初中英语 G5~8阅读30篇

初中英语 G5~8阅读


Alice is my good friend.She is twenty﹣two years old.Now she lives in Beijing,China.She teaches English in a junior high school.She loves making friends with the students and they like her very much.Every morning she gets up very early.At about 7:00,she usually has a glass of milk and some bread for breakfast at home.Then she walks to work and gets to school at about a quarter to eight.At 12:00 she eats a hamburger and an apple for lunch.Her favorite drink is Coke.She goes home at 5 o’clock in the afternoon.She likes to have noodles(面条)and chicken for dinner.On Sunday,she often comes to see me.Sometimes we go to a Chinese restaurant to have lunch.


My name is Han Mei.I’m a Chinese girl.I’m 14 years old.Now I am studying at No.1 High school.Our school is very big and nice!There are six buildings in it.The classroom building is in the center of our school.The playground is on the right.Every day many students do sports on the playground.The library is at the back of our school.Students can read books there after school.They can borrow some books,too.It’s a nice place(地方) to study.You can see a swimming pool near the school gate.Many students like swimming in it.Look!They are swimming now.

I love my school!


In the USA,the students go to school from Monday to Friday.They don’t go to school on Saturday.On weekends they usually go for an outing and have a picnic.Some children go to the church(教堂)with their parents.They usually go to school by school bus or on foot.Very few students go to school by bike because the traffic is heavy on the street(街道).That’s too dangerous(危险).

The American students usually have six classes a day—four classes in the morning and two in the afternoon.Their morning classes begin at eight o’clock and finish at a quarter to twelve.And then they have lunch at school.They seldom eat out or eat at home.After lunch they don’t have a rest.Their afternoon classes begin at one o’clock,and school is over at twenty to three.After school they don’t go back home at once(立刻).They usually have some sports at school.Some of them like playing the piano.Some like reading story books.Some like swimming and skating(滑冰).Some like singing and dancing.Many students like playing basketball.In the evening they usually do their homework at home.And then they watch TV or play computer games.They usually go to bed at ten o’clock.


Dear Lin Tao,

I am writing to you in English.I hope you can understand(懂)it.

I love studying in London and I have many new friends.Most of them are my classmates.From Monday to Friday,we have English,math,physics and P.E.in the morning.I like English and physics,because they’re interesting.I don’t like math.It’s too boring.At noon,I have to have lunch at school because my home is far from(远离)my school.We usually have two classes in the afternoon﹣art and politics.We finish our classes at 3 :30 p.m.After school,my friends and I always play football on the playground.And then we go home by bus.

On weekends,we have no classes.We often go to the park and sometimes we go to the movies in the evening.We see movies twice a month.I like some famous(著名的)actors like Jackie Chan.

Oh,I have no time to write more.Please write back soon.


Tony is from New York.Everyone in his family likes him.He is only three years old but he can skateboard(玩滑板)very well.He doesn’t go to school because he is too young.So his mom teaches him many things.Tony likes all kinds of sports,but going skateboarding is his favorite.He thinks going skateboarding is very interesting.

Tony has a brother and a sister.They like different things.His sister likes singing.His brother likes reading and dancing.Tony likes skateboarding.Tony’s father teaches his children to skateboard,but only Tony loves it.But he is always busy on weekdays,so he teaches Tony in a park just on weekends.He asks Tony to practice(练习)skateboarding there from 3 p.m.to 5 p.m.Tony practices it twice a week and now he is good at it.

Tony can ride a skateboard to jump(跳跃)over many things so he has a lot of fans(粉丝)in the park.They often talk about him.His father hopes he can be a skateboarder and win a skateboarding game in the future.


Li Qiang and Li Gang are brothers.But their living habits(习惯)are different.Now let’s go to Li Qiang’s room.Li Qiang cleans his bedroom every day and puts his things away.Look!There is a computer on the desk.There are two balls under the bed.A guitar and a kite are on the wall.Some books are on the shelf.So he must be a careful (细心的)boy.Now let’s go to Li Gang’s room.The room is not clean.Can we see his clothes on the desk?Oh,yes.We can see a football and a knife on the desk,too.Li Gang never does any cleaning on weekends.So his room is in a mess.

