


void x264_lookahead_get_frames( x264_t *h )
    if( h->param.i_sync_lookahead )
    {   /* We have a lookahead thread, so get frames from there */
        x264_pthread_mutex_lock( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );
        while( !h->lookahead->ofbuf.i_size && h->lookahead->b_thread_active )
            x264_pthread_cond_wait( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.cv_fill, &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );
        x264_lookahead_encoder_shift( h );
        x264_pthread_mutex_unlock( &h->lookahead->ofbuf.mutex );
    {   /* We are not running a lookahead thread, so perform all the slicetype decide on the fly */
        if( h->frames.current[0] || !h->lookahead->next.i_size )
        x264_stack_align( x264_slicetype_decide, h );
        x264_lookahead_update_last_nonb( h, h->lookahead->next.list[0] );
        int shift_frames = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_bframes + 1;
        x264_lookahead_shift( &h->lookahead->ofbuf, &h->lookahead->next, shift_frames );
        /* For MB-tree and VBV lookahead, we have to perform propagation analysis on I-frames too. */
        if( h->lookahead->b_analyse_keyframe && IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->lookahead->last_nonb->i_type ) )
            x264_stack_align( x264_slicetype_analyse, h, shift_frames );
        x264_lookahead_encoder_shift( h );


void x264_slicetype_decide( x264_t *h )
    x264_frame_t *frames[X264_BFRAME_MAX+2];
    x264_frame_t *frm;
    int bframes;
    int brefs;
    if( !h->lookahead->next.i_size )
    int lookahead_size = h->lookahead->next.i_size;
    for( int i = 0; i < h->lookahead->next.i_size; i++ )
        if( h->param.b_vfr_input )
            if( lookahead_size-- > 1 )
                h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = 2 * (h->lookahead->next.list[i+1]->i_pts - h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_pts);
                h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = h->i_prev_duration;
            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = delta_tfi_divisor[h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_pic_struct];
        h->i_prev_duration = h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration;
        h->lookahead->next.list[i]->f_duration = (double)h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration
                                               * h->sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick
                                               / h->sps->vui.i_time_scale;
        if( h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame > h->i_disp_fields_last_frame && lookahead_size > 0 )
            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_field_cnt = h->i_disp_fields;
            h->i_disp_fields += h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration;
            h->i_disp_fields_last_frame = h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame;
        else if( lookahead_size == 0 )
            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_field_cnt = h->i_disp_fields;
            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_duration = h->i_prev_duration;
    if( h->param.rc.b_stat_read )
        /* Use the frame types from the first pass */
        for( int i = 0; i < h->lookahead->next.i_size; i++ )
            h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_type =
                x264_ratecontrol_slice_type( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_frame );
    else if( (h->param.i_bframe && h->param.i_bframe_adaptive)
             || h->param.i_scenecut_threshold
             || h->param.rc.b_mb_tree
             || (h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead) )
        x264_slicetype_analyse( h, 0 );//分析帧的类型(I、B、P)
    for( bframes = 0, brefs = 0;; bframes++ )
        frm = h->lookahead->next.list[bframes];
        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.i_bframe_pyramid < X264_B_PYRAMID_NORMAL &&
            brefs == h->param.i_bframe_pyramid )
            frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "B-ref at frame %d incompatible with B-pyramid %s \n",
                      frm->i_frame, x264_b_pyramid_names[h->param.i_bframe_pyramid] );
        /* pyramid with multiple B-refs needs a big enough dpb that the preceding P-frame stays available.
           smaller dpb could be supported by smart enough use of mmco, but it's easier just to forbid it. */
        else if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF && h->param.i_bframe_pyramid == X264_B_PYRAMID_NORMAL &&
            brefs && h->param.i_frame_reference <= (brefs+3) )
            frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
            x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "B-ref at frame %d incompatible with B-pyramid %s and %d reference frames\n",
                      frm->i_frame, x264_b_pyramid_names[h->param.i_bframe_pyramid], h->param.i_frame_reference );
        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_KEYFRAME )
            frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;
        /* Limit GOP size */
        if( (!h->param.b_intra_refresh || frm->i_frame == 0) && frm->i_frame - h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= h->param.i_keyint_max )
            if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO || frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_I )
                frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop && h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= 0 ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;
            int warn = frm->i_type != X264_TYPE_IDR;
            if( warn && h->param.b_open_gop )
                warn &= frm->i_type != X264_TYPE_I;
            if( warn )
                x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "specified frame type (%d) at %d is not compatible with keyframe interval\n", frm->i_type, frm->i_frame );
