045:魔兽世界三(开战) 程序设计实习MOOC / 程序设计与算法(三)测验题汇总(2020春季) 已经结束

总时间限制: 2000ms 内存限制: 65536kB

魔兽世界的西面是红魔军的司令部,东面是蓝魔军的司令部。两个司令部之间是依次排列的若干城市,城市从西向东依次编号为1,2,3 … N ( N <= 20)。红魔军的司令部算作编号为0的城市,蓝魔军的司令部算作编号为N+1的城市。司令部有生命元,用于制造武士。

两军的司令部都会制造武士。武士一共有dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 五种。每种武士都有编号、生命值、攻击力这三种属性。

双方的武士编号都是从1开始计算。红方制造出来的第n 个武士,编号就是n。同样,蓝方制造出来的第n 个武士,编号也是n。


武士可以拥有武器。武器有三种,sword, bomb,和arrow,编号分别为0,1,2。














编号为n的dragon降生时即获得编号为n%3 的武器。dragon在战斗结束后,如果还没有战死,就会欢呼。

编号为n的ninjia降生时即获得编号为n%3 和(n+1)%3的武器。ninja 使用bomb不会让自己受伤。

编号为n的iceman降生时即获得编号为n%3 的武器。iceman每前进一步,生命值减少10%(减少的量要去尾取整)。

编号为n的lion降生时即获得编号为n%3 的武器。lion 有“忠诚度”这个属性,其初始值等于它降生之后其司令部剩余生命元的数目。每前进一步忠诚度就降低K。忠诚度降至0或0以下,则该lion逃离战场,永远消失。但是已经到达敌人司令部的lion不会逃跑。lion在己方司令部可能逃跑。



在每个整点,即每个小时的第0分, 双方的司令部中各有一个武士降生。

红方司令部按照iceman、lion、wolf、ninja、dragon 的顺序制造武士。

蓝方司令部按照lion、dragon、ninja、iceman、wolf 的顺序制造武士。


制造一个初始生命值为m 的武士,司令部中的生命元就要减少m 个。












  1. 武士降生

输出样例:000:00 blue dragon 1 born



000:00 blue lion 1 born

Its loyalty is 24


  1. lion逃跑

输出样例:000:05 blue lion 1 ran away


  1. 武士前进到某一城市


000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 30



  1. wolf抢敌人的武器

000:35 blue wolf 2 took 3 bomb from red dragon 2 in city 4

表示在0点35分,4号城市中,红魔1号武士wolf 抢走蓝魔2号武士dragon 3个bomb。为简单起见,武器不写复数形式

  1. 报告战斗情况


000:40 red iceman 1 killed blue lion 12 in city 2 remaining 20 elements

表示在0点40分,1号城市中,红魔1号武士iceman 杀死蓝魔12号武士lion后,剩下生命值20

000:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 12 died in city 2


000:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 12 were alive in city 2


  1. 武士欢呼

输出样例:003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4

  1. 武士抵达敌军司令部

输出样例:001:10 red iceman 1 reached blue headquarter with 20 elements and force 30


  1. 司令部被占领

输出样例:003:10 blue headquarter was taken


000:50 100 elements in red headquarter

000:50 120 elements in blue headquarter



000:55 blue wolf 2 has 2 sword 3 bomb 0 arrow and 7 elements


交代武器情况时,次序依次是:sword,bomb, arrow。



同一时间发生的事件,按发生地点从西向东依次输出. 武士前进的事件, 算是发生在目的地。

在一次战斗中有可能发生上面的 5 至 6 号事件。这些事件都算同时发生,其时间就是战斗开始时间。一次战斗中的这些事件,序号小的应该先输出。







第一行,4个整数 M,N,K, T。其含义为:
每个司令部一开始都有M个生命元( 1 <= M <= 100000)
两个司令部之间一共有N个城市( 1 <= N <= 20 )
要求输出从0时0分开始,到时间T为止(包括T) 的所有事件。T以分钟为单位,0 <= T <= 6000

第二行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的初始生命值。它们都大于0小于等于200

第三行:五个整数,依次是 dragon 、ninja、iceman、lion、wolf 的攻击力。它们都大于0小于等于200

Case n:

如对第一组数据就输出 Case 1:

然后按恰当的顺序和格式输出到时间T为止发生的所有事件。每个事件都以事件发生的时间开头,时间格式是“时: 分”,“时”有三位,“分”有两位。


20 1 10 400
20 20 30 10 20
5 5 5 5 5


Case 1:
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 10
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 5
000:50 20 elements in red headquarter
000:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:05 blue lion 1 ran away
001:50 20 elements in red headquarter
001:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
002:50 20 elements in red headquarter
002:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
003:50 20 elements in red headquarter
003:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
004:50 20 elements in red headquarter
004:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
005:50 20 elements in red headquarter
005:50 10 elements in blue headquarter

请注意浮点数精度误差问题。OJ上的编译器编译出来的可执行程序,在这方面和你电脑上执行的程序很可能会不一致。5 * 0.3 的结果,有的机器上可能是 15.00000001,去尾取整得到15,有的机器上可能是14.9999999,去尾取整后就变成14。因此,本题不要写 5 * 0.3,要写 5 * 3 / 10。

这份作业其实和第二份难度差不多, 主要要搞清楚攻击的方式, 本人开始时没看到需要“同一时间发生的事件,按发生地点从西向东依次输出. 武士前进的事件, 算是发生在目的地。 ”所以我的输出偷懒了, 在事件二和事件三是先红后蓝输出。如果要按作业要求输出,应该微微改改后面的incident 就好了吧。感觉得注意英雄的位置。本人一开始想用一个城市数组解决问题, 但是再想了一下觉得c++的内存管理很有毒,于是本人又简单粗暴的使用int variable 去代表英雄的位移,用bool variable 去表示这个英雄死了没有。这样就不用考虑哪些删除的什么的数组问题。 如果大家想对c++的内存有更多了解, 我觉得这里可以花时间搞一下。 还有就是,这个代码还有挺多地方可以变的简介和改进。还是一个字懒,不想搞了。还有一个问题就是,我发现我不知道攻击那段文字是我理解有问题,还是代码有别的问题,最后运行和慕课上的给的测试码,在攻击上结果上后面有些不一样。还是因为懒,不想搞了,觉得没什么意思,意思意思就行了。

写完后,也看了一下别的代码,但是感觉逻辑很不一样。因为懒也不想再纠结他们的代码了哈哈哈, 而且也运了他们的,但是,和老师的也不太一样。可能本菜农的水平有限吧 , 哈哈。 也可能老师的代码的题目有小小的改动吧。 所以结果不一样。 因为本人看到过一份稍微要改一下狮子的输出。 所以我也就不知道啦。


上这个老郭,只是无聊找到这个老狗,而且觉得这个老师挺有意思,比本人学校的老师好意思多了。 而且本人的学校奇葩的嫌弃c++对于计算机专业, 所以我也就哈哈地随便搞搞,花一个多月把老郭第一和第三门搞了下来,在疫情无聊期间。 搞一个这个,感觉扣完后,写写这个,发一下,也挺有意思的。 哈哈哈哈哈

