Andrew's Debian-nVidia HOWTO

This document explains how to build and install drivers for nVidia video hardware under Debian GNU/Linux, or any of its derivatives including Libranet, Mepis, Ubuntu, or Xandros. The method works with any 2.4- or 2.6-series Linux kernel, and with either stock or custom kernels.

To install the nVidia drivers, you can use either an official installer from nVidia, or the Debian driver packages. Each method has its advantages, as I describe below. The official installer used to be easier to use; but with the advent of module-assistant, they're about equally easy, or the Debian way may even be easier. Even if you choose to build your driver module manually, in the long run you'll probably find that the Debian way will save you work.

The official installer is pretty self-explanatory, so the Installation section of this HOWTO is all about the Debian way. Either way, you may find the Troubleshooting section to be of interest.

The Links page has links to nVidia driver packages, support forums, other HOWTOs, and anything else I find that can help you to get your nVidia hardware working under Debian.

For problems, comments, or questions about the information in this HOWTO, you can write to me. I'm no expert, but I'll do my best to make the information useful.

The Debian Way vs. the nVidia Installer

The method that I describe here is "the Debian way": you build package files (*.deb) for your kernel and driver, and then install them as usual using dpkg or apt-get. This method has some advantages, compared to using the official nVidia installer:

  • It's more automated once it's set up, so it saves you work if you rebuild your kernel very often, as I do.
  • It uses the Debian nVidia packages and package management tools, so it's cleaner and makes use of what you already know about these tools.
  • If you're already using make-kpkg to build your kernel, it fits easily into your existing build procedure.
  • It will also save you work if you build other kernel modules (e.g. lm-sensors or fuse) outside of the kernel tree, because all of the driver packages get built at the same time with a single invocation of make-kpkg.
  • module-assistant has now taken much of the grunt work out of this task, making it about as easy as using the official installer.

However, you don't have to build your drivers this way. Many people prefer just to get and run an official installer from nVidia. This method also has advantages:

  • You may get more recent versions of the nVidia drivers, since the Debian packages tend to lag by a month or two (although that's a pretty short lag for Debian packages). (Compare the nVidia and Debian unstable version numbers to see how much difference there is today.)
  • The official installer is easy to use, although you will probably get tired of rerunning it if you rebuild your kernel more than a few times. (Every time you rebuild your kernel you have to wait until you reboot, wait for your X server to die, navigate the installer menus, and then restart X. It gets old. That's why I wrote this HOWTO :)
  • You won't have to learn about module-assistant, or make-kpkg. Wait, is this an advantage?
  • People have occasionally reported to me that even after some work, they just couldn't get their drivers to work using the Debian way. Once they used the nVidia installer everything worked smoothly.

For me, the Debian way works best with this driver. Use the method that works best for you. 


Here are the instructions for building and installing your nVidia drivers, the Debian way.


The nVidia driver consists of two parts: a kernel module, and a collection of user-space libraries. The libraries (sometimes called the "binary driver" or GLX libraries) are distributed in binary form by nVidia, and packaged for Debian in the nvidia-glx package. The kernel module (aka the "kernel interface to the binary driver") is distributed in source form (though with one binary component), and packaged for Debian in the nvidia-kernel-source and nvidia-kernel-common packages. The user libraries and kernel module source only have to be installed once. Then the kernel module has to be rebuilt every time you rebuild or change your kernel. So, here's what you will do:

  1. Build and install the kernel module.
  2. Install the user-space libraries.
  3. Update your configuration.

Step 2 has to be performed after step 1 because of some dependencies, as I explain below.

Steps 2 and 3 have to be performed only once. Step 1 you have to repeat every time you change your kernel, but with the help of module-assistant, apt-get, and make-kpkg, it's hardly any work at all.

Stock or Custom Kernel?

Some of the installation methods below depend on whether you're running a stock kernel, i.e. a prebuilt kernel from the Debian distribution. If you don't know what kind of kernel you're running, then it's probably a stock kernel. But to find out, run

apt-cache policy kernel-image-$(uname -r)

and look at the source lines for the version that's listed as installed. If the source lines include something at, then you're running a stock kernel. If no version is listed as installed, then you're running a custom kernel. If a version is installed, but the only source listed for the installed version is /var/lib/dpkg/status, then you may be running a custom kernel, or a stock kernel that's old enough to have dropped out of the Debian distribution. The easiest way to tell is just to look at the kernel version number (output of uname -r): if it looks like e.g. 2.4.x-1-k7 or 2.6.x-1-686, then it's probably an old stock kernel.

Choose a Distribution

Before you install the Debian nVidia packages, you should choose a distribution, either 'testing' or 'unstable', from which to install them. There is no 'stable' version of these packages at present. You can run 'apt-cache policy nvidia-kernel-source' to see which versions of the driver are available in each distribution.

Once you've chosen a distribution, put its value into a shell variable NVDIST, by executing one of the following lines:


I will use $NVDIST to represent this value in all of the commands below. Also, make sure that your /etc/apt/sources.list contains a line like 'deb $NVDIST main contrib non-free', for your $NVDIST. (Help yourself to a copy of my sources.list if you like.) And if you've just modified /etc/apt/sources.list, you need to run 'apt-get update' before continuing below.

Installation Instructions

  1. Build and install the kernel module.
    There are four different procedures that you can use to install the kernel module. If that sounds like a lot, don't worry—I've listed the easiest methods first. So start with the first one, and if it doesn't work for you, go on down the list. Click on the title of each method to see the instructions.
  2. Install the nVidia user-space libraries. Run
    apt-get -t $NVDIST install nvidia-glx
    If you're asked whether you want to install the thread-local storage libraries, say yes. Notes:
    • If the kernel you installed above is version 2.6.x, and the one you're running now is pre-2.6, then you should reboot with your new kernel before performing this step. The reason is that if you're not running a 2.6-series kernel when you perform this step, the thread-local storage part of the user-space libraries will not be installed. As a result your X server will crash when it tries to load the nVidia driver. If you already installed nvidia-glx earlier under a pre-2.6 kernel, then reboot to the new kernel, run dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx, and answer yes when asked if you want to install the TLS libraries.
    • The reason this step has to come after step 1 is that nvidia-glx depends on a virtual package called 'nvidia-kernel-$NVVERSION', where $NVVERSION is the version number of the nVidia driver you've installed. This virtual package is provided by the kernel module package that you installed in step 1; so you have to complete that step first.
  3. Update your configuration.
    1. Update /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Naturally, there is both a Debian way and an old-fashioned way of doing this. Click on a method title to see the instructions.
    2. Create a "video" group, and add to it any users who you want to be able to use the display. You can do this manually by editing /etc/group, or the Debian way by
      addgroup --system video
      adduser $USER video
      for each $USER you want to add to the group.
    3. Ensure that the nvidia module gets inserted into your kernel automatically at boot, by adding it to /etc/modules if it's not already there:
      grep -q ^nvidia /etc/modules || echo nvidia >> /etc/modules

That's it. Your binary driver and kernel interface module are now installed and configured, and should work when you reboot with the new kernel and/or restart your X server.