                frm->i_type = h->param.b_open_gop && h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= 0 ? X264_TYPE_I : X264_TYPE_IDR;
        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_I && frm->i_frame - h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe >= h->param.i_keyint_min )
            if( h->param.b_open_gop )
                h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe = frm->i_frame; // Use display order
                if( h->param.b_bluray_compat )
                    h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe -= bframes; // Use bluray order
                frm->b_keyframe = 1;
                frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_IDR;
        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_IDR )
            /* Close GOP */
            h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe = frm->i_frame;
            frm->b_keyframe = 1;
            if( bframes > 0 )
                h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
        if( bframes == h->param.i_bframe ||
            !h->lookahead->next.list[bframes+1] )
            if( IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) )
                x264_log( h, X264_LOG_WARNING, "specified frame type is not compatible with max B-frames\n" );
            if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO
                || IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) )
                frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )
        if( frm->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO )
            frm->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
        else if( !IS_X264_TYPE_B( frm->i_type ) ) break;
    if( bframes )
        h->lookahead->next.list[bframes-1]->b_last_minigop_bframe = 1;
    h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_bframes = bframes;
    /* insert a bref into the sequence */
    if( h->param.i_bframe_pyramid && bframes > 1 && !brefs )
        h->lookahead->next.list[bframes/2]->i_type = X264_TYPE_BREF;
    /* calculate the frame costs ahead of time for x264_rc_analyse_slice while we still have lowres */
    if( h->param.rc.i_rc_method != X264_RC_CQP )
        x264_mb_analysis_t a;
        int p0, p1, b;
        p1 = b = bframes + 1;
        x264_lowres_context_init( h, &a );
        frames[0] = h->lookahead->last_nonb;
        memcpy( &frames[1], h->lookahead->next.list, (bframes+1) * sizeof(x264_frame_t*) );
        if( IS_X264_TYPE_I( h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type ) )
            p0 = bframes + 1;
        else // P
            p0 = 0;
        x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, p0, p1, b, 0 );
        if( (p0 != p1 || bframes) && h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size )
            /* We need the intra costs for row SATDs. */
            x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, b, b, b, 0 );
            /* We need B-frame costs for row SATDs. */
            p0 = 0;
            for( b = 1; b <= bframes; b++ )
                if( frames[b]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B )
                    for( p1 = b; frames[p1]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B; )
                    p1 = bframes + 1;
                x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, p0, p1, b, 0 );
                if( frames[b]->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF )
                    p0 = b;
    /* Analyse for weighted P frames */
    if( !h->param.rc.b_stat_read && h->lookahead->next.list[bframes]->i_type == X264_TYPE_P
        && h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred >= X264_WEIGHTP_SIMPLE )
        x264_weights_analyse( h, h->lookahead->next.list[bframes], h->lookahead->last_nonb, 0 );
    /* shift sequence to coded order.
       use a small temporary list to avoid shifting the entire next buffer around */
    int i_coded = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_frame;
    if( bframes )
        int idx_list[] = { brefs+1, 1 };
        for( int i = 0; i < bframes; i++ )
            int idx = idx_list[h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_type == X264_TYPE_BREF]++;
            frames[idx] = h->lookahead->next.list[i];
            frames[idx]->i_reordered_pts = h->lookahead->next.list[idx]->i_pts;
        frames[0] = h->lookahead->next.list[bframes];
        frames[0]->i_reordered_pts = h->lookahead->next.list[0]->i_pts;
        memcpy( h->lookahead->next.list, frames, (bframes+1) * sizeof(x264_frame_t*) );
    for( int i = 0; i <= bframes; i++ )
        h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_coded = i_coded++;
        if( i )
            x264_calculate_durations( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i], h->lookahead->next.list[i-1], &h->i_cpb_delay, &h->i_coded_fields );
            h->lookahead->next.list[0]->f_planned_cpb_duration[i-1] = (double)h->lookahead->next.list[i]->i_cpb_duration *
                                                                      h->sps->vui.i_num_units_in_tick / h->sps->vui.i_time_scale;
            x264_calculate_durations( h, h->lookahead->next.list[i], NULL, &h->i_cpb_delay, &h->i_coded_fields );


void x264_slicetype_analyse( x264_t *h, int intra_minigop )
    x264_mb_analysis_t a;
    x264_frame_t *frames[X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+3] = { NULL, };
    int num_frames, orig_num_frames, keyint_limit, framecnt;
    int i_mb_count = NUM_MBS;
    int cost1p0, cost2p0, cost1b1, cost2p1;
    // 确定最大的搜索长度
    // 在我的调试当中, h->lookahead->next.i_size = 4
    int i_max_search = X264_MIN( h->lookahead->next.i_size, X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX );
    int vbv_lookahead = h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size && h->param.rc.i_lookahead;
    /* For determinism we should limit the search to the number of frames lookahead has for sure
     * in h->lookahead->next.list buffer, except at the end of stream.
     * For normal calls with (intra_minigop == 0) that is h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 frames.
