
1. 通道交换:

import cv2
# function: BGR -> RGB
def BGR2RGB(img):
    b = img[:,:,0].copy()
    g = img[:,:,1].copy()
    r = img[:,:,2].copy()
    #RGB > BGR
    img[:,:,0] = r
    img[:,:,1] = g
    img[:,:,2] = b
    return img
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
img = RGB2BGR(img)

2. 灰度化(Grayscale):

import cv2
import numpy as np
def BGR2GRAY(img):
    b = img[:,:,0].copy()
    g = img[:,:,1].copy()
    r = img[:,:,2].copy()
    #Gray scale
    out = r*0.2126+g*0.7152+b*0.0722
    out = out.astype(np.uint8)
    return out
gray = BGR2GRAY(img)


import cv2
import numpy as np
#Gray scale
def BGR2GRAY(img):
    b = img[:,:,0].copy()
    g = img[:,:,1].copy()
    r = img[:,:,2].copy()
    #Gray scale
    out = r*0.2126+g*0.7152+b*0.0722
    out = out.astype(np.uint8)
    return out
# binarization
def binarization(img,th=128):
    return img
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
gray = BGR2GRAY(img)
out = binarization(gray)

4.大津二值化算法(Otsu’s Method):

import cv2
import numpy as np
def BGR2GRAY(img):
    b = img[:,:,0].copy()
    g = img[:,:,1].copy()
    r = img [:,:,2].copy()
    gray_img = 0.2126*r+0.7152*g+0.0722*b
    gray_img = gray_img.astype(np.uint8)
    return gray_img
def otsu(gray_img):
    h = gray_img.shape[0]
    w = gray_img.shape[1]
    threshold_t = 0
    max_g = 0
    for t in range(255):
        n0 = gray_img[np.where(gray_img < t)]
        n1 = gray_img[np.where(gray_img>=t)]
        w0 = len(n0)/(h*w)
        w1 = len(n1)/(h*w)
        u0 = np.mean(n0) if len(n0)>0 else 0
        u1 = np.mean(n1) if len(n1)>0 else 0
        g = w0*w1*(u0-u1)**2
        if g > max_g :
            max_g = g
            threshold_t = t
    print ('类间方差最大阈值:',threshold_t)
    gray_img[gray_img<threshold_t] = 0
    gray_img[gray_img>threshold_t] = 255
    return gray_img
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg').astype(np.float32)
gray_img = BGR2GRAY(img) 
otsu_img = otsu(gray_img)
import cv2
import numpy as np
def BGR2HSV(_img):
    img = _img.copy()/255
    hsv = np.zeros_like(img,dtype=np.float32)
    #GET max and min
    max_v = np.max(img,axis=2).copy()
    min_v = np.min(img,axis=2).copy()
    min_arg = np.argmin(img,axis=2)
    hsv[...,0][np.where(max_v == min_v)]=0
    ## if min==B
    ind = np.where(min_arg == 0)
    hsv[...,0][ind] = 60*(img[...,1][ind] - img[...,2][ind])/(max_v[ind]-min_v[ind]) + 60
    ## if min == R
    ind = np.where(min_arg == 2)
    hsv[...,0][ind] = 60*(img[...,0][ind] - img[...,1][ind])/(max_v[ind] - min_v[ind]) + 180
    ## if min == G
    ind = np.where(min_arg == 1)
    hsv[...,0][ind] = 60*(img[...,2][ind] - img[...,0][ind])/(max_v[ind] - min_v[ind]) + 300
    hsv[...,1] = max_v.copy() - min_v.copy()
    hsv[...,2] = max_v.copy()
    return hsv
def HSV2BGR(_img,hsv):
    img = _img.copy()/255
    #get max and min
    max_v = np.max(img,axis=2).copy()
    min_v = np.min(img,axis=2).copy()
    out = np.zeros_like(img)
    H = hsv[...,0]
    S = hsv[...,1]
    V = hsv[...,2]
    C = S
    H_ = H/60
    X = C*(1-np.abs(H_%2-1))
    Z = np.zeros_like(H)
    vals = [[Z,X,C],[Z,C,X],[X,C,Z],[C,X,Z],[C,Z,X],[X,Z,C]]
    for i in range(6):
        ind = np.where((i <= H_)&(H_<(i+1)))
        out[...,0][ind] = (V-C)[ind] + vals[i][0][ind]
        out[...,1][ind] = (V-C)[ind] + vals[i][1][ind]
        out[...,2][ind] = (V-C)[ind] + vals[i][2][ind]
    out[np.where(max_v == min_v)] = 0
    out = np.clip(out,0,1)
    out = (out*255).astype(np.uint8)
    return out
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
hsv = BGR2HSV(img)
hsv[...,0] = (hsv[...,0] + 180)%360
out = HSV2BGR(img,hsv)
cv2.imshow("result", out)