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
const int MAX = 300;
string weap[3] = {"sword", "bomb", "arrow"};

struct Weapon{
   int WeapNum = 3;
   bool USED = false;

bool op1(const Weapon& obj1,const Weapon& obj2){
   return obj1.WeapNum < obj2.WeapNum;

class Warcraft{
   bool STOP;
   static int RM, BM, RId, BId;
   static string Hour;
   virtual void Check_red() = 0;
   virtual void Check_blue() = 0;
   virtual void Prod_red() = 0;
   virtual void Prod_blue() = 0;
   virtual void PrintInfo_red() = 0;
   virtual void PrintInfo_blue() = 0;
   string Hours(int j);
   bool stop(int n);

string Warcraft::Hour = "000";
int Warcraft::RM = 0;
int Warcraft::RId = 0;
int Warcraft::BM = 0;
int Warcraft::BId = 0;

string Warcraft::Hours(int j){
    string hours = "000";
    if(j < 10 && j > 0){
       hours[2] = char(j + '0');
       return hours;
    else if(j >= 10 && j < 100){
      hours[2] = char(j % 10 + '0');
      hours[1] = char((int)j / 10 + '0');
      return hours;
       hours[2] = char(j % 10 + '0');
       hours[1] = char((j / 10) % 10 + '0');
       hours[0] = char((int)j / 100 + '0');
       return hours;

bool Warcraft::stop(int n){
   if(n >= 0)
      return true;
      return false;

class CDragon: public Warcraft{
   int dragon_life, wep;
   virtual void Check_red();
   virtual void Check_blue();
   virtual void Prod_red();
   virtual void Prod_blue();
   virtual void PrintInfo_red();
   virtual void PrintInfo_blue();

void CDragon::Check_red(){
   STOP = stop(Warcraft::RM - dragon_life);

void CDragon::Check_blue(){
   STOP = stop(Warcraft::BM - dragon_life);

void CDragon::Prod_red(){
   Warcraft::RM = Warcraft::RM - dragon_life;
   ++ Warcraft::RId;
   wep = Warcraft::RId % 3;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::RId - 1);

void CDragon::Prod_blue(){
   Warcraft::BM = Warcraft::BM - dragon_life;
   ++ Warcraft::BId;
   wep = Warcraft::BId % 3;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::BId - 1);}

void CDragon::PrintInfo_red(){
   if(Warcraft::RM - dragon_life >= 0)
      cout << Hour << ":00 red dragon " << Warcraft::RId << " born\n";

void CDragon::PrintInfo_blue(){
   if(Warcraft::BM - dragon_life >= 0)
      cout << Hour << ":00 blue dragon " << Warcraft::BId << " born\n";

class CNinja: public Warcraft{
   int ninja_life;
   virtual void Check_red();
   virtual void Check_blue();
   virtual void Prod_red();
   virtual void Prod_blue();
   virtual void PrintInfo_red();
   virtual void PrintInfo_blue();

void CNinja::Check_red(){
   STOP = stop(Warcraft::RM - ninja_life);

void CNinja::Check_blue(){
   STOP =  stop(Warcraft::BM - ninja_life);

void CNinja::Prod_red(){
   Warcraft::RM = Warcraft::RM - ninja_life;
   ++ Warcraft::RId;;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::RId - 1);

void CNinja::Prod_blue(){
   Warcraft::BM = Warcraft::BM - ninja_life;
   ++ Warcraft::BId;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::BId - 1);

void CNinja::PrintInfo_red(){
   if(Warcraft::RM - ninja_life >= 0)
      cout << Hour << ":00 red ninja " << Warcraft::RId << " born \n";

void CNinja::PrintInfo_blue(){
   if(Warcraft::BM - ninja_life >= 0)
      cout << Hour << ":00 blue ninja " << Warcraft::BId << " born\n";

class CIceman: public Warcraft{
   int iceman_life;
   virtual void Check_red();
   virtual void Check_blue();
   virtual void Prod_red();
   virtual void Prod_blue();
   virtual void PrintInfo_red();
   virtual void PrintInfo_blue();

void CIceman::Check_red(){
   STOP =  stop(Warcraft::RM - iceman_life);

void CIceman::Check_blue(){
   STOP =  stop(Warcraft::BM - iceman_life);

void CIceman::Prod_red(){
   Warcraft::RM = Warcraft::RM - iceman_life;
   ++ Warcraft::RId;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::RId - 1);

void CIceman::Prod_blue(){
   Warcraft::BM = Warcraft::BM - iceman_life;
   ++ Warcraft::BId;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::BId - 1);

void CIceman::PrintInfo_red(){
   if(Warcraft::RM - iceman_life >= 0){
      cout << Hour << ":00 red iceman " << Warcraft::RId << " born\n";

void CIceman::PrintInfo_blue(){
   if(Warcraft::BM - iceman_life >= 0)
      cout << Hour << ":00 blue iceman " << Warcraft::BId << " born\n";

class CLion: public Warcraft{
   int lion_life, wep, Loy;
   virtual void Check_red();
   virtual void Check_blue();
   virtual void Prod_red();
   virtual void Prod_blue();
   virtual void PrintInfo_red();
   virtual void PrintInfo_blue();

void CLion::Check_red(){
   STOP = stop(Warcraft::RM - lion_life);

void CLion::Check_blue(){
   STOP = stop(Warcraft::BM - lion_life);

void CLion::Prod_red(){
   Warcraft::RM = Warcraft::RM - lion_life;
   ++ Warcraft::RId;
   Loy = RM;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::RId - 1);

void CLion::Prod_blue(){
   Warcraft::BM = Warcraft::BM - lion_life;
   ++ Warcraft::BId;
   Loy = BM;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::BId - 1);

void CLion::PrintInfo_red(){
   if(Warcraft::RM - lion_life >= 0){
      cout << Hour << ":00 red lion " << Warcraft::RId << " born\n";
      cout <<"It's loyalty is " << Loy << endl;

void CLion::PrintInfo_blue(){
   if(Warcraft::BM - lion_life >= 0){
      cout << Hour << ":00 blue lion " << Warcraft::BId << " born\n";
      cout <<"It's loyalty is " << Loy << endl;

class CWolf: public Warcraft{
   int wolf_life;
   virtual void Check_red();
   virtual void Check_blue();
   virtual void Prod_red();
   virtual void Prod_blue();
   virtual void PrintInfo_red();
   virtual void PrintInfo_blue();

void CWolf::Check_red(){
   STOP = stop(Warcraft::RM - wolf_life);

void CWolf::Check_blue(){
   STOP = stop(Warcraft::BM - wolf_life);

void CWolf::Prod_red(){
   Warcraft::RM = Warcraft::RM - wolf_life;
   ++ Warcraft::RId;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::RId - 1);

void CWolf::Prod_blue(){
   Warcraft::BM = Warcraft::BM - wolf_life;
   ++ Warcraft::BId;
   Hour = Hours(Warcraft::BId - 1);

void CWolf::PrintInfo_red(){
   if(Warcraft::RM - wolf_life >= 0)
      cout << Hour << ":00 red wolf " << Warcraft::RId << " born\n";

void CWolf::PrintInfo_blue(){
   if(Warcraft::BM - wolf_life >= 0)
      cout << Hour << ":00 blue wolf " << Warcraft::BId << " born\n";

struct WARCRAFT{
   Warcraft *ptr = NULL;
   Weapon *WEAPCONTAINER = new Weapon[10];
   string NAME = " ";
   int ID = 1000000;
   int LOYAL = 1000000;
   int POSITION = 1000000;
   int LIFE = 1000000;
   int STRENGTH = 1000000;
   bool EXISTENCE = false;
   bool SUCCEEDED = false;

typedef vector<Weapon> C;
class headQuarter{
   int HM, N, K, T;
   int dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf;
   int str_dragon, str_ninja, str_iceman, str_lion, str_wolf;
   CDragon* pD; CNinja* pN; CIceman* pI; CLion* pL; CWolf* pW;
   bool TAKEOVER_BLUE = false, TAKEOVER_RED = false;
   WARCRAFT TMP1[2], TMP2[2];
   headQuarter(int m, int n, int k, int t, int dra, int nin, int ice, int lio,
      int wol, int str_dra, int str_nin, int str_ice, int str_lio, int str_wol):
      HM(m), N(n), K(k), T(t), dragon(dra), ninja(nin), iceman(ice), lion(lio),
      wolf(wol), str_dragon(str_dra), str_ninja(str_nin), str_iceman(str_ice),
      str_lion(str_lio), str_wolf(str_wol) {
      RED = new WARCRAFT[MAX];
      BLUE = new WARCRAFT[MAX];
   void Initial();
   void Ready();
   void Fighting();
   int SIZE(Weapon *W);
   void BINDING(WARCRAFT obj, int NUM);
   int Count(Weapon *w, int NUM);
   void COPY(C C1, int size, Weapon *C2);
   void Incident(WARCRAFT *Array1, int size1, WARCRAFT *Array2, int size2);
   void Combact_Result(WARCRAFT R, WARCRAFT B);
   void WolfRob(WARCRAFT R, WARCRAFT B, char c, int ID);
   void WeaponRob(Weapon *w1, Weapon *w2);

