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原创 MySQL + Hibernate configuration in Mac OS
1 MySQL 1) download MySQL from somewhere, mysql-5.5.13-osx10.6-x86.dmg, I just google it when I need to download.http://download.softagency.net/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.5/ This is one of the re
2011-06-17 18:35:00 679
原创 what we can do after 35, programmers
just read some complaints from others blog saying that IT guys are limited at age of 35, promoted to mgr or die.... I just want to remind the ones who have never been abroad or never see senior e
2011-06-12 07:04:00 447
原创 RMI IIOP discovery
Remote Method Invocation, Java use only.IIOP is for CORBA, therefore, RMMI-IIOP combines those two schema, in Java language, and able to run in different environment. ---------------------------
2011-06-10 04:53:00 578
原创 ZXing iphone integration
working on an On-Demand mobile solution, try to integrate scanning function into it.steps of integration:1, all framework import into main project2, main.mm3, indicate header files in build se
2011-06-08 21:51:00 752
转载 转载 XCOPY 干坏事专用
original source http://www.5885.net/article.asp?id=6 拷贝文件和文件夹可以用xcopy实现,即:xcopy obt/*.* C:/Windows/OBT/ /s /e XCOPY 还有众多的功能, 是加参数来完成的。上面的/s /e 参数的作用分别是把子目录和空目录都复制过去,一些使用举例和参数说明如下: 1、如只是单纯地复制 E:
2011-06-08 04:40:00 383
原创 转载 jakarta tomcat与Apache Tomcat 有什么区别
转载地址: http://hi.baidu.com/luckytimes/blog/item/335f7106619f1a7e02088103.html 1)apache是一个开源的组织名。后来制定了一个以apache命名的开源协议。 jakarta是apache组织下的一套Java解决方案的开源软件的名称,它包括了很多子项目。Tomcat,ant,struts等等也是apache下
2011-06-07 18:12:00 953
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