import cv2
import numpy as np
#Dicrease color
def dicrease_color(img):
    out = img.copy()
    out = out//64*64 + 32
    return out
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
out = dicrease_color(img)


7.平均池化(Average Pooling)

import cv2
import numpy as np
#average pooling
def average_pooling(img,G):
    out = img.copy()
    H,W,C = img.shape
    Nh = int(H/G)
    Nw = int(W/G)
    for y in range(Nh):
        for x in range(Nw):
            for c in range(C):
                out[G*y:G*(y+1),G*x:G*(x+1),c] = np.mean(out[G*y:G*(y+1),G*x:G*(x+1),c]).astype(np.int)
    return out
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
out = average_pooling(img,8)

8.最大池化(Max Pooling):

import cv2
import numpy as np
#average pooling
def average_pooling(img,G):
    out = img.copy()
    H,W,C = img.shape
    Nh = int(H/G)
    Nw = int(W/G)
    for y in range(Nh):
        for x in range(Nw):
            for c in range(C):
                out[G*y:G*(y+1),G*x:G*(x+1),c] = np.max(out[G*y:G*(y+1),G*x:G*(x+1),c])
    return out
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
out = average_pooling(img,8)

9.高斯滤波(Gussian filter):

import cv2
import numpy as np
#Gussian filter
def gaussian_filter(img,K_size=3,sigma=1.3):
    if len(img.shape) == 3:
        H,W,C = img.shape
        img = np.expand_dims(img,axis=-1)
        H,W,C = img.shape
    # Zero padding
    pad = K_size//2
    out = np.zeros((H+pad*2,W+pad*2,C),dtype=np.float)
    out[pad:pad+H,pad:pad+W] = img.copy().astype(np.float)
    #prepare Kernel(x,y相关系数为0的二维正态分布)
    K = np.zeros((K_size,K_size),dtype=np.float)
    for x in range(-pad,-pad+K_size):
        for y in range(-pad,-pad+K_size):
            K[y+pad,x+pad] = np.exp(-(x**2+y**2)/(2*(sigma**2)))
    K /= (2*np.pi*sigma*sigma)
    K /= K.sum()
    tmp = out.copy()
    # filter
    for y in range(H):
        for x in range(W):
            for c in range(C):
                out[pad+y,pad+x,c] = np.sum(K*tmp[y:y+K_size,x:x+K_size,c])
    out = np.clip(out,0,255)
    out = out[pad:pad+H,pad:pad+W].astype(np.uint8)
    return out
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
out = gaussian_filter(img)

10.中值滤波(Median Filter):