  • Of course the nvidia module will have to be loaded into your kernel to work. If you've just installed the driver and don't need to reboot, then load the driver manually with modprobe nvidia or modconf before restarting your X server.
  • For more information about the nVidia driver, see:
    These files have loads of information about options and troubleshooting for the nVidia driver. Here's an enticement for you to read them: somewhere in one of them you can find an explanation of how to suppress the nVidia splash screen every time you start an X server (hint: search for "NoLogo").
  • You can adjust the clock rates of your GPU and video RAM by running nvclock, nvclock_gtk, or nvclock_qt, available respectively in the nvclock, nvclock-gtk, and nvclock-qt packages. Obligatory warning: you can destroy your video hardware with these tools if you're not careful.
  • You can adjust some other, relatively obscure settings of the driver by running nvidia-settings, available in the nvidia-settings package.
  • As I said above, you won't ever have to repeat steps 2 and 3 above, as long as you don't reverse them, of course.
  • On the other hand, the kernel module that you built in step 1 is specific to the kernel you built it with. If you install a new kernel that's different in any way from the old one, you'll have to install a new driver module to go with it. In that case just go back and repeat step 1.
  • Using this method, you don't need any of the following things:
    • The official nVidia installer from The Debian packages contain all of the parts of it that you need.
    • Any of the patch or installer files available at . (But thanks to the folks at for providing those patches, during all of the time when the official nVidia drivers didn't work yet with kernel 2.6.)
    • The nvidia-kernel-src and nvidia-glx-src packages, which are deprecated. You can also ignore the nvidia-glx-dev package, unless you get complaints from some software (old games?) about missing (thanks to Randall Donald for this information).
  • You can ignore the warning at about carrying along the EXTRAVERSION information if you use --append-to-version with make-kpkg. Because you're using make-kpkg all the way through the build process, it takes care of this for you.
  • If you have problems, see the Troubleshooting page .


Your kernel module won't build.

  • If your kernel is version 2.6.5, you probably ran "make clean" after building the kernel. Starting in kernel 2.6.5, "make clean" has become more aggressive, so that it now removes some of the files you need in order to build your nvidia module (and apparently some other modules as well, including the ones in VMware). This is Debian bug #242038 . Note that "make clean" may run automatically after the kernel build, without you necessarily asking for it or noticing it. There are several possible solutions:
    • Run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      make include/linux/version.h
      (thanks to Roberto Sanchez for this tip).
    • If you use "make-kpkg kernel_image" to build your kernel, you can prevent the "make clean" from running by adding a line
      do_clean := NO
      in /etc/kernel-pkg.conf. Now rerun "make-kpkg kernel_image".
    • Upgrade your kernel to a more recent version, and/or upgrade your kernel-package package to the testing or unstable version. The problem apparently has been fixed in more recent kernels, and also in later versions of kernel-package by setting do_clean:=NO by default.
    After any of the above steps, you should now be able to build your nvidia module.

You can build and install the drivers, but your X display won't function properly or at all after you reboot.

  • If you first installed the nvidia-glx package while running kernel 2.4, the thread-local storage libraries in the package were not installed at that time. If you're now running kernel 2.6, then your driver will fail as a result, causing your X server to die with the opaque error message "Server caught signal 11". The solution is to run 'dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx' while running kernel 2.6. (Thanks to Alberto Guzmán for this tip.)
  • If you've just upgraded to kernel 2.6, make sure you've installed the module-init-tools package, which replaces the old modutils package, for loading kernel modules. If you don't do this, none of your kernel modules will load, including nvidia, so (among other problems) your X display won't start. For this and other information, you really must read "How to Upgrade to the 2.6 Kernel" .
  • Make sure the nvidia module is loaded into your kernel:
    lsmod | grep nvidia
    If it's not, then use modprobe or modconf to load it, or else have it load automatically at boot by adding nvidia to /etc/modules.
  • Check that you have device files /dev/nvidia*:
    $ ls -l /dev/nvidia* crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 0 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 1 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia1 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 2 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia2 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 3 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia3 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 4 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia4 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 5 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia5 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 6 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia6 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 7 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia7 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 255 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidiactl
    If you don't have them, it's probably because you're running udev or devfs. In any case, the simplest way to fix this problem is to upgrade to a recent version of the nvidia-kernel-common package, which includes a boot script (/etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel) that recreates these devices after every reboot. The boot script is present in version 20051028+1, at least, of nvidia-kernel-common. Once you've upgraded nvidia-kernel-common, you can either reboot or just run /etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel start to create the device files.
  • Since kernel 2.6.5-mm?, there is a kernel option called 4KSTACKS which is incompatible with the nVidia driver, and will cause it to crash. Turn it off:
    • If your kernel is version 2.6.5-mm?, 4KSTACKS isn't part of the regular kernel .config file; to turn it off you have to edit /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/Kconfig, find "config 4KSTACKS", and change the "def_bool y" that follows to "def_bool n". (Thanks to Antti Kumar for this description.)
    • In kernel 2.6.6 or later, CONFIG_4KSTACKS is a regular kernel option, which you can find in the kernel config under Kernel hacking –> Use 4Kb for kernel stacks.
    Then rebuild your kernel and nvidia module. Note: I have no experience with this. I'm just passing along what many people have reported either in the newsgroups or directly to me. Has this problem been fixed in the latest nVidia drivers?
  • Kernel 2.6.9 has some particular problems with nVidia drivers:
    • If loading your nvidia kernel module fails with an error message "Unknown symbol VMALLOC_RESERVE", then you need to apply this patch to your kernel source. Download and save the patch into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      patch -p1 < ../nvidia-vmalloc-reserve.patch
      Then rebuild and reinstall your kernel and nVidia driver, and try again. I've been told that this problem only occurs with nVidia driver version 1.0.6111.
    • Many people have reported ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) that the combination of a Riva TNT2 video card with kernel 2.6.9 and nVidia driver 1.0.6629 gives them a black screen, or a screen with garbage. The workaround is to go back to driver 1.0.6111. There's reason to believe that this problem has been fixed in the driver development code, so it should be fixed in the next release. Thanks to Hugo Vanvoerkom for reporting this problem.
  • Kernel 2.6.10 apparently also has some particular problems with nVidia drivers versions 1.0.6111 and 1.0.6629:
    • You will need to apply the VMALLOC_RESERVE patch .
    • If loading your nvidia kernel module fails with an error message "Unknown symbol pci_find-class", then you need to apply this patch to your kernel source. Download and save the patch into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      patch -p1 < ../nvidia-pci-find-class.patch
    • Some people have reported "kernel oopses" or black screens that were solved by this patch . Download and save it into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv
      patch -p3 < /usr/src/nvidia-kernel-2.6.10.patch
    After applying these patches, rebuild and reinstall your kernel and nVidia driver and try again. Thanks to Stéphane Huc for reporting these issues to me.
  • The rivafb kernel module is known to be incompatible with the nVidia driver; see /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-source/README.Debian . To see if you have this module inserted in your kernel, run 'lsmod | grep rivafb' . If you do, then get rid of it by, in increasing order of forcefulness: 'rmmod rivafb'; 'rm /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/riva/rivafb.ko'; or disabling the module in your kernel config (Device drivers –> Graphics support –> nVidia Riva) and rebuilding your kernel. (If you still want a framebuffer driver, try VESA VGA; it's slow but works well.)
  • Newer kernels (≥2.6.12 or so) also have an nVidia framebuffer option (FB_NVIDIA; nvidiafb module). I haven't tried this, but the same advice applies as with rivafb: don't use it. It will probably conflict with the nVidia non-free driver. If you want framebuffer support, use VESA VGA instead.
  • Several users have reported to me that they had hard lockups when switching virtual terminals or shutting down their X servers, until they recompiled their kernels with local APIC disabled. Note that the local APIC option isn't available if you have an SMP (e.g. hyperthreading) kernel. In that case the local APIC option probably has no effect, but one user reported that he still had success disabling it by manually editing /usr/src/linux/.config to comment out the line with CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC. He also had to repeat the operation every time he reconfigured his kernel. Alternatively, you might have to turn off SMP and then disable local APIC. :(
  • One user reports that his screen stayed black until he loaded the "unix" kernel module, since his X server couldn't connect to Unix-domain sockets.
  • One user reports that his X server wouldn't start until he removed the Chipset option from the Device section for his video card in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
  • One user reports that he had hard lockups every time X started, until he found and removed the file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/
  • Look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log. The X server writes a lot of information there about what configuration files it's reading, what display modes it's trying, and errors (EE) it encounters along the way. You can very often find hints there to the source of whatever problem you're having.
  • Try switching to the nv driver: go back and repeat step 3a , but this time select driver "nv" instead of "nvidia". Then restart your X server. If it still won't start, then you have other problems that precede the nVidia driver. (Try apt-get install x-window-system-core to make sure you have a minimal functioning X setup.)
  • Read the README files that I mention at the end of the Installation section. They have a lot of useful information about the driver.
  • The Debian X Window System FAQ lists solutions to many common problems in getting your X server to work with your hardware.
  • You can try searching or posting to the nVidia-Linux forum at

