how to do English Scientific Presentation

今天去听了一个关于软件使用的讲座。因为经常使用这个软件,同时也听闻这个软件两周之前推出了最新版本,所以去的时候对这个讲座很有期待。讲座是由一个德国人用英语做的,整个过程让我很是失望,让我深刻的感受到一个好的话题被糟蹋了(呵呵,有点夸张,稍候我会做些解释)。联想到最近一直在上的一门课——How to do English Scientific Presentation, 想着把课程上的一些好的内容加上自己的理解和大家分享。首先必须感谢,给我上这门课程的老师,普瓦捷大学(Universite de Poitiers)的Marie-Hélène TOMLINSON 老师。我想把这个内容分两次写完,这里是第一部分。实际上主要内容一方面是做报告的技巧,另一方面是英文表述方面需要注意的地方(主要是Spoken English和written English的区别)。
1. Introductions
It is essential to speak slowly at the beginning as nervousness speeds us up.
开始的时候总是要慢,不要着急,尤其是用英语作讲座的时候更是如此。但是大部分人总是会不由自主的加快语速,这个也容易理解,因为紧张,想着越快结束越好,直接的结果语速很快。You should begin a presentation in a cheerful way with a smile.

可以打断:Please do feel free to interrupt me at any point.

不希望打断:I will be happy to answer questions after the presentation.




Good morning/ afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.
My name is (………….) and I am currently completing a (………….) in (………….)
This morning/afternoon, I am going to be presenting/ reporting on/ talking about (注意这里的表述方法,老师重点强调一定是这样表述,和我们日常说的有点不一样)
OR: The subject/ topic of this presentation is (………….)
I have divided my presentation into three parts
I will begin by outlining the main goals of my (our) project/research giving you an overview of the history of (………….)
filling you in on the background to the project
making a few observations about the issues in (………….)
Then I will going on to discuss the implications of (………….)
highlight the main advantages of (………….)
I will finish by looking at the application/ prospects of (………….)
making recommendations regarding (………….)
My presentation will last about 20 minutes.
First of all/ Then/ After that/ Next /Finally, I am going to describe (………….)

Firstly/ Secondly/ Thirdly/ Lastly I will take a look at (………….)

Smile and establish eye contact with the audience
Speak clearly and not too fast
Use visual aids to emphasize your points—As you can see, …..
Use simple, short sentences and words
Throughout your presentation, make sure to pronounce the ‘’ French-looking’’ words in an English way—
最后介绍两个非常强大的专业词典网站 和 你很多英语长的专业词语(很多复合名字等等),你拿不准发音,上这两个网站查查,总能找到答案。
先写到这里,下一次我会主要写一些关于Spoken EnglishWritten English的区别(我们也称之为Language; 具体怎么使用simple, short sentences and words;另外的一些细节,比如说PPT的使用注意事项等等。
当我们准备报告内容的时候,我们习惯性的使用很多正式的词语(formal words),常用一些我们写科技论文的常用句子。这是一个很明显的失误,因为这些句子有点晦涩难懂,拉大了我们和听众之间的距离。
正确的做法:You should think of a presentation in English as a conversation, a little one-sides,but a dialogue nonetheless. Simple words are best.
1. additionalA. make
2. approximatelyB. meet
3. assistanceC. enough
4. encounterD. get
5. immediatelyE. need
6. manufactureF. extra
7. obtainG. about
8. purchaceH. help
9. requireI. now
10. sufficientJ. buy

1-F 2-G 3-H 4-B 5-I 6-A 7-D 8-J 9-E 10-C

(3)用很长而且负责的句子。(Long, elaborate senteces are a sign of a good speaker?)NO!!!!
Written English vs. Spoken English
Marie-Hélène TOMLINSON 老师是一个英国人,但是一直在法国工作,听了无数的英文报告,很多时候听报告的感觉——表达方式和内容都没有问题,但是就是不习惯,原因就是很多语言是用来读而不是用来听的。
我随手拿起桌子上的一篇文章,写下第一句话:The analysis of more complex flow physics has been required continuously with the development of aerospace industry and it has been also true in the field of computational fluid dynamics. 你会在做报告的时候说这么长的句子么?没有必要,而且说了之后大家听的也费劲,用长句是做英文科技报告中最吃力不讨好的事。简单把上面的句子分成几个短句:The analysis of more complex flow physics has been required. This is beause of the development of aerospace industry. And the field of computational fluid dynamics also need.
1.  ……and then I am going to give some examples of …….
2.  …….secondly, I’d like to talk abouthe issures related to…..
3.  …….finally, I will look at the possible application of ……
当我们说讲座的计划表(schedule)是,将来进行时(the future continuous)常常用到(I will be ….ing / I am going to be …ing),但是我们往往用错,比如说上面1. 的正确的表述应该是:……and then I am going to be giving some examples of …….,你也可以把其它两个句子进行类似改正。当然,你也可以用更为简单的说法:today, I will present……
一个原则:You do not have to use it but it is quite common.所以你可以不说,但是你听到了也不要奇怪哈。
Passive VS. Active
Written English 和 Spoken English的一个重要区别: Spoken English多使用主动语态,而Written English 多使用被动语态。–In active senteces, the subject performs the action. Examples: The technician repairs the machine. –In the passive, the subject is not important or is not know. What counts is the result, the action itself, and not the person who performs the action. Examples: The machine is repaired.
A centrally-located fifty-eight floor two hundred and ten metre high glass and concrete office building–这是一个词哦,有点长吧?注意两点:这个复合名字最重要的词语是哪个? 怎么读?(我好像不能给出标准答案,大家自己想吧)
Plurals in compound nouns, 复合名词的复数,这点也很重要,我想下面的这个例子和规则可以帮很大的忙。
A 4 piston engine = an engine with four pistons; Two 4 piston engines = two engines with four pistions;规则:Only the last noun in a compound noun can be in the pural form.
A compound adjective is a group of words that qualifies a noun. 常见的有两种形式:
—ING form in compound adjectives: active form. The noun that is qualified produces an effect. For exmaple, a sound-absoring device: a device which absords the sound.
—ED in compound adjectives: passive form. The noun that is qualified is submitted to an action. For exmaple, A hand-operted tool: a tool that is operated by hand.
这是《怎样做英文科技报告》第二部分,还剩下第三部分近期总结完,主要内容将会包括:常用的书面语的代替表达;Signposting的活用;(先简单说明一下:大家知道道路上有各种标志,简单的一个词语就足以让我们怎么走,这和我们口语表达的实质是相同的 ——使用简单用语);Visual AIDS and boundy language(辅助工具和肢体语言);TIPS FOR POWERPOINT PRESENTATIONS.
有众多研究者研究了对演讲的听众的影响因素:内容(content)、语调(tone of voice)和肢体语言(body language)。其中一个著名的模型Dr Albert Mehrbian’s communication mode给出了各部分的影响比重,估计这个结果会让你有点吃惊。

