item.llEndPos;

        if (item.llEndPos >= llFileSize)
            llEndPos = llFileSize - 1;

        if (item.llBeginPos < 0)
            llBeginPos = llFileSize + item.llBeginPos;

        if (llEndPos < llBeginPos)
            long long llTemp = llBeginPos;
            llBeginPos = llEndPos;
            llEndPos = llTemp;

        if (llBeginPos < 0 || llBeginPos >= llFileSize || llEndPos < 0 || llEndPos >= llFileSize)

        if (llCount < 0)//文件分割个数不能为负数

        //未指定数量, 则认为是分割为1个文件
        if (0 == llCount)
            if (0 == llSize)
                llCount = 1;
                llCount = llFileSize;

        if (0 == llSize)//大小为0, 则按照个数平均分割
            if (llCount <= 1)
                llCount = 1;

            long long packSize = 0;
            packSize = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llCount;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llCount)

            llCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / packSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % packSize)

            //文件个数比实际数据还大, 则按照一个字节分割
            if (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1 < llCount)
                packSize = 1;
                llCount = llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1;

            llSplitCopunt += llCount;
        else if (llSize < 0)//从文件末尾向文件头部分割
            llSize = abs(llSize);

            if (abs(llSize) > llFileSize)
                llSize = llFileSize;

            long long llMaxSplitCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llSize)

            if (llCount > llMaxSplitCount)
                llCount = llMaxSplitCount;

            llSplitCopunt += llCount;
        else if (llSize > 0)//从文件头部向文件末尾分割
            if (abs(llSize) > llFileSize)
                llSize = llFileSize;

            long long llMaxSplitCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llSize)

            if (llCount > llMaxSplitCount)
                llCount = llMaxSplitCount;

            llSplitCopunt += llCount;

    return llSplitCopunt;

long long CFileSplitUtils::GetSplitMaxPos(
    const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
    long long llFileSize
    long long llSplitMaxPos = 0;

    for (const auto& item : splitInfo)
        long long llBeginPos = item.llBeginPos;
        long long llEndPos = item.llEndPos;
        long long llSize = item.llSize;
        long long llCount = item.llCount;

        if (item.llEndPos < 0)
            llEndPos = llFileSize + item.llEndPos;

        if (item.llEndPos >= llFileSize)
            llEndPos = llFileSize - 1;

        if (item.llBeginPos < 0)
            llBeginPos = llFileSize + item.llBeginPos;

        if (llEndPos < llBeginPos)
            long long llTemp = llBeginPos;
            llBeginPos = llEndPos;
            llEndPos = llTemp;

        if (llBeginPos < 0 || llBeginPos >= llFileSize || llEndPos < 0 || llEndPos >= llFileSize)

        if (llCount < 0)//文件分割个数不能为负数

        //未指定数量, 则认为是分割为1个文件
        if (0 == llCount)
            if (0 == llSize)
                llCount = 1;
                llCount = llFileSize;

        if (llSize <= 0)//大小为0, 则按照个数平均分割
            llSplitMaxPos = llEndPos;
        else if (llSize > 0)//从文件头部向文件末尾分割
            if (abs(llSize) > llFileSize)
                llSize = llFileSize;

            long long llMaxSplitCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llSize)

            if (llCount > llMaxSplitCount)
                llCount = llMaxSplitCount;

            long long llMaxSplitSize = llCount * llSize;
            if (llMaxSplitSize > (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1))
                llSplitMaxPos = llEndPos;
                llSplitMaxPos = llBeginPos + llCount * llSize - 1;


    return llSplitMaxPos;

long long CFileSplitUtils::GetSplitTotalSize(
    const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
    long long llFileSize
    long long llSplitSize = 0;

    for (const auto& item : splitInfo)
        long long llBeginPos = item.llBeginPos;
        long long llEndPos = item.llEndPos;
        long long llSize = item.llSize;
        long long llCount = item.llCount;

        if (item.llEndPos < 0)
            llEndPos = llFileSize + item.llEndPos;

        if (item.llEndPos >= llFileSize)
            llEndPos = llFileSize - 1;

        if (item.llBeginPos < 0)
            llBeginPos = llFileSize + item.llBeginPos;

