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原创 AtCoder Regular Contest 135 A
Problem StatementThere is an integerXXwritten on a blackboard. You can do the operation below any number of times (possibly zero).Choose an integerxxwritten on the blackboard. Erase onexxfrom the blackboard and write two new integers\lfloor \fr...
2022-04-05 21:10:08 153
原创 【无标题】AtCoder Beginner Contest 2248 Puzzle on Graph
Takahashi found a puzzle along some road.It is composed of an undirected graph with nine vertices andMMedges, and eight pieces.The nine vertices of the graph are called Vertex11, Vertex22,\ldots…, Vertex99. For eachi = 1, 2, \ldots, Mi=1,2,…,M...
2022-03-30 20:35:06 244
原创 C. Shinju and the Lost Permutation
首先有一件事可以确定,他给的数列里有且只有一个1,因为1-n的排列只有最大数开头才会是1,其次,我们从1开始检测他的正确性,(因为这个是绝对没问题的)后面的数可以涨也可以减少,但是上坡路,只能一步一步走,下坡路却可以一下走一大截,就像学习一样,如果一步超过一格则输出No,其他的都是输出Yes。#include<bits/stdc++.h>#define int long longusing namespace std;int _,n,m,t,x,y,z,k=-1,...
2022-03-29 21:06:43 146
原创 Codeforces Round #779.B. Marin and Anti-coprime Permutation
Marin wants you to count number of permutations that arebeautiful. Abeautifulpermutation of lengthnnis a permutation that has the following property:gcd(1⋅p1,2⋅p2,…,n⋅pn)>1,gcd(1⋅p1,2⋅p2,…,n⋅pn)>1,wheregcdgcdis thegreatest common divisor....
2022-03-29 20:19:44 513
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