void headQuarter::Initial(){
   Warcraft::RM = HM;
   Warcraft::BM = HM;
   Warcraft::BId = 0;
   Warcraft::RId = 0;
   pD = new CDragon();
   pD->dragon_life = dragon;
   pN = new CNinja();
   pN->ninja_life = ninja;
   pI = new CIceman();
   pI->iceman_life = iceman;
   pL = new CLion();
   pL->lion_life = lion;
   pW = new CWolf();
   pW->wolf_life = wolf;

headQuarter:: ~headQuarter(){
   if(pD != NULL)
      delete pD;
   if(pN != NULL)
      delete pN;
   if(pI != NULL)
      delete pI;
   if(pL != NULL)
      delete pL;
   if(pW != NULL)
      delete pW;
   if(RED != NULL)
      delete []RED;
   if(BLUE != NULL)
      delete []BLUE;

void headQuarter::Ready(){
   Warcraft* ptrWar[2][5] = {{pI,pL,pW,pN,pD},{pL,pD,pN,pI,pW}};
   int Life[2][5] = {{iceman,lion,wolf,ninja,dragon},
   int Strength[2][5] = {{str_iceman,str_lion,str_wolf,str_ninja,str_dragon},
   string Name[2][5] = {{"iceman","lion","wolf","ninja","dragon"},
   int j = 0, i = 0;
   for(; i < MAX; ++ i){
      if(j < 5){
         RED[i].ptr = ptrWar[0][j];
         BLUE[i].ptr = ptrWar[1][j];
         RED[i].LIFE = Life[0][j];
         BLUE[i].LIFE = Life[1][j];
         RED[i].STRENGTH = Strength[0][j];
         BLUE[i].STRENGTH = Strength[1][j];
         RED[i].NAME = Name[0][j];
         BLUE[i].NAME = Name[1][j];
         j = j + 1;
         if(j == 5)
            j = 0;

void headQuarter::COPY(C C1, int size, Weapon *C2){
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i){
      C2[i].WeapNum = 3;
      C2[i].USED = false;
   sort(C1.begin(), C1.end(), op1);
   auto C1_b = C1.begin();
   auto C1_e = C1.end();
   for(int i = 0; i < size; ++ i){
      for(auto j = C1_b; j != C1_e; ++ j){
         if((*j).WeapNum < 3){
            C2[i].WeapNum = (*j).WeapNum;
            C2[i].USED = (*j).USED;

int headQuarter::SIZE(Weapon *W){
   int sum = 0;
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
      if(W[i].WeapNum < 3)
         sum ++;
   return sum;

void headQuarter::WolfRob(WARCRAFT Robbing, WARCRAFT Robbed, char c, int ID){
   C tmpA, tmpB;
   int sum = 0;
   int numberA = SIZE(Robbing.WEAPCONTAINER);
   int numberB = SIZE(Robbed.WEAPCONTAINER);
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
      if(Robbed.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum < 3)
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
      if(Robbing.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum < 3)

   auto B_b = tmpB.begin();
   auto B_e = tmpB.end();
   if(tmpA.size() < 10 && !tmpB.empty()){
      if((*B_b).WeapNum == 2){
         for(auto i = B_b; i != B_e; ++ i){
            if((*B_b).USED == true){
               for(auto j = i; j != B_e; ++ j){
                  if((*j).USED == false){
                     sum = sum + 1;
                     (*i).WeapNum = 3;
                     sum = sum + 1;
                     (*i).WeapNum = 3;
            if(tmpA.size() == 10)
      else if ((*B_b).WeapNum == 1 || (*B_b).WeapNum == 0){
         for(auto i = B_b; i != B_e; ++ i){
            if((*i).WeapNum == (*B_b).WeapNum){
               sum = sum + 1;
            if(tmpA.size() == 10)
      COPY(tmpA, numberA, Robbing.WEAPCONTAINER);
      COPY(tmpB, numberB, Robbed.WEAPCONTAINER);
      if(c == 'B')
         cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":35 blue wolf " << ID << " took " << sum <<
         " " <<  weap[(*B_b).WeapNum] << " from red " << Robbed.NAME << " " << Robbed.ID
         << " in city " << Robbed.POSITION << endl;
      if(c == 'R')
         cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":35 red wolf " << ID << " took " << sum <<
         " " << weap[(*B_b).WeapNum] << " from blue " << Robbed.NAME << " " << Robbed.ID
         << " in city " << Robbed.POSITION << endl;

   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i){
      if(FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum == 0){
         if(LAST.LIFE  <= 0){
            LAST.EXISTENCE = false;
      else if(FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum == 1){
         cout << "calling " << i << endl;
         if(FIRST.NAME == "ninja"){
            LAST.LIFE = LAST.LIFE - FIRST.STRENGTH * 4 / 10;
            if(LAST.LIFE  <= 0){
               LAST.EXISTENCE = false;
         else if(FIRST.NAME == "lion" || FIRST.NAME == "dragon" || FIRST.NAME == "iceman" ||
            FIRST.NAME == "wolf"){
            LAST.LIFE = LAST.LIFE - FIRST.STRENGTH * 4 / 10;
            FIRST.LIFE = FIRST.LIFE - LAST.STRENGTH * 2/ 10;
            FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;
            if(LAST.LIFE <= 0 || FIRST.LIFE <= 0){
               if(LAST.LIFE <= 0)
                  LAST.EXISTENCE = false;
               if(FIRST.LIFE <= 0)
                  FIRST.EXISTENCE = false;
      else if(FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum == 2){
         if(FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED == true){
            LAST.LIFE = LAST.LIFE - FIRST.STRENGTH * 3 / 10;
            FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;
            if(LAST.LIFE  <= 0){
               LAST.EXISTENCE = false;
         else if(FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED == false){
            for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++ j){
               if(FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[j].WeapNum == 2 && FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[j].USED == true){
                  LAST.LIFE = LAST.LIFE - FIRST.STRENGTH * 3 / 10;
                  FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[j].WeapNum = 3;
                  LAST.LIFE = LAST.LIFE - FIRST.STRENGTH * 3 / 10;
                  FIRST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED = true;
            if(LAST.LIFE <= 0){
               LAST.EXISTENCE = false;
      if(LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum == 0){
         if(FIRST.LIFE <= 0){
            LAST.EXISTENCE = false;
      else if(LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum == 1){
         if(LAST.NAME == "ninja"){
            LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;
            FIRST.LIFE = FIRST.LIFE - LAST.STRENGTH * 4 / 10;
            if(FIRST.LIFE  <= 0){
               FIRST.EXISTENCE = false;
         else if(LAST.NAME == "lion" || LAST.NAME == "dragon" || LAST.NAME == "iceman" ||
            LAST.NAME == "wolf"){
            LAST.LIFE = LAST.LIFE - 2 * FIRST.STRENGTH / 10;
            FIRST.LIFE = FIRST.LIFE - LAST.STRENGTH * 4 / 10;
            LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;
            if(LAST.LIFE <= 0 || FIRST.LIFE <= 0){
               if(LAST.LIFE <= 0)
                  LAST.EXISTENCE = false;
               if(FIRST.LIFE <=0)
                  FIRST.EXISTENCE = false;
      else if(LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum == 2){
         if(LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED == true){
            FIRST.LIFE = FIRST.LIFE - LAST.STRENGTH * 3 / 10;
            LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;
            if(FIRST.LIFE <= 0)
               FIRST.EXISTENCE = false;
         else if(LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED == false) {
            for(int j = 0; j < 10; ++ j){
               if(LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[j].WeapNum == 2 && LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[j].USED == true){
                  FIRST.LIFE = FIRST.LIFE - LAST.STRENGTH * 3 / 10;
                  LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[j].WeapNum = 3;
                  FIRST.LIFE = FIRST.LIFE - LAST.STRENGTH * 3 / 10;
                  LAST.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED = true;
            if(LAST.LIFE <= 0){
               FIRST.EXISTENCE = false;
   TMP1[0] = FIRST;
   TMP1[1] = LAST;
   cout << TMP1[0].LIFE << " " << TMP1[1].LIFE << endl;
   cout << FIRST.LIFE << " " << LAST.LIFE << endl;
   return TMP1;

