0. download JacORB binary tar file from website.
1. rm -rf JacORB
2. unzip JacORB-2.3.0-bin.zip
2. export PATH=$PATH:JacORB/bin
export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:JacORB/lib/avalon-framework-4.1.5.jar:JacORB/lib/idl.jar:JacORB/lib/jacorb.jar:JacORB/lib/logkit-1.2.jar
3. cd JacORB && ant jaco
# this will regenerate jaco script file
4. cd JacORB/etc && mv orb.properties orb.properties.bak
# remove orb.properties, we will use jacorb.properties
5. cd JacORB/etc && mv jacorb_properties.template jacorb.properties
6. modify jacorb.properties
line 24: ORBInitRef.NameService=corbaloc::localhost:34018/NameService
# Where is the NS? i.e., how JacORB service/client find the Naming Service.
line 729: #jacorb.naming.ior_filename=c:/NS_Ref
# Where NS IOR is written to; let's comment out
7. start ns
cd JacORB/bin && ./ns -DOAPort=34018
# port 34018 is used for Naming Service listening on
8. run a tool
cd JacORB/bin && ./lsns
9. test a demo program (this program will access NamingService)
cd JacORB/demo/any && ant
cd JacORB/classes && jaco -DOAIAddr=incore4 -DOAPort=55281 demo.any.Server
cd JacORB/classes && jaco demo.any.Client
10. Naming value saved in NamingService is "AnyServer.service"
11. test another demo program (this program will not access NamingService)
cd JacORB/demo/value/idl && ant
cd JacORB/classes && jaco -DOAIAddr=incore4 -DOAPort=55281 demo.value.idl.Server ior_file
cd JacORB/classes && jaco -DOAIAddr=incore4 -DOAPort=55281 demo.value.idl.Client ior_file
ior_file is the filename, server will write IOR to this file, and client will read it out.