import cv2
import numpy as np
# Median Filter
def median_filter(img,K_size=3):
    if len(img.shape) == 3:
        H,W,C = img.shape
        H,W,C = np.expand_dims(img,axis=-1)
        H,W,C = img.shape
    #zero pading
    pad = K_size//2
    out = np.zeros((H+pad*2,W+pad*2,C),dtype=np.float)
    out[pad:pad+H,pad:pad+W] = img.copy().astype(np.float)
    tmp = out.copy()
    for y in range(H):
        for x in range(W):
            for c in range(C):
                out[y+pad,x+pad,c] = np.median(tmp[y:y+K_size,x:x+K_size,c])
    out = out[pad:pad+H,pad:pad+W].astype(np.uint8)
    return out
img = cv2.imread('full.jpg')
out = median_filter(img)
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.Data; using System.Drawing; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; namespace edge { public partial class Form1 : Form { public Form1() { InitializeComponent(); } private void open_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { OpenFileDialog opnDlg = new OpenFileDialog(); opnDlg.Filter = "所有图像文件 | *.bmp; *.pcx; *.png; *.jpg; *.gif;" + "*.tif; *.ico; *.dxf; *.cgm; *.cdr; *.wmf; *.eps; *.emf|" + "位图( *.bmp; *.jpg; *.png;...) | *.bmp; *.pcx; *.png; *.jpg; *.gif; *.tif; *.ico|" + "矢量图( *.wmf; *.eps; *.emf;...) | *.dxf; *.cgm; *.cdr; *.wmf; *.eps; *.emf"; opnDlg.Title = "打开图像文件"; opnDlg.ShowHelp = true; if (opnDlg.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { curFileName = opnDlg.FileName; try { curBitmap = (Bitmap)Image.FromFile(curFileName); } catch (Exception exp) { MessageBox.Show(exp.Message); } } Invalidate(); } private void close_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.Close(); } private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e) { Graphics g = e.Graphics; if (curBitmap != null) { g.DrawImage(curBitmap, 160, 20, curBitmap.Width, curBitmap.Height); } } private void mask_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curBitmap != null) { mask operatorMask = new mask(); if (operatorMask.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, curBitmap.Width, curBitmap.Height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = curBitmap.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, curBitmap.PixelFormat); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; int bytes = curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height; byte[] grayValues = new byte[bytes]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, grayValues, 0, bytes); int thresholding = operatorMask.GetThresholding; byte flagMask = operatorMask.GetMask; double[] tempArray = new double[bytes]; double gradX, gradY, grad; switch (flagMask) { case 0://Roberts for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { gradX = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; gradY = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; grad = Math.Sqrt(gradX * gradX + gradY * gradY); tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad; } } break; case 1://Prewitt for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { gradX = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; gradY = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; grad = Math.Sqrt(gradX * gradX + gradY * gradY); tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad; } } break; case 2://Sobel for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { gradX = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 2 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)]; gradY = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 2 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; grad = Math.Sqrt(gradX * gradX + gradY * gradY); tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad; } } break; case 3://Laplacian1公式(8.4) for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { grad = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - 4 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad; } } break; case 4://Laplacian2公式(8.5) for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { grad = grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 8 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad; } } break; case 5://Laplacian3公式(8.6) for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { grad = -1 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 4 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad; } } break; case 6://Kirsch for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { grad = 0; gradX = -5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; gradX = 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; gradX = 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; gradX = 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; gradX = 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - 5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - 5 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; gradX = 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - 5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; gradX = -5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - 5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; gradX = -5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - 5 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + 3 * grayValues[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; if (gradX > grad) grad = gradX; tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad; } } break; default: MessageBox.Show("无效!"); break; } if (thresholding == 0)//不进行阈值处理 { for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { if (tempArray[i] < 0) grayValues[i] = 0; else { if (tempArray[i] > 255) grayValues[i] = 255; else grayValues[i] = Convert.ToByte(tempArray[i]); } } } else//阈值处理,生成二值边缘图像 { if (flagMask == 3 || flagMask == 4 || flagMask == 5) { zerocross(ref tempArray, out grayValues, thresholding); } else { for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { if (tempArray[i] > thresholding) grayValues[i] = 255; else grayValues[i] = 0; } } } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(grayValues, 0, ptr, bytes); curBitmap.UnlockBits(bmpData); } Invalidate(); } } private void gaussian_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curBitmap != null) { gaussian gaussFilter = new gaussian(); if (gaussFilter.