        if (llEndPos < llBeginPos)
            long long llTemp = llBeginPos;
            llBeginPos = llEndPos;
            llEndPos = llTemp;

        if (llBeginPos < 0 || llBeginPos >= llFileSize || llEndPos < 0 || llEndPos >= llFileSize)

        if (llCount < 0)//文件分割个数不能为负数

        //未指定数量, 则认为是分割为1个文件
        if (0 == llCount)
            if (0 == llSize)
                llCount = 1;
                llCount = llFileSize;

        if (0 == llSize)//大小为0, 则按照个数平均分割
            if (llCount <= 1)
                llCount = 1;

            long long packSize = 0;
            packSize = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llCount;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llCount)

            llCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / packSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % packSize)

            //文件个数比实际数据还大, 则按照一个字节分割
            if (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1 < llCount)
                packSize = 1;
                llCount = llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1;

            long long llMaxSplitSize = llCount * packSize;
            if (llMaxSplitSize > (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1))
                llMaxSplitSize = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1);

            llSplitSize += llMaxSplitSize;
        else if (llSize < 0)//从文件末尾向文件头部分割
            llSize = abs(llSize);

            if (abs(llSize) > llFileSize)
                llSize = llFileSize;

            long long llMaxSplitCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llSize)

            if (llCount > llMaxSplitCount)
                llCount = llMaxSplitCount;

            long long llMaxSplitSize = llCount * llSize;
            if (llMaxSplitSize > (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1))
                llMaxSplitSize = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1);

            llSplitSize += llMaxSplitSize;
        else if (llSize > 0)//从文件头部向文件末尾分割
            if (abs(llSize) > llFileSize)
                llSize = llFileSize;

            long long llMaxSplitCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llSize)

            if (llCount > llMaxSplitCount)
                llCount = llMaxSplitCount;

            long long llMaxSplitSize = llCount * llSize;
            if (llMaxSplitSize > (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1))
                llMaxSplitSize = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1);

            llSplitSize += llMaxSplitSize;

    return llSplitSize;

std::vector<SPLIT_FILE_INFO> CFileSplitUtils::GetSpliFilenfos(
    const std::vector<SPLIT_DATA_INFO>& splitInfo,
    long long llFileSize
    std::vector<SPLIT_FILE_INFO> infos;

    for (const auto& item : splitInfo)
        long long llBeginPos = item.llBeginPos;
        long long llEndPos = item.llEndPos;
        long long llSize = item.llSize;
        long long llCount = item.llCount;

        if (item.llEndPos < 0)
            llEndPos = llFileSize + item.llEndPos;

        if (item.llEndPos >= llFileSize)
            llEndPos = llFileSize - 1;

        if (item.llBeginPos < 0)
            llBeginPos = llFileSize + item.llBeginPos;

        if (llEndPos < llBeginPos)
            long long llTemp = llBeginPos;
            llBeginPos = llEndPos;
            llEndPos = llTemp;

        if (llBeginPos < 0 || llBeginPos >= llFileSize || llEndPos < 0 || llEndPos >= llFileSize)

        if (llCount < 0)//文件分割个数不能为负数
            llCount = 0;

        //未指定数量, 则认为是分割为1个文件
        if (0 == llCount)
            if (0 == llSize)
                llCount = 1;
                llCount = llFileSize;

        if (0 == llSize)//大小为0, 则按照个数平均分割
            if (llCount <= 1)
                llCount = 1;

            long long packSize = 0;
            packSize = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llCount;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llCount)

            llCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / packSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % packSize)

            //文件个数比实际数据还大, 则按照一个字节分割
            if (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1 < llCount)
                packSize = 1;
                llCount = llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < llCount; i++)
                SPLIT_FILE_INFO info;
                info.llBeginPos = llBeginPos + i * packSize;
                info.llSize = packSize;

                if ((info.llBeginPos + info.llSize - 1) > llEndPos)
                    info.llSize = llEndPos - info.llBeginPos + 1;

        else if (llSize < 0)//从文件末尾向文件头部分割
            llSize = abs(llSize);

            if (abs(llSize) > llFileSize)
                llSize = llFileSize;

            long long llMaxSplitCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llSize)

