


using Autodesk.AutoCAD.ApplicationServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.EditorInput;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Geometry;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.GraphicsInterface;
using Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace DevDaysGripMenusSample
public class TestOverrule
private static DrawOverrule m_drawOverrule = new DrawOverrule();
private static PropsOverrule m_propertiesOverrule = new PropsOverrule();
private static XformOverrule m_xformOverrule = new XformOverrule();
private static ObjectSnapOverrule m_osnapOverrule = new ObjectSnapOverrule();
private static GripPointOverrule m_gripOverrule = new GripPointOverrule();
private static HiliteOverrule m_hightlightOverrule = new HiliteOverrule();
private static ObjOverrule m_objectOverrule = new ObjOverrule();

    private static Overrule[] m_overrules = new Overrule[]

    private static System.Collections.Generic.List<ObjectId> m_overruledObjects = new System.Collections.Generic.List<ObjectId>();
    private static readonly string RegAppName = "AsdkOverruleTest";
    private static bool m_overruleAdded = false;

    static public void Start()
        Document doc = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument;
        Editor ed = doc.Editor;

        PromptEntityResult res = ed.GetEntity("Select a circle to overrule");
        if (res.Status != PromptStatus.OK)

        if (res.ObjectId.ObjectClass != RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Circle)))
            ed.WriteMessage("Selected object is not a circle!\n");

        if (m_overruledObjects.Count == 0)
            Application.DocumentManager.DocumentToBeDestroyed += new DocumentCollectionEventHandler(DocumentManager_DocumentToBeDestroyed);
        if (!m_overruledObjects.Contains(res.ObjectId))
            Database db = res.ObjectId.Database;
            using (Transaction t = db.TransactionManager.StartTransaction())
                RegAppTable tbl = (RegAppTable)t.GetObject(db.RegAppTableId, OpenMode.ForRead, false);
                if (!tbl.Has(RegAppName))
                    RegAppTableRecord app = new RegAppTableRecord();
                    app.Name = RegAppName;
                    tbl = (RegAppTable)t.GetObject(db.RegAppTableId, OpenMode.ForWrite, false);
                    t.AddNewlyCreatedDBObject(app, true);
                Circle c = (Circle)t.GetObject(res.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForRead);

                if (c.GetXDataForApplication(RegAppName) == null)
                    c = (Circle)t.GetObject(res.ObjectId, OpenMode.ForWrite);
                    c.XData = new ResultBuffer(
                        new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.ExtendedDataRegAppName, RegAppName),
                        new TypedValue((int)DxfCode.ExtendedDataReal, Math.PI / 6) //start with 30 degrees
        ObjectId[] ids = m_overruledObjects.ToArray();
        foreach (Overrule o in m_overrules)

            if (!m_overruleAdded)
                Overrule.AddOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Circle)), o, false);

        m_overruleAdded = true;


    private static void End()
        foreach (Overrule o in m_overrules)
            Overrule.RemoveOverrule(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Circle)), o);
        Overrule.Overruling = false;

    private static void DocumentManager_DocumentToBeDestroyed(object sender, DocumentCollectionEventArgs e)
        //remove the ids that are going away
        for (int i = m_overruledObjects.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            if (m_overruledObjects[i].Database == e.Document.Database)
        ObjectId[] ids = m_overruledObjects.ToArray();
        foreach (Overrule o in m_overrules)

    private static double GetAngle(Circle c)
        ResultBuffer rb = c.GetXDataForApplication(RegAppName);
        return (double)rb.AsArray()[1].Value;

    private static LineSegment3d[] GetLines(Circle c)
        LineSegment3d[] lines = new LineSegment3d[2];
        double angle = GetAngle(c);
        Point3d center = c.Center;
        Vector3d normal = c.Normal;
        Vector3d axis = normal.GetPerpendicularVector() * c.Radius;
        Vector3d vec = axis.RotateBy(angle, normal);
        lines[0] = new LineSegment3d(center - vec, center + vec);
        vec = axis.RotateBy(-angle, normal);
        lines[1] = new LineSegment3d(center - vec, center + vec);
        return lines;