Hardware acceleration, aka direct rendering, doesn't work.

You can detect this by running

glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"

If the answer is No, then you're using software acceleration for 3D. That means that your CPU is doing the work that your GPU should be doing, so with any recent video hardware, you're getting poorer frame rates and higher CPU utilization than your hardware permits. To correct this:

  • Be sure that you've installed the nvidia-glx package.
  • Be sure that you've adjusted your X server configuration, as I describe on the installation page .
  • You may be using different client and server versions of GLX, due to incorrectly installed symlinks. This is Debian bug #208198 . Run
    glxinfo | egrep "glx (vendor|version)"
    and if you see different vendors or versions for the client and server, this is your problem. In that case run
    ln -fs /usr/lib/$NVVER /usr/X11R6/lib/ ln -fs /usr/lib/$NVVER /usr/X11R6/lib/ ln -fs$NVVER /usr/lib/
    where $NVVER is the version of your nvidia-glx package, e.g. 1.0.7174 as of this writing in stable, testing, and unstable.

After taking any of the above steps you'll have to restart your X server to get hardware acceleration working. But before you do that, run glxgears for a while and take note of the frame rates. Then check them again after you restart with hardware acceleration—my frame rates jumped from 570 to 3750/s.

You get a warning message on your console or in your syslog, saying "nvidia license taints kernel".

