MYSQL *mysql_init(MYSQL *mysql)
Allocates or initializes a MYSQL object suitable for mysql_real_connect(). If mysql is a NULL pointer, the function allocates, initializes, and returns a newobject. Otherwise, the objectis initialized and the address of the objectis returned. If mysql_init() allocates a newobject, it is freed when mysql_close() is called to close the connection.
In a nonmulti-threaded environment, mysql_init() invokes mysql_library_init() automatically as necessary. However, mysql_library_init() isnot thread-safe in a multi-threaded environment, and thus neither is mysql_init(). Before calling mysql_init(), either call mysql_library_init() prior to spawning any threads, or use a mutex to protect the mysql_library_init() call. This should be done prior to any other client library call.
Return Values
An initialized MYSQL* handler. NULL if there was insufficient memory to allocate a newobject.
Incaseof insufficient memory, NULL is returned. mysql_real_connect()
MYSQL *mysql_real_connect(MYSQL *mysql, const char *host, const char *user, const char *passwd, const char *db, unsigned int port, const char *unix_socket, unsigned long client_flag)
mysql_real_connect() attempts to establish a connection to a MySQL database engine runningon host. mysql_real_connect() must complete successfully before you can execute any other API functions that require a valid MYSQL connection handler structure.
For host, specify a value of NULL orthe empty string ("").
For user, specify a value of NULL orthe empty string.
For passwd, specify a value of NULL. (For the password, a value ofthe empty stringinthe mysql_real_connect() call cannot be overridden in an option file, because the empty string indicates explicitly thatthe MySQL account must have an empty password.)
For db, specify a value of NULL orthe empty string.
For port, specify a value of0.
For unix_socket, specify a value of NULL.
If no value is found in an option filefor a parameter, its default value is used as indicated inthe descriptions given earlier in this section.
Return Values
A MYSQL* connection handler ifthe connection was successful, NULL ifthe connection was unsuccessful. For a successful connection, thereturn value isthe same asthe value ofthefirst parameter.
Failed to connect tothe MySQL server.
Failed to connect tothelocal MySQL server.
Failed to create an IP socket.
Out of memory.
Failed to create a Unix socket.
Failed to find the IP address forthe host name.
A protocol mismatch resulted from attempting to connect to a server with a client library that uses a different protocol version.
Failed to create a named pipe on Windows.
Failed to wait for a named pipe on Windows.
Failed toget a pipe handler on Windows.
If connect_timeout > 0andit took longer than connect_timeout seconds to connect tothe server orifthe server died while executing the init-command.
The MYSQL connection handler is already connected.
MYSQL mysql;
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
By using mysql_options() the MySQL library reads the [client] and [your_prog_name] sections inthemy.cnf file which ensures that your program works, even if someone has set up MySQL insome nonstandard way.
Upon connection, mysql_real_connect() sets the reconnect flag (part ofthe MYSQL structure) to a value of1in versions ofthe API older than 5.0.3, or0in newer versions. A value of1for this flag indicates thatif a statement cannot be performed because of a lost connection, totry reconnecting tothe server before giving up. You can use the MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT option to mysql_options() to control reconnection behavior. mysql_query()
int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *stmt_str)
Executes the SQL statement pointed tobythe null-terminated string stmt_str. Normally, thestring must consist of a single SQL statement without a terminating semicolon (;) or \g. If multiple-statement execution has been enabled, thestring can contain several statements separated by semicolons. See Section 23.8.17, “C API Support for Multiple Statement Execution”.
mysql_query() cannot be used for statements thatcontain binary data; you must use mysql_real_query() instead. (Binary data may containthe \0character, which mysql_query() interprets astheendofthe statement string.)
If you want to know whether the statement should return a resultset, you can use mysql_field_count() to check for this. See Section, “mysql_field_count()”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection tothe server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred. mysql_options()
int mysql_options(MYSQL *mysql, enum mysql_option option, const void *arg)
Can be used toset extra connect options and affect behavior for a connection. This function may be called multiple timestoset several options.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if you specify an unknown option.
The following mysql_options() calls request the use of compression inthe client/server protocol, cause options to be readfromthe [odbc] group of option files, and disable transaction autocommit mode:
MYSQL mysql;
mysql_options(&mysql,MYSQL_INIT_COMMAND,"SET autocommit=0");
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
This code requests thatthe client use the compressed client/server protocol andreadthe additional options fromthe odbc section inthemy.cnf file. mysql_set_character_set()
int mysql_set_character_set(MYSQL *mysql, const char *csname)
This function is used tosetthe default charactersetforthe current connection. The string csname specifies a valid charactersetname. The connection collation becomes the default collation ofthecharacterset. This function works like the SET NAMES statement, but also sets the value of mysql->charset, and thus affects thecharacterset used by mysql_real_escape_string()
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
MYSQL mysql;
if (!mysql_real_connect(&mysql,"host","user","passwd","database",0,NULL,0))
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to connect to database: Error: %s\n",
if (!mysql_set_character_set(&mysql, "utf8"))
printf("New client character set: %s\n",
} mysql_query()
int mysql_query(MYSQL *mysql, const char *stmt_str)
Executes the SQL statement pointed tobythe null-terminated string stmt_str. Normally, thestring must consist of a single SQL statement without a terminating semicolon (;) or \g. If multiple-statement execution has been enabled, thestring can contain several statements separated by semicolons. See Section 23.8.17, “C API Support for Multiple Statement Execution”.
mysql_query() cannot be used for statements thatcontain binary data; you must use mysql_real_query() instead. (Binary data may containthe \0character, which mysql_query() interprets astheendofthe statement string.)