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, curBitmap.Width, curBitmap.Height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = curBitmap.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, curBitmap.PixelFormat); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; int bytes = curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height; byte[] grayValues = new byte[bytes]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, grayValues, 0, bytes); double thresholding = gaussFilter.GetThresholding; double sigma = gaussFilter.GetSigma; bool flag = gaussFilter.GetFlag; double[] filt, tempArray; createFilter(out filt, sigma, flag); conv2(ref grayValues, ref filt, out tempArray); zerocross(ref tempArray, out grayValues, thresholding); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(grayValues, 0, ptr, bytes); curBitmap.UnlockBits(bmpData); } Invalidate(); } } private void zerocross(ref double[] inputImage, out byte[] outImage, double thresh) { outImage = new byte[curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { if (inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] < 0 && inputImage[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] > 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] - inputImage[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j]) > thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else if (inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] < 0 && inputImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] > 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] - inputImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j]) > thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else if (inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] < 0 && inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] > 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] - inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]) > thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else if (inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] < 0 && inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] > 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] - inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)]) > thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else if (inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] == 0) { if (inputImage[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] > 0 && inputImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] < 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - inputImage[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j]) > 2 * thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else if (inputImage[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] < 0 && inputImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] > 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - inputImage[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j]) > 2 * thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else if (inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] > 0 && inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] < 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)]) > 2 * thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else if (inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] < 0 && inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] > 0 && Math.Abs(inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - inputImage[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)]) > 2 * thresh) { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; } else { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 0; } } else { outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 0; } } } } private void createFilter(out double[] filter, double sigma, bool lod) { double std2 = 2 * sigma * sigma; int radius = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(3 * sigma)); int filterWidth = 2 * radius + 1; filter = new double[filterWidth * filterWidth]; double sum = 0, average = 0; if (lod == false) { for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { int xx = (j - radius) * (j - radius); int yy = (i - radius) * (i - radius); filter[i * filterWidth + j] = (xx + yy - std2) * Math.Exp(-(xx + yy) / std2); sum += 4 * filter[i * filterWidth + j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { int xx = (i - radius) * (i - radius); filter[i * filterWidth + radius] = (xx - std2) * Math.Exp(-xx / std2); sum += 2 * filter[i * filterWidth + radius]; } for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { int yy = (j - radius) * (j - radius); filter[radius * filterWidth + j] = (yy - std2) * Math.Exp(-yy / std2); sum += 2 * filter[radius * filterWidth + j]; } filter[radius * filterWidth + radius] = -std2; sum += filter[radius * filterWidth + radius]; average = sum / filter.Length; for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { filter[i * filterWidth + j] = filter[i * filterWidth + j] - average; filter[filterWidth - 1 - j + i * filterWidth] = filter[i * filterWidth + j]; filter[filterWidth - 1 - j + (filterWidth - 1 - i) * filterWidth] = filter[i * filterWidth + j]; filter[j + (filterWidth - 1 - i) * filterWidth] = filter[i * filterWidth + j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { filter[i * filterWidth + radius] = filter[i * filterWidth + radius] - average; filter[(filterWidth - 1 - i) * filterWidth + radius] = filter[i * filterWidth + radius]; } for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { filter[radius * filterWidth + j] = filter[radius * filterWidth + j] - average; filter[radius * filterWidth + filterWidth - 1 - j] = filter[radius * filterWidth + j]; } filter[radius * filterWidth + radius] = filter[radius * filterWidth + radius] - average; } else { for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { int xx = (j - radius) * (j - radius); int yy = (i - radius) * (i - radius); filter[i * filterWidth + j] = 1.6 * Math.Exp(-(xx + yy) * 1.6 * 1.6 / std2) / sigma - Math.Exp(-(xx + yy) / std2) / sigma; sum += 4 * filter[i * filterWidth + j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { int xx = (i - radius) * (i - radius); filter[i * filterWidth + radius] = 1.6 * Math.Exp(-xx * 1.6 * 1.6 / std2) / sigma - Math.Exp(-xx / std2) / sigma; sum += 2 * filter[i * filterWidth + radius]; } for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { int yy = (j - radius) * (j - radius); filter[radius * filterWidth + j] = 1.6 * Math.Exp(-yy * 1.6 * 1.6 / std2) / sigma - Math.Exp(-yy / std2) / sigma; sum += 2 * filter[radius * filterWidth + j]; } filter[radius * filterWidth + radius] = 1.6 / sigma - 1 / sigma; sum += filter[radius * filterWidth + radius]; average = sum / filter.Length; for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { filter[i * filterWidth + j] = filter[i * filterWidth + j] - average; filter[filterWidth - 1 - j + i * filterWidth] = filter[i * filterWidth + j]; filter[filterWidth - 1 - j + (filterWidth - 1 - i) * filterWidth] = filter[i * filterWidth + j]; filter[j + (filterWidth - 1 - i) * filterWidth] = filter[i * filterWidth + j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < radius; i++) { filter[i * filterWidth + radius] = filter[i * filterWidth + radius] - average; filter[(filterWidth - 1 - i) * filterWidth + radius] = filter[i * filterWidth + radius]; } for (int j = 0; j < radius; j++) { filter[radius * filterWidth + j] = filter[radius * filterWidth + j] - average; filter[radius * filterWidth + filterWidth - 1 - j] = filter[radius * filterWidth + j]; } filter[radius * filterWidth + radius] = filter[radius * filterWidth + radius] - average; } } private void conv2(ref byte[] inputImage, ref double[] mask, out double[] outImage) { int windWidth = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(mask.Length)); int radius = windWidth / 2; double temp; outImage = new double[curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height]; for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { temp = 0; for (int x = -radius; x <= radius; x++) { for (int y = -radius; y <= radius; y++) { temp += inputImage[((Math.Abs(i + x)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j + y)) % curBitmap.Width] * mask[(x + radius) * windWidth + y + radius]; } } outImage[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = temp; } } } private void canny_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curBitmap != null) { canny cannyOp = new canny(); if (cannyOp.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, curBitmap.Width, curBitmap.Height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = curBitmap.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, curBitmap.PixelFormat); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; int bytes = curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height; byte[] grayValues = new byte[bytes]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, grayValues, 0, bytes); byte[] thresholding = new byte[2]; thresholding = cannyOp.GetThresh; double sigma = cannyOp.GetSigma; double[] tempArray;// = new double[bytes]; double[] tempImage = new double[bytes]; double[] grad = new double[bytes]; byte[] aLabel = new byte[bytes]; double[] edgeMap = new double[bytes]; Array.Clear(edgeMap, 0, bytes); double gradX, gradY, angle; int rad = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(3 * sigma)); for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) tempImage[i] = Convert.ToDouble(grayValues[i]); gaussSmooth(tempImage, out tempArray, sigma); for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { gradX = tempArray[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] + tempArray[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - tempArray[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 2 * tempArray[i * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - tempArray[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)]; gradY = tempArray[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] + 2 * tempArray[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] + tempArray[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] - tempArray[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((Math.Abs(j - 1)) % curBitmap.Width)] - 2 * tempArray[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] - tempArray[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]; grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = Math.Sqrt(gradX * gradX + gradY * gradY); angle = Math.Atan2(gradY, gradX); if ((angle >= -1.178097 && angle < 1.178097) || angle >= 2.748894 || angle < -2.748894) aLabel[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 0; else if ((angle >= 0.392699 && angle < 1.178097) || (angle >= -2.748894 && angle < -1.963495)) aLabel[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 1; else if ((angle >= -1.178097 && angle < -0.392699) || (angle >= 1.963495 && angle < 2.748894)) aLabel[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 2; else aLabel[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 3; } } for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { switch (aLabel[i * curBitmap.Width + j]) { case 3://水平方向 if (grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[((Math.Abs(i - 