     * And for I-frame calls (intra_minigop != 0) we already removed intra_minigop frames from there. */
    if( h->param.b_deterministic )
        i_max_search = X264_MIN( i_max_search, h->lookahead->i_slicetype_length + 1 - intra_minigop );
    int keyframe = !!intra_minigop;
    assert( h->frames.b_have_lowres );
    if( !h->lookahead->last_nonb )
    frames[0] = h->lookahead->last_nonb;
    //frames[] 依次指向 lookahead->next链表中的帧
    for( framecnt = 0; framecnt < i_max_search && h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt]->i_type == X264_TYPE_AUTO; framecnt++ )
        frames[framecnt+1] = h->lookahead->next.list[framecnt];
    x264_lowres_context_init( h, &a );
    if( !framecnt )
        if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )
            x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, 0, keyframe );
    keyint_limit = h->param.i_keyint_max - frames[0]->i_frame + h->lookahead->i_last_keyframe - 1;
    orig_num_frames = num_frames = h->param.b_intra_refresh ? framecnt : X264_MIN( framecnt, keyint_limit );
    /* This is important psy-wise: if we have a non-scenecut keyframe,
     * there will be significant visual artifacts if the frames just before
     * go down in quality due to being referenced less, despite it being
     * more RD-optimal. */
    if( (h->param.analyse.b_psy && h->param.rc.b_mb_tree) || vbv_lookahead )
        num_frames = framecnt;
    else if( h->param.b_open_gop && num_frames < framecnt )
    else if( num_frames == 0 )
        frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
    int num_bframes = 0;
    int num_analysed_frames = num_frames;
    int reset_start;
    if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, 0, 1, 1, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )
        frames[1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
    x264_opencl_slicetype_prep( h, frames, num_frames, a.i_lambda );
    if( h->param.i_bframe )
        if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_TRELLIS )
            if( num_frames > 1 )
                char best_paths[X264_BFRAME_MAX+1][X264_LOOKAHEAD_MAX+1] = {"","P"};
                int best_path_index = num_frames % (X264_BFRAME_MAX+1);
                /* Perform the frametype analysis. */
                for( int j = 2; j <= num_frames; j++ )
                    x264_slicetype_path( h, &a, frames, j, best_paths );
                num_bframes = strspn( best_paths[best_path_index], "B" );
                /* Load the results of the analysis into the frame types. */
                for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )
                    frames[j]->i_type = best_paths[best_path_index][j-1] == 'B' ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;
            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
        else if( h->param.i_bframe_adaptive == X264_B_ADAPT_FAST )
            for( int i = 0; i <= num_frames-2; )
            	cost2p1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+2, 1 );
                if( frames[i+2]->i_intra_mbs[2] > i_mb_count / 2 )
                    frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                    frames[i+2]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                    i += 2;
                if( h->param.b_opencl )
                    int b_work_done = 0;
                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+2, i+1 );
                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+0, i+1, i+1 );
                    b_work_done |= x264_opencl_precalculate_frame_cost(h, frames, a.i_lambda, i+1, i+2, i+2 );
                    if( b_work_done )
                        x264_opencl_flush( h );
                //p0 b p1
                // i + 1 作为B帧编码的代价
                cost1b1 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+2, i+1, 0 );
                // i + 1 作为P帧编码的代价
                cost1p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, i+1, i+1, 0 );
                // i + 2 作为P帧编码的代价
                cost2p0 = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+1, i+2, i+2, 0 );
                //如果i+1作为P帧编码的代价 + i+2作为P帧编码的代价
                //小于 i+1作为B帧编码的代价   + i+2作为P帧编码的代价
                if( cost1p0 + cost2p0 < cost1b1 + cost2p1 )
                    frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                    i += 1;
                // arbitrary and untuned
                #define INTER_THRESH 300
                #define P_SENS_BIAS (50 - h->param.i_bframe_bias)
                // i+1 将作为B帧编码
                frames[i+1]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
                int j;
                for( j = i+2; j <= X264_MIN( i+h->param.i_bframe, num_frames-1 ); j++ )
                    int pthresh = X264_MAX(INTER_THRESH - P_SENS_BIAS * (j-i-1), INTER_THRESH/10);
                    // 预测j+1作为P帧编码代价
                    int pcost = x264_slicetype_frame_cost( h, &a, frames, i+0, j+1, j+1, 1 );
                    // 如果pcost 满足下述条件, 则确定了一个P帧,跳出循环
                    if( pcost > pthresh*i_mb_count || frames[j+1]->i_intra_mbs[j-i+1] > i_mb_count/3 )
                    // 否则就是B帧
                    frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_B;
                // 将j帧确定为P帧
                frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                i = j;
            // 最后一帧确定为P帧
            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
            num_bframes = 0;
            // 确定有多少个B帧
            while( num_bframes < num_frames && frames[num_bframes+1]->i_type == X264_TYPE_B )
        	// 确定多少B帧
            num_bframes = X264_MIN(num_frames-1, h->param.i_bframe);
            // 每num_bframes + 1一个P帧, 其余皆为B帧
            for( int j = 1; j < num_frames; j++ )
                frames[j]->i_type = (j%(num_bframes+1)) ? X264_TYPE_B : X264_TYPE_P;
            // 最后一帧为P帧
            frames[num_frames]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
        /* Check scenecut on the first minigop. */
        // 如果B帧中, 有帧有场景切换, 则改变其为P帧
        for( int j = 1; j < num_bframes+1; j++ )
            if( h->param.i_scenecut_threshold && scenecut( h, &a, frames, j, j+1, 0, orig_num_frames, i_max_search ) )
                frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
                num_analysed_frames = j;
        reset_start = keyframe ? 1 : X264_MIN( num_bframes+2, num_analysed_frames+1 );
    	//h->param.i_bframe为 0
        for( int j = 1; j <= num_frames; j++ )
            frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_P;
        reset_start = !keyframe + 1;
        num_bframes = 0;
    /* Perform the actual macroblock tree analysis.
