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原创 Introduction to React
This post demonstrates the concepts of Reactand its general use. The basic operations of React will be demonstrated.OverviewIntroducing to JSXConsider this variable declaration:const element = <h1>Hello, world!</h1>;This funny tag syntax
2021-07-13 15:59:14 1742
原创 DIjango Quick Guidance
This is a quik guidance to create an app with Django and python.OverviewBecause Django was developed in a fast-paced newsroom environment, it was designed to make common Web-development tasks fast and easy. Here’s an informal overview of how to write a d
2021-03-14 17:50:49 1105 1
原创 OenGL 3D Project: XJTLU Central Building
This is a report for 3D modeling project using freeglut.1. IntroductionThis is a 3D scene describing Central building (CB) and Science buildings (SBs) in north campus of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in real life. This scene contains techni
2021-02-07 19:58:49 1123
原创 Python Socket Programming-Routing Algorithm
1. AbstractThe main function of network layer is to send packets from source machine to destination machine locating anywhere in the internet. The mechanism behind the function includes routing in routers: routers must decide the next neighbor to drop th
2021-01-27 17:04:29 1274
原创 Python Socket Programming-File Synchronization
1. AbstractFile synchronization is widely applied in applications with the function of providing file downloading and file uploading. Softwares such as Dropbox, Baidu Netdisk, Ali Cloud, have the rudimentary function of file synchronization with breakpoin
2021-01-27 16:47:47 2777 1
原创 Python Crawler(Douban Top250)
Python CrawlerOverviewTo obtain the Top250 movie information on Douban:http://movie.douban.com/top250The relating information contains name, rating, judging number, general information, and link.Douban Top250One page contains 25 pieces and there are
2020-08-18 11:46:22 1497
原创 Git Manual
This post includes the general description of Git and its operations.Git IntroVersion ControlVersion control is a system that records and manages changes for a file or a set of file, so that you could later revert those changes if neededWhy Version Con
2020-07-31 16:32:53 1164
原创 Maven Manual
This post describes the fundamental concepts of Apache Maven and the use of dependency control.All the materials are from official guide, and some of the codes are created myself, which is definitely not so authoritative. However, hope you find something
2020-07-31 16:31:16 1111
原创 JVM & Memory Garbage Recycling
This post demonstrates the basic concept of JVM and memory recycling technique.JVM StructureJVM StructureIn the JAVA Virtual Machine, There are mainly 4 parts.Class LoaderExecution EngineNative InterfaceRuntime Data AreaClass LoaderClass Loader
2020-07-31 16:22:04 1102
原创 Kubernetes (k8s) Manual
IntroductionIn Development (Dev) environments, running containers on a single host for development and testing of applications may be an option. However, when migrating to Quality Assurance (QA) and Production (Prod) environments, that is no longer a viab
2020-07-31 16:14:44 1923
原创 Spring Framework Manual
This is a guide of basics feature of Spring Framework. All the materials are from the official guide, and some of the codes and examples are created myself, which is not so authoritative. However, hope you find something useful in the passage.OverviewStr
2020-07-31 15:15:19 1136
原创 Springboot Manual
This is a General description of SpringBoot. All the Resources in this passage are from the official guide and some of these examples and codes are concluded myself, which are definitely not so authoritative. However, hope the materials helps a little.Ov
2020-07-31 15:10:10 1369
原创 Docker Manual
This post demonstrates the concepts of container and Docker. The basic operations of Docker, including container data volume, Docker file, Docker Compose and other operation in relation to images and container will also be inspected.OverviewIn brief, doc
2020-07-31 15:06:10 1553
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