

角度预测的代码路径:TLibCommon\TComPrediction.cpp  xPredIntraAng()



        const Bool       bIsModeVer = (dirMode >= 18);
        const Int        intraPredAngleMode = (bIsModeVer) ? (Int)dirMode - VER_IDX :  -((Int)dirMode - HOR_IDX);
        const Int        absAngMode = abs(intraPredAngleMode);
        const Int        signAng = intraPredAngleMode < 0 ? -1 : 1;
        const Bool       edgeFilter = bEnableEdgeFilters && isLuma(channelType) &&  (width <= MAXIMUM_INTRA_FILTERED_WIDTH) && (height <= MAXIMUM_INTRA_FILTERED_HEIGHT);
        // Set bitshifts and scale the angle parameter to block size
        static const Int angTable[9] = { 0,    2,    5,   9,  13,  17,  21,  26,  32  };
        static const Int invAngTable[9] = { 0, 4096, 1638, 910, 630, 482, 390, 315,  256 }; // (256 * 32) / Angle
        Int invAngle = invAngTable[absAngMode];
        Int absAng = angTable[absAngMode];
        Int intraPredAngle = signAng * absAng;



结合之前的角度图 和  角度表。 上面一段代码的功能就是 根据模式来 取 intraPredAngle 角度。

首先以 18 为分界 分水平 和垂直, 大于等于18 垂直, 小于水平。

水平和 垂直 分类的角度中 又可以以10 为分界 分为 水平向上 向下, 垂直又可以以26为分界分为垂直向左 向右

水平的2-17 从10 往两边角度增加相同的即 2 5 9 13 17 21 26 32。 垂直的18-34 从26 往两边角度增加相同的即 2 5 9 13 17 21 26 32。

所以只要定义这个 就可以把所有模式的角度给计算出来。

intraPredAngleMode = (bIsModeVer) ? (Int)dirMode - VER_IDX : -((Int)dirMode -  HOR_IDX);

这个就是计算距离 10 和 26 的差值,absAngMode 这个是距离的绝对值, signAng这个就是符合 是向上 向下 向左 还是向右。

                const Int refMainOffsetPreScale = (bIsModeVer ? height : width) - 1;

                const Int refMainOffset = height - 1;

                for (Int x = 0; x < width + 1; x++)


                        refAbove[x + refMainOffset] = pSrc[x - srcStride - 1];


                for (Int y = 0; y < height + 1; y++)


                        refLeft[y + refMainOffset] = pSrc[(y - 1)*srcStride - 1];


                refMain = (bIsModeVer ? refAbove : refLeft) + refMainOffset;

                refSide = (bIsModeVer ? refLeft : refAbove) + refMainOffset;

                // Extend the Main reference to the left.

                Int invAngleSum = 128;       // rounding for (shift by 8)

                for (Int k = -1; k > (refMainOffsetPreScale + 1)*intraPredAngle >> 5;  k--)


                        invAngleSum += invAngle;

                        refMain[k] = refSide[invAngleSum >> 8];


inAngle 的作用, 相当于 是一个算法定点化的一个过程。

这边实际就是之前说过的映射的过程,refMain 主参考边的数组,对于垂直类的模式,主参考边是refAbove ,水平类的就是refLeft。

主参考边的数组确定之后,剩下的一个就是副参考 refSide。

最后的循环就是要将refSide 映射到 refMain。 也就是下面这个公式,就是将refSide一一映射到refMain。



            Pel *pDsty = pDst;

                for (Int y = 0, deltaPos = intraPredAngle; y < height; y++, deltaPos  += intraPredAngle, pDsty += dstStride)


                        const Int deltaInt = deltaPos >> 5;

                        const Int deltaFract = deltaPos & (32 - 1);

                        if (deltaFract)


                               // Do linear filtering

                               const Pel *pRM = refMain + deltaInt + 1;

                               Int lastRefMainPel = *pRM++;

                               for (Int x = 0; x < width; pRM++, x++)


                                      Int thisRefMainPel = *pRM;