  • Don't worry. Your kernel is fine. All this message means is that because your driver isn't open source, you won't get any support from the kernel maintainers if anything goes wrong with your kernel while the module is loaded. See the LKML FAQ for more.
If you still have a problem that you can't solve, you can write and tell me about it . I'll do what I can to help, subject to my knowledge and time constraints.
This document explains how to build and install drivers for nVidia video hardware under Debian GNU/Linux, or any of its derivatives including Libranet, Mepis, Ubuntu, or Xandros. The method works with any 2.4- or 2.6-series Linux kernel, and with either stock or custom kernels.
To install the nVidia drivers, you can use either an official installer from nVidia, or the Debian driver packages. Each method has its advantages, as I describe below . The official installer used to be easier to use; but with the advent of module-assistant , they're about equally easy, or the Debian way may even be easier. Even if you choose to build your driver module manually, in the long run you'll probably find that the Debian way will save you work.
The official installer is pretty self-explanatory, so the Installation section of this HOWTO is all about the Debian way. Either way, you may find the Troubleshooting section to be of interest.
The Links page has links to nVidia driver packages, support forums, other HOWTOs, and anything else I find that can help you to get your nVidia hardware working under Debian.
For problems, comments, or questions about the information in this HOWTO, you can write to me . I'm no expert, but I'll do my best to make the information useful.
The Debian Way vs. the nVidia Installer
The method that I describe here is "the Debian way": you build package files (*.deb) for your kernel and driver, and then install them as usual using dpkg or apt-get. This method has some advantages, compared to using the official nVidia installer:
  • It's more automated once it's set up, so it saves you work if you rebuild your kernel very often, as I do.
  • It uses the Debian nVidia packages and package management tools, so it's cleaner and makes use of what you already know about these tools.
  • If you're already using make-kpkg to build your kernel, it fits easily into your existing build procedure.
  • It will also save you work if you build other kernel modules (e.g. lm-sensors or fuse) outside of the kernel tree, because all of the driver packages get built at the same time with a single invocation of make-kpkg.
  • module-assistant has now taken much of the grunt work out of this task, making it about as easy as using the official installer.
However, you don't have to build your drivers this way. Many people prefer just to get and run an official installer from nVidia. This method also has advantages:
  • You may get more recent versions of the nVidia drivers, since the Debian packages tend to lag by a month or two (although that's a pretty short lag for Debian packages). (Compare the nVidia and Debian unstable version numbers to see how much difference there is today.)
  • The official installer is easy to use, although you will probably get tired of rerunning it if you rebuild your kernel more than a few times. (Every time you rebuild your kernel you have to wait until you reboot, wait for your X server to die, navigate the installer menus, and then restart X. It gets old. That's why I wrote this HOWTO :)
  • You won't have to learn about module-assistant, or make-kpkg. Wait, is this an advantage?
  • People have occasionally reported to me that even after some work, they just couldn't get their drivers to work using the Debian way. Once they used the nVidia installer everything worked smoothly.
For me, the Debian way works best with this driver. Use the method that works best for you. 
Here are the instructions for building and installing your nVidia drivers, the Debian way.
The nVidia driver consists of two parts: a kernel module, and a collection of user-space libraries. The libraries (sometimes called the "binary driver" or GLX libraries) are distributed in binary form by nVidia, and packaged for Debian in the nvidia-glx package. The kernel module (aka the "kernel interface to the binary driver") is distributed in source form (though with one binary component), and packaged for Debian in the nvidia-kernel-source and nvidia-kernel-common packages. The user libraries and kernel module source only have to be installed once. Then the kernel module has to be rebuilt every time you rebuild or change your kernel. So, here's what you will do:
  1. Build and install the kernel module.
  2. Install the user-space libraries.
  3. Update your configuration.
Step 2 has to be performed after step 1 because of some dependencies, as I explain below.
Steps 2 and 3 have to be performed only once. Step 1 you have to repeat every time you change your kernel, but with the help of module-assistant, apt-get, and make-kpkg, it's hardly any work at all.
Stock or Custom Kernel?
Some of the installation methods below depend on whether you're running a stock kernel, i.e. a prebuilt kernel from the Debian distribution. If you don't know what kind of kernel you're running, then it's probably a stock kernel. But to find out, run
apt-cache policy kernel-image-$(uname -r)
and look at the source lines for the version that's listed as installed. If the source lines include something at, then you're running a stock kernel. If no version is listed as installed, then you're running a custom kernel. If a version is installed, but the only source listed for the installed version is /var/lib/dpkg/status, then you may be running a custom kernel, or a stock kernel that's old enough to have dropped out of the Debian distribution. The easiest way to tell is just to look at the kernel version number (output of uname -r): if it looks like e.g. 2.4.x-1-k7 or 2.6.x-1-686, then it's probably an old stock kernel.
Choose a Distribution
Before you install the Debian nVidia packages, you should choose a distribution, either 'testing' or 'unstable', from which to install them. There is no 'stable' version of these packages at present. You can run 'apt-cache policy nvidia-kernel-source' to see which versions of the driver are available in each distribution.
Once you've chosen a distribution, put its value into a shell variable NVDIST, by executing one of the following lines:
I will use $NVDIST to represent this value in all of the commands below. Also, make sure that your /etc/apt/sources.list contains a line like 'deb $NVDIST main contrib non-free', for your $NVDIST. (Help yourself to a copy of my sources.list if you like.) And if you've just modified /etc/apt/sources.list, you need to run 'apt-get update' before continuing below.
Installation Instructions
  1. Build and install the kernel module.
    There are four different procedures that you can use to install the kernel module. If that sounds like a lot, don't worry—I've listed the easiest methods first. So start with the first one, and if it doesn't work for you, go on down the list. Click on the title of each method to see the instructions.
  2. Install the nVidia user-space libraries. Run
    apt-get -t $NVDIST install nvidia-glx
    If you're asked whether you want to install the thread-local storage libraries, say yes. Notes:
    • If the kernel you installed above is version 2.6.x, and the one you're running now is pre-2.6, then you should reboot with your new kernel before performing this step. The reason is that if you're not running a 2.6-series kernel when you perform this step, the thread-local storage part of the user-space libraries will not be installed. As a result your X server will crash when it tries to load the nVidia driver. If you already installed nvidia-glx earlier under a pre-2.6 kernel, then reboot to the new kernel, run dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx, and answer yes when asked if you want to install the TLS libraries.
    • The reason this step has to come after step 1 is that nvidia-glx depends on a virtual package called 'nvidia-kernel-$NVVERSION', where $NVVERSION is the version number of the nVidia driver you've installed. This virtual package is provided by the kernel module package that you installed in step 1; so you have to complete that step first.
  3. Update your configuration.
    1. Update /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Naturally, there is both a Debian way and an old-fashioned way of doing this. Click on a method title to see the instructions.
    2. Create a "video" group, and add to it any users who you want to be able to use the display. You can do this manually by editing /etc/group, or the Debian way by
      addgroup --system video
      adduser $USER video
      for each $USER you want to add to the group.
    3. Ensure that the nvidia module gets inserted into your kernel automatically at boot, by adding it to /etc/modules if it's not already there:
      grep -q ^nvidia /etc/modules || echo nvidia >> /etc/modules
That's it. Your binary driver and kernel interface module are now installed and configured, and should work when you reboot with the new kernel and/or restart your X server.