     * Don't go farther than the maximum keyframe interval; this helps in short GOPs. */
    if( h->param.rc.b_mb_tree )
        x264_macroblock_tree( h, &a, frames, X264_MIN(num_frames, h->param.i_keyint_max), keyframe );
    /* Enforce keyframe limit. */
    if( !h->param.b_intra_refresh )
        for( int i = keyint_limit+1; i <= num_frames; i += h->param.i_keyint_max )
            frames[i]->i_type = X264_TYPE_I;
            reset_start = X264_MIN( reset_start, i+1 );
            if( h->param.b_open_gop && h->param.b_bluray_compat )
                while( IS_X264_TYPE_B( frames[i-1]->i_type ) )
    if( vbv_lookahead )
        x264_vbv_lookahead( h, &a, frames, num_frames, keyframe );
    /* Restore frametypes for all frames that haven't actually been decided yet. */
    for( int j = reset_start; j <= num_frames; j++ )
        frames[j]->i_type = X264_TYPE_AUTO;
    x264_opencl_slicetype_end( h );



// p0 b p1
static int x264_slicetype_frame_cost( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a,
                                      x264_frame_t **frames, int p0, int p1, int b,
                                      int b_intra_penalty )
    int i_score = 0;
    int do_search[2];
    const x264_weight_t *w = x264_weight_none;
    x264_frame_t *fenc = frames[b];
    /* Check whether we already evaluated this frame
     * If we have tried this frame as P, then we have also tried
     * the preceding frames as B. (is this still true?) */
    /* Also check that we already calculated the row SATDs for the current frame. */
    if( fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] >= 0 && (!h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size || fenc->i_row_satds[b-p0][p1-b][0] != -1) )
        i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];
        int dist_scale_factor = 128;
        /* For each list, check to see whether we have lowres motion-searched this reference frame before. */
        do_search[0] = b != p0 && fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][0][0] == 0x7FFF;
        do_search[1] = b != p1 && fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][0][0] == 0x7FFF;
        if( do_search[0] )
            if( h->param.analyse.i_weighted_pred && b == p1 )
                x264_weights_analyse( h, fenc, frames[p0], 1 );
                w = fenc->weight[0];
            fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][0][0] = 0;
        if( do_search[1] ) fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][0][0] = 0;
        if( p1 != p0 )
            dist_scale_factor = ( ((b-p0) << 8) + ((p1-p0) >> 1) ) / (p1-p0);
        int output_buf_size = h->mb.i_mb_height + (NUM_INTS + PAD_SIZE) * h->param.i_lookahead_threads;
        int *output_inter[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX+1];
        int *output_intra[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX+1];
        output_inter[0] = h->scratch_buffer2;
        output_intra[0] = output_inter[0] + output_buf_size;
        if( h->param.b_opencl )
            x264_opencl_lowres_init(h, fenc, a->i_lambda );
            if( do_search[0] )
                x264_opencl_lowres_init( h, frames[p0], a->i_lambda );
                x264_opencl_motionsearch( h, frames, b, p0, 0, a->i_lambda, w );
            if( do_search[1] )
                x264_opencl_lowres_init( h, frames[p1], a->i_lambda );
                x264_opencl_motionsearch( h, frames, b, p1, 1, a->i_lambda, NULL );
            if( b != p0 )
                x264_opencl_finalize_cost( h, a->i_lambda, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor );
            x264_opencl_flush( h );
            i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];
            if( h->param.i_lookahead_threads > 1 )
                x264_slicetype_slice_t s[X264_LOOKAHEAD_THREAD_MAX];
                for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )
                    x264_t *t = h->lookahead_thread[i];
                    /* FIXME move this somewhere else */
                    t->mb.i_me_method = h->mb.i_me_method;
                    t->mb.i_subpel_refine = h->mb.i_subpel_refine;
                    t->mb.b_chroma_me = h->mb.b_chroma_me;
                    s[i] = (x264_slicetype_slice_t){ t, a, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor, do_search, w,
                        output_inter[i], output_intra[i] };
                    t->i_threadslice_start = ((h->mb.i_mb_height *  i    + h->param.i_lookahead_threads/2) / h->param.i_lookahead_threads);
