Install sharelatex on virtual machine

Install sharelatex on virtual machine

标签(空格分隔): Project

Install OS and bulid the user

  After build CentOS-6.5(x64) on the virtual machine, I add a user by input

$ useradd

And then change its password by input

$ passwd <username>

You can use very simple password by

# sudo passwd myusername
Changing password for user myusername.
New password: 
Retype new password: 
passwd: all authentication tokens updated successfully.

Set user to get the root authority

  There are many kinds of way to do it, here we choose one. Edit the /etc/sudoers, find the sentence of root and add a line blow:

## Allow root to run any commands anywhere
root ALL=(ALL) ALL
<username> ALL=(ALL) ALL

Then it will get the root authority. Other ways see here.

Switch user

How about using the su command?

$ whoami

suuser2Password: whoami
$ exit

If you want to log in as root, there’s no need to specify username:

$ whoami

suPassword: whoami
$ exit

Generally, you can use sudo to launch a new shell as the user you want; the -u flag lets you specify the username you want:

$ whoami

sudouuser2zsh whoami

Begin to build the environment

Operating the system by XShell

  Check the IP address of the virtual machine by

# ip addr show  

And then I connect the virtual machine via XShell by the IP address.

Install the EPEl Libray

  Follow the process docs online first, I should install Docker on the computer, because I’m not the root user now, input

$ su -

To get the access, and then

$ sudo yum install docker-io

Here we need network access.
However here we need EPEL(Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) software library on the computer, so I search the Internet, first I need use wget to download the files and use RPM to install the EPEl Libray(root user needed).

$ wget 

$ rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

To test the EPEl Libray, input

$ yum repolist

Install Docker

  Following the above, install the docker-io kits by

$ sudo yum install docker-io

After install the Docker, we must start the service to use it by

$ sudo service docker start

You can stop|start|restart docker using the init script.

$ sudo /etc/init.d/docker restart

If we want Docker to start when you start the boot, use

$ sudo chkconfig docker on

Add group to docker

To create the docker group and add your user:

Log into Centos as a user with sudo privileges.

Create the docker group and add your user.

sudo usermod -aG docker your_username

Log out and log back in.

This ensures your user is running with the correct permissions.

Verify your work by running docker without sudo.

$ docker run hello-world

Use Docker

  (To be reconfirmated)To get the latest stable CentOS official image edition from Docker Hub, use $ sudo docker pull centos, Because I’m using CentOS 6.5, so I shall use

$ sudo docker pull centos:centos6

Install and run ShareLaTeX Community Edition by Docker

  I have prepared the Docker above, here we begin to install ShareLaTex. The recommended way to install and run ShareLaTeX Community Edition is via Docker:

$ docker run -d \
-v ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/sharelatex \
-p 5000:80 \
--name=sharelatex \

Here I get the output:

cannot connect to the docker daemon, is docker-d running on this host?

So I try to restart the system, but it doesn’t work, so I search the stackoverflow, a guy said:

I ran into this at work this week (also on RHEL6.5). I believe the lib-device-mapper that you have isn’t exporting a symbol (“Base”) that Docker needs. I solved this by upgrading lib-device-mapper to version 1.02.90.
You may have to enable the public_ol6_latest repo in order to get this package.
sudo yum-config-manager --enable public_ol6_latest
And then install the package:
sudo yum install device-mapper-event-libs

However, it doesn’t work, after some time I realize that here I need reboot the system.

Then I try again, but this time I make the command shorter by remove the “\” and begin with the “sudo” command:

$ sudo docker run -d -v ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/sharelatex -p 5000:80 --name=sharelatex sharelatex/sharelatex

It tooks a lot of time for downloading.
Here I got error each time I tried, so I tried another way.

Restart the project

After a lot of failures, I read the official teaching doc again, now I decide to bulid the Dependencies I need first.

  • Node.js 0.10.x. We recommend that you use nvm to install it.
  • The grunt command line tools (Run npm install -g grunt-cli to install them)
  • A local instance of Redis (version 2.6.12 or later) and MongoDB running on their standard ports.
  • TeXLive 2013 or later with the latexmk program installed.

Install Node.js

Fristly, I tried to install Node.js.Installing Node.js via package manager

$ curl | bash

Then edit ~/.bash_profile file as follows:


source ~/.bash_profile

After that install the grunt command line tools. Before this I need install NPM by

curl | sh 

(For more details click here: NVM)
But it doesn’t work, so try

$ curl -O -L

It also causes error, then I try

$ sudo yum install npm

It works! Then I install the grunt.

npm install -g grunt-cli

Basic build system

Make sure that you’ve got the basic development tools installed like git and make:

$ sudo yum update

$ sudo yum install git build-essential curl python-software-properties zlib1g-dev zip unzip

Install Redis

Download, extract and compile Redis with:

$ wget

tarxzfredis3.0.7.tar.gz cd redis-3.0.7
$ make
The binaries that are now compiled are available in the src directory. Run Redis with:

$ src/redis-server

Install Aspell

Aspell is a nice stable bit of software so can be got directly from CentOS’s repositories:

$ sudo yum install aspell

There are lots of additional dictionaries available, which can be listed with:

$ yum search aspell | grep aspell

Until here, we’ve got all the dependencies installed, we will have look at:
Production Installation Instructions

Restart the project again

Today I decide to check the details of the project, and review the process I build the system. Here I read a web page about Install sharelatex on CentOS. He said “The best way to install ShareLaTex on any platform is to use their Docker image” via

docker run -d \
-v ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/sharelatex \
--name=sharelatex \
-p 3000:80 \

But each time I tried it, some error occurs which leaded to installation failure. So I read the page dependencies, here I notice that I need to install a lot of package first, here I update the system

$ sudo yum update 

It takes me about a hour to complete all the more than 500 files to download and install.

Then use this to install some softwares needed.

$ sudo yum install git build-essential curl python-software-properties zlib1g-dev zip unzip

Then I try to install sharelatex via docker again by(Following the steps written in Install sharelatex using docker)

$ git clone

cdsharelatexdockerimage sudo docker build -t sharelatex/sharelatex .
$ vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb-enterprise.repo
Add this to the head of the file

name=MongoDB Enterprise Repository


$  sudo yum install -y mongodb-enterprise

Here I get error


Install redis

tar xzf redis-3.0.1.tar.gz
cd redis-3.0.1
make test

Here I get another error

make install



docker run -d \
  -v ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/sharelatex \
  -p 8080:80 \
  --name=sharelatex \

Here I get
I try

sudo docker run -d \
  -v ~/sharelatex_data:/var/lib/sharelatex \
  -p 8080:80 \
  --name=sharelatex \

Here I get

I try the command again, and get

Until now I have no new idea for the project.

Install the Texlive

After check some dependences needed for the project, I realize that I haven’t installed the Texlive. From here we can get details for the installation and configuration Linux下安装TeXLive 2015.

Important steps are as follows:

1.Mount the ISO image(changing the working directory to the place where the ISO image located needed)

$ su 
# mount -o loop texlive2015.iso  /mnt/ 
# cd /mnt
# ./install-tl 

Here we input I to install it directly.

2.Changing the PATH
Add this to the current user’s ~/.bashrc

# TeX Live 2015
export MANPATH=${MANPATH}:/usr/local/texlive/2015/texmf-dist/doc/man

export INFOPATH= INFOPATH:/usr/local/texlive/2015/texmfdist/doc/infoexportPATH= {PATH}:/usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-linux

3.Unmont the ISO image

$ cd

$ sudo umount /mnt/


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