void headQuarter::WeaponRob(Weapon *w1, Weapon *w2){
   C c1, c2;
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
      if(w1[i].WeapNum < 3)
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
      if(w2[i].WeapNum < 3)
   int size1 = SIZE(w1);
   int size2 = SIZE(w2);
   if(c2.empty() == false && c1.size() < 10){
      sort(c2.begin(),c2.end(), op1);
      auto c2_e = c2.end();
      auto c2_b = c2.begin();
      for(auto i = c2_b; i != c2_e; ++ i){
         if((*i).WeapNum == 2){
            for(auto j = i; j != c2_e; ++ j){
               if((*j).USED == false){
                  (*j).WeapNum = 3;
                  (*i).WeapNum = 3;
         else if((*i).WeapNum == 1 || (*i).WeapNum == 0){
            (*i).WeapNum = 3;
         if(c1.size() == 0)

void headQuarter::Combact_Result(WARCRAFT R, WARCRAFT B){
   if((B.LIFE <= 0 && R.LIFE > 0) && (!B.EXISTENCE && R.EXISTENCE)){
      cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 red " << R.NAME << " " << R.ID <<
      " killed blue " << B.NAME << " " << B.ID << " in city " << R.POSITION <<
      " remaining " << R.LIFE << " elements\n";
      if(R.NAME == "dragon")
         cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 red dragon " << R.ID <<
            " 2 yelled in city " << R.POSITION << endl;
   else if((R.LIFE <= 0 && B.LIFE > 0) && (B.EXISTENCE && !R.EXISTENCE)){
      cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 blue " << B.NAME << " " <<  B.ID <<
      " killed red " << R.NAME << " " << R.ID << " in city " << R.POSITION <<
         " remaining " << B.LIFE << " elements\n";
      if(B.NAME == "dragon")
         cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 blue dragon " << B.ID <<
            " yelled in city " << B.POSITION << endl;
   else if((B.LIFE <= 0 && R.LIFE <= 0) && (!B.EXISTENCE && !R.EXISTENCE)){
      cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 both red " << R.NAME << " " << R.ID
         << " and blue " << B.NAME << " " << B.ID << " died in city "
         << R.POSITION << endl;
   else if((B.LIFE > 0 && R.LIFE > 0) && (B.EXISTENCE && R.EXISTENCE)){
      cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 both red " << R.NAME << " " << R.ID
         << " and blue " << B.NAME << " " << B.ID << " were alive "
         << "in city " << R.POSITION << endl;
      if(R.NAME == "dragon")
         cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 red " << R.NAME << " " << R.ID <<
            " yelled in city " << R.POSITION << endl;
      if(B.NAME == "dragon")
         cout << Warcraft::Hour << ":40 blue " << B.NAME << " " << B.ID <<
            " yelled in city " << B.POSITION << endl;

   int OF = FIRST.LIFE;
   int OL = LAST.LIFE;
   TMP2[0] = FIRST;
   TMP2[1] = LAST;
   if(sizeF > 0 || sizeL > 0){
      Combat_Sequence(FIRST, LAST);
      C CF, CL;
      for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
         if(TMP1[0].WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum < 3)
      for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i)
         if(TMP1[0].WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum < 3)
      if(TMP1[0].LIFE > 0 && TMP1[1].LIFE > 0)
         if(CL.empty() == false && CF.empty() == false)
            if(OF != TMP2[0].LIFE && OL != TMP2[1].LIFE)
               Combat(TMP2[0], TMP2[1]);
      TMP2[0] = TMP1[0];
      TMP2[1] = TMP1[1];
   return TMP2;

int headQuarter::Count(Weapon *w, int NUM){
   int sum = 0;
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++ i){
      if(w[i].WeapNum == NUM){
         sum ++;
   return sum;

void headQuarter::Incident(WARCRAFT *ArrayA,int size1,WARCRAFT *ArrayB,int size2){
   string Hour = Warcraft::Hour;
   for(int i = 1; i <= 6; ++ i){
      if(i == 1){
         for(int j = size1-1; j >= 0; -- j)
            if(ArrayA[j].NAME == "lion" && ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[j].SUCCEEDED)
               if(ArrayA[j].LOYAL <= 0 && ArrayA[j].POSITION <= N){
                  ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE = false;
                  cout << Hour << ":05 red lion " << ArrayA[j].ID << " ran away\n";
         for(int j = size2-1; j >= 0; -- j)
             if(ArrayB[j].NAME == "lion" && ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[j].SUCCEEDED)
                if(ArrayB[j].LOYAL <= 0 && ArrayB[j].POSITION >= 1){
                  ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE = false;
                  cout << Hour << ":05 blue lion " << ArrayB[j].ID << " ran away\n";
      else if(i == 2){
         for(int j = size1-1; j >= 0; -- j){
            if(ArrayA[j].NAME == "lion" && ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[j].SUCCEEDED){
               ArrayA[j].LOYAL = ArrayA[j].LOYAL - K;
               if(ArrayA[j].POSITION > N){
                  TAKEOVER_BLUE = true;
                  cout << Hour << ":10 blue headquarter was taken\n";
               else if(ArrayA[j].POSITION <= N)
                  cout << Hour << ":10 red lion " << ArrayA[j].ID << " marched to city "
                  << ArrayA[j].POSITION << " with " << ArrayA[j].LIFE << " elements and force "
                  << ArrayA[j].STRENGTH << endl;
            else if(ArrayA[j].NAME == "iceman" && ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[j].SUCCEEDED){
               ArrayA[j].LIFE = ArrayA[j].LIFE - ArrayA[j].LIFE * 1 / 10;
               if(ArrayA[j].LIFE <= 0)
                  ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE = false;
                  if(ArrayA[j].POSITION > N){
                     TAKEOVER_BLUE = true;
                     cout << Hour << ":10 blue headquarter was taken\n";
                  else if(ArrayA[j].POSITION <= N)
                     cout << Hour << ":10 red iceman" << " " << ArrayA[j].ID << " marched to city "
                     << ArrayA[j].POSITION << " with " << ArrayA[j].LIFE << " elements and force "
                     << ArrayA[j].STRENGTH << endl;
            else if(ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[j].SUCCEEDED){
               if(ArrayA[j].POSITION > N){
                  TAKEOVER_BLUE = true;
                  cout << Hour << ":10 blue headquarter was taken\n";
               else if(ArrayA[j].POSITION <= N)
                  cout << Hour << ":10 red " << ArrayA[j].NAME << " " << ArrayA[j].ID
                  << " marched to city " << ArrayA[j].POSITION << " with " << ArrayA[j].LIFE
                  << " elements and force " << ArrayA[j].STRENGTH << endl;
         for(int j = 0; j < size2; ++ j){
            if(ArrayB[j].NAME == "lion" && ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[j].SUCCEEDED){
               ArrayB[j].LOYAL = ArrayB[j].LOYAL - K;
               if(ArrayB[j].POSITION < 1){
                  TAKEOVER_RED = true;
                  cout << Hour << ":10 red headquarter was taken\n";
               else if(ArrayB[j].POSITION >= 1)
                  cout <<Hour << ":10 blue lion " << ArrayB[j].ID  << " marched to city "
                     << ArrayB[j].POSITION << " with " << ArrayB[j].LIFE << " elements and force "
                     << ArrayB[j].STRENGTH << endl;
            else if(ArrayB[j].NAME == "iceman" && ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[j].SUCCEEDED){
               ArrayB[j].LIFE = ArrayB[j].LIFE - ArrayB[j].LIFE * 1 / 10;
               if(ArrayB[j].LIFE <= 0)
                  ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE = false;
                  if(ArrayB[j].POSITION < 1){
                     TAKEOVER_RED = true;
                     cout << Hour << ":10 red headquarter was taken\n";
                  else if(ArrayB[j].POSITION >= 1)
                     cout << Hour << ":10 blue iceman" << " " << ArrayB[j].ID <<
                        " marched to city " << ArrayB[j].POSITION << " with " << ArrayB[j].LIFE <<
                        " elements and force " << ArrayB[j].STRENGTH << endl;
            else if(ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[j].SUCCEEDED){
               if(ArrayB[j].POSITION < 1){
                  TAKEOVER_RED = true;
                  cout << Hour << ":10 red headquarter was taken\n";
               else if(ArrayB[j].POSITION >= 1)
                  cout << Hour << ":10 blue " << ArrayB[j].NAME << " " << ArrayB[j].ID <<
                     " marched to city " << ArrayB[j].POSITION << " with " << ArrayB[j].LIFE <<
                     " elements and force " << ArrayB[j].STRENGTH << endl;
      else if(i == 3){
         for(int j = size1-1; j >= 0; -- j)
            if(ArrayA[j].NAME == "wolf")
               if(ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[j].SUCCEEDED)
                  for(int k = 0; k <size2; ++k)
                     if(ArrayB[k].POSITION == ArrayA[j].POSITION)
                        if(ArrayB[k].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[k].SUCCEEDED)
                           WolfRob(ArrayA[j], ArrayB[k], 'R', ArrayA[j].ID);
         for(int j = 0; j < size2; ++j)
            if(ArrayB[j].NAME == "wolf")
               if(ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[j].SUCCEEDED)
                  for(int k = 0; k < size1; ++ k)
                     if(ArrayB[j].POSITION == ArrayA[k].POSITION)
                        if(ArrayA[k].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[k].SUCCEEDED)
                           WolfRob(ArrayB[j], ArrayA[k], 'B', ArrayB[j].ID);
     else if(i == 4){
         for(int j = size1-1; j >= 0; --j)
            if(ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[j].SUCCEEDED)
               for(int k = 0; k < size2; ++ k)
                  if(ArrayB[k].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[k].SUCCEEDED)
                     if(ArrayB[k].POSITION == ArrayA[j].POSITION){
                        sort(ArrayB[k].WEAPCONTAINER, ArrayB[k].WEAPCONTAINER+10, op1);
                        sort(ArrayA[j].WEAPCONTAINER, ArrayA[j].WEAPCONTAINER+10, op1);
                        if(ArrayB[k].POSITION % 2 == 1){
                           Combat(ArrayA[j], ArrayB[k]);
                           ArrayA[j] = TMP2[0];
                           ArrayB[k] = TMP2[1];
                        else if(ArrayB[k].POSITION % 2 == 0){
                           Combat(ArrayB[k], ArrayA[j]);
                           ArrayB[k] = TMP2[0];
                           ArrayA[j] = TMP2[1];
                        Combact_Result(ArrayA[j], ArrayB[k]);
      else if(i == 5){
         cout << Hour << ":50 " << Warcraft::RM << " in red headquarter\n";
         cout << Hour << ":50 " << Warcraft::BM << " in blue headquarter\n";
      else if(i == 6){
         for(int j = size1-1; j >= 0; -- j)
            if(ArrayA[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayA[j].SUCCEEDED){
               int swordR = Count(ArrayA[j].WEAPCONTAINER, 0);
               int bombR = Count(ArrayA[j].WEAPCONTAINER, 1);
               int arrowR = Count(ArrayA[j].WEAPCONTAINER, 2);
               cout << Hour << ":55 " << "red " << ArrayA[j].NAME << " " <<
                  ArrayB[j].ID << " has " << swordR << " sword " << bombR << " bomb " << arrowR
                  << " arrow and " << ArrayA[j].LIFE << " elements\n";
         for(int j = 0; j < size2; ++ j)
            if(ArrayB[j].EXISTENCE && ArrayB[j].SUCCEEDED){
               int swordB = Count(ArrayB[j].WEAPCONTAINER, 0);
               int bombB = Count(ArrayB[j].WEAPCONTAINER, 1);
               int arrowB = Count(ArrayB[j].WEAPCONTAINER, 2);
               cout << Hour << ":55 " << "blue " << ArrayB[j].NAME << " " <<
                  ArrayB[j].ID << " has " << swordB << " sword " << bombB << " bomb " << arrowB
                  << " arrow and " << ArrayB[j].LIFE << " elements\n";