                    t->i_threadslice_end   = ((h->mb.i_mb_height * (i+1) + h->param.i_lookahead_threads/2) / h->param.i_lookahead_threads);
                    int thread_height = t->i_threadslice_end - t->i_threadslice_start;
                    int thread_output_size = thread_height + NUM_INTS;
                    memset( output_inter[i], 0, thread_output_size * sizeof(int) );
                    memset( output_intra[i], 0, thread_output_size * sizeof(int) );
                    output_inter[i][NUM_ROWS] = output_intra[i][NUM_ROWS] = thread_height;
                    output_inter[i+1] = output_inter[i] + thread_output_size + PAD_SIZE;
                    output_intra[i+1] = output_intra[i] + thread_output_size + PAD_SIZE;
                    x264_threadpool_run( h->lookaheadpool, (void*)x264_slicetype_slice_cost, &s[i] );
                for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )
                    x264_threadpool_wait( h->lookaheadpool, &s[i] );
                h->i_threadslice_start = 0;
                h->i_threadslice_end = h->mb.i_mb_height;
                memset( output_inter[0], 0, (output_buf_size - PAD_SIZE) * sizeof(int) );
                memset( output_intra[0], 0, (output_buf_size - PAD_SIZE) * sizeof(int) );
                output_inter[0][NUM_ROWS] = output_intra[0][NUM_ROWS] = h->mb.i_mb_height;
                x264_slicetype_slice_t s = (x264_slicetype_slice_t){ h, a, frames, p0, p1, b, dist_scale_factor, do_search, w,
                    output_inter[0], output_intra[0] };
                x264_slicetype_slice_cost( &s );
            /* Sum up accumulators */
            if( b == p1 )
                fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] = 0;
            if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
                fenc->i_cost_est[0][0] = 0;
                fenc->i_cost_est_aq[0][0] = 0;
            fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] = 0;
            fenc->i_cost_est_aq[b-p0][p1-b] = 0;
            int *row_satd_inter = fenc->i_row_satds[b-p0][p1-b];
            int *row_satd_intra = fenc->i_row_satds[0][0];
            for( int i = 0; i < h->param.i_lookahead_threads; i++ )
                if( b == p1 )
                    fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] += output_inter[i][INTRA_MBS];
                if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
                    fenc->i_cost_est[0][0] += output_intra[i][COST_EST];
                    fenc->i_cost_est_aq[0][0] += output_intra[i][COST_EST_AQ];
                fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] += output_inter[i][COST_EST];
                fenc->i_cost_est_aq[b-p0][p1-b] += output_inter[i][COST_EST_AQ];
                if( h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size )
                    int row_count = output_inter[i][NUM_ROWS];
                    memcpy( row_satd_inter, output_inter[i] + NUM_INTS, row_count * sizeof(int) );
                    if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
                        memcpy( row_satd_intra, output_intra[i] + NUM_INTS, row_count * sizeof(int) );
                    row_satd_inter += row_count;
                    row_satd_intra += row_count;
            i_score = fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b];
            if( b != p1 )//B帧
                i_score = (uint64_t)i_score * 100 / (120 + h->param.i_bframe_bias);
                fenc->b_intra_calculated = 1;
            fenc->i_cost_est[b-p0][p1-b] = i_score;
    if( b_intra_penalty )
        // arbitrary penalty for I-blocks after B-frames
        int nmb = NUM_MBS;
        i_score += (uint64_t)i_score * fenc->i_intra_mbs[b-p0] / (nmb * 8);
    return i_score;


static void x264_slicetype_slice_cost( x264_slicetype_slice_t *s )
    x264_t *h = s->h;
    /* Lowres lookahead goes backwards because the MVs are used as predictors in the main encode.
     * This considerably improves MV prediction overall. */
    /* The edge mbs seem to reduce the predictive quality of the
     * whole frame's score, but are needed for a spatial distribution. */
    int do_edges = h->param.rc.b_mb_tree || h->param.rc.i_vbv_buffer_size || h->mb.i_mb_width <= 2 || h->mb.i_mb_height <= 2;
    int start_y = X264_MIN( h->i_threadslice_end - 1, h->mb.i_mb_height - 2 + do_edges );
    int end_y = X264_MAX( h->i_threadslice_start, 1 - do_edges );
    int start_x = h->mb.i_mb_width - 2 + do_edges;
    int end_x = 1 - do_edges;
    for( h->mb.i_mb_y = start_y; h->mb.i_mb_y >= end_y; h->mb.i_mb_y-- )