            if (llCount > llMaxSplitCount)
                llCount = llMaxSplitCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < llCount; i++)
                SPLIT_FILE_INFO info;
                info.llSize = llSize;
                info.llBeginPos = llEndPos - ((i + 1) * llSize) + 1;

                if (info.llBeginPos + info.llSize < llBeginPos)

                if (info.llBeginPos < llBeginPos)
                    info.llBeginPos = llBeginPos;
                    info.llSize = llEndPos - (i * llSize) + 1;

        else if (llSize > 0)//从文件头部向文件末尾分割
            if (abs(llSize) > llFileSize)
                llSize = llFileSize;

            long long llMaxSplitCount = (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) / llSize;
            if (0 != (llEndPos - llBeginPos + 1) % llSize)

            if (llCount > llMaxSplitCount)
                llCount = llMaxSplitCount;

            for (int i = 0; i < llCount; i++)
                SPLIT_FILE_INFO info;
                info.llBeginPos = llBeginPos + i * llSize;
                info.llSize = llSize;

                if (info.llBeginPos > llEndPos)

                if ((info.llBeginPos + info.llSize - 1) > llEndPos)
                    info.llSize = llEndPos - info.llBeginPos + 1;


    return infos;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <thread>
#include <strsafe.h>
#include "Win32Utils/CFileSplitUtils.h"
#include "Win32Utils/CPathUtils.h"

int _tmain(int argc, LPCTSTR argv[])
    setlocale(LC_ALL, "");

        _T("0, -1, 64K, 0"),    // 从文件头开始, 文件尾结束, 每个块8KB, 分割数量不限
            unsigned long long ullFileCount,            //已处理文件数
            unsigned long long ullTotalFileCount,       //总文件数
            unsigned long long ullBytesCount,           //已处理数据量
            unsigned long long ullTotalBytesCount       //总数据量
            printf("%0.3lf/%%, %lld/%lld, %lld/%lld\n", 
                ((double)ullBytesCount / (double)ullTotalBytesCount) * 100,
                ullFileCount, ullTotalFileCount,
                ullBytesCount, ullTotalBytesCount

            return true;

    return 0;