What do you think of Li Qiang and Li Gang?Li Qiang is a good boy.Li Gang must learn from his brother.


Hi,my dear friends.I’m Lucy.And I’m a student.I have my own room at home.Do you want to know about my room?OK!Let me tell you something about it.

Please look at my room.A computer and a lamp are on the desk.The desk is yellow.It is my favorite color.There is a map of China on the wall.The wall is white.There is a dresser(梳妆台)next to the desk.My schoolbag is on it.On the right of the dresser,there is a bookshelf.My books and CDs are on the shelves.On the left of my desk is my bed,and my shoes are under the bed.Oh,there is a basketball and a baseball(棒球)under the bed,too.I like playing ball games with my friends in my free time.And my hat is on the bed.

I like my room very much.It’s my bedroom and also my study.I have fun and do my homework in it.


My name is Xiao Jun.I come from the countryside.Now I’m studying in a big city.People can eat all kinds of food and do lots of things.It’s so convenient(便利的).Many people like living in the city.But I don’t like it very much.In the city,the traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high.It’s noisy,too.

I miss the life in the countryside.There are many houses with big yards.The air is fresh and the water is clean.We can see green trees and colorful flowers here and there.More people like living in the countryside now.


My name is Xiao Jun.I come from the countryside.Now I’m studying and living in a big city.The city is very beautiful.There are many wide roads and tall buildings here.People can eat all kinds of foods and it is easy to do lots of things.It’s so convenient.Many people like living in the city.But I don’t like it very much.In the city,the traffic is heavy and the cost of living is high.It’s noisy,too.I can’t sleep very well here at night.

I miss the life in the countryside.There are many houses with big yards.The air is fresh and the water is clean.We can see green trees and colorful flowers here and there.I miss my home and want to go back soon.


In England,traffic keeps on the left.Cars,buses and bikes all move on the left side of the road.But the

traffic keeps on the right in China.So when you are in England,you must be very careful in the street.Before you cross a street you must stop and look both ways.Look right and look left and look right again.If the traffic lights are red,the traffic must stop.Then the people on foot can cross the road.If the traffic lights are green,the traffic can go.People on foot mustn’t cross.

In the morning and in the evening,when people go to or come back from work,the streets are very busy.Traffic is very dangerous( 危险的).

When you go by bus in England,you have to be careful,too.Always remember the traffic moves on the

left.If you don’t have a look first,you will go the wrong way.

In many English cities,there are big buses with two floors.You can sit on the second floor.From there

you can see the city very well.It’s very interesting.


There is an old woman.She can’t remember(记住) many things.For example(例如),the old woman doesn’t know the way to her home.She always goes out for a walk in the park near her home in the morning,

but she can’t find her home at noon( 中午) every day.So she always asks, “Can you tell me where my home is?” One noon the old woman comes again.Before she asks,a good girl says,“Your home isn’t far from here.You can go along this street,and turn left at the second crossing.Your home is there.You can’t miss it.” The old woman is very surprised that the girl knows what she wants to ask.


Jim is a boy.He comes from Canada.He was born in 2000.Now he is living in Shanghai,China.He has a sister,Kate.They were both born in September,but Kate was born in 2003.And they have different birthdays.Jim’s birthday is on September 6th.Kate’s birthday is on September 8th.Usually they have the same birthday party on September 6th or September 8th.Jim’s friends and Kate’s friends all go to their birthday party,so there are a lot of people at the party.They are very happy because their birthday party is very big and they have a lot of presents.Before their birthdays,they need to do some things.They need to find a big place for their party.Their mom also needs to make a big cake for her children and her children’s friends.And their friends all like to come to their birthday party because they are both friendly to others.


