
拒绝服务攻击DoS(Denial of Service):使系统过于忙碌而不能执行有用的业务并且占尽关键系统资源。就是利用合理的服务请求来占用过多的服务资源,从而使合法用户无法得到服务的响应。


实现Dos攻击,常见的方式有:TCP SYN泛洪(SYN Flood),ping泛洪(ping-Flood),UDP泛洪(UDP-Flood),分片炸弹(fragmentation bombs),缓冲区溢出(buffer overflow)和ICMP路由重定向炸弹(ICMP routeing redirect bomb)。

分布式拒绝服务DDoS(Distributed Denial of Service)攻击指借助于客户/服务器技术,将多个计算机联合起来作为攻击平台,对一个或多个目标发动DDoS攻击,从而成倍地提高拒绝服务攻击的威力。


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网络安全实验--洪泛攻击 网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第1页。网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第1页。实验目的和要求 网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第1页。 网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第1页。 理解带宽攻击原理 理解资源消耗攻击原理 掌握洪泛攻击网络行为特征 实验内容和原理 1.SYN Flood攻击 Dos(Denial of Service)拒绝服务攻击是指在特定攻击发生后,被攻击的对象不能及时提供应有的服务。从广义上说,任何导致服务器不能正常提供服务的攻击都是拒绝服务攻击。 SYN Flood是当前最流行的拒绝服务攻击之一,这是一种利用TCP协议缺陷,发送大量的伪造的TCP连接请求,从而使得被攻击方资源耗尽(CPU满负荷或内存不足)的攻击方式。 TCP协议是基于连接的,也就是说,为了在服务端和客户端之间传送TCP数据,必须先建立一个虚拟电路,也就是TCP连接。 建立TCP连接的标准过程是这样的: 第一步,请求端(客户端)发送一个包含SYN标志的TCP报文,SYN即同步(Synchronize),同步报文会指明客户端使用的端口以及TCP连接的初始序号; 第二步,服务器在收到客户端的SYN报文 ,将返回一个SYN+ACK的报文,表示客户端的请求被接受,同时TCP序号被加1,ACK即确认(Acknowledgement); 第三步,客户端也返回一个确认报文ACK给服务器端,同样TCP序列号被加1,到此一个TCP连接完成。 以上的连接过程在TCP协议中被称为三次握手。 问题就出在TCP连接的三次握手中,假设一个用户向服务器发送了SYN报文后突然死机或掉线,那么服务器在发出SYN+ACK应答报文后是无法收到客户端的ACK报文的(第三次握手无法完成),这种情况下服务器端一般会重试(再次发送SYN+ACK给客户端)并等待一段时间后丢弃这个未完成的连接,这段时间的长度我们称为SYN超时,一般来说这个时间是分钟的数量级(大约为30秒-2分钟);一个用户出现异常导致服务器的一个线程等待1分钟并不是什么很大的问题,但如果有一个恶意的攻击者大量模拟这种情况,服务器端将为了维护一个非常大的半连接列表而消耗非常多的资源。实际上如果服务器的TCP/IP栈不够强大,最后的结果往往是堆栈溢出崩溃——即使服务器端的系统足够强大,服务器端也将忙于处理攻击者伪造的TCP连接请求而无暇理睬客户的正常请求(毕竟客户端的正常请求比率非常之小),此时从正常客户的角度看来,服务器失去响应,这种情况我们称作:服务器端受到了SYN Flood攻击(SYN洪水攻击)。 2.ICMP Flood攻击 正常情况下,为了对网络进行诊断,一些诊断程序,比如Ping等,会发出ICMP请求报文(ICMP Request),计算机接收到ICMP请求后,会回应一个ICMP应答报文。而这个过程是需要CPU处理的,有的情况下还可能消耗掉大量的资源,比如处理分片的时候。这样如果攻击者向目标计算机发送大量的ICMP Request报文(产生ICMP洪水),则目标计算机会忙于处理这些请求报文,而无法继续处理其它的网络数据报文,这也是一种拒绝服务攻网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第2页。网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第2页。击(DOS)。 网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第2页。 网络安全实验--洪泛攻击全文共4页,当前为第2页。 对于诸如此类洪泛攻击,可以利用设置防火墙和关闭不必要的端口来加以防范。设置防火墙可以直接拒绝接受非法的或不可信任的用户的连接,而关闭不必要的端口可以减少半连接的可能性,从而有效的抑制洪泛攻击所带来的危害。下面给出一些具体实施办法: 监控计算资源的使用。例如建立资源分配模型图,统计敏感的计算资源使用情况。 修补漏洞。例如给操作系统或应用软件包升级。 关掉不必要的TCP/IP服务。关掉系统中不需要的服务,以防止攻击者利用。 过滤网络异常包。例如通过防火墙配置阻断来自Internet的恶意请求。 三、主要仪器设备 Windows操作系统,企业网络结构,Nmap 洪泛工具 网络协议分析器。 操作方法与实验步骤 本练习主机A、B为一组,C、D为一组,E、F为一组。实验角色说明如下: 实验主机 实验角色 主机A、C、E 攻击者(扫描主机) 主机B、D、F 靶机(被扫描主机) 首先使用"快照X"恢复Windows系统环境。 一.SYN洪水攻击 1. 捕获洪水数据 (1)攻击者单击实验平台工具栏中的"协议分析器"按钮,启动协议分析器。单击工具栏"定义过滤器"按钮,在弹出的"定义过滤器"窗口中设置如下过滤条件: 在"网络地址"属性页中输入"any<->同组主机IP地址"; 在"协议过滤"属性页中选中"协议树"
What’s in This Book? This book contains a mix of theoretical and practical chapters. For the practical chapters, I’ve developed and made available a networking library called Canape Core, which you can use to build your own tools for protocol analysis and exploitation. I’ve also provided an example networked application called SuperFunkyChat, which implements a userto-user chat protocol. By following the discussions in the chapters, you can use the example application to learn the skills of protocol analysis and attack the sample network protocols. Here is a brief breakdown of each chapter: Chapter 1: The Basics of Networking This chapter describes the basics of computer networking with a particular focus on TCP/IP, which forms the basis of application-level network protocols. Subsequent chapters assume that you have a good grasp of the network basics. This chapter also introduces the approach I use to model application protocols. The model breaks down the application protocol into flexible layers and abstracts complex technical detail, allowing you to focus on the bespoke parts of the protocol you’re analyzing. Chapter 2: Capturing Application Traffic This chapter introduces the concepts of passive and active capture of network traffic, and it’s the first chapter to use the Canape Core network libraries for practical tasks. Chapter 3: Network Protocol Structures Download from finelybook 