void headQuarter::BINDING(WARCRAFT obj, int NUM){
   for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i){
      obj.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED = false;
      obj.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;
   if(obj.NAME == "ninja"){
      Weapon tmp1, tmp2;
      tmp1.WeapNum = NUM % 3;
      tmp2.WeapNum = (NUM + 1) % 3;
      tmp1.USED = false;
      tmp2.USED = false;
      obj.WEAPCONTAINER[0] = tmp1;
      obj.WEAPCONTAINER[1] = tmp2;
      for(int i = 2; i < 10; ++ i){
         obj.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED = false;
         obj.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;
   else if(obj.NAME != "wolf" && obj.NAME != "ninja"){
      Weapon tmp;
      tmp.WeapNum = NUM % 3;
      tmp.USED = false;
      obj.WEAPCONTAINER[0] = tmp;
      for(int i = 1; i < 10; ++ i){
         obj.WEAPCONTAINER[i].USED = false;
         obj.WEAPCONTAINER[i].WeapNum = 3;

void headQuarter::Fighting(){
   int sizeR = 0, sizeB = 0;
   bool FALG1 = true, FALG2 = true;
   for(int i = 0; i < 6; ++ i){
      if(RED[i].ptr->STOP == false && FALG1 == true)
         FALG1 = false;
      if(BLUE[i].ptr->STOP == false && FALG2 == true)
         FALG2 = false;
      if(RED[i].ptr->STOP == true && FALG1 == true){
         if(RED[i].NAME == "lion")
            RED[i].LOYAL = Warcraft::RM;
         RED[i].ID = Warcraft::RId;
         RED[i].POSITION = 0;
         RED[i].EXISTENCE = true;
         RED[i].SUCCEEDED = true;
         sizeR ++;
      if(BLUE[i].ptr->STOP == true && FALG2 == true){
         if(BLUE[i].NAME == "lion")
            BLUE[i].LOYAL = Warcraft::BM;
         BLUE[i].ID = Warcraft::BId;
         BLUE[i].POSITION = N + 1;
         BLUE[i].EXISTENCE = true;
         BLUE[i].SUCCEEDED = true;
            sizeB ++;
      for(int j = 0; j <= i; ++ j){
         if(RED[j].POSITION < N)
            RED[j].POSITION = RED[j].POSITION + 1;
         if(BLUE[j].POSITION > 0)
            BLUE[j].POSITION = BLUE[j].POSITION - 1;

int main(){
   int t, M, N, K, T;
   int dragon, ninja, iceman, lion, wolf;
   int str_dragon, str_ninja,str_iceman, str_lion, str_wolf;
   cin >> t;
   int CASE = 0;
   while(CASE < t){
      ++ CASE;
      cin >> M >> N >> K >> T;
      cin >> dragon >> ninja >> iceman >> lion >> wolf;
      cin >> str_dragon >> str_ninja >> str_iceman >> str_lion >> str_wolf;
      headQuarter Tmp(M,N,K,T,dragon,ninja,iceman,lion,wolf,str_dragon,
      cout << "Case: "  << CASE << endl;
   return 0;



