Android Studio 工程目录下各个文件的作用

                        Android Studio 工程目录下各个文件的作用



1. settings.gradle文件位于项目根目录,用于指示Gradle在构建应用时应将哪些模块包括在内。对大多数项目而言,该文件很简单,只包括以下内容

include ‘:app’


2.顶级 build.gradle文件位于项目根目录,用于定义适用于项目中所有模块的构建配置。默认情况下,这个顶级构建文件使用buildscript()代码块来定义项目中所有模块共用的Gradle存储区和依赖项。以下代码示例描述和默认设置和DSL元素可以在新建项目后的顶级buile.gradle文件中找到

 * The buildscript {} block is where you configure the repositories and
 * dependencies for Gradle itself--meaning, you should not include dependencies
 * for your modules here. For example, this block includes the Android plugin for
 * Gradle as a dependency because it provides the additional instructions Gradle
 * needs to build Android app modules.
 *  buildscript {}块是您为Gradle本身配置存储库和依赖项的地方 - 这意味着,您不应在此处包含模块的依赖项。 
 * 例如,此块包含Gradle 的Android插件作为依赖项,因为它提供了Gradle构建Android应用程序模块所需的其他指令。
buildscript {

     * The repositories {} block configures the repositories Gradle uses to
     * search or download the dependencies. Gradle pre-configures support for remote
     * repositories such as JCenter, Maven Central, and Ivy. You can also use local
     * repositories or define your own remote repositories. The code below defines
     * JCenter as the repository Gradle should use to look for its dependencies.

    repositories {

     * The dependencies {} block configures the dependencies Gradle needs to use
     * to build your project. The following line adds Android Plugin for Gradle
     * version 3.2.1 as a classpath dependency.

    dependencies {
        classpath ''

 * The allprojects {} block is where you configure the repositories and
 * dependencies used by all modules in your project, such as third-party plugins
 * or libraries. Dependencies that are not required by all the modules in the
 * project should be configured in module-level build.gradle files. For new
 * projects, Android Studio configures JCenter as the default repository, but it
 * does not configure any dependencies.

allprojects {
   repositories {

3. 模块级build.gridle文件位于每个<project>/<module>/目录下,用于配置适用于其所在模块的构建设置,您可以通过配置这些构建设置来提供自定义打包选项,以及替换,main/应用清单或顶级build.gridle文件中的设置。


 * The first line in the build configuration applies the Android plugin for
 * Gradle to this build and makes the android {} block available to specify
 * Android-specific build options.

apply plugin: ''

 * The android {} block is where you configure all your Android-specific
 * build options.

android {

   * compileSdkVersion specifies the Android API level Gradle should use to
   * compile your app. This means your app can use the API features included in
   * this API level and lower.
   * buildToolsVersion specifies the version of the SDK build tools, command-line
   * utilities, and compiler that Gradle should use to build your app. You need to
   * download the build tools using the SDK Manager.

  compileSdkVersion 28
  buildToolsVersion "28.0.3"

   * The defaultConfig {} block encapsulates default settings and entries for all
   * build variants, and can override some attributes in main/AndroidManifest.xml
   * dynamically from the build system. You can configure product flavors to override
   * these values for different versions of your app.

  defaultConfig {

     * applicationId uniquely identifies the package for publishing.
     * However, your source code should still reference the package name
     * defined by the package attribute in the main/AndroidManifest.xml file.

    applicationId 'com.example.myapp'

    // Defines the minimum API level required to run the app.
    minSdkVersion 15

    // Specifies the API level used to test the app.
    targetSdkVersion 28

    // Defines the version number of your app.
    versionCode 1

    // Defines a user-friendly version name for your app.
    versionName "1.0"

   * The buildTypes {} block is where you can configure multiple build types.
   * By default, the build system defines two build types: debug and release. The
   * debug build type is not explicitly shown in the default build configuration,
   * but it includes debugging tools and is signed with the debug key. The release
   * build type applies Proguard settings and is not signed by default.

  buildTypes {

     * By default, Android Studio configures the release build type to enable code
     * shrinking, using minifyEnabled, and specifies the Proguard settings file.

    release {
        minifyEnabled true // Enables code shrinking for the release build type.
        proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), ''

   * The productFlavors {} block is where you can configure multiple product
   * flavors. This allows you to create different versions of your app that can
   * override defaultConfig {} with their own settings. Product flavors are
   * optional, and the build system does not create them by default. This example
   * creates a free and paid product flavor. Each product flavor then specifies
   * its own application ID, so that they can exist on the Google Play Store, or
   * an Android device, simultaneously.

  productFlavors {
    free {
      applicationId ''

    paid {
      applicationId 'com.example.myapp.paid'

   * The splits {} block is where you can configure different APK builds that
   * each contain only code and resources for a supported screen density or
   * ABI. You'll also need to configure your build so that each APK has a
   * different versionCode.

  splits {
    // Screen density split settings
    density {

      // Enable or disable the density split mechanism
      enable false

      // Exclude these densities from splits
      exclude "ldpi", "tvdpi", "xxxhdpi", "400dpi", "560dpi"

 * The dependencies {} block in the module-level build configuration file
 * only specifies dependencies required to build the module itself.

dependencies {
    compile project(":lib")
    compile ''
    compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])

4. Gradle属性文件,Gradle还包含两个属性文件,位于项目根目录,可用于指定适用于Gradle构建工具包本身的设置。,你可以在其中配置项目范围Gradle设置,例如Gradle后台进程最大堆大小。,为构建系统配置本地环境属性,例如SDK安装路径。该文件的内容由Android Studio自动生成并且专用于


5. 源集

Android studio 按照逻辑关系将每个模块的源代码和资源分组为源集。模块的main/源集包括其所有构建变体共用的代码

和资源。其他源集目录为可选项,在您配置新的构建变体时,Android Studio不会自动为您创建这些目录。不过,创建类似于main/的源集有助于让Gradle只在构建特定应用版本时使用的文件和资源井然有序。






  • src/fullDebug/(构建变体源集)
  • src/debug/(构建类型源集) 类型:表示是正式版本还是测试版本
  • src/full/(产品风味源集) 风味:表示不同的版本的应用
  • src/main/(主源集)

如果不同源集包含同一文件的不同版本,Gradle 将按以下优先顺序决定使用哪一个文件(左侧源集替换右侧源集的文件和设置):构建变体 > 构建类型 > 产品风味 > 主源集 > 库依赖项

这样一来,Gradle 便可使用专用于您试图构建的构建变体的文件,同时对与其他应用版本共用的 Activity、应用逻辑和资源加以重复利用。在合并多个清单时,Gradle 使用同一优先顺序,这样每个构建变体都能在最终清单中定义不同的组件或权限。如需了解有关创建自定义源集的更多信息。

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