Dear Emma,How are you?Are you free this Saturday?Would you like to come to my birthday party?The party is at six o’clock this Saturday afternoon in KFC.My friends and classmates are coming to celebrate it.Wang Lin plans to sing an English song.Tina would like to perform(表演) ballet.My parents want to buy a birthday cake.That would be a wonderful day for us.I hope you can come.We plan to go to see a movie after dinner.Write back soon!


An elephant wants to make some friends.He sees a monkey in a tree and asks, “Can you be my friend?” “You are too big.You can’t swing(摇荡) in the tree like me.” Then the elephant meets a panda."Please be my friend, "he says. “How can I?Sorry,sir.You are too big to play games like me.” The elephant is very sad.Then he goes home The next day,he sees all the animals running.He doesn’t know why.A rabbit tells him that there’s a tiger near here.He is coming to eat the animals.The elephant goes to the tiger.“Mr.Tiger,don’t eat the animals,please.” "Go away!"says the tiger.The elephant is not happy and kicks(踢) the tiger.Then the tiger runs away.At last,all the animals know the elephant is strong and can do many things.So they all want to make friends with him.


Nick Vujicie was born in Australia on December 4th,1982.He was born with no arms or legs.His parents were very sad when he was born.How could he live in the future?Life must be very hard for Nick.With his father’s help,Nick could swim when he was only 18 months old.And at the age of six,he could write.Later,he could do many things such as washing(洗) his head,using computers and playing soccer.

He could go to school and was good at many subjects.

Now Nick lives in America.He often goes to other countries to help people like him.He often says, “No arms,no legs,no worries(烦恼).”

Nick has no arms or legs,but he doesn’t let it stop him.We should learn from him.He is 50 great.


Betty loved only one thing in life﹣chocolates.She enjoyed every kind,like chocolate cake,chocolate ice cream(冰淇淋)and so on.

On Betty’s birthday,her best friend,Lisa,wanted to prepare(准备) her dinner at a restaurant.

"Well,today is my birthday and I can order anything,right?"Betty asked Lisa.

"I guess so,"said Lisa,“But you shouldn’t eat too much.”

At the restaurant,Betty ate a lot of chocolates and a large box of chocolate ice cream.When the dinner ended,she didn’t look well.

"You surely ate a lot!"Lisa said to her.

"I know,but now I need something else."Betty said.

"What?More chocolate?"Lisa asked.

"No,a doctor."Betty said,“I’m not feeling(觉得)well.”


Bob is eleven years old.One day,his friend Jenny said to him,“I’m going to have a birthday party on Saturday.Bob,can you come?”

Bob asked his mother,and his mother said,"Yes,you can go."On Saturday

afternoon,his mother said to him again,“Now,Bob,when you go to the party,you must be polite(礼貌的),and don’t ask for food until someone gives it to you.”

"All right,Mom."Bob said,and he went to Jenny’s house by bike.

There were many children at the party.They played games for about an hour,and

then Jenny’s mother gave them some food,but she forgot Bob and didn’t give him any.After a long time,he took up his plate (盘子) and said loudly,“Does anyone want a nice clean plate?”


In many places on Earth( 地球),there are four seasons in the year.Spring begins in the month of March.

In spring,the sun shines for more hours each day.So the days get a little longer and the nights are a little shorter.And the weather starts to get warmer.Spring weather may bring many rainy days.Rain helps plants(植物) grow(生长) .There’s an old saying:April showers bring May flowers.Many flowers come out in spring because of the rain.Children like to play outside on warm spring days.They can fly kites in windy days.And it’s a good time to play soccer in sunny days.Warmer weather makes people want to be outside.Animals are busy in spring.Birds sing,and begin to build nests(筑巢) .Many animals are born in spring.And trees grow new leaves.Grass(草) turns green.Spring is a time of new life.


In China,the best months of the year are October and November.At this time the sun shines brightly and often the wind blows to get the temperature down.The weather is never too cold or too hot.The temperature is usually between 16°C and 22°C.