  • Of course the nvidia module will have to be loaded into your kernel to work. If you've just installed the driver and don't need to reboot, then load the driver manually with modprobe nvidia or modconf before restarting your X server.
  • For more information about the nVidia driver, see:
    These files have loads of information about options and troubleshooting for the nVidia driver. Here's an enticement for you to read them: somewhere in one of them you can find an explanation of how to suppress the nVidia splash screen every time you start an X server (hint: search for "NoLogo").
  • You can adjust the clock rates of your GPU and video RAM by running nvclock, nvclock_gtk, or nvclock_qt, available respectively in the nvclock, nvclock-gtk, and nvclock-qt packages. Obligatory warning: you can destroy your video hardware with these tools if you're not careful.
  • You can adjust some other, relatively obscure settings of the driver by running nvidia-settings, available in the nvidia-settings package.
  • As I said above, you won't ever have to repeat steps 2 and 3 above, as long as you don't reverse them, of course.
  • On the other hand, the kernel module that you built in step 1 is specific to the kernel you built it with. If you install a new kernel that's different in any way from the old one, you'll have to install a new driver module to go with it. In that case just go back and repeat step 1.
  • Using this method, you don't need any of the following things:
    • The official nVidia installer from The Debian packages contain all of the parts of it that you need.
    • Any of the patch or installer files available at . (But thanks to the folks at for providing those patches, during all of the time when the official nVidia drivers didn't work yet with kernel 2.6.)
    • The nvidia-kernel-src and nvidia-glx-src packages, which are deprecated. You can also ignore the nvidia-glx-dev package, unless you get complaints from some software (old games?) about missing (thanks to Randall Donald for this information).
  • You can ignore the warning at about carrying along the EXTRAVERSION information if you use --append-to-version with make-kpkg. Because you're using make-kpkg all the way through the build process, it takes care of this for you.
  • If you have problems, see the Troubleshooting page .
Your kernel module won't build.
  • If your kernel is version 2.6.5, you probably ran "make clean" after building the kernel. Starting in kernel 2.6.5, "make clean" has become more aggressive, so that it now removes some of the files you need in order to build your nvidia module (and apparently some other modules as well, including the ones in VMware). This is Debian bug #242038 . Note that "make clean" may run automatically after the kernel build, without you necessarily asking for it or noticing it. There are several possible solutions:
    • Run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      make include/linux/version.h
      (thanks to Roberto Sanchez for this tip).
    • If you use "make-kpkg kernel_image" to build your kernel, you can prevent the "make clean" from running by adding a line
      do_clean := NO
      in /etc/kernel-pkg.conf. Now rerun "make-kpkg kernel_image".
    • Upgrade your kernel to a more recent version, and/or upgrade your kernel-package package to the testing or unstable version. The problem apparently has been fixed in more recent kernels, and also in later versions of kernel-package by setting do_clean:=NO by default.
    After any of the above steps, you should now be able to build your nvidia module.
You can build and install the drivers, but your X display won't function properly or at all after you reboot.
  • If you first installed the nvidia-glx package while running kernel 2.4, the thread-local storage libraries in the package were not installed at that time. If you're now running kernel 2.6, then your driver will fail as a result, causing your X server to die with the opaque error message "Server caught signal 11". The solution is to run 'dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx' while running kernel 2.6. (Thanks to Alberto Guzmán for this tip.)
  • If you've just upgraded to kernel 2.6, make sure you've installed the module-init-tools package, which replaces the old modutils package, for loading kernel modules. If you don't do this, none of your kernel modules will load, including nvidia, so (among other problems) your X display won't start. For this and other information, you really must read "How to Upgrade to the 2.6 Kernel" .
  • Make sure the nvidia module is loaded into your kernel:
    lsmod | grep nvidia
    If it's not, then use modprobe or modconf to load it, or else have it load automatically at boot by adding nvidia to /etc/modules.
  • Check that you have device files /dev/nvidia*:
    $ ls -l /dev/nvidia* crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 0 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 1 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia1 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 2 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia2 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 3 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia3 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 4 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia4 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 5 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia5 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 6 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia6 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 7 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia7 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 255 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidiactl
    If you don't have them, it's probably because you're running udev or devfs. In any case, the simplest way to fix this problem is to upgrade to a recent version of the nvidia-kernel-common package, which includes a boot script (/etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel) that recreates these devices after every reboot. The boot script is present in version 20051028+1, at least, of nvidia-kernel-common. Once you've upgraded nvidia-kernel-common, you can either reboot or just run /etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel start to create the device files.
  • Since kernel 2.6.5-mm?, there is a kernel option called 4KSTACKS which is incompatible with the nVidia driver, and will cause it to crash. Turn it off:
    • If your kernel is version 2.6.5-mm?, 4KSTACKS isn't part of the regular kernel .config file; to turn it off you have to edit /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/Kconfig, find "config 4KSTACKS", and change the "def_bool y" that follows to "def_bool n". (Thanks to Antti Kumar for this description.)
    • In kernel 2.6.6 or later, CONFIG_4KSTACKS is a regular kernel option, which you can find in the kernel config under Kernel hacking –> Use 4Kb for kernel stacks.
    Then rebuild your kernel and nvidia module. Note: I have no experience with this. I'm just passing along what many people have reported either in the newsgroups or directly to me. Has this problem been fixed in the latest nVidia drivers?
  • Kernel 2.6.9 has some particular problems with nVidia drivers:
    • If loading your nvidia kernel module fails with an error message "Unknown symbol VMALLOC_RESERVE", then you need to apply this patch to your kernel source. Download and save the patch into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      patch -p1 < ../nvidia-vmalloc-reserve.patch
      Then rebuild and reinstall your kernel and nVidia driver, and try again. I've been told that this problem only occurs with nVidia driver version 1.0.6111.
    • Many people have reported ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) that the combination of a Riva TNT2 video card with kernel 2.6.9 and nVidia driver 1.0.6629 gives them a black screen, or a screen with garbage. The workaround is to go back to driver 1.0.6111. There's reason to believe that this problem has been fixed in the driver development code, so it should be fixed in the next release. Thanks to Hugo Vanvoerkom for reporting this problem.
  • Kernel 2.6.10 apparently also has some particular problems with nVidia drivers versions 1.0.6111 and 1.0.6629:
    • You will need to apply the VMALLOC_RESERVE patch .
    • If loading your nvidia kernel module fails with an error message "Unknown symbol pci_find-class", then you need to apply this patch to your kernel source. Download and save the patch into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      patch -p1 < ../nvidia-pci-find-class.patch
    • Some people have reported "kernel oopses" or black screens that were solved by this patch . Download and save it into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv
      patch -p3 < /usr/src/nvidia-kernel-2.6.10.patch
    After applying these patches, rebuild and reinstall your kernel and nVidia driver and try again. Thanks to Stéphane Huc for reporting these issues to me.