6000 10 10 4000
120 20 130 10 20
50 50 50 50 150

6000 10 10 1000
20 20 30 10 20
50 50 50 50 50

200 4 5 1000
24 50 30 190 4
89 7 23 67 4

40000 7 1 1000
40 40 40 40 40
2 2 2 2 2

300 3 2 100
20 20 20 20 20
10 10 10 10 10

20 1 10 1000
20 20 30 10 20
5 5 5 5 5

6000 10 10 4000
120 20 130 10 20
50 5 50 5 15

6000 4 10 1000
120 120 30 110 20
50 50 50 50 50

6000 10 10 1000
20 20 30 10 20
50 50 50 50 50

2 10 10 1000
10 10 10 10 10
2 2 2 2 2

6 9 10 6000
120 20 30 10 20
150 50 20 50 150
Case 1:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 5990
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 117 elements and force 50
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
000:50 5870 elements in red headquarter
000:50 5990 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:00 red lion 2 born
Its loyalty is 5860
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
001:10 red lion 2 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 106 elements and force 50
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 10 with 120 elements and force 50
001:50 5860 elements in red headquarter
001:50 5870 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
001:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
002:00 red wolf 3 born
002:00 blue ninja 3 born
002:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 150
002:10 red lion 2 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
002:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 3 with 96 elements and force 50
002:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
002:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 9 with 120 elements and force 50
002:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
002:50 5840 elements in red headquarter
002:50 5850 elements in blue headquarter
002:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
002:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
002:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
002:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:00 red ninja 4 born
003:00 blue iceman 4 born
003:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 150
003:10 red lion 2 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
003:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 4 with 87 elements and force 50
003:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
003:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 8 with 120 elements and force 50
003:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 10 with 117 elements and force 50
003:50 5820 elements in red headquarter
003:50 5720 elements in blue headquarter
003:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 87 elements
003:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
003:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
004:00 red dragon 5 born
004:00 blue wolf 5 born
004:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 1 with 120 elements and force 50
004:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 150
004:10 red lion 2 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 50
004:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 5 with 79 elements and force 50
004:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
004:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 7 with 120 elements and force 50
004:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 9 with 106 elements and force 50
004:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 150
004:50 5700 elements in red headquarter
004:50 5700 elements in blue headquarter
004:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
004:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 79 elements
004:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
004:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
004:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:00 red iceman 6 born
005:00 blue lion 6 born
Its loyalty is 5690
005:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 1 with 117 elements and force 50
005:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 2 with 120 elements and force 50
005:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 150
005:10 red lion 2 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
005:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
005:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 6 with 72 elements and force 50
005:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 6 with 120 elements and force 50
005:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 8 with 96 elements and force 50
005:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 150
005:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
005:40 red lion 2 killed blue lion 1 in city 5 remaining 10 elements
005:40 both red iceman 1 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 6
005:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 6
005:50 5570 elements in red headquarter
005:50 5690 elements in blue headquarter
005:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
005:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
005:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
005:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 32 elements
005:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 100 elements
005:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
005:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:00 red lion 7 born
Its loyalty is 5560
006:00 blue dragon 7 born
006:10 red lion 7 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 2 with 106 elements and force 50
006:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 3 with 120 elements and force 50
006:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 150
006:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 5 with 100 elements and force 50
006:10 red lion 2 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 7 with 29 elements and force 50
006:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 7 with 87 elements and force 50
006:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 150
006:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 10 with 120 elements and force 50
006:40 both red wolf 3 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 5
006:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 5
006:40 blue ninja 3 killed red lion 2 in city 6 remaining 20 elements
006:40 both red iceman 1 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 7
006:50 5560 elements in red headquarter
006:50 5570 elements in blue headquarter
006:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
006:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
006:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 100 elements
006:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 2 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 9 elements
006:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 77 elements
006:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
007:00 red wolf 8 born
007:00 blue ninja 8 born
007:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 150
007:10 red lion 7 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
007:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 3 with 96 elements and force 50
007:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 4 with 120 elements and force 50
007:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 4 with 100 elements and force 50
007:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 150
007:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 6 with 70 elements and force 50
007:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 150
007:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 8 with 9 elements and force 50
007:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
007:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 9 with 120 elements and force 50
007:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
007:40 both red dragon 5 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 4
007:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 4
007:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4
007:40 red ninja 4 killed blue ninja 3 in city 5 remaining 20 elements
007:40 both red wolf 3 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 6
007:40 blue lion 6 killed red iceman 1 in city 8 remaining 10 elements
007:50 5540 elements in red headquarter
007:50 5550 elements in blue headquarter
007:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
007:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
007:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 70 elements
007:55 red ninja 4 has 1 sword 2 bomb 2 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 70 elements
007:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
007:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:00 red ninja 9 born
008:00 blue iceman 9 born
008:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 150
008:10 red lion 7 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 3 with 70 elements and force 50
008:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 4 with 87 elements and force 50
008:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 5 with 120 elements and force 50
008:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 5 with 63 elements and force 50
008:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 150
008:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 150
008:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 8 with 120 elements and force 50
008:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 10 with 117 elements and force 50
008:35 blue wolf 5 took 1 sword from red ninja 4 in city 6
008:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue lion 6 in city 7
008:40 blue dragon 2 killed red lion 7 in city 3 remaining 50 elements
008:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 3
008:40 both red dragon 5 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 5
008:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 5
008:40 blue wolf 5 killed red ninja 4 in city 6 remaining 20 elements
008:40 red wolf 3 killed blue lion 6 in city 7 remaining 20 elements
008:50 5520 elements in red headquarter
008:50 5420 elements in blue headquarter
008:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 50 elements
008:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 87 elements
008:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
008:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 63 elements
008:55 blue wolf 5 has 1 sword 2 bomb 2 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red wolf 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
008:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
009:00 red dragon 10 born
009:00 blue wolf 10 born
009:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 1 with 120 elements and force 50
009:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 2 with 50 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 150
009:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 4 with 57 elements and force 50
009:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 5 with 79 elements and force 50
009:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 150
009:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 6 with 120 elements and force 50
009:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 7 with 120 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 150
009:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 9 with 106 elements and force 50
009:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 150
009:35 blue wolf 5 took 1 sword from red iceman 6 in city 5
009:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue ninja 8 in city 8
009:40 red ninja 9 killed blue dragon 2 in city 2 remaining 20 elements
009:40 both red iceman 6 and blue wolf 5 died in city 5
009:40 red wolf 3 killed blue ninja 8 in city 8 remaining 5 elements
009:50 5400 elements in red headquarter
009:50 5400 elements in blue headquarter
009:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
009:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 57 elements
009:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
009:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
009:55 red wolf 3 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 5 elements
009:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
009:55 blue wolf 10 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:00 red iceman 11 born
010:00 blue lion 11 born
Its loyalty is 5390
010:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 1 with 117 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 2 with 120 elements and force 50
010:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 3 with 52 elements and force 50
010:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 150
010:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 6 with 120 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 7 with 120 elements and force 50
010:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 8 with 96 elements and force 50
010:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 9 with 5 elements and force 150
010:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 150
010:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
010:40 red ninja 9 killed blue iceman 4 in city 3 remaining 20 elements
010:40 red wolf 3 killed blue wolf 10 in city 9 remaining 5 elements
010:50 5270 elements in red headquarter
010:50 5390 elements in blue headquarter
010:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 117 elements
010:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
010:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
010:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
010:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
010:55 red wolf 3 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 5 elements
010:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:00 red lion 12 born
Its loyalty is 5260
011:00 blue dragon 12 born
011:10 red lion 12 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 2 with 106 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 3 with 120 elements and force 50
011:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 150
011:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 5 with 120 elements and force 50
011:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 7 with 87 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 8 with 120 elements and force 50
011:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 10 with 5 elements and force 150
011:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 10 with 120 elements and force 50
011:35 red wolf 8 took 1 bomb from blue dragon 7 in city 5
011:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue dragon 12 in city 10
011:40 blue dragon 7 killed red wolf 8 in city 5 remaining 60 elements
011:40 blue dragon 7 yelled in city 5
011:40 red wolf 3 killed blue dragon 12 in city 10 remaining 5 elements
011:50 5260 elements in red headquarter
011:50 5270 elements in blue headquarter
011:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 106 elements
011:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
011:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 60 elements
011:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 87 elements
011:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
011:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 red wolf 3 has 3 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 5 elements
012:00 red wolf 13 born
012:00 blue ninja 13 born
012:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 150
012:10 red lion 12 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 3 with 96 elements and force 50
012:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 4 with 120 elements and force 50
012:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 4 with 60 elements and force 50
012:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 6 with 79 elements and force 50
012:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 9 with 120 elements and force 50
012:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 red wolf 3 reached blue headquarter with 5 elements and force 150
012:10 blue headquarter was taken
Case 2:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 5990
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
000:50 5970 elements in red headquarter
000:50 5990 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:00 red lion 2 born
Its loyalty is 5960
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
001:10 red lion 2 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
001:50 5960 elements in red headquarter
001:50 5970 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
001:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