If you want to know whether the statement should return a resultset, you can use mysql_field_count() to check for this. See Section, “mysql_field_count()”.
Return Values
Zero for success. Nonzero if an error occurred.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection tothe server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred. mysql_use_result()
MYSQL_RES *mysql_use_result(MYSQL *mysql)
After invoking mysql_query() or mysql_real_query(), you must call mysql_store_result() or mysql_use_result() forevery statement that successfully produces a resultset (SELECT, SHOW, DESCRIBE, EXPLAIN, CHECK TABLE, and so forth). You must also call mysql_free_result() after you are done withtheresultset.
mysql_use_result() initiates a resultset retrieval butdoesnot actually readtheresultsetintothe client like mysql_store_result() does. Instead, each row must be retrieved individually by making calls to mysql_fetch_row(). This reads theresultof a query directly fromthe server without storing itin a temporary table orlocal buffer, which is somewhat faster and uses much less memory than mysql_store_result(). The client allocates memory only forthe current row and a communication buffer that may grow up to max_allowed_packet bytes.
On the other hand, you should not use mysql_use_result() for locking reads if you are doing a lot of processing for each row onthe client side, orifthe output is sent to a screen on which the user may type a ^S (stop scroll). This ties up the server and prevent other threads from updating any tables from which the data is being fetched.
When using mysql_use_result(), you must execute mysql_fetch_row() until a NULL value is returned, otherwise, the unfetched rows are returned as part oftheresultsetfor your next query. The C API gives theerror Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now if you forget to do this!
You may not use mysql_data_seek(), mysql_row_seek(), mysql_row_tell(), mysql_num_rows(), or mysql_affected_rows() with a result returned from mysql_use_result(), nor may you issue other queries until mysql_use_result() has finished. (However, after you have fetched all the rows, mysql_num_rows() accurately returns thenumberof rows fetched.)
You must call mysql_free_result() once you are done withtheresultset.
When using the libmysqld embedded server, the memory benefits are essentially lost because memory usage incrementally increases with each row retrieved until mysql_free_result() is called.
Return Values
A MYSQL_RES result structure. NULL if an error occurred.
mysql_use_result() resets mysql_error() and mysql_errno() ifit succeeds.
Commands were executed in an improper order.
Out of memory.
The MySQL server has gone away.
The connection tothe server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred. mysql_fetch_row()
MYSQL_ROW mysql_fetch_row(MYSQL_RES *result)
Retrieves the next row of a resultset. When used after mysql_store_result(), mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL when there are no more rows to retrieve. When used after mysql_use_result(), mysql_fetch_row() returns NULL when there are no more rows to retrieve orif an error occurred.
The numberof values inthe row isgivenby mysql_num_fields(result). If row holds thereturn value from a call to mysql_fetch_row(), pointers tothe values are accessed as row[0] to row[mysql_num_fields(result)-1]. NULL values inthe row are indicated by NULL pointers.
The lengths ofthe field values inthe row may be obtained by calling mysql_fetch_lengths(). Empty fields and fields containing NULL both have length0; you can distinguish these by checking the pointer forthe field value. If the pointer is NULL, the field is NULL; otherwise, the field is empty.
Return Values
A MYSQL_ROW structure forthe next row. NULL if there are no more rows to retrieve orif an error occurred.
Errors are not reset between calls to mysql_fetch_row()
The connection tothe server was lost during the query.
An unknown error occurred.
unsigned int num_fields;
unsigned int i;
num_fields = mysql_num_fields(result);
while ((row = mysql_fetch_row(result)))
unsigned long *lengths;
lengths = mysql_fetch_lengths(result);
for(i = 0; i < num_fields; i++)
printf("[%.*s] ", (int) lengths[i],
row[i] ? row[i] : "NULL");
} mysql_free_result()
oid mysql_free_result(MYSQL_RES *result)
Frees the memory allocated foraresultsetby mysql_store_result(), mysql_use_result(), mysql_list_dbs(), and so forth. When you are done witharesultset, you must free the memory it uses by calling mysql_free_result().
Do not attempt to access aresultsetafter freeing it.
Return Values
None. mysql_close()
void mysql_close(MYSQL *mysql)
Closes a previously opened connection. mysql_close() also deallocates the connection handler pointed toby mysql if the handler was allocated automatically by mysql_init() or mysql_connect().Return Values