  • The rivafb kernel module is known to be incompatible with the nVidia driver; see /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-source/README.Debian . To see if you have this module inserted in your kernel, run 'lsmod | grep rivafb' . If you do, then get rid of it by, in increasing order of forcefulness: 'rmmod rivafb'; 'rm /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/riva/rivafb.ko'; or disabling the module in your kernel config (Device drivers –> Graphics support –> nVidia Riva) and rebuilding your kernel. (If you still want a framebuffer driver, try VESA VGA; it's slow but works well.)
  • Newer kernels (≥2.6.12 or so) also have an nVidia framebuffer option (FB_NVIDIA; nvidiafb module). I haven't tried this, but the same advice applies as with rivafb: don't use it. It will probably conflict with the nVidia non-free driver. If you want framebuffer support, use VESA VGA instead.
  • Several users have reported to me that they had hard lockups when switching virtual terminals or shutting down their X servers, until they recompiled their kernels with local APIC disabled. Note that the local APIC option isn't available if you have an SMP (e.g. hyperthreading) kernel. In that case the local APIC option probably has no effect, but one user reported that he still had success disabling it by manually editing /usr/src/linux/.config to comment out the line with CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC. He also had to repeat the operation every time he reconfigured his kernel. Alternatively, you might have to turn off SMP and then disable local APIC. :(
  • One user reports that his screen stayed black until he loaded the "unix" kernel module, since his X server couldn't connect to Unix-domain sockets.
  • One user reports that his X server wouldn't start until he removed the Chipset option from the Device section for his video card in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
  • One user reports that he had hard lockups every time X started, until he found and removed the file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/
  • Look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log. The X server writes a lot of information there about what configuration files it's reading, what display modes it's trying, and errors (EE) it encounters along the way. You can very often find hints there to the source of whatever problem you're having.
  • Try switching to the nv driver: go back and repeat step 3a , but this time select driver "nv" instead of "nvidia". Then restart your X server. If it still won't start, then you have other problems that precede the nVidia driver. (Try apt-get install x-window-system-core to make sure you have a minimal functioning X setup.)
  • Read the README files that I mention at the end of the Installation section. They have a lot of useful information about the driver.
  • The Debian X Window System FAQ lists solutions to many common problems in getting your X server to work with your hardware.
  • You can try searching or posting to the nVidia-Linux forum at
Hardware acceleration, aka direct rendering, doesn't work.
You can detect this by running
glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"
If the answer is No, then you're using software acceleration for 3D. That means that your CPU is doing the work that your GPU should be doing, so with any recent video hardware, you're getting poorer frame rates and higher CPU utilization than your hardware permits. To correct this:
  • Be sure that you've installed the nvidia-glx package.
  • Be sure that you've adjusted your X server configuration, as I describe on the installation page .
  • You may be using different client and server versions of GLX, due to incorrectly installed symlinks. This is Debian bug #208198 . Run
    glxinfo | egrep "glx (vendor|version)"
    and if you see different vendors or versions for the client and server, this is your problem. In that case run
    ln -fs /usr/lib/$NVVER /usr/X11R6/lib/ ln -fs /usr/lib/$NVVER /usr/X11R6/lib/ ln -fs$NVVER /usr/lib/
    where $NVVER is the version of your nvidia-glx package, e.g. 1.0.7174 as of this writing in stable, testing, and unstable.
After taking any of the above steps you'll have to restart your X server to get hardware acceleration working. But before you do that, run glxgears for a while and take note of the frame rates. Then check them again after you restart with hardware acceleration—my frame rates jumped from 570 to 3750/s.
You get a warning message on your console or in your syslog, saying "nvidia license taints kernel".
  • Don't worry. Your kernel is fine. All this message means is that because your driver isn't open source, you won't get any support from the kernel maintainers if anything goes wrong with your kernel while the module is loaded. See the LKML FAQ for more.
If you still have a problem that you can't solve, you can write and tell me about it . I'll do what I can to help, subject to my knowledge and time constraints.
This document explains how to build and install drivers for nVidia video hardware under Debian GNU/Linux, or any of its derivatives including Libranet, Mepis, Ubuntu, or Xandros. The method works with any 2.4- or 2.6-series Linux kernel, and with either stock or custom kernels.
To install the nVidia drivers, you can use either an official installer from nVidia, or the Debian driver packages. Each method has its advantages, as I describe below . The official installer used to be easier to use; but with the advent of module-assistant , they're about equally easy, or the Debian way may even be easier. Even if you choose to build your driver module manually, in the long run you'll probably find that the Debian way will save you work.
The official installer is pretty self-explanatory, so the Installation section of this HOWTO is all about the Debian way. Either way, you may find the Troubleshooting section to be of interest.
The Links page has links to nVidia driver packages, support forums, other HOWTOs, and anything else I find that can help you to get your nVidia hardware working under Debian.
For problems, comments, or questions about the information in this HOWTO, you can write to me . I'm no expert, but I'll do my best to make the information useful.
The Debian Way vs. the nVidia Installer
The method that I describe here is "the Debian way": you build package files (*.deb) for your kernel and driver, and then install them as usual using dpkg or apt-get. This method has some advantages, compared to using the official nVidia installer:
  • It's more automated once it's set up, so it saves you work if you rebuild your kernel very often, as I do.
  • It uses the Debian nVidia packages and package management tools, so it's cleaner and makes use of what you already know about these tools.
  • If you're already using make-kpkg to build your kernel, it fits easily into your existing build procedure.
  • It will also save you work if you build other kernel modules (e.g. lm-sensors or fuse) outside of the kernel tree, because all of the driver packages get built at the same time with a single invocation of make-kpkg.
  • module-assistant has now taken much of the grunt work out of this task, making it about as easy as using the official installer.
However, you don't have to build your drivers this way. Many people prefer just to get and run an official installer from nVidia. This method also has advantages:
  • You may get more recent versions of the nVidia drivers, since the Debian packages tend to lag by a month or two (although that's a pretty short lag for Debian packages). (Compare the nVidia and Debian unstable version numbers to see how much difference there is today.)
  • The official installer is easy to use, although you will probably get tired of rerunning it if you rebuild your kernel more than a few times. (Every time you rebuild your kernel you have to wait until you reboot, wait for your X server to die, navigate the installer menus, and then restart X. It gets old. That's why I wrote this HOWTO :)
  • You won't have to learn about module-assistant, or make-kpkg. Wait, is this an advantage?
  • People have occasionally reported to me that even after some work, they just couldn't get their drivers to work using the Debian way. Once they used the nVidia installer everything worked smoothly.
For me, the Debian way works best with this driver. Use the method that works best for you. 
Here are the instructions for building and installing your nVidia drivers, the Debian way.
The nVidia driver consists of two parts: a kernel module, and a collection of user-space libraries. The libraries (sometimes called the "binary driver" or GLX libraries) are distributed in binary form by nVidia, and packaged for Debian in the nvidia-glx package. The kernel module (aka the "kernel interface to the binary driver") is distributed in source form (though with one binary component), and packaged for Debian in the nvidia-kernel-source and nvidia-kernel-common packages. The user libraries and kernel module source only have to be installed once. Then the kernel module has to be rebuilt every time you rebuild or change your kernel. So, here's what you will do:
  1. Build and install the kernel module.
  2. Install the user-space libraries.
  3. Update your configuration.