002:00 red wolf 3 born
002:00 blue ninja 3 born
002:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
002:10 red lion 2 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
002:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 50
002:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
002:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
002:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
002:50 5940 elements in red headquarter
002:50 5950 elements in blue headquarter
002:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
002:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
002:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
002:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:00 red ninja 4 born
003:00 blue iceman 4 born
003:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 red lion 2 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
003:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 4 with 21 elements and force 50
003:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
003:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 10 with 27 elements and force 50
003:50 5920 elements in red headquarter
003:50 5920 elements in blue headquarter
003:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
003:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
004:00 red dragon 5 born
004:00 blue wolf 5 born
004:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red lion 2 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 50
004:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 5 with 19 elements and force 50
004:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
004:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 9 with 25 elements and force 50
004:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
004:50 5900 elements in red headquarter
004:50 5900 elements in blue headquarter
004:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 19 elements
004:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
004:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:00 red iceman 6 born
005:00 blue lion 6 born
Its loyalty is 5890
005:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
005:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 red lion 2 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
005:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
005:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 6 with 18 elements and force 50
005:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 8 with 23 elements and force 50
005:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
005:40 red lion 2 killed blue lion 1 in city 5 remaining 10 elements
005:40 both red iceman 1 and blue dragon 2 died in city 6
005:50 5870 elements in red headquarter
005:50 5890 elements in blue headquarter
005:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
005:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
005:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
005:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:00 red lion 7 born
Its loyalty is 5860
006:00 blue dragon 7 born
006:10 red lion 7 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
006:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red lion 2 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 7 with 21 elements and force 50
006:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
006:40 blue ninja 3 killed red lion 2 in city 6 remaining 20 elements
006:50 5860 elements in red headquarter
006:50 5870 elements in blue headquarter
006:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
006:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 2 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
006:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:00 red wolf 8 born
007:00 blue ninja 8 born
007:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 red lion 7 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
007:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 50
007:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 6 with 19 elements and force 50
007:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
007:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
007:35 red wolf 3 took 1 bomb from blue iceman 4 in city 6
007:40 red ninja 4 killed blue ninja 3 in city 5 remaining 20 elements
007:40 red wolf 3 killed blue iceman 4 in city 6 remaining 10 elements
007:50 5840 elements in red headquarter
007:50 5850 elements in blue headquarter
007:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
007:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red ninja 4 has 1 sword 2 bomb 2 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:00 red ninja 9 born
008:00 blue iceman 9 born
008:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red lion 7 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 4 with 21 elements and force 50
008:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 10 with 27 elements and force 50
008:35 blue wolf 5 took 1 sword from red ninja 4 in city 6
008:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue lion 6 in city 7
008:40 red ninja 4 killed blue wolf 5 in city 6 remaining 10 elements
008:40 red wolf 3 killed blue lion 6 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
008:50 5820 elements in red headquarter
008:50 5820 elements in blue headquarter
008:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
008:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
008:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red ninja 4 has 1 sword 1 bomb 2 arrow and 10 elements
008:55 red wolf 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
008:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
009:00 red dragon 10 born
009:00 blue wolf 10 born
009:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red lion 7 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 50
009:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 5 with 19 elements and force 50
009:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
009:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
009:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 9 with 25 elements and force 50
009:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
009:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue ninja 8 in city 8
009:40 both red ninja 4 and blue dragon 7 died in city 7
009:40 blue ninja 8 killed red wolf 3 in city 8 remaining 20 elements
009:50 5800 elements in red headquarter
009:50 5800 elements in blue headquarter
009:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
009:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 19 elements
009:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 blue ninja 8 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
009:55 blue wolf 10 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:00 red iceman 11 born
010:00 blue lion 11 born
Its loyalty is 5790
010:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 red lion 7 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
010:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 6 with 18 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 8 with 23 elements and force 50
010:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
010:40 red dragon 5 killed blue ninja 8 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
010:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 7
010:50 5770 elements in red headquarter
010:50 5790 elements in blue headquarter
010:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 27 elements
010:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
010:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 18 elements
010:55 red dragon 5 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
010:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
010:55 blue wolf 10 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:00 red lion 12 born
Its loyalty is 5760
011:00 blue dragon 12 born
011:10 red lion 12 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 red lion 7 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 7 with 17 elements and force 50
011:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 7 with 21 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
011:35 blue wolf 10 took 2 sword from red dragon 5 in city 8
011:40 blue iceman 9 killed red iceman 6 in city 7 remaining 1 elements
011:40 blue wolf 10 killed red dragon 5 in city 8 remaining 20 elements
011:50 5760 elements in red headquarter
011:50 5770 elements in blue headquarter
011:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 25 elements
011:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 blue iceman 9 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 1 elements
011:55 blue wolf 10 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 blue dragon 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:00 red wolf 13 born
012:00 blue ninja 13 born
012:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 red lion 12 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 50
012:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 6 with 1 elements and force 50
012:10 red lion 7 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
012:35 red wolf 8 took 2 sword from blue iceman 9 in city 6
012:35 blue wolf 10 took 1 bomb from red lion 7 in city 7
012:40 red wolf 8 killed blue iceman 9 in city 6 remaining 20 elements
012:40 blue wolf 10 killed red lion 7 in city 7 remaining 20 elements
012:50 5740 elements in red headquarter
012:50 5750 elements in blue headquarter
012:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
012:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 23 elements
012:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 red wolf 8 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 blue wolf 10 has 2 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
012:55 blue dragon 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 blue ninja 13 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:00 red ninja 14 born
013:00 blue iceman 14 born
013:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red lion 12 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
013:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 4 with 21 elements and force 50
013:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
013:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 10 with 27 elements and force 50
013:35 blue wolf 10 took 1 sword from red ninja 9 in city 6
013:35 red wolf 8 took 1 arrow from blue lion 11 in city 7
013:40 red ninja 9 killed blue wolf 10 in city 6 remaining 10 elements
013:40 red wolf 8 killed blue lion 11 in city 7 remaining 20 elements
013:50 5720 elements in red headquarter
013:50 5720 elements in blue headquarter
013:55 red ninja 14 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
013:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 21 elements
013:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 red ninja 9 has 3 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
013:55 red wolf 8 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 blue dragon 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 blue ninja 13 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 blue iceman 14 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 27 elements
014:00 red dragon 15 born
014:00 blue wolf 15 born
014:10 red dragon 15 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red lion 12 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 50
014:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 5 with 19 elements and force 50
014:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
014:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 9 with 25 elements and force 50
014:10 blue wolf 15 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
014:35 red wolf 8 took 1 bomb from blue ninja 13 in city 8
014:40 blue dragon 12 killed red ninja 9 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
014:40 blue dragon 12 yelled in city 7
014:40 blue ninja 13 killed red wolf 8 in city 8 remaining 10 elements
014:50 5700 elements in red headquarter
014:50 5700 elements in blue headquarter
014:55 red dragon 15 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 red ninja 14 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
014:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 19 elements
014:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 blue dragon 12 has 4 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
014:55 blue ninja 13 has 2 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
014:55 blue iceman 14 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 25 elements
014:55 blue wolf 15 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:00 red iceman 16 born
015:00 blue lion 16 born
Its loyalty is 5690
015:10 red iceman 16 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
015:10 red dragon 15 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 red lion 12 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
015:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 6 with 18 elements and force 50
015:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
015:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
015:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 8 with 23 elements and force 50
015:10 blue wolf 15 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 blue lion 16 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
015:40 red iceman 11 killed blue dragon 12 in city 6 remaining 8 elements
015:40 red dragon 10 killed blue ninja 13 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
015:40 red dragon 10 yelled in city 7
015:50 5670 elements in red headquarter
015:50 5690 elements in blue headquarter
015:55 red iceman 16 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
015:55 red dragon 15 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 red ninja 14 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
015:55 red iceman 11 has 4 sword 1 bomb 2 arrow and 8 elements
015:55 red dragon 10 has 2 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
015:55 blue iceman 14 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 23 elements
015:55 blue wolf 15 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 blue lion 16 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
016:00 red lion 17 born
Its loyalty is 5660
016:00 blue dragon 17 born
016:10 red lion 17 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 red iceman 16 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
016:10 red dragon 15 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 red lion 12 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 7 with 8 elements and force 50
016:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 7 with 21 elements and force 50
016:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 blue wolf 15 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 blue lion 16 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 blue dragon 17 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
016:35 blue wolf 15 took 2 sword from red dragon 10 in city 8
016:40 blue iceman 14 killed red iceman 11 in city 7 remaining 11 elements
016:40 blue wolf 15 killed red dragon 10 in city 8 remaining 20 elements
Case 3:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 10
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 23
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 4 with 190 elements and force 67
000:50 170 elements in red headquarter
000:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 190 elements
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 23
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 3 with 190 elements and force 67
001:50 170 elements in red headquarter
001:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
001:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 190 elements
002:05 blue lion 1 ran away
002:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 23
002:50 170 elements in red headquarter
002:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
002:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
003:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 4 with 21 elements and force 23
003:50 170 elements in red headquarter
003:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
003:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
004:10 red iceman 1 reached blue headquarter with 19 elements and force 23
004:10 blue headquarter was taken
Case 4:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 39960
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 36 elements and force 2
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
000:50 39960 elements in red headquarter
000:50 39960 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 36 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