24This chapter contains details of the internal structures that are common across network protocols, such as the representation of numbers or human-readable text. When you’re analyzing captured network traffic, you can use this knowledge to quickly identify common structures, speeding up your analysis. Chapter 4: Advanced Application Traffic Capture This chapter explores a number of more advanced capture techniques that complement the examples in Chapter 2. The advanced capture techniques include configuring Network Address Translation to redirect traffic of interest and spoofing the address resolution protocol. Chapter 5: Analysis from the Wire This chapter introduces methods for analyzing captured network traffic using the passive and active techniques described in Chapter 2. In this chapter, we begin using the SuperFunkyChat application to generate example traffic. Chapter 6: Application Reverse Engineering This chapter describes techniques for reverse engineering networkconnected programs. Reverse engineering allows you to analyze a protocol without needing to capture example traffic. These methods also help to identify how custom encryption or obfuscation is implemented so you can better analyze traffic you’ve captured. Chapter 7: Network Protocol Security This chapter provides background information on techniques and cryptographic algorithms used to secure network protocols. Protecting the contents of network traffic from disclosure or tampering as it travels over public networks is of the utmost importance for network protocol security. Chapter 8: Implementing the Network Protocol This chapter explains techniques for implementing the application Download from finelybook 25network protocol in your own code so you can test the protocol’s behavior to find security weaknesses. Chapter 9: The Root Causes of Vulnerabilities This chapter describes common security vulnerabilities you’ll encounter in a network protocol. When you understand the root causes of vulnerabilities, you can more easily identify them during analysis. Chapter 10: Finding and Exploiting Security Vulnerabilities This chapter describes processes for finding security vulnerabilities based on the root causes in Chapter 9 and demonstrates a number of ways of exploiting them, including developing your own shell code and bypassing exploit mitigations through return-oriented programming. Appendix: Network Protocol Analysis Toolkit In the appendix, you’ll find descriptions of some of the tools I commonly use when performing network protocol analysis. Many of the tools are described briefly in the main body of the text as well. How to Use This Book If you want to start with a refresher on the basics of networking, read Chapter 1 first. When you’re familiar with the basics, proceed to Chapters 2, 3, and 5 for practical experience in capturing network traffic and learning the network protocol analysis process. With the knowledge of the principles of network traffic capture and analysis, you can then move on to Chapters 7 through 10 for practical information on how to find and exploit security vulnerabilities in these protocols. Chapters 4 and 6 contain more advanced information about additional capture techniques and application reverse engineering, so you can read them after you’ve read the other chapters if you prefer. For the practical examples, you’ll need to install .NET Core Download from finelybook 26(, which is a cross-platform version of the .NET runtime from Microsoft that works on Windows, Linux, and macOS. You can then download releases for Canape Core from and SuperFunkyChat from; both use .NET Core as the runtime. Links to each site are available with the book’s resources at To execute the example Canape Core scripts, you’ll need to use the CANAPE.Cli application, which will be in the release package downloaded from the Canape Core Github repository. Execute the script with the following command line, replacing script.csx with the name of the script you want to execute.


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