Three elements




Tone of voice


Body language


Body Language and Voice
  • 站直,两脚稍微分开,总是面朝听众。你可以扶着讲台(lectern),如果有的话;但是不能坐在上面,靠着也不行。
  • 手势、身体的移动、脸部表情都可以帮助你抓住听众的注意力。
  • 不做手势的时候,双手怎么样?两手可以握着放在肚子前方,但是不要太紧。
  • 避免身体习惯(physical mannerisms)如玩笔、pointers、口袋里的硬币,摆弄头发等等。
  • 眼神。这点非常重要,通过和听众的眼神交流可以帮助演讲者评估演讲的效果。如果听众看起来很困惑或不太肯定,演讲者就需要慢下来,并重复重点。尽量做到整个演讲90%的时间眼神是放在听众身上的。
  • 用一种谈话的语调演讲,注意不要说的太快。有人认为说的快可以显示自己对内容的熟悉,实际上说的太快只能别人感觉你很紧张且缺乏自信。注意停顿(Plauses are essential to a strong delivery)!介绍一个新的要点和展示了一个新的图片的时候都需要停顿,让听众有时间思考和过渡。
  • 微笑。A smile at the opening and here and there in the presentation sends a powerful nonverbal signal to the audience that you are comfortable, self-assured and in control. An occasional smile also help you to relax.


Visual Aids (辅助工具)

  • 听众不能同时听和读!这里再次提及这点,因为这点真的很重要。
  • 规则——每三分钟最多使用一张幻灯片。
  • 规则——每张幻灯片最多只有八行文字,尽量中核心词语,力求保持简单。(keywords)


  • 字型和大小:避免全部使用大写字母;字体大小可以为18号字或者大些,如果是参考文献 用14号字;用Sans Serif字体(如,Arial)
  • 颜色:Dark letters against a light background are best for smaller rooms or for teaching; Light letters against a dark blue or black background work better in a large room;Avoid red/green combinations;choose colours carefully.
  • 布局:Keep the layout and style as consistent as possible; Every slide should have a heading; Keep text blocks short and simple;Keep text blocks short and simple: try to limit text blocks to two lines each;it is often effective to ‘unveil’ a list point by point; Do not overuse animations and do not have any screeching sounds as text enters; Do not cram too much information into one silde; try your best to include a simple image on every slide;But do not use too many slides.

路上有很多标志和指示语,简单的一个词语就能让人知道怎么走;做科技讲座的时候是同样的道理,在过渡的时候,下面一些词语会非常的有用:to move on; to go back; to summarize; to expand on; to recap; to turn to; to digress; to conclude; to elaborate on.

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experience with job interviews, but here are some tips on how to prepare an English presentation for a job interview: 1. Understand the job requirements: Before preparing your presentation, make sure you thoroughly understand the job requirements and what the company is looking for in a candidate. This will help you tailor your presentation to the specific job and company. 2. Choose a relevant topic: Choose a topic that is relevant to the job and your skills. This could be a previous project you worked on, a skill you have that is relevant to the job, or your experience in the industry. 3. Create an outline: Create an outline for your presentation that includes an introduction, main points, and a conclusion. Make sure to include any supporting materials or visuals that will help you make your point. 4. Practice: Practice your presentation multiple times before the interview. This will help you become more comfortable with the material and ensure that you are able to present it clearly and confidently. 5. Be concise: Keep your presentation concise and to the point. Avoid rambling or going off-topic. 6. Be professional: Dress appropriately for the interview and be professional in your demeanor and tone. Show the interviewer that you are serious about the job and that you are a professional. 7. Be confident: Be confident in your presentation and yourself. This will help you make a good impression on the interviewer and show that you are the right candidate for the job.




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