
第一页作业 2
1.1验收承认(acceptance) 2
1.2要求需要(requirement) 5
1.3最初形态(Prototype) 6
1.4Model(模型) 7
1.5异义词(Homonym) 8
1.6检查(Inspection) 8
1.7敏捷式项目管理(Agile project management) 9
1.8特征(Feature) 10
1.9实体(Entity) 12
1.10错误(Error) 14
第二页作业 15
2.1实现视图(implementation view) 15
2.2增量开发(incremental development) 15
2.3交互图(interaction diagram) 17
2.4内部交易(internal transaction) 17
2.5互交发展(interative development) 18
2.6逻辑视图(logical view) 19
2.7模型元素(model element) 21
2.8多重分类(multiple classification) 21
2.9多重继承(multiple inheritance) 22
2.10第n范式(n-ary association) 24
第三页作业 25
3.1活动(Activities) 25
3.2链接(Connection) 28
3.3合并(Merge) 33
3.4同步(synchronization) 34
3.5行为模型方面(behavioral model aspect) 35
3.6关联结束(association end) 39
3.7二进制关联(binary association) 39
3.8合议图(collanoration diagram) 40
3.9部署图(deployment diagram) 41
3.10控制焦点(focus of control) 42
第四页作业 42
4.1一般化(generalization) 42
4.2执行(implementation) 43
4.3继承(inheritance) 43
4.4接口(interface) 44
4.5元模型(metamodel) 44
4.6模块(module) 45
4.7多样性(multiplicity) 46
《需求工程——软件建模与分析》读后感: 46
图书销售系统项目的发展建议: 47
1、 在开发的时候要尽可能的编写文档,保证项目在之后可以维护且发展 47
2、 要注重数据的安全问题,保证用户信息安全。 47
3、 完善界面增强用户体验。 47

the action of consenting to receive or undertake something offered.“charges involving the acceptance of bribes” · “an acceptance speech” · “he had an acceptance from the magazine”


How to Practice Acceptance for Mindfulness
Acceptance turns out to be one of the most helpful attitudes to bring to mindfulness. Acceptance means perceiving your experience and simply acknowledging it rather than judging it as good or bad. For some people, the word ‘acceptance’ is off-putting – replace it with the word ‘acknowledgement,’ if you prefer.

For example, when you feel pain, whether it’s physical, such as a painful shoulder, or mental, such as depression or anxiety, the natural reaction is to try to avoid feeling the pain. This seems very sensible because the sensation of physical or mental pain is unpleasant. You ignore it, distract yourself, or perhaps even go so far as turning to recreational drugs or alcohol to numb the discomfort.

This avoidance may work in the immediate short term, but before long, avoidance fails in the mental and emotional realm.

You still feel the pain, but on top of that, you feel the emotional hurt and struggle with the pain itself. Buddha called this the ‘second arrow.’ If a warrior is injured by an arrow and unleashes A thought like ‘why did this happen to me,’ that’s a ‘second arrow.’

You may inflict this on yourself each time you feel some form of pain or even just a bit of discomfort, rather than accepting what has happened and taking the next step. Avoidance – running away – is an aspect of the ‘second arrow’ and compounds the suffering. Acceptance means stopping fighting with your moment-to-moment experience. Acceptance removes that second arrow of blame, criticism or denial.

Perhaps you sit down to meditate and feel bombarded by thoughts dragging you away again and again. If you don’t accept the fact that your mind likes thinking, you become more and more frustrated, upset and annoyed with yourself. You want to focus on the meditation but just can’t.

In the above example:

First arrow – lots of thoughts entering your mind during meditation.

Second arrow – not accepting that thoughts are bound to come up in meditation. Criticizing yourself for having too many thoughts.

Solution – to acknowledge and accept that thoughts are part and parcel of meditation. You can do this by gently saying to yourself ‘thinking is happening’ or ‘it’s natural to think’ or simply labeling it as ‘thinking…thinking.’

By acknowledging the feeling, thought or sensation and going into it, the experience changes. Even with physical pain, try experimenting by actually feeling it. Research has found that the pain reduces. But remember, you’re not acknowledging it to get rid of the feeling. That’s not acceptance. You need to acknowledge the sensation, feeling or thought without trying to change it at all. Pure acceptance of it, just as it is.