In winter,the wind blows strongly and the temperature falls.By January and February the temperature falls to its lowest,sometimes under zero.It seldom rains.In March and April,the temperature goes up,and

there is often fog and light rain.It gets warm in May and June,but it’s not too hot.There is often heavy rain in June and sometimes it rains for three or four days.

July and August are the hottest(最热的) months.It often rains hard until late August.The average(平均的)temperature is 39°.In September the temperature begins to fall.The highest temperature is about 29°C.


When you want to take a trip on your holiday,you should make a careful plan.Here are some rules.

They may help you to keep safe on a trip.

(1)You’d better ravel with your friends.And you should always keep together with your friends.

2.If there are a lot of people around you,you should carry your bag in front of you.Do’t put it on your back.

3.Put on a life jacket when you take a boat or ship.If you fall out of a boat or ship,it can keep you safe.

4.Don’t go swimming alone or in a wrong place.

5.Don’t sleep on a bus or train.Never put your head out of the window.I’s not safe.

6.Take a map,a cellphone(手机) and some clothes with you.

7.Have safe food and drinks.

Everyone should be careful when traveling.Enjoy your trip!


Summer holiday is coming.I decide to go to Hong Kong.There are a lot of beaches(海滩) in Hong Kong.And about forty beaches are open to people from the world.Some of them are the best in the world.

People can swim there.People can go to most of the beaches by bus.But if you want to go to some other

beaches you must take a boat.On most of the beaches,there are toilets and shops.You can change your

clothes and you can buy food and drinks.

Also,you must know the rules there.If you remember these rules,you can swim there and you will not

be in danger.

First,never swim alone.

Next,never swim after a meal or when you aren’t well.

Then,don’t stay in the water for too long.

Last,never go out from a boat if you can’t swim.

Remember:A red flag( 旗帜) means all the people mustn’t swim in the water.Here people are in

danger.A blue flag means it is dangerous for kids here.

I believe we can have a safe and happy summer holiday.


Everyone knows that exercise is important.We need to exercise.Doctors say it is good for us.It keeps our bodies strong.

When the daytime comes,we must get up.This is the time for exercise.Exercise means doing things with the body.There are many ways to exercise.You can walk,run,swim,skate,or play ball games.Make sure you exercise in the following ways:you have to like what you’re doing.Exercise enough﹣﹣﹣but not too much.It is good to exercise twice each week.Thirty minutes each time is enough.Try all kinds of things until you find one,two or three sports that feel right for you.

Exercise can be fun.Friends can exercise together at fitness center,or they can play sports together.How do you exercise?


There are many holidays and festivals.Dads have Father’s Day.Children have Children’s Day.Is there a special day for old people?

Double Ninth festival is a special day for old people in China.It started long ago.The festival is on lunar September 9th.This year it is on October 13th.On this day,people show love for their grandparents.

People do many different kinds of things on this day.They enjoy flowers,eat special cakes and drink wine(酒).

It’s very interesting.The best way to celebrate it is climbing hills or mountains.People think climbing will bring them good luck and help old people live long lives.Double Ninth Festival is also a good time for a family get﹣together.And young people give their presents and best wishes to the old.


I’m Helen.I’m 12 and I’m in No.1 Middle School.I have three keys,two English books,an eraser and a Chinese dictionary.I have five pencils.But Jill borrowed (借) two of them from me.My things(东西) are in my schoolbag.Susan is my friend.She is 13 and she is in No.3 Middle School.She has three English books,four pens and two dictionaries.They are not in her schoolbag.Where are they?They are everywhere in her room on the bed,under the desk and on the chair.


Jason is a student.He studies in the Sunshine Middle School.His math teacher Mrs Carly,tells him to obey the school rules and come to school on time.He always gets up early every day because he doesn’t want to be late for school.