Step 2 has to be performed after step 1 because of some dependencies, as I explain below.
Steps 2 and 3 have to be performed only once. Step 1 you have to repeat every time you change your kernel, but with the help of module-assistant, apt-get, and make-kpkg, it's hardly any work at all.
Stock or Custom Kernel?
Some of the installation methods below depend on whether you're running a stock kernel, i.e. a prebuilt kernel from the Debian distribution. If you don't know what kind of kernel you're running, then it's probably a stock kernel. But to find out, run
apt-cache policy kernel-image-$(uname -r)
and look at the source lines for the version that's listed as installed. If the source lines include something at, then you're running a stock kernel. If no version is listed as installed, then you're running a custom kernel. If a version is installed, but the only source listed for the installed version is /var/lib/dpkg/status, then you may be running a custom kernel, or a stock kernel that's old enough to have dropped out of the Debian distribution. The easiest way to tell is just to look at the kernel version number (output of uname -r): if it looks like e.g. 2.4.x-1-k7 or 2.6.x-1-686, then it's probably an old stock kernel.
Choose a Distribution
Before you install the Debian nVidia packages, you should choose a distribution, either 'testing' or 'unstable', from which to install them. There is no 'stable' version of these packages at present. You can run 'apt-cache policy nvidia-kernel-source' to see which versions of the driver are available in each distribution.
Once you've chosen a distribution, put its value into a shell variable NVDIST, by executing one of the following lines:
I will use $NVDIST to represent this value in all of the commands below. Also, make sure that your /etc/apt/sources.list contains a line like 'deb $NVDIST main contrib non-free', for your $NVDIST. (Help yourself to a copy of my sources.list if you like.) And if you've just modified /etc/apt/sources.list, you need to run 'apt-get update' before continuing below.
Installation Instructions
  1. Build and install the kernel module.
    There are four different procedures that you can use to install the kernel module. If that sounds like a lot, don't worry—I've listed the easiest methods first. So start with the first one, and if it doesn't work for you, go on down the list. Click on the title of each method to see the instructions.
  2. Install the nVidia user-space libraries. Run
    apt-get -t $NVDIST install nvidia-glx
    If you're asked whether you want to install the thread-local storage libraries, say yes. Notes:
    • If the kernel you installed above is version 2.6.x, and the one you're running now is pre-2.6, then you should reboot with your new kernel before performing this step. The reason is that if you're not running a 2.6-series kernel when you perform this step, the thread-local storage part of the user-space libraries will not be installed. As a result your X server will crash when it tries to load the nVidia driver. If you already installed nvidia-glx earlier under a pre-2.6 kernel, then reboot to the new kernel, run dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx, and answer yes when asked if you want to install the TLS libraries.
    • The reason this step has to come after step 1 is that nvidia-glx depends on a virtual package called 'nvidia-kernel-$NVVERSION', where $NVVERSION is the version number of the nVidia driver you've installed. This virtual package is provided by the kernel module package that you installed in step 1; so you have to complete that step first.
  3. Update your configuration.
    1. Update /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Naturally, there is both a Debian way and an old-fashioned way of doing this. Click on a method title to see the instructions.
    2. Create a "video" group, and add to it any users who you want to be able to use the display. You can do this manually by editing /etc/group, or the Debian way by
      addgroup --system video
      adduser $USER video
      for each $USER you want to add to the group.
    3. Ensure that the nvidia module gets inserted into your kernel automatically at boot, by adding it to /etc/modules if it's not already there:
      grep -q ^nvidia /etc/modules || echo nvidia >> /etc/modules
That's it. Your binary driver and kernel interface module are now installed and configured, and should work when you reboot with the new kernel and/or restart your X server.
  • Of course the nvidia module will have to be loaded into your kernel to work. If you've just installed the driver and don't need to reboot, then load the driver manually with modprobe nvidia or modconf before restarting your X server.
  • For more information about the nVidia driver, see:
    These files have loads of information about options and troubleshooting for the nVidia driver. Here's an enticement for you to read them: somewhere in one of them you can find an explanation of how to suppress the nVidia splash screen every time you start an X server (hint: search for "NoLogo").
  • You can adjust the clock rates of your GPU and video RAM by running nvclock, nvclock_gtk, or nvclock_qt, available respectively in the nvclock, nvclock-gtk, and nvclock-qt packages. Obligatory warning: you can destroy your video hardware with these tools if you're not careful.
  • You can adjust some other, relatively obscure settings of the driver by running nvidia-settings, available in the nvidia-settings package.
  • As I said above, you won't ever have to repeat steps 2 and 3 above, as long as you don't reverse them, of course.
  • On the other hand, the kernel module that you built in step 1 is specific to the kernel you built it with. If you install a new kernel that's different in any way from the old one, you'll have to install a new driver module to go with it. In that case just go back and repeat step 1.
  • Using this method, you don't need any of the following things:
    • The official nVidia installer from The Debian packages contain all of the parts of it that you need.
    • Any of the patch or installer files available at . (But thanks to the folks at for providing those patches, during all of the time when the official nVidia drivers didn't work yet with kernel 2.6.)
    • The nvidia-kernel-src and nvidia-glx-src packages, which are deprecated. You can also ignore the nvidia-glx-dev package, unless you get complaints from some software (old games?) about missing (thanks to Randall Donald for this information).
  • You can ignore the warning at about carrying along the EXTRAVERSION information if you use --append-to-version with make-kpkg. Because you're using make-kpkg all the way through the build process, it takes care of this for you.
  • If you have problems, see the Troubleshooting page .
Your kernel module won't build.
  • If your kernel is version 2.6.5, you probably ran "make clean" after building the kernel. Starting in kernel 2.6.5, "make clean" has become more aggressive, so that it now removes some of the files you need in order to build your nvidia module (and apparently some other modules as well, including the ones in VMware). This is Debian bug #242038 . Note that "make clean" may run automatically after the kernel build, without you necessarily asking for it or noticing it. There are several possible solutions:
    • Run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      make include/linux/version.h
      (thanks to Roberto Sanchez for this tip).
    • If you use "make-kpkg kernel_image" to build your kernel, you can prevent the "make clean" from running by adding a line
      do_clean := NO
      in /etc/kernel-pkg.conf. Now rerun "make-kpkg kernel_image".
    • Upgrade your kernel to a more recent version, and/or upgrade your kernel-package package to the testing or unstable version. The problem apparently has been fixed in more recent kernels, and also in later versions of kernel-package by setting do_clean:=NO by default.
    After any of the above steps, you should now be able to build your nvidia module.
You can build and install the drivers, but your X display won't function properly or at all after you reboot.
  • If you first installed the nvidia-glx package while running kernel 2.4, the thread-local storage libraries in the package were not installed at that time. If you're now running kernel 2.6, then your driver will fail as a result, causing your X server to die with the opaque error message "Server caught signal 11". The solution is to run 'dpkg-reconfigure nvidia-glx' while running kernel 2.6. (Thanks to Alberto Guzmán for this tip.)
  • If you've just upgraded to kernel 2.6, make sure you've installed the module-init-tools package, which replaces the old modutils package, for loading kernel modules. If you don't do this, none of your kernel modules will load, including nvidia, so (among other problems) your X display won't start. For this and other information, you really must read "How to Upgrade to the 2.6 Kernel" .
  • Make sure the nvidia module is loaded into your kernel:
    lsmod | grep nvidia
    If it's not, then use modprobe or modconf to load it, or else have it load automatically at boot by adding nvidia to /etc/modules.