One way to relax into the discomfort is by courageously turning to the sensation of discomfort, and simultaneously feeling the sensation of your own breath. With each out-breath, allow yourself to move closer and soften the tension around the discomfort.

If all this acceptance or acknowledgement of your pain seems impossible, just try getting a sense of it and make the tiniest step towards it. The smallest step towards acceptance can set up a chain of events ultimately leading towards transformation. Any tiny amount of acceptance is better than none at all.

Another aspect of acceptance is to come to terms with your current situation. If you’re lost, even if you have a map of where you want to get to, you have no hope of getting there, if you don’t know where you are to start with.

You need to know and accept where you are before you can begin working out how to get to where you want to be. Paradoxically, acceptance is the first step for any radical change. If you don’t acknowledge where you are and what’s currently happening, you can’t move on appropriately from that point.

meet requirement,satisfy requirement,enforce requirement,fulfill requirement,comply requirement


Requirement Engineering is the process of defining, documenting and maintaining the requirements. It is a process of gathering and defining service provided by the system. Requirements Engineering Process consists of the following main activities:

Requirements elicitation
Requirements specification
Requirements verification and validation
Requirements management
Requirements Elicitation:
It is related to the various ways used to gain knowledge about the project domain and requirements. The various sources of domain knowledge include customers, business manuals, the existing software of same type, standards and other stakeholders of the project.
The techniques used for requirements elicitation include interviews, brainstorming, task analysis, Delphi technique, prototyping, etc. Some of these are discussed here. Elicitation does not produce formal models of the requirements understood. Instead, it widens the domain knowledge of the analyst and thus helps in providing input to the next stage.

Requirements specification:
This activity is used to produce formal software requirement models. All the requirements including the functional as well as the non-functional requirements and the constraints are specified by these models in totality. During specification, more knowledge about the problem may be required which can again trigger the elicitation process.
The models used at this stage include ER diagrams, data flow diagrams(DFDs), function decomposition diagrams(FDDs), data dictionaries, etc.

用于需求引出的技术包括访谈、头脑风暴、任务分析、Delphi 技术、原型设计等。这里将讨论其中一些。引文不会产生所理解的要求的正式模型。相反,它拓宽了分析师的域知识,从而有助于为下一阶段提供投入。

此阶段使用的模型包括 ER 图、数据流图(DFD)、函数分解图(FDD)、数据字典等。
a first, typical or preliminary model of something, especially a machine, from which other forms are developed or copied.“the firm is testing a prototype of the weapon” ·模型最初的、典型的或初步的某物模型,尤指机器,从中发展或复制其他形式。


In order to solve the problem that attribute cannot be shared between object instances of constructor, JS provides prototype attribute.
Each data type in JS is an object (except null and undefined), and each object inherits from another object, which is called a “prototype” object. Except for null, it has no prototype object of its own.
All properties and methods on the prototype object are shared by the object instance.
When an object instance is generated through a constructor, the prototype of the object instance is pointed to the prototype property of the constructor. Each constructor has a prototype property, which is the prototype object of the object instance.

An abstract representation of an existing reality or a reality to be


Django determines the following information based on the type of the attribute: the type of the currently selected database support field
The default HTML control used when rendering the management form. During the minimum verification in the management site, Django will add auto growing primary key columns to the table, and each model can only have one primary key column. If you use the option to set an attribute as the primary key column, Django will not regenerate into the default primary key column. Attribute naming is restricted and identifier rules are followed. Due to the query method of Django, it does not have a primary key column Continuous underscores are allowed. When a library defines a property, it needs a field type. The field type is defined in the django.db.models In the. Fields directory, it is imported into the django.db.models Import from by using django.db import Models through models.Field Create an object of field type and assign it to an attribute. Logical deletion does logical deletion for all important data, and does not do physical deletion. The implementation method is to define isdelete attribute with the type of Boolean field and the default value of false