        for( h->mb.i_mb_x = start_x; h->mb.i_mb_x >= end_x; h->mb.i_mb_x-- )
            x264_slicetype_mb_cost( h, s->a, s->frames, s->p0, s->p1, s->b, s->dist_scale_factor,
                                    s->do_search, s->w, s->output_inter, s->output_intra );


static void x264_slicetype_mb_cost( x264_t *h, x264_mb_analysis_t *a,
                                    x264_frame_t **frames, int p0, int p1, int b,
                                    int dist_scale_factor, int do_search[2], const x264_weight_t *w,
                                    int *output_inter, int *output_intra )
    x264_frame_t *fref0 = frames[p0];
    x264_frame_t *fref1 = frames[p1];
    x264_frame_t *fenc  = frames[b];
    const int b_bidir = (b < p1);
    const int i_mb_x = h->mb.i_mb_x;
    const int i_mb_y = h->mb.i_mb_y;
    const int i_mb_stride = h->mb.i_mb_width;
    const int i_mb_xy = i_mb_x + i_mb_y * i_mb_stride;
    const int i_stride = fenc->i_stride_lowres;
    const int i_pel_offset = 8 * (i_mb_x + i_mb_y * i_stride);
    const int i_bipred_weight = h->param.analyse.b_weighted_bipred ? 64 - (dist_scale_factor>>2) : 32;
    int16_t (*fenc_mvs[2])[2] = { &fenc->lowres_mvs[0][b-p0-1][i_mb_xy], &fenc->lowres_mvs[1][p1-b-1][i_mb_xy] };
    int (*fenc_costs[2]) = { &fenc->lowres_mv_costs[0][b-p0-1][i_mb_xy], &fenc->lowres_mv_costs[1][p1-b-1][i_mb_xy] };
    int b_frame_score_mb = (i_mb_x > 0 && i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 &&
                            i_mb_y > 0 && i_mb_y < h->mb.i_mb_height - 1) ||
                            h->mb.i_mb_width <= 2 || h->mb.i_mb_height <= 2;
    ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( pixel, pix1,[9*FDEC_STRIDE] );
    pixel *pix2 = pix1+8;
    x264_me_t m[2];
    int i_bcost = COST_MAX;
    int list_used = 0;
    /* A small, arbitrary bias to avoid VBV problems caused by zero-residual lookahead blocks. */
    int lowres_penalty = 4;
    h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.fenc_buf;
    h->mc.copy[PIXEL_8x8]( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, &fenc->lowres[0][i_pel_offset], i_stride, 8 );
    if( p0 == p1 )
        goto lowres_intra_mb;
    // no need for h->mb.mv_min[]
    h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][0] = -8*h->mb.i_mb_x - 4;
    h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][0] = 8*( h->mb.i_mb_width - h->mb.i_mb_x - 1 ) + 4;
    h->mb.mv_min_spel[0] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][0] - 8 );
    h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][0] + 8 );
    if( h->mb.i_mb_x >= h->mb.i_mb_width - 2 )
        h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][1] = -8*h->mb.i_mb_y - 4;
        h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][1] = 8*( h->mb.i_mb_height - h->mb.i_mb_y - 1 ) + 4;
        h->mb.mv_min_spel[1] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[0][1] - 8 );
        h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] = 4*( h->mb.mv_limit_fpel[1][1] + 8 );
#define LOAD_HPELS_LUMA(dst, src) \
    { \
        (dst)[0] = &(src)[0][i_pel_offset]; \
        (dst)[1] = &(src)[1][i_pel_offset]; \
        (dst)[2] = &(src)[2][i_pel_offset]; \
        (dst)[3] = &(src)[3][i_pel_offset]; \
#define LOAD_WPELS_LUMA(dst,src) \
    (dst) = &(src)[i_pel_offset];
#define CLIP_MV( mv ) \
    { \
        mv[0] = x264_clip3( mv[0], h->mb.mv_min_spel[0], h->mb.mv_max_spel[0] ); \
        mv[1] = x264_clip3( mv[1], h->mb.mv_min_spel[1], h->mb.mv_max_spel[1] ); \
#define TRY_BIDIR( mv0, mv1, penalty ) \
    { \
        int i_cost; \
        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine <= 1 ) \
        { \
            int hpel_idx1 = (((mv0)[0]&2)>>1) + ((mv0)[1]&2); \
            int hpel_idx2 = (((mv1)[0]&2)>>1) + ((mv1)[1]&2); \
            pixel *src1 = m[0].p_fref[hpel_idx1] + ((mv0)[0]>>2) + ((mv0)[1]>>2) * m[0].i_stride[0]; \
            pixel *src2 = m[1].p_fref[hpel_idx2] + ((mv1)[0]>>2) + ((mv1)[1]>>2) * m[1].i_stride[0]; \
            h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, src1, m[0].i_stride[0], src2, m[1].i_stride[0], i_bipred_weight ); \
        } \
        else \
        { \
            intptr_t stride1 = 16, stride2 = 16; \
            pixel *src1, *src2; \
            src1 = h->mc.get_ref( pix1, &stride1, m[0].p_fref, m[0].i_stride[0], \
                                  (mv0)[0], (mv0)[1], 8, 8, w ); \
            src2 = h->mc.get_ref( pix2, &stride2, m[1].p_fref, m[1].i_stride[0], \