    private class DrawOverrule : DrawableOverrule
        public override bool WorldDraw(Drawable drawable, WorldDraw wd)
            Circle c = (Circle)drawable;
            LineSegment3d[] lines = GetLines(c);
            foreach (LineSegment3d l in lines)
                wd.Geometry.WorldLine(l.StartPoint, l.EndPoint);
            return base.WorldDraw(drawable, wd);

    private class PropsOverrule : PropertiesOverrule
        public override void List(Entity entity)
            Editor ed = Application.DocumentManager.MdiActiveDocument.Editor;
            ed.WriteMessage("\tOverrule test\n");
            ed.WriteMessage("\t\tAngle is {0}", GetAngle((Circle)entity));

    private class XformOverrule : TransformOverrule
        public override void Explode(Entity entity, DBObjectCollection entitySet)
            Circle c = (Circle)entity;
            LineSegment3d[] lines = GetLines(c);
            foreach (LineSegment3d l in lines)
                entitySet.Add(new Line(l.StartPoint, l.EndPoint));

    private class CircleMFMGPE : MultiModesGripPE
        internal CircleMFMGPE(GripPointOverrule overrule)
            : base()
            m_overrule = overrule;

        public override GripMode CurrentMode(Entity entity, GripData gripData)
            if (gripData is GripPointOverrule.MyGrip)
                int index = (int)((GripPointOverrule.MyGrip)gripData).CurrentModeId - (int)GripMode.ModeIdentifier.CustomStart;
                return ((GripPointOverrule.MyGrip)gripData).Modes[index];
                return null;

        public override uint CurrentModeId(Entity entity, GripData gripData)
            if (gripData is GripPointOverrule.MyGrip)
                return (uint)(gripData as GripPointOverrule.MyGrip).CurrentModeId;
            return 0;

        public override bool GetGripModes(Entity entity, GripData gripData, GripModeCollection modes, ref uint curMode)
            if (!(gripData is GripPointOverrule.MyGrip))
                return false;
            return (gripData as GripPointOverrule.MyGrip).GetGripModes(ref modes, ref curMode);

        public override MultiModesGripPE.GripType GetGripType(Entity entity, GripData gripData)
            return (gripData is GripPointOverrule.MyGrip) ? MultiModesGripPE.GripType.Secondary : MultiModesGripPE.GripType.Primary;

        public override void Reset(Entity entity)

        public override bool SetCurrentMode(Entity entity, GripData gripData, uint curMode)
            if (!(gripData is GripPointOverrule.MyGrip))
                return false;
            (gripData as GripPointOverrule.MyGrip).CurrentModeId = (GripMode.ModeIdentifier)curMode;
            return true;

        private GripPointOverrule m_overrule;

    private class GripPointOverrule : GripOverrule
        private CircleMFMGPE __theMFMGPE = null;

        internal GripPointOverrule()
            __theMFMGPE = new CircleMFMGPE(this);
            RXObject.GetClass(typeof(Circle)).AddX(RXObject.GetClass(typeof(CircleMFMGPE)), __theMFMGPE);

        internal abstract class MyGrip : GripData
            protected MyGrip()
                __modes = new GripModeCollection();

            private GripMode.ModeIdentifier __curModeId = GripMode.ModeIdentifier.CustomStart;

            public virtual GripMode.ModeIdentifier CurrentModeId
                get { return __curModeId; }
                set { __curModeId = value; }

            private GripModeCollection __modes;

            public virtual GripModeCollection Modes
                get { return __modes; }

            public abstract void Move(Entity entity, Vector3d offset);

            public abstract bool GetGripModes(ref GripModeCollection modes, ref uint curMode);

            public override bool ViewportDraw(ViewportDraw vd, ObjectId entityId, GripData.DrawType type, Point3d? imageGripPoint, int gripSize)
                Point2d unit = vd.Viewport.GetNumPixelsInUnitSquare(GripPoint);
                vd.Geometry.Circle(GripPoint, gripSize / unit.X, vd.Viewport.ViewDirection);
                return true;

            protected void MoveWorker(Entity entity, Vector3d offset)
                Circle c = (Circle)entity;
                Point3d newGripPoint = GripPoint + offset;
                c.Radius = newGripPoint.DistanceTo(c.Center);

        public class RowGripMenuItem  
            private GripData _Grip;
            private Action _Action;