渲染管理表单时使用的默认html控件,在管理站点最低限度的验证,django会为表增加自动增长的主键列,每个模型只能有一个主键列,如果使用选项设置某属性为主键列后,则django不会再生成默认的主键列,属性命名限制,遵循标识符规则,由于django的查询方式,不允许使用连续的下划线,库定义属性时,需要字段类型,字段类型被定义在django.db.models.fields目录下,为了方便使用,被导入到django.db.models中,使用方式导入from django.db import models通过models.Field创建字段类型的对象,赋值给属性,逻辑删除对于重要数据都做逻辑删除,不做物理删除,实现方法是定义isDelete属性,类型为BooleanField,默认值为False
A term looking identical to another term, but having a different


Homonyms are two words that are spelled the same and sound the same but have different meanings. The word “homonym” comes from the prefix “homo-,” which means the same, and the suffix “-nym,” which means name. Therefore, a homonym is a word that has the same name as another word, meaning that the two words look and sound exactly alike.

Examples of Homonyms
A simple example of a homonym is the word “pen.” This can mean both “a holding area for animals” and “a writing instrument.” Another example is “book,” which can mean “something to read” or “the act of making a reservation.” In both cases, the sound and spelling are the same, and only the definition changes.
careful examination or scrutiny.
“on closer inspection it looked like a fossil please have your tickets ready for inspection we carry out regular safety inspections”
“仔细观察, 它看起来像一块化石”“请准备好您的门票供检查” |“我们定期进行安全检查”


Why request an Inspection?
Whether you are about to place a bid or sell your vehicle on eBay Motors, an inspection by an independent third party is a must-have.Buyers benefit because the inspection is a way to validate a seller’s claims about a vehicle’s condition.Sellers benefit because the inspection increases potential buyers’ confidence in the description of the vehicle’s condition.How do I arrange an inspection today?eBay Motors recommends arranging your inspection through SGS Automotive. With their 150-point vehicle inspection, SGS Automotive helps you build the confidence that is crucial to any vehicle sale.

为什么要求检查?无论您是要在易趣汽车上出价还是出售车辆,都必须有独立第三方的检查。买方受益于此,因为检查是验证卖方对车辆状况的主张的一种方法。卖方受益,因为检查增加了潜在买家对车辆状况描述的信心。我今天怎么安排检查?易趣汽车公司建议您通过SGS Automotive安排检查。通过150点的车辆检查,SGS Automotive帮助您建立对任何车辆销售至关重要的信心。。
1.7敏捷式项目管理(Agile project management)
Agile project management is an iterative approach to delivering a project throughout its life cycle.敏捷项目管理是一种迭代方法,可在整个生命周期内交付项目。


What is Agile project management?
Agile project management is an iterative approach to project management that focuses on breaking down large projects into more manageable tasks, which are completed in short iterations throughout the project life cycle. Teams that adopt the Agile methodology are able to complete work faster, adapt to changing project requirements, and optimize their workflow.

As the name suggests, the Agile allows teams to be better equipped to quickly change direction and focus. Software companies and marketing agencies are especially aware of the tendency for changes from project stakeholders to happen from week-to-week. The Agile methodology allows teams to re-evaluate the work they are doing and adjust in given increments to make sure that as the work and customer landscape changes, the focus also changes for the team.

If you’re new to the Agile project management, it might look at first like a complex and difficult-to-manage system. But, whether you realize it or not, you’re already doing many of the things Agile requires. With a few tweaks, you’ll be on your way to shorter development cycles and smaller, more frequent product releases.

Who uses Agile project management?
Originally created for software development, the Agile approach to project management is quickly being adapted by more than just IT teams. Marketers, universities, the military, and even the automotive industry are also looking at the Agile methodology and other Agile frameworks to deliver innovative products in uncertain environments. Many organizations can benefit from Agile project management, and it’s simple to set up and utilize.

In the software world, when a decision to build or further develop an existing technology is made, the end product may be hard to define. Agile allows for that ambiguity because of its flexibility to change direction on a project as work moves into the future.

While you can take advantage of Agile software, books, or Agile coaches, each Agile team is unique, and understanding the basics can help you put together an Agile methodology that works for you and your team.

the structure, form, or appearance especially of a person


A feature is a small, client-valued function expressed in the form . As the name implies, features are an important aspect of Feature-Driven Development (FDD) (Palmer and Felsing 2002). Figure 1 shows several features for the university system. Features are very small and typically can be implemented within a few hours.
Figure 1. Features.
Add a student to a semi

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