Today is Friday.Jason is late.Mr Carly is at the school gate and asks him angrily(生气地),“It’s half past eight.You are ten minutes late for the class.You were never late before!Why are you late for class today?”

“I’m sorry.I am late.When I get to the street next to our school,I see a new traffic sign—SCHOOL,WALK SLOWLY(慢慢地)!I have to walk slowly,” Jason says.


This is a street crossing.There are red and green lights at each corner.Drivers must watch the lights carefully.

When there is a green light,the cars may go.When there is a red light,the cars must stop.They must wait until the red light changes to green.Then they can go on.Sometimes the cars want to make a right turn or a left turn.They can make a right turn when the light is green or red.But they must wait until the green light is shining if they want to turn left.

Some people are color﹣blind(色盲).They can not tell the difference between the red and green lights.These people must not drive,or there will be accidents.We must keep our streets safe.


Mr.Brown is 80 years old.Every morning he goes for a walk in the park.And he comes home at twelve thirty for lunch.But today a car stops at his house at twelve.Two policemen help him get out.One of them says to Mr.Brown’s daughter,"The old man can’t find his way in the park.He asks us to take him home by car."The daughter thanks the policemen.Then she asks her father,"Dad,you go to that park every day.But today,you can’t find the way.What’s wrong with you?"The old man smiles like a child and says,“I can find my way.I don’t want to walk home.”


Doctor Carl was a very busy man.He always worked hard.He often forgot his families’ birthdays.Yesterday afternoon he remembered(记得)it was his wife’s(妻子的)birthday.He loved his wife.He wanted to give her a present.On his way home from hospital,he bought some beautiful flowers in a shop.When Doctor Carl got home,he gave his wife the flowers and said,“happy birthday to you,dear!”"It’s April 20th today.I remember your birthday this year."Mrs Carl said,“My birthday was the day before yesterday,but thank you all the same.Better late than never!”


My mother only had one eye.I never wanted her to show up at my school.

One day during primary school,I was terribly ill.My mother came.

"Your mom only has one eye!"yelled some of my classmates.I wished my mother would have just disappeared (消失).

"If you embarrass (使…尴尬) me,why don’t you just die?"I shouted at her,taking no notice of the sad look on her face.My mother just handed me some medicine and left without saying anything.

At that time,I didn’t think I had hurt her feelings very much.That night I saw my mom crying in her room.Even so,I hated her tears from one eye.I made a decision:I must study hard and leave my mother.

Years later my dream came true.I was quite successful.I never thought of going back to see my"ugly"mother until one day I got a letter.

"My son I’m sorry I only have one eye.When you were little,you got into an accident and lost your eye.As a mom,I couldn’t stand watching you live with only one eye.So I gave you mine.

I was never angry with you and I never regretted it because I love you."I cried out aloud.Only then did I realise how beautiful my mother was!


Zhongshan Park

Green trees and beautiful flowers around the park.

A nice and cool

place with clean water and fresh air for hot summer.

Outdoor activities:flying kites ,swimming,fishing,boating and so on.

Enjoy your summer holidays here!

Time:9:00 a.m.﹣9:00 p.m.Jun.15th﹣Aug.31st



on weekdays


on weekends

Children 10﹣ 16:


every day

Children under 10:free

every day

Children under 12 must come with parents!

Add:No.18 Xinbua Road

How to get here:

Take Subway Line 2(二号线) to Zhongshan Park Station.

Take Bus No.101 or Bus No.188 to Zhongshan Park Stop.


Dear Kangkang,

How is everything?

The weather in Cuba is nice and fine.The sun shines and it is hot.It’s the best time to swim.I go swimming a lot.I’m learning to surf (冲浪),too.It sounds great!Right?Tell me something interesting about you.

Hope you’re having a good time!



Dear Maria,

How are you?

Everything goes well.It’s snowing in Harbin.We are making snowmen.I am so glad I can ski(滑雪)now.It’s very interesting.I’m having a good time here!I’m looking forward to your e﹣mail.

Give my best wishes to your family.



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