1))%curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] && grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[((i + 1)%curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j]) edgeMap[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; case 2://正45度方向 if (grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] && grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]) edgeMap[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; case 1://负45度方向 if (grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] && grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)]) edgeMap[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; case 0://垂直方向 if (grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[i * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] && grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > grad[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]) edgeMap[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = grad[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; default: return; } } } Array.Clear(grayValues, 0, bytes); for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j =0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { if (edgeMap[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > thresholding[0]) { grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; traceEdge(i, j, edgeMap, ref grayValues, thresholding[1]); } } } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(grayValues, 0, ptr, bytes); curBitmap.UnlockBits(bmpData); } Invalidate(); } } private void gaussSmooth(double[] inputImage, out double[] outputImage, double sigma) { double std2 = 2 * sigma * sigma; int radius = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Ceiling(3 * sigma)); int filterWidth = 2 * radius + 1; double[] filter = new double[filterWidth]; outputImage = new double[inputImage.Length]; int length = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(inputImage.Length)); double[] tempImage = new double[inputImage.Length]; double sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) { int xx = (i - radius) * (i - radius); filter[i] = Math.Exp(-xx / std2); sum += filter[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < filterWidth; i++) { filter[i] = filter[i] / sum; } for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { double temp = 0; for (int k = -radius; k <= radius; k++) { int rem = (Math.Abs(j + k)) % length; temp += inputImage[i * length + rem] * filter[k + radius]; } tempImage[i * length + j] = temp; } } for (int j = 0; j < length; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { double temp = 0; for (int k = -radius; k <= radius; k++) { int rem = (Math.Abs(i + k)) % length; temp += tempImage[rem * length + j] * filter[k + radius]; } outputImage[i * length + j] = temp; } } } private void traceEdge(int k, int l, double[] inputImage, ref byte[] outputImage, byte thrLow) { int[] kOffset = new int[] { 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1 }; int[] lOffset = new int[] { 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1 }; int kk, ll; for (int p = 0; p < 8; p++) { kk = k + kOffset[p]; kk = Math.Abs(kk) % curBitmap.Height; ll = l + lOffset[p]; ll = Math.Abs(ll) % curBitmap.Width; if (outputImage[ll * curBitmap.Width + kk] != 255) { if (inputImage[ll * curBitmap.Width + kk] > thrLow) { outputImage[ll * curBitmap.Width + kk] = 255; traceEdge(ll, kk, inputImage, ref outputImage, thrLow); } } } } private void morph_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curBitmap != null) { morphologic grayMor = new morphologic(); if (grayMor.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, curBitmap.Width, curBitmap.Height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = curBitmap.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, curBitmap.PixelFormat); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; int bytes = curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height; byte[] grayValues = new byte[bytes]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, grayValues, 0, bytes); byte[] tempArray1 = new byte[bytes]; byte[] tempArray2 = new byte[bytes]; bool flag = grayMor.GetMethod; double thresh = grayMor.GetThresh; byte[] struEle = new byte[25]; struEle = grayMor.GetStruction; int temp; tempArray1 = grayDelation(grayValues, struEle, curBitmap.Height, curBitmap.Width); tempArray2 = grayErode(grayValues, struEle, curBitmap.Height, curBitmap.Width); for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { if (flag == false) temp = (tempArray1[i] - tempArray2[i]) / 2; else temp = (tempArray1[i] + tempArray2[i] - 2 * grayValues[i]) / 2; if (temp > thresh) grayValues[i] = 255; else grayValues[i] = 0; } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(grayValues, 0, ptr, bytes); curBitmap.UnlockBits(bmpData); } Invalidate(); } } private byte[] grayDelation(byte[] grayImage, byte[] se, int tHeight, int tWidth) { byte[] tempImage = new byte[grayImage.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < tHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tWidth; j++) { int[] cou = new int[]{grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2)) % tWidth] * se[0], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1)) % tWidth] * se[1], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * se[2], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * se[3], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * se[4], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * se[5], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * se[6], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * se[7], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * se[8], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * se[9], grayImage[i * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * se[10], grayImage[i * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * se[11], grayImage[i * tWidth + j] * se[12], grayImage[i * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * se[13], grayImage[i * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * se[14], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * se[15], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * se[16], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * se[17], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * se[18], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * se[19], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * se[20], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * se[21], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * se[22], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * se[23], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * se[24]}; int maxim = cou[0]; for (int k = 1; k < 25; k++) { if (cou[k] > maxim) { maxim = cou[k]; } } tempImage[i * tWidth + j] = (byte)maxim; } } return tempImage; } private byte[] grayErode(byte[] grayImage, byte[] se, int tHeight, int tWidth) { byte[] tempImage = new byte[grayImage.Length]; byte[] tempSe = new byte[25]; tempSe = (byte[])se.Clone(); for (int k = 0; k < 25; k++) { if (tempSe[k] == 0) tempSe[k] = 255; } for (int i = 0; i < tHeight; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < tWidth; j++) { int[] cou = new int[]{grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2)) % tWidth] * tempSe[0], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1)) % tWidth] * tempSe[1], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * tempSe[2], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[3], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 2)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[4], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[5], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[6], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * tempSe[7], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[8], grayImage[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[9], grayImage[i * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[10], grayImage[i * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[11], grayImage[i * tWidth + j] * tempSe[12], grayImage[i * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[13], grayImage[i * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[14], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[15], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[16], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * tempSe[17], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[18], grayImage[((i + 1) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[19], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[20], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[21], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + j] * tempSe[22], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 1) % tWidth)] * tempSe[23], grayImage[((i + 2) % tHeight) * tWidth + ((j + 2) % tWidth)] * tempSe[24]}; int minimum = cou[0]; for (int k = 1; k < 25; k++) { if (cou[k] < minimum) { minimum = cou[k]; } } tempImage[i * tWidth + j] = (byte)minimum; } } return tempImage; } private void wavelet_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curBitmap != null) { wvl wavelet = new wvl(); if (wavelet.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, curBitmap.Width, curBitmap.Height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = curBitmap.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, curBitmap.PixelFormat); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; int bytes = curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height; byte[] grayValues = new byte[bytes]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, grayValues, 0, bytes); double[] tempArray1 = new double[bytes]; double[] tempArray2 = new double[bytes]; double[] tempArray3 = new double[bytes]; double[] gradX = new double[bytes]; double[] gradY = new double[bytes]; byte multiscale = wavelet.GetScale; byte[] thresholding = new byte[2]; thresholding = wavelet.GetThresh; for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) { tempArray1[i] = Convert.ToDouble(grayValues[i]); } for (int z = 0; z <= multiscale; z++) { double[] p = null; double[] q = null; switch (z) { case 0: p = new double[] { 0.125, 0.375, 0.375, 0.125 }; q = new double[] { -2, 2 }; break; case 1: p = new double[] { 0.125, 0, 0.375, 0, 0.375, 0, 0.125 }; q = new double[] { -2, 0, 2 }; break; case 2: p = new double[] { 0.125, 0, 0, 0, 0.375, 0, 0, 0, 0.375, 0, 0, 0, 0.125 }; q = new double[] { -2, 0, 0, 0, 2 }; break; case 3: p = new double[] { 0.125, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.375, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.375, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0.125 }; q = new double[] { -2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2 }; break; default: return; } int coff = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Pow(2, z) - 1); for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { double[] scl = new double[curBitmap.Width]; double[] wvl = new double[curBitmap.Width]; int temp; scl[j] = 0.0; wvl[j] = 0.0; for (int x = -2 - 2 * coff; x < p.Length - 2 - 2 * coff; x++) { temp = (Math.Abs(j + x)) % curBitmap.Width; scl[j] += p[1 + coff - x] * tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + temp]; } for (int x = -1 - coff; x < q.Length - 1 - coff; x++) { temp = (Math.Abs(j + x)) % curBitmap.Width; wvl[j] += q[-x] * tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + temp]; } tempArray2[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = scl[j]; gradX[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = wvl[j]; } } for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Width; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Height; j++) { double[] scl = new double[curBitmap.Height]; double[] wvl = new double[curBitmap.Height]; int temp; scl[j] = 0.0; wvl[j] = 0.0; for (int x = -2 - 2 * coff; x < p.Length - 2 - 2 * coff; x++) { temp = (Math.Abs(j + x)) % curBitmap.Height; scl[j] += p[1 + coff - x] * tempArray2[temp * curBitmap.Width + i]; } for (int x = -1 - coff; x < q.Length - 1 - coff; x++) { temp = (Math.Abs(j + x)) % curBitmap.Height; wvl[j] += q[-x] * tempArray1[temp * curBitmap.Width + i]; } tempArray3[j * curBitmap.Width + i] = scl[j]; gradY[j * curBitmap.Width + i] = wvl[j]; } } tempArray1 = (double[])tempArray3.Clone(); } double angle; for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = Math.Sqrt(gradX[i * curBitmap.Width + j] * gradX[i * curBitmap.Width + j] + gradY[i * curBitmap.Width + j] * gradY[i * curBitmap.Width + j]); angle = Math.Atan2(gradY[i * curBitmap.Width + j], gradX[i * curBitmap.Width + j]); if ((angle >= -1.178097 && angle < 1.178097) || angle >= 2.748894 || angle < -2.748894) tempArray2[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 0; else if ((angle >= 0.392699 && angle < 1.178097) || (angle >= -2.748894 && angle < -1.963495)) tempArray2[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 1; else if ((angle >= -1.178097 && angle < -0.392699) || (angle >= 1.963495 && angle < 2.748894)) tempArray2[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 2; else tempArray2[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 3; } } Array.Clear(tempArray3, 0, bytes); for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { switch (Convert.ToInt16(tempArray2[i * curBitmap.Width + j])) { case 3://水平方向 if (tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j] && tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + j]) tempArray3[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; case 1://正45度方向 if (tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] && tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]) tempArray3[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; case 2://负45度方向 if (tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[((Math.Abs(i - 1)) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)] && tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[((i + 1) % curBitmap.Height) * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)]) tempArray3[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; case 0://垂直方向 if (tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + (Math.Abs(j - 1) % curBitmap.Width)] && tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + ((j + 1) % curBitmap.Width)]) tempArray3[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = tempArray1[i * curBitmap.Width + j]; break; default: return; } } } Array.Clear(grayValues, 0, bytes); for (int i = 0; i < curBitmap.Height; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < curBitmap.Width; j++) { if (tempArray3[i * curBitmap.Width + j] > thresholding[0]) { grayValues[i * curBitmap.Width + j] = 255; traceEdge(i, j, tempArray3, ref grayValues, thresholding[1]); } } } System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(grayValues, 0, ptr, bytes); curBitmap.UnlockBits(bmpData); } Invalidate(); } } private void pyramid_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (curBitmap != null) { int series = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Log(curBitmap.Width, 2)); glp pyramid = new glp(series); if (pyramid.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, curBitmap.Width, curBitmap.Height); System.Drawing.Imaging.BitmapData bmpData = curBitmap.LockBits(rect, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageLockMode.ReadWrite, curBitmap.PixelFormat); IntPtr ptr = bmpData.Scan0; int bytes = curBitmap.Width * curBitmap.Height; byte[] grayValues = new byte[bytes]; System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(ptr, grayValues, 0, bytes); double thresh = pyramid.GetThresh; byte level = pyramid.GetLevel; double sigma = pyramid.GetSigma; double[][] pyramidImage = new double[level + 1][]; double[][] passImage = new double[level + 1][]; int levelBytes = bytes; for (int k = 0; k < level + 1; k++) { passImage[k] = new double[levelBytes]; pyramidImage[k] = new double[levelBytes]; levelBytes = levelBytes / 4; } for (int i = 0; i < bytes; i++) pyramidImage[0][i] = Convert.ToDouble(grayValues[i]); for (int k = 0; k < level; k++) { double[] tempImage = null; gaussSmooth(pyramidImage[k], out tempImage, sigma); int coff = pyramidImage[k].Length; for (int i = 0; i < coff; i++) { passImage[k][i] = pyramidImage[k][i] - tempImage[i]; int div = i / Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(coff)); int rem = i % Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(coff)); if (div % 2 == 0 && rem % 2 == 0) { int j = (int)((div / 2) * Math.Sqrt(pyramidImage[k + 1].Length) + rem / 2); pyramidImage[k + 1][j] = tempImage[i]; } } } for (int k = level - 1; k >= 0; k--) { int coff = pyramidImage[k].Length; for (int i = 0; i < coff; i++) { int div = i / Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(coff)); int rem = i % Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sqrt(coff)); int j = (int)((div / 2) * Math.Sqrt(pyramidImage[k + 1].Length) + rem / 2); if (div % 2 == 0 && rem % 2 == 0) pyramidImage[k][i] = pyramidImage[k + 1][j]; else pyramidImage[k][i] = 0; } double[] tempImage = null; gaussSmooth(pyramidImage[k], out tempImage, 1); for (int i = 0; i < coff; i++) pyramidImage[k][i] = tempImage[i] + passImage[k][i]; } zerocross(ref pyramidImage[0], out grayValues,thresh); System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.Copy(grayValues, 0, ptr, bytes); curBitmap.UnlockBits(bmpData); } Invalidate(); } } } }




当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