                                  (mv1)[0], (mv1)[1], 8, 8, w ); \
            h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, src1, stride1, src2, stride2, i_bipred_weight ); \
        } \
        i_cost = penalty * a->i_lambda + h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( \
                           m[0].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, pix1, 16 ); \
        COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, i_cost, list_used, 3 ); \
    m[0].i_pixel = PIXEL_8x8;
    m[0].p_cost_mv = a->p_cost_mv;
    m[0].i_stride[0] = i_stride;
    m[0].p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0];
    m[0].weight = w;
    m[0].i_ref = 0;
    LOAD_HPELS_LUMA( m[0].p_fref, fref0->lowres );
    m[0].p_fref_w = m[0].p_fref[0];
    if( w[0].weightfn )
        LOAD_WPELS_LUMA( m[0].p_fref_w, fenc->weighted[0] );
    if( b_bidir )
        int16_t *mvr = fref1->lowres_mvs[0][p1-p0-1][i_mb_xy];
        ALIGNED_ARRAY_8( int16_t, dmv,[2],[2] );
        m[1].i_pixel = PIXEL_8x8;
        m[1].p_cost_mv = a->p_cost_mv;
        m[1].i_stride[0] = i_stride;
        m[1].p_fenc[0] = h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0];
        m[1].i_ref = 0;
        m[1].weight = x264_weight_none;
        LOAD_HPELS_LUMA( m[1].p_fref, fref1->lowres );
        m[1].p_fref_w = m[1].p_fref[0];
        dmv[0][0] = ( mvr[0] * dist_scale_factor + 128 ) >> 8;
        dmv[0][1] = ( mvr[1] * dist_scale_factor + 128 ) >> 8;
        dmv[1][0] = dmv[0][0] - mvr[0];
        dmv[1][1] = dmv[0][1] - mvr[1];
        CLIP_MV( dmv[0] );
        CLIP_MV( dmv[1] );
        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine <= 1 )
            M64( dmv ) &= ~0x0001000100010001ULL; /* mv & ~1 */
        TRY_BIDIR( dmv[0], dmv[1], 0 );
        if( M64( dmv ) )
            int i_cost;
            h->mc.avg[PIXEL_8x8]( pix1, 16, m[0].p_fref[0], m[0].i_stride[0], m[1].p_fref[0], m[1].i_stride[0], i_bipred_weight );
            i_cost = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( m[0].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, pix1, 16 );
            COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, i_cost, list_used, 3 );
    for( int l = 0; l < 1 + b_bidir; l++ )
        if( do_search[l] )
            int i_mvc = 0;
            int16_t (*fenc_mv)[2] = fenc_mvs[l];
            ALIGNED_4( int16_t mvc[4][2] );
            /* Reverse-order MV prediction. */
            M32( mvc[0] ) = 0;
            M32( mvc[2] ) = 0;
#define MVC(mv) { CP32( mvc[i_mvc], mv ); i_mvc++; }
            if( i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )
                MVC( fenc_mv[1] );
            if( i_mb_y < h->i_threadslice_end - 1 )
                MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride] );
                if( i_mb_x > 0 )
                    MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride-1] );
                if( i_mb_x < h->mb.i_mb_width - 1 )
                    MVC( fenc_mv[i_mb_stride+1] );
#undef MVC
            if( i_mvc <= 1 )
                CP32( m[l].mvp, mvc[0] );
                x264_median_mv( m[l].mvp, mvc[0], mvc[1], mvc[2] );
            /* Fast skip for cases of near-zero residual.  Shortcut: don't bother except in the mv0 case,
             * since anything else is likely to have enough residual to not trigger the skip. */
            if( !M32( m[l].mvp ) )
                m[l].cost = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( m[l].p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE, m[l].p_fref[0], m[l].i_stride[0] );
                if( m[l].cost < 64 )
                    M32( m[l].mv ) = 0;
                    goto skip_motionest;
            x264_me_search( h, &m[l], mvc, i_mvc );
            m[l].cost -= a->p_cost_mv[0]; // remove mvcost from skip mbs
            if( M32( m[l].mv ) )
                m[l].cost += 5 * a->i_lambda;
            CP32( fenc_mvs[l], m[l].mv );
            *fenc_costs[l] = m[l].cost;
            CP32( m[l].mv, fenc_mvs[l] );
            m[l].cost = *fenc_costs[l];
        COPY2_IF_LT( i_bcost, m[l].cost, list_used, l+1 );
    if( b_bidir && ( M32( m[0].mv ) || M32( m[1].mv ) ) )
        TRY_BIDIR( m[0].mv, m[1].mv, 5 );
    if( !fenc->b_intra_calculated )
        ALIGNED_ARRAY_16( pixel, edge,[36] );
        pixel *pix = &pix1[8+FDEC_STRIDE];
        pixel *src = &fenc->lowres[0][i_pel_offset];
        const int intra_penalty = 5 * a->i_lambda;
        int satds[3];
        int pixoff = 4 / sizeof(pixel);
        /* Avoid store forwarding stalls by writing larger chunks */