            //private List<IMenuItem> _Items = new List<IMenuItem>();

            public delegate void Action(GripData g, RowGripMenuItem r);

            public RowGripMenuItem(GripData g, Action a)
                _Grip = g;
                _Action = a;

            public bool Checked { get; set; }

            public bool Enabled { get; set; }

            //public System.Drawing.Icon Icon { get; set; }

            public string Text { get; set; }

            public bool Visible { get; set; }

            //public System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.IMenuItem> Items
            //    get { return _Items; }

            public void OnClicked(System.EventArgs eventArgs)
                if (_Action != null)
                    _Action.Invoke(_Grip, this);

            //public void Add(IMenuItem m)
            //    _Items.Add(m);

            //public void Remove(IMenuItem m)
            //    _Items.Remove(m);

            public event EventHandler Click;

        private class LowerLeftGrip : MyGrip
            public enum myMFMGPEModeId
                kStretchRadiusX = GripMode.ModeIdentifier.CustomStart,

            public LowerLeftGrip()
                GripMode m1 = new GripMode();
                m1.ModeId = (uint)myMFMGPEModeId.kStretchRadiusX;
                m1.DisplayString = "Stretch radius, offset mapped to X diection.";
                m1.CLIPromptString = "\nSpecify new vertex point:";
                m1.CLIKeywordList = "STretch MOve ROtate SCale MIrror Base Copy Undo X EXit dummy GMove CGizmo _STretch MOve ROtate SCale MIrror Base Copy Undo X EXit dummy GMove CGizmo";
                m1.CLIDisplayString = "\n** STRETCH X **";
                m1.Action = GripMode.ActionType.DragOn;
                GripMode m2 = new GripMode();
                m2.ModeId = (uint)myMFMGPEModeId.kStretchRadiusY;
                m2.DisplayString = "Stretch radius, offset mapped to Y diection.";
                m2.CLIDisplayString = "\n** STRETCH Y **";
                m1.CLIKeywordList = "STretch MOve ROtate SCale MIrror Base Copy Undo X EXit dummy GMove CGizmo _STretch MOve ROtate SCale MIrror Base Copy Undo X EXit dummy GMove CGizmo";
                m2.CLIPromptString = "\nSpecify new vertex point:";
                m2.Action = GripMode.ActionType.DragOn;
                GripMode m3 = new GripMode();
                m3.ModeId = (uint)myMFMGPEModeId.kIncrementRadiusByOne;
                m3.DisplayString = "Increment radius by 1.";
                m3.CLIPromptString = "\nSpecify new vertex point:";
                m3.CLIKeywordList = "STretch MOve ROtate SCale MIrror Base Copy Undo X EXit dummy GMove CGizmo _STretch MOve ROtate SCale MIrror Base Copy Undo X EXit dummy GMove CGizmo";
                m3.CLIDisplayString = "\n** INCREMENT RADIUS BY 1 **";
                m3.Action = GripMode.ActionType.Immediate;
                CurrentModeId = 0;

            public override bool GetGripModes(ref GripModeCollection modes, ref uint curMode)
                //modes = __modes;

                foreach (GripMode m in Modes)

                //curMode = (uint)CurrentModeId;

                return true;

            public override void Move(Entity entity, Vector3d offset)
                switch ((myMFMGPEModeId)CurrentModeId)
                    case myMFMGPEModeId.kStretchRadiusX:
                        offset = offset.Subtract(new Vector3d(0, offset.Y, 0));

                    case myMFMGPEModeId.kStretchRadiusY:
                        offset = offset.Subtract(new Vector3d(offset.X, 0, 0));

                    case myMFMGPEModeId.kIncrementRadiusByOne:
                        Vector3d v = GripPoint - ((Circle)entity).Center;
                        offset += v.GetNormal();
                MoveWorker(entity, offset);

        //    public override IEnumerable<Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.IMenuItem> OnRightClick(GripDataCollection hotGrips, ObjectIdCollection entities)
        //    {
        //        List<RowGripMenuItem> GripMenu = new List<RowGripMenuItem>();

        //        GripMenu.Add(new RowGripMenuItem(this, null)
        //        {
        //            Text = "Test-1",
        //            //Icon = Resource1.MyTestIcon
        //        }
        //                    );

        //        GripMenu.Add(new RowGripMenuItem(this, null)
        //        {
        //            Text = "Test - 2",
        //            //Icon = Resource1.MyTestIcon
        //        }
        //                    );

