【三】XJCO3011: Web Services and Web Data-Alice in Webland

Topic: Surfing the Web

  • The World Wide Web became popular because ordinary people can use it to do really useful things with minimal training. But behind the scenes, the Web is also a powerful platform for distributed computing.
  • The principles that make the Web usable by ordinary people also work when the “user” is an automated software agent. A piece of software designed to transfer money between bank accounts (or carry out any other real-world task) can accomplish the task using the same basic technologies a human being would use
  • Start off by telling a simple story about the World Wide Web, as a way of explaining the principles behind its design and the reasons for its success
  • The story needs to be simple because although you’re certainly familiar with the Web, you might not have heard of the concepts that make it work. I want you to have a simple, concrete example to fall back on if you ever get confused about terminology like “hypermedia as the engine of application state.”

Alice's Story

I am sure you have heard this story (Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland) many times before, but there are always new lessons to learn from a good story.

  • Episode 1: The Billboard
  • Episode 2: The Home Page
  • Episode 3: The Link
  • Episode 4: The Form and the Redirect

Episode 1: The Billboard

This is the story of Alice, a little girl who was one day walking around town when she saw this billboard

Alice was intrigued by this web address, so she pulled out her mobile phone and put http://www.youtypeitwepostit.com/ in her browser’s address bar. But, what’s at the other end of that URL

Lesson1: Anything that has a URL is a resource. 

Alice’s web browser sent an HTTP request to a web server—specifically, to the URL http://www.youtypeitwepostit.com/.

Well, you probably know that the technical term for the thing named by a URL is a resource.

 In the context of HTTP, the term "host" typically refers to the name or IP address of the server that is hosting a particular website or web application. When a client makes a request to a server using HTTP, it typically includes a "Host" header in the request. This header specifies the hostname or IP address of the server that the client is trying to connect to.

Lesson2: When a client makes an HTTP request to a URL, it gets a representation of the underlying resource. The client never sees a resource directly

the server sent a document in response (maybe an HTML document, maybe a binary image or maybe something else). Whatever document the server sent is called a representation of the resource

 Lesson 3

 Episode 2: The Home Page

So, when the web server handled this request, it sent this response:

 Alice’s web browser decoded the response as an HTML document and displayed it graphically

 Now Alice could read the web page and understand what the billboard was talking about. It was advertising a microblogging site.

She was feeling so sleepy, so she put her phone down and fell asleep. The next morning she woke up and clicked her phone to resume what she was doing the night before

Lesson 4

The markup for the home page contains two links: one to the relative URL /about and one to /messages.

At first Alice only knew one URL—the URL to the home page—but now she knows three. The server is slowly revealing its structure to her

Lesson 5

 Episode 3: The Link

After reading the home page, Alice decided to give this site a try, so she clicked the link that said “Get started.” and her browser made an HTTP request:

The server handled this particular GET request and sent a representation of /messages, and Alice’s browser rendered the HTML graphically

Episode 4: The Form and the Redirect

Alice was tempted by the form, so she typed in “Test” and clicked the Post button.: Again, Alice’s browser made an HTTP request:

And the server responded with the following

 Status code 303 told Alice’s browser to automatically make a fourth HTTP request, to the URL given in the Location header. Without asking Alice’s permission, her browser did just that:

This time, the server responded with 200 (“OK”) and an HTML document. Alice’s browser displayed this document graphically

 By looking at the graphical rendering, Alice saw that her message (“Test”) is now a fully fledged post on YouTypeItWePostIt.com. Our story ends here—Alice has accomplished her goal of trying out the microblogging site.

Lesson 6

 To Sum up, here is the state diagram that shows Alice’s entire adventure from the perspective of her web browser.

  • When Alice started up the browser on her phone, it didn’t have any particular page loaded. It was an empty slate.
    • ➢ Then Alice typed in a URL and a GET request took the browser to the site’s home page.
    • ➢ Alice clicked a link, and a second GET request took the browser to the list of messages.
    • ➢ She submitted a form, which caused a third request (a POST request).
    • ➢ The response to that was an HTTP redirect, which Alice’s browser made automatically. Alice’s browser ended up at a web page describing the message Alice had just created.
  • Every state in this diagram corresponds to a particular page (or to no page at all) being open in Alice’s browser window.
  • In REST terms, we call this bit of information—which page are you on?—the application state
  • When you surf the Web, every transition from one application state to another corresponds to a link you decided to follow or a form you decided to fill out.
  • Not all transitions are available from all states. Alice can’t make her POST request directly from the home page, because the home page doesn’t

Lesson 7

 And, here is a state diagram showing Alice’s adventure from the perspective of the web server.

❖ The server manages two resources: the home page (served from /) and the message list (served from /messages). The state of these resources is called resource state.

❖ When the story begins, there are two messages in the message list: “Hello” and “Later.” Sending a GET to the home page doesn’t change resource state, since the home page is a static document that never changes. Sending a GET to the message list won’t change the state either.

❖ But when Alice sends a POST to the message list, it puts the server in a new state. Now the message list contains three messages: “Hello,” “Later,” and “Test.” There’s no way back to the old state, but this new state is very similar. As before, sending a GET to the home page or message list won’t change anything. But sending another POST to the message list will add a fourth message to the list.

Lesson 8 

 Finally, here is a partial map of the website from the client’s perspective. This is a web of HTML pages. The strands of the web are the HTML<a>  tags and <form>tags, each describing a GET or POST HTTP request.

 Lesson 9

 The Semantic Challenge

• The story of Alice’s trip through a website went as smoothly as it did thanks to a very slow and expensive piece of hardware: Alice herself.

• Every time her browser rendered a web page, Alice, a human being, had to look at the rendered page and decide what to do next.

• The Web works because human beings make all the decisions about which links to click and which forms to fill out.

• The whole point of web APIs is to get things done without making a human sit in front of a web browser all day.

• How can we program a computer to make the decisions about which links to click?

• A computer can parse the HTML markup Get started, but it can’t understand the phrase “Get started.”

• Why bother to design APIs that serve self-descriptive messages if those messages won’t be understood by their software consumers?

• This is the biggest challenge in web API design: bridging the semantic gap between understanding a document’s structure and understanding what it means

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