                                      pDsty[x + 0] = (Pel)(((32 -  deltaFract)*lastRefMainPel + deltaFract * thisRefMainPel + 16) >> 5);

                                      lastRefMainPel = thisRefMainPel;





                               // Just copy the integer samples

                               for (Int x = 0; x < width; x++)


                                      pDsty[x] = refMain[x + deltaInt + 1];




上面这个就是参考像素获取的代码。 最外层的循环 是 y = 0 到 height -1。deltaPos每次都是增加intraPredAngle,pDsty 也是增加dstStride。

算出deltaInt 这个用来确定位置,另外一个则是权重。

refMain 指针移动deltaInt + 1 个字节 pRM指向这个位置。 然后先把这个位置的值取出来赋值给lastRefMainPel,pRM 向前移动一位。

然后在内层循环里面。块中行扫描。  thisRefMainPel 取 pRM 当前指向的值。  预测值 就取lastRefMainPel和thisRefMainPel 的权重。

然后将thisRefMainPel 赋值给lastRefMainPel, pRM 向前移动一位 thisRefMainPel 取pRM。 这样循环。

index的变化 简化就是外面循环加intra_pred_angle,算delta_int,里面的循环delta_int的基础上面取累积。

           for (int j = 0; j < iHeight; j++) {

                      delta_pos = delta_pos + intra_pred_angle;

                      delta_int = delta_pos >> 5;

                      for (int i = 0; i < iWidth; i++) {

                             int ref_main_index = i + delta_int;

                             int ref_side_index = ref_main_index + 1;

                             saveDistanceMatri(distanMatri, i, j, ref_main_index,  ref_side_index);



         if (!bIsModeVer)


                for (Int y = 0; y < height; y++)


                        for (Int x = 0; x < width; x++)


                               pTrueDst[x*dstStrideTrue] = pDst[x];



                        pDst += dstStride;





垂直方向是按行扫描过去  然后得到的结果一个个存放在 pDsty中。 


水平方向的 是需要按列是相差1的。  但是现在 按照行做完,pDsty 中却是行相差1, 所有应该行列转置一下



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AlphaControls v14.22 100%源码版本,2019.04.19发布 AlphaControls 2019 -------------------- The Library contains skinning tool for Delphi 5/6/7/2005-2010/XE-XE8, C++ Builder 6/2006-2010/XE-XE8, RAD Studio 10 Seattle, RAD Studio 10.1 Berlin, RAD Studio 10.2 Tokyo, RAD Studio 10.3 Rio TABLE OF CONTENTS --------------- Overview Demonstration Programs Registering and Prices Feedback Overview -------- AlphaControls is a collection of standard controls with new properties added in order to enhanced program interface and add behaviors to common controls. Each control have their own properties for painting extended gradient, extended borders, alpha-blending and true blurred shadow. Graphics functions are rendered in real time, so, effects are always sharp with color scheme used. Added caption properties for position and rendering. Mouse event added provide great possiblities. Style Hints control make hints to be displayed alpha-blended and you can choose from many ways to display. Analogues of standard components provides all functionality and adds many new possibilities for application interface design and work. With AlphaControls, use a new modern way to design enhanced interfaces and make your application more attractive... while adding pleasure and fun to end users. Demonstration Programs ---------------------- Demonstration programs shows some features of AlphaControls and can help you in understanding of main conceptions of AlphaControls. Page with demo programs: http://www.alphaskins.com/ademos.php Link to compiled main demo: http://www.alphaskins.com/sfiles/askindemo.zip Registering and Prices ---------------------- The AlphaControls is a Shareware product. If you find it useful and want to receive the latest versions please register your evaluation copy. You can read detail information about registration in ORDERS page at the AlphaControls home-site. After registration you will receive fully-functional package with last versions of components. By registering the components you get the following advantages: 1. You will be notified about new versions of the package. 2. You will receive new versions of AlphaControls FREE. 3. You encourage the authors do make the components even better. Feedback -------- Contact us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions: Developer: AC Team Home page: http://www.alphaskins.com E-mails: support@alphaskins.com, sales@alphaskins.com


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