        //        return GripMenu;
        //    }

        private class UpperRightGrip : MyGrip
            public override bool GetGripModes(ref GripModeCollection modes, ref uint curMode)
                GripMode m1 = new GripMode();
                m1.ModeId = 0;
                m1.DisplayString = "Upper right not implemeted";
                m1.Action = GripMode.ActionType.Immediate;
                curMode = 0;

                return true;

            public override void Move(Entity entity, Vector3d offset)
                MoveWorker(entity, offset);

        private class UpperLeftGrip : MyGrip
            public override bool GetGripModes(ref GripModeCollection modes, ref uint curMode)
                GripMode m1 = new GripMode();
                m1.ModeId = 0;
                m1.DisplayString = "Upper left not implemeted";
                m1.Action = GripMode.ActionType.Immediate;
                curMode = 0;

                return true;

            public override void Move(Entity entity, Vector3d offset)
                MoveWorker(entity, offset);

        private class LowerRightGrip : MyGrip
            public override bool GetGripModes(ref GripModeCollection modes, ref uint curMode)
                GripMode m1 = new GripMode();
                m1.ModeId = 0;
                m1.DisplayString = "Lower right not implemeted";
                m1.Action = GripMode.ActionType.Immediate;
                curMode = 0;

                return true;

            public override void Move(Entity entity, Vector3d offset)
                MoveWorker(entity, offset);

        private GripData[] m_grips = new GripData[4];

        public override void GetGripPoints(Entity entity, GripDataCollection grips, double curViewUnitSize, int gripSize, Vector3d curViewDir, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.GetGripPointsFlags bitFlags)
            base.GetGripPoints(entity, grips, curViewUnitSize, gripSize, curViewDir, bitFlags);

            Circle c = (Circle)entity;
            LineSegment3d[] lines = GetLines(c);
            m_grips[0] = new LowerLeftGrip();
            m_grips[0].GripPoint = lines[0].StartPoint;
            m_grips[1] = new UpperRightGrip();
            m_grips[1].GripPoint = lines[0].EndPoint;
            m_grips[2] = new UpperLeftGrip();
            m_grips[2].GripPoint = lines[1].StartPoint;
            m_grips[3] = new LowerRightGrip();
            m_grips[3].GripPoint = lines[1].EndPoint;
            foreach (GripData g in m_grips)

        public override void MoveGripPointsAt(Entity entity, GripDataCollection grips, Vector3d offset, Autodesk.AutoCAD.DatabaseServices.MoveGripPointsFlags bitFlags)
            foreach (GripData grip in grips)
                MyGrip myGrip = grip as MyGrip;
                if (myGrip != null)
                    myGrip.Move(entity, offset);
                    base.MoveGripPointsAt(entity, grips, offset, bitFlags);

    private class ObjectSnapOverrule : OsnapOverrule
        public override void GetObjectSnapPoints(Entity entity, ObjectSnapModes snapMode, IntPtr gsSelectionMark, Point3d pickPoint, Point3d lastPoint, Matrix3d viewTransform, Point3dCollection snapPoints, IntegerCollection geometryIds)
            base.GetObjectSnapPoints(entity, snapMode, gsSelectionMark, pickPoint, lastPoint, viewTransform, snapPoints, geometryIds);
            if ((snapMode & ObjectSnapModes.ModeEnd) == ObjectSnapModes.ModeEnd)
                Circle c = (Circle)entity;
                LineSegment3d[] lines = GetLines(c);
                foreach (LineSegment3d l in lines)

    private class HiliteOverrule : HighlightOverrule
        public override void Highlight(Entity entity, FullSubentityPath subId, bool highlightAll)
            base.Highlight(entity, subId, highlightAll);

        public override void Unhighlight(Entity entity, FullSubentityPath subId, bool highlightAll)
            base.Unhighlight(entity, subId, highlightAll);

    private class ObjOverrule : ObjectOverrule
        public override void Erase(DBObject dbObject, bool erasing)
            //prevent the object from being deleted
            base.Erase(dbObject, erasing);
            if (erasing)
                throw new Autodesk.AutoCAD.Runtime.Exception(ErrorStatus.CannotBeErasedByCaller);






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