        memcpy( pix-FDEC_STRIDE, src-i_stride, 16 * sizeof(pixel) );
        for( int i = -1; i < 8; i++ )
            M32( &pix[i*FDEC_STRIDE-pixoff] ) = M32( &src[i*i_stride-pixoff] );
        h->pixf.intra_mbcmp_x3_8x8c( h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], pix, satds );
        int i_icost = X264_MIN3( satds[0], satds[1], satds[2] );
        if( h->param.analyse.i_subpel_refine > 1 )
            h->predict_8x8c[I_PRED_CHROMA_P]( pix );
            int satd = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( pix, FDEC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE );
            i_icost = X264_MIN( i_icost, satd );
            h->predict_8x8_filter( pix, edge, ALL_NEIGHBORS, ALL_NEIGHBORS );
            for( int i = 3; i < 9; i++ )
                h->predict_8x8[i]( pix, edge );
                satd = h->pixf.mbcmp[PIXEL_8x8]( pix, FDEC_STRIDE, h->mb.pic.p_fenc[0], FENC_STRIDE );
                i_icost = X264_MIN( i_icost, satd );
        i_icost += intra_penalty + lowres_penalty;
        fenc->i_intra_cost[i_mb_xy] = i_icost;
        int i_icost_aq = i_icost;
        if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )
            i_icost_aq = (i_icost_aq * fenc->i_inv_qscale_factor[i_mb_xy] + 128) >> 8;
        output_intra[ROW_SATD] += i_icost_aq;
        if( b_frame_score_mb )
            output_intra[COST_EST] += i_icost;
            output_intra[COST_EST_AQ] += i_icost_aq;
    i_bcost += lowres_penalty;
    /* forbid intra-mbs in B-frames, because it's rare and not worth checking */
    /* FIXME: Should we still forbid them now that we cache intra scores? */
    if( !b_bidir )
        int i_icost = fenc->i_intra_cost[i_mb_xy];
        int b_intra = i_icost < i_bcost;
        if( b_intra )
            i_bcost = i_icost;
            list_used = 0;
        if( b_frame_score_mb )
            output_inter[INTRA_MBS] += b_intra;//[INTRA_MBS]统计有多少个帧内模式的宏块
    /* In an I-frame, we've already added the results above in the intra section. */
    if( p0 != p1 )
        int i_bcost_aq = i_bcost;
        if( h->param.rc.i_aq_mode )
            i_bcost_aq = (i_bcost_aq * fenc->i_inv_qscale_factor[i_mb_xy] + 128) >> 8;
        output_inter[ROW_SATD] += i_bcost_aq;
        if( b_frame_score_mb )
            /* Don't use AQ-weighted costs for slicetype decision, only for ratecontrol. */
            output_inter[COST_EST] += i_bcost;
            output_inter[COST_EST_AQ] += i_bcost_aq;
    fenc->lowres_costs[b-p0][p1-b][i_mb_xy] = X264_MIN( i_bcost, LOWRES_COST_MASK ) + (list_used << LOWRES_COST_SHIFT);
#undef TRY_BIDIR

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这段代码是一个简单的递归下降分析器,用来分析和计算简单的四则运算表达式。现在我来一行一行地解释它: ```c #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <ctype.h> ``` 这三行代码是包含所需的头文件。其中,`stdio.h` 头文件包含了标准输入输出函数,`stdlib.h` 头文件包含了 `exit()` 函数,`ctype.h` 头文件包含了判断字符类型的函数。 ```c char lookahead; ``` 定义一个全局变量 `lookahead`,用来存储当前读入的字符。 ```c void error() { printf("Error\n"); exit(1); } ``` 定义一个 `error()` 函数,用来在出现错误时打印错误信息并退出程序。 ```c void match(char t) { if (lookahead == t) { lookahead = getchar(); } else { error(); } } ``` 定义一个 `match()` 函数,用来匹配读入的字符和期望的字符 `t` 是否相同。如果相同,就读入下一个字符;否则,就调用 `error()` 函数。 ```c void E(); void E_prime(); void T(); void T_prime(); void F(); ``` 定义五个函数原型,分别是非终结符 `E`、`E_prime`、`T`、`T_prime` 和 `F`。 ```c void E() { T(); E_prime(); } ``` 定义 `E()` 函数,用来匹配 `E` 非终结符。它先匹配一个 `T`,然后匹配一个 `E_prime`。 ```c void E_prime() { if (lookahead == '+') { match('+'); T(); E_prime(); } else if (lookahead == '-') { match('-'); T(); E_prime(); } } ``` 定义 `E_prime()` 函数,用来匹配 `E_prime` 非终结符。它先判断下一个字符是不是加号或减号,如果是,就读入下一个字符,然后匹配一个 `T`,再匹配一个 `E_prime`。 ```c void T() { F(); T_prime(); } ``` 定义 `T()` 函数,用来匹配 `T` 非终结符。它先匹配一个 `F`,然后匹配一个 `T_prime`。 ```c void T_prime() { if (lookahead == '*') { match('*'); F(); T_prime(); } else if (lookahead == '/') { match('/'); F(); T_prime(); } } ``` 定义 `T_prime()` 函数,用来匹配 `T_prime` 非终结符。它先判断下一个字符是不是乘号或除号,如果是,就读入下一个字符,然后匹配一个 `F`,再匹配一个 `T_prime`。 ```c void F() { if (isdigit(lookahead)) { match(lookahead); } else if (lookahead == '(') { match('('); E(); match(')'); } else { error(); } } ``` 定义 `F()` 函数,用来匹配 `F` 非终结符。它先判断下一个字符是不是数字,如果是,就匹配该数字;否则,如果下一个字符是左括号,就读入下一个字符,然后匹配一个 `E`,再匹配一个右括号;否则,调用 `error()` 函数。 ```c int main() { lookahead = getchar(); E(); if (lookahead == '\n') { printf("Success\n"); } else { error(); } return 0; } ``` 在 `main()` 函数中,首先读入一个字符,然后匹配一个 `E`。如果读入的下一个字符是换行符,则表达式匹配成功,打印 "Success";否则,调用 `error()` 函数。最后返回 0,表示程序正常结束。


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