  • Check that you have device files /dev/nvidia*:
    $ ls -l /dev/nvidia* crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 0 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia0 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 1 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia1 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 2 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia2 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 3 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia3 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 4 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia4 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 5 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia5 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 6 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia6 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 7 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidia7 crw-rw---- 1 root video 195, 255 Nov 10 03:59 /dev/nvidiactl
    If you don't have them, it's probably because you're running udev or devfs. In any case, the simplest way to fix this problem is to upgrade to a recent version of the nvidia-kernel-common package, which includes a boot script (/etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel) that recreates these devices after every reboot. The boot script is present in version 20051028+1, at least, of nvidia-kernel-common. Once you've upgraded nvidia-kernel-common, you can either reboot or just run /etc/init.d/nvidia-kernel start to create the device files.
  • Since kernel 2.6.5-mm?, there is a kernel option called 4KSTACKS which is incompatible with the nVidia driver, and will cause it to crash. Turn it off:
    • If your kernel is version 2.6.5-mm?, 4KSTACKS isn't part of the regular kernel .config file; to turn it off you have to edit /usr/src/linux/arch/i386/Kconfig, find "config 4KSTACKS", and change the "def_bool y" that follows to "def_bool n". (Thanks to Antti Kumar for this description.)
    • In kernel 2.6.6 or later, CONFIG_4KSTACKS is a regular kernel option, which you can find in the kernel config under Kernel hacking –> Use 4Kb for kernel stacks.
    Then rebuild your kernel and nvidia module. Note: I have no experience with this. I'm just passing along what many people have reported either in the newsgroups or directly to me. Has this problem been fixed in the latest nVidia drivers?
  • Kernel 2.6.9 has some particular problems with nVidia drivers:
    • If loading your nvidia kernel module fails with an error message "Unknown symbol VMALLOC_RESERVE", then you need to apply this patch to your kernel source. Download and save the patch into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      patch -p1 < ../nvidia-vmalloc-reserve.patch
      Then rebuild and reinstall your kernel and nVidia driver, and try again. I've been told that this problem only occurs with nVidia driver version 1.0.6111.
    • Many people have reported ( 1 , 2 , 3 ) that the combination of a Riva TNT2 video card with kernel 2.6.9 and nVidia driver 1.0.6629 gives them a black screen, or a screen with garbage. The workaround is to go back to driver 1.0.6111. There's reason to believe that this problem has been fixed in the driver development code, so it should be fixed in the next release. Thanks to Hugo Vanvoerkom for reporting this problem.
  • Kernel 2.6.10 apparently also has some particular problems with nVidia drivers versions 1.0.6111 and 1.0.6629:
    • You will need to apply the VMALLOC_RESERVE patch .
    • If loading your nvidia kernel module fails with an error message "Unknown symbol pci_find-class", then you need to apply this patch to your kernel source. Download and save the patch into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/linux
      patch -p1 < ../nvidia-pci-find-class.patch
    • Some people have reported "kernel oopses" or black screens that were solved by this patch . Download and save it into /usr/src, then run
      cd /usr/src/modules/nvidia-kernel/nv
      patch -p3 < /usr/src/nvidia-kernel-2.6.10.patch
    After applying these patches, rebuild and reinstall your kernel and nVidia driver and try again. Thanks to Stéphane Huc for reporting these issues to me.
  • The rivafb kernel module is known to be incompatible with the nVidia driver; see /usr/share/doc/nvidia-kernel-source/README.Debian . To see if you have this module inserted in your kernel, run 'lsmod | grep rivafb' . If you do, then get rid of it by, in increasing order of forcefulness: 'rmmod rivafb'; 'rm /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel/drivers/video/riva/rivafb.ko'; or disabling the module in your kernel config (Device drivers –> Graphics support –> nVidia Riva) and rebuilding your kernel. (If you still want a framebuffer driver, try VESA VGA; it's slow but works well.)
  • Newer kernels (≥2.6.12 or so) also have an nVidia framebuffer option (FB_NVIDIA; nvidiafb module). I haven't tried this, but the same advice applies as with rivafb: don't use it. It will probably conflict with the nVidia non-free driver. If you want framebuffer support, use VESA VGA instead.
  • Several users have reported to me that they had hard lockups when switching virtual terminals or shutting down their X servers, until they recompiled their kernels with local APIC disabled. Note that the local APIC option isn't available if you have an SMP (e.g. hyperthreading) kernel. In that case the local APIC option probably has no effect, but one user reported that he still had success disabling it by manually editing /usr/src/linux/.config to comment out the line with CONFIG_X86_LOCAL_APIC. He also had to repeat the operation every time he reconfigured his kernel. Alternatively, you might have to turn off SMP and then disable local APIC. :(
  • One user reports that his screen stayed black until he loaded the "unix" kernel module, since his X server couldn't connect to Unix-domain sockets.
  • One user reports that his X server wouldn't start until he removed the Chipset option from the Device section for his video card in /etc/X11/XF86Config-4.
  • One user reports that he had hard lockups every time X started, until he found and removed the file /usr/X11R6/lib/modules/drivers/
  • Look in /var/log/XFree86.0.log. The X server writes a lot of information there about what configuration files it's reading, what display modes it's trying, and errors (EE) it encounters along the way. You can very often find hints there to the source of whatever problem you're having.
  • Try switching to the nv driver: go back and repeat step 3a , but this time select driver "nv" instead of "nvidia". Then restart your X server. If it still won't start, then you have other problems that precede the nVidia driver. (Try apt-get install x-window-system-core to make sure you have a minimal functioning X setup.)
  • Read the README files that I mention at the end of the Installation section. They have a lot of useful information about the driver.
  • The Debian X Window System FAQ lists solutions to many common problems in getting your X server to work with your hardware.
  • You can try searching or posting to the nVidia-Linux forum at
Hardware acceleration, aka direct rendering, doesn't work.
You can detect this by running
glxinfo | grep "direct rendering"
If the answer is No, then you're using software acceleration for 3D. That means that your CPU is doing the work that your GPU should be doing, so with any recent video hardware, you're getting poorer frame rates and higher CPU utilization than your hardware permits. To correct this:
  • Be sure that you've installed the nvidia-glx package.
  • Be sure that you've adjusted your X server configuration, as I describe on the installation page .
  • You may be using different client and server versions of GLX, due to incorrectly installed symlinks. This is Debian bug #208198 . Run
    glxinfo | egrep "glx (vendor|version)"
    and if you see different vendors or versions for the client and server, this is your problem. In that case run
    ln -fs /usr/lib/$NVVER /usr/X11R6/lib/ ln -fs /usr/lib/$NVVER /usr/X11R6/lib/ ln -fs$NVVER /usr/lib/
    where $NVVER is the version of your nvidia-glx package, e.g. 1.0.7174 as of this writing in stable, testing, and unstable.
After taking any of the above steps you'll have to restart your X server to get hardware acceleration working. But before you do that, run glxgears for a while and take note of the frame rates. Then check them again after you restart with hardware acceleration—my frame rates jumped from 570 to 3750/s.
You get a warning message on your console or in your syslog, saying "nvidia license taints kernel".
  • Don't worry. Your kernel is fine. All this message means is that because your driver isn't open source, you won't get any support from the kernel maintainers if anything goes wrong with your kernel while the module is loaded. See the LKML FAQ for more.
If you still have a problem that you can't solve, you can write and tell me about it . I'll do what I can to help, subject to my knowledge and time constraints.
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