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// 文件合并涵数 int CFileSpltDlg::MergeMe() { CWaitCursor wait; // constructing these file objects CFile destFile; // we'll use a CFileException object to get error information CFileException ex; BYTE buffer[140000]; DWORD dwRead; UINT nCount = 140000; UINT newlen = 1400000; char buff [20]; long l = 1; CString name; CString pref; CString newpath; UpdateData(TRUE); //open file for read if (!m_path.IsEmpty()) { if (!m_SourceFile.Open(m_path, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone | CFile::typeBinary, &ex;)) { TCHAR szError[1024]; ex.GetErrorMessage(szError, 1024); ::AfxMessageBox(szError); m_edit.SetFocus(); m_edit.SetSel(0, -1); return 1; } //construct new name m_filename = m_path.Right((m_path.GetLength() - m_path.ReverseFind('\\')) - 1); //close file m_SourceFile.Close(); } //constuct a new path name newpath = m_path.Left(m_path.GetLength() - m_filename.GetLength()); if (!m_targetpath.IsEmpty()) { //some silly check, that could be chnged if (!m_filename.IsEmpty() && m_filename.Left(2) != _T("1_")) { ::AfxMessageBox(_T("待合并的源文件名不对..."), MB_ICONERROR); return 1; } else if(m_filename.IsEmpty()) { MessageBox(_T("请选择待合并的源文件."), _T("文件分割器"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 1; } //constuct an original file name m_filename = m_filename.Right(m_filename.GetLength() - 2); //判断选择目录未尾是否已有"\"符 if(m_targetpath.Right(1)=='\\') m_path = m_targetpath + m_filename; else m_path = m_targetpath + _T("\\") + m_filename; //create target file if (!destFile.Open(m_path, CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeCreate, &ex;)) { TCHAR szError[1024]; ex.GetErrorMessage(szError, 1024); ::AfxMessageBox(szError); return 0; } } else if(m_path.IsEmpty()) {//souce is not there MessageBox(_T("请选择待合并的源文件."), _T("文件分割器"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 1; } if (m_targetpath.IsEmpty()) {//target is not there MessageBox(_T("请选择合并后要保存到的目标文件夹."), _T("文件分割器"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 1; } //do merge do { //constuct a new name by dynamicly incrementing prefix pref = _ltoa(l, buff, 10); pref += _T("_"); //open file with new name if (!m_SourceFile.Open(newpath + pref + m_filename, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::typeBinary, &ex;)) { TCHAR szError[1024]; ex.GetErrorMessage(szError, 1024); destFile.Close(); m_path = _T(""); m_filename = _T(""); // pProgress.SetPos(0); newpath = _T(""); // m_parts = _T(""); UpdateData(FALSE); //return OK because this f_n is aborting the loop if name is not found return 0; } else //constuct a new name name = _T(newpath + pref + m_filename); do {//write into file while it size < than 1.4 MB dwRead = m_SourceFile.Read(buffer, nCount); destFile.Write(buffer, dwRead); } //while we can read from source file while (dwRead > 0); m_SourceFile.Close(); // Set the range to be 0 to 500. pProgress.SetRange(0, 500); // Set the position for (int i = 0; i < 500; i++) pProgress.SetPos(i); m_parts = _ltoa(l, buff, 10); m_parts += _T("个文件合并"); UpdateData(FALSE); l++; UpdateWindow(); } while (l < 500);//little bit dirty solution, but you can always improve it!... return 0; } //文件分割涵数 int CFileSpltDlg::SplitMe() { CWaitCursor wait; // constructing these file objects CFile destFile; // we'll use a CFileException object to get error information CFileException ex; DWORD dwRead; UINT newlen; char buff [20]; char b [20]; long l = 1; CString name; UINT len = 0; // CGradientProgressCtrl *pProgress = (CProgressCtrl*) GetDlgItem(IDC_PROGRESS); UpdateData(TRUE); //获取文件分割后的大小,定义相对应变量数值 newlen=GetSplitFileSize(); UINT nCount = newlen/10; BYTE buffer[140000]; //open file for read //m_path contain the file path if (!m_path.IsEmpty()) { if (!m_SourceFile.Open(m_path, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyNone | CFile::typeBinary, &ex;)) { TCHAR szError[1024]; ex.GetErrorMessage(szError, 1024); ::AfxMessageBox(szError); m_edit.SetFocus(); m_edit.SetSel(0, -1); return 1; } //get file length len = m_SourceFile.GetLength(); } //too lazy to put all "hard coded" strings in string table else { MessageBox(_T("请选择待分割的源文件."), _T("文件分割器"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 1; } if (m_targetpath.IsEmpty()) { MessageBox(_T("请选择分割后保存到的目标文件夹."), _T("文件分割器"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return 1; } //quick and dirty check for file size if (len < newlen) { CString length = _itoa(len, b, 10); MessageBox(_T("文件长度为 " + length + " 字节,不够指定的分割大小, 没有必要再进行分割."), _T("文件分割器"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); m_SourceFile.Close(); m_path = _T(""); m_filename = _T(""); UpdateData(FALSE); return 1; } //do split do { //constuct a new name dynamicly changing prefix name = _ltoa(l, buff, 10); name += _T("_"); CString newpath; //判断选择目录未尾是否已有"\"符 if(m_targetpath.Right(1)=='\\') newpath = m_targetpath; else newpath = m_targetpath + _T("\\"); if (!destFile.Open(newpath + name + m_SourceFile.GetFileName(), CFile::modeWrite | CFile::shareExclusive | CFile::typeBinary | CFile::modeCreate, &ex;)) { TCHAR szError[1024]; ex.GetErrorMessage(szError, 1024); ::AfxMessageBox(szError); m_SourceFile.Close(); return 1; } do { dwRead = m_SourceFile.Read(buffer, nCount); destFile.Write(buffer, dwRead); }//while size is less than 1.4 MB while (dwRead > 0 && destFile.GetLength() < newlen); destFile.Close(); // Set the range pProgress.SetRange(0, len /newlen*10); // Set the position pProgress.SetPos(l); m_parts = _ltoa(l , buff, 10); m_parts += _T("个文件生成"); UpdateData(FALSE); l++; UpdateWindow(); } while (dwRead > 0); // close source m_SourceFile.Close(); m_path = _T(""); m_filename = _T(""); // pProgress.SetPos(0); // m_parts = _T(""); UpdateData(FALSE); return 0; }




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