001:00 red lion 2 born
Its loyalty is 39920
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
001:10 red lion 2 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 33 elements and force 2
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
001:50 39920 elements in red headquarter
001:50 39920 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
001:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 33 elements
001:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
001:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
002:00 red wolf 3 born
002:00 blue ninja 3 born
002:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
002:10 red lion 2 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
002:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 3 with 30 elements and force 2
002:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
002:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
002:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
002:50 39880 elements in red headquarter
002:50 39880 elements in blue headquarter
002:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
002:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
002:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 30 elements
002:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
002:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
002:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
003:00 red ninja 4 born
003:00 blue iceman 4 born
003:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
003:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
003:10 red lion 2 marched to city 3 with 40 elements and force 2
003:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 4 with 27 elements and force 2
003:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
003:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
003:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
003:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 7 with 36 elements and force 2
003:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 4
003:50 39840 elements in red headquarter
003:50 39840 elements in blue headquarter
003:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
003:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
003:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
003:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
003:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
003:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
003:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
003:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 36 elements
004:00 red dragon 5 born
004:00 blue wolf 5 born
004:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
004:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
004:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 3 with 40 elements and force 2
004:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 3 with 40 elements and force 2
004:10 red lion 2 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
004:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
004:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 5 with 25 elements and force 2
004:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
004:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 6 with 33 elements and force 2
004:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
004:40 both red wolf 3 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 3
004:40 both red lion 2 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 4
004:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4
004:40 both red iceman 1 and blue ninja 3 were alive in city 5
004:50 39800 elements in red headquarter
004:50 39800 elements in blue headquarter
004:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
004:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 40 elements
004:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
004:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
004:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
004:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
004:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
004:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
004:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 33 elements
004:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:00 red iceman 6 born
005:00 blue lion 6 born
Its loyalty is 39760
005:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 1 with 36 elements and force 2
005:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 3 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 3 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 red lion 2 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 5 with 30 elements and force 2
005:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 6 with 23 elements and force 2
005:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
005:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
005:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue ninja 3 in city 4
005:40 both red dragon 5 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 2
005:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 2
005:40 both red ninja 4 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 3
005:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 3
005:40 both red wolf 3 and blue ninja 3 were alive in city 4
005:40 both red lion 2 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 5
005:40 both red iceman 1 and blue wolf 5 were alive in city 6
005:50 39760 elements in red headquarter
005:50 39760 elements in blue headquarter
005:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 36 elements
005:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 red wolf 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 blue ninja 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 30 elements
005:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
005:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
005:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:00 red lion 7 born
Its loyalty is 39720
006:00 blue dragon 7 born
006:10 red lion 7 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 2 with 33 elements and force 2
006:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 3 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 3 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 4 with 27 elements and force 2
006:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 red lion 2 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
006:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 7 with 21 elements and force 2
006:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
006:40 both red lion 7 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 1
006:40 both red iceman 6 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 2
006:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 2
006:40 both red dragon 5 and blue ninja 3 were alive in city 3
006:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 3
006:40 both red ninja 4 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 4
006:40 both red wolf 3 and blue wolf 5 were alive in city 5
006:40 both red lion 2 and blue lion 6 were alive in city 6
006:40 both red iceman 1 and blue dragon 7 were alive in city 7
006:40 blue dragon 7 yelled in city 7
006:50 39720 elements in red headquarter
006:50 39720 elements in blue headquarter
006:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 33 elements
006:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 blue ninja 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
006:55 red wolf 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
006:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
006:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 40 elements
007:00 red wolf 8 born
007:00 blue ninja 8 born
007:10 blue lion 1 reached red headquarter with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 red headquarter was taken
007:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 1 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 red lion 7 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 2 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 3 with 30 elements and force 2
007:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 3 with 25 elements and force 2
007:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 4 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 5 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 6 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 red lion 2 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 7 with 40 elements and force 2
007:10 red iceman 1 reached blue headquarter with 19 elements and force 2
007:10 blue headquarter was taken
Case 5:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 280
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 18 elements and force 10
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 10
000:50 280 elements in red headquarter
000:50 280 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 18 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
001:00 red lion 2 born
Its loyalty is 260
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
001:10 red lion 2 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 10
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 17 elements and force 10
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 10
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 10
001:40 both red iceman 1 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 2
Case 6:
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 10
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 5
000:50 20 elements in red headquarter
000:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:05 blue lion 1 ran away
001:50 20 elements in red headquarter
001:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
002:50 20 elements in red headquarter
002:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
003:50 20 elements in red headquarter
003:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
004:50 20 elements in red headquarter
004:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
005:50 20 elements in red headquarter
005:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
006:50 20 elements in red headquarter
006:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
007:50 20 elements in red headquarter
007:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
008:50 20 elements in red headquarter
008:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
009:50 20 elements in red headquarter
009:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
010:50 20 elements in red headquarter
010:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
011:50 20 elements in red headquarter
011:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
012:50 20 elements in red headquarter
012:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
013:50 20 elements in red headquarter
013:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
014:50 20 elements in red headquarter
014:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
015:50 20 elements in red headquarter
015:50 10 elements in blue headquarter
Case 7:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 5990
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 117 elements and force 50
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 5
000:50 5870 elements in red headquarter
000:50 5990 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:00 red lion 2 born
Its loyalty is 5860
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
001:10 red lion 2 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 5
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 106 elements and force 50
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 5
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 10 with 120 elements and force 50
001:50 5860 elements in red headquarter
001:50 5870 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
001:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
002:00 red wolf 3 born
002:00 blue ninja 3 born
002:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 15
002:10 red lion 2 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 5
002:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 3 with 96 elements and force 50
002:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 5
002:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 9 with 120 elements and force 50
002:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 5
002:50 5840 elements in red headquarter
002:50 5850 elements in blue headquarter
002:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
002:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
002:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
002:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:00 red ninja 4 born
003:00 blue iceman 4 born
003:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 5
003:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 15
003:10 red lion 2 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 5
003:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 4 with 87 elements and force 50
003:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 5
003:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 8 with 120 elements and force 50
003:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 5
003:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 10 with 117 elements and force 50
003:50 5820 elements in red headquarter
003:50 5720 elements in blue headquarter
003:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 87 elements
003:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
003:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
004:00 red dragon 5 born
004:00 blue wolf 5 born
004:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 1 with 120 elements and force 50
004:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 5
004:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 15
004:10 red lion 2 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 5
004:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 5 with 79 elements and force 50
004:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 5
004:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 7 with 120 elements and force 50
004:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 5
004:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 9 with 106 elements and force 50
004:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 15
004:50 5700 elements in red headquarter
004:50 5700 elements in blue headquarter
004:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
004:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 79 elements
004:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
004:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
004:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:00 red iceman 6 born
005:00 blue lion 6 born
Its loyalty is 5690
005:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 1 with 117 elements and force 50
005:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 2 with 120 elements and force 50
005:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 5
005:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 15
005:10 red lion 2 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 5
005:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 5
005:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 6 with 72 elements and force 50
005:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 6 with 120 elements and force 50
005:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 5
005:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 8 with 96 elements and force 50
005:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 15
005:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 5
005:40 both red lion 2 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 5
005:40 both red iceman 1 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 6
005:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 6
005:50 5570 elements in red headquarter
005:50 5690 elements in blue headquarter
005:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
005:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
005:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 8 elements
005:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 7 elements
005:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 32 elements
005:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 100 elements
005:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
005:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:00 red lion 7 born
Its loyalty is 5560
006:00 blue dragon 7 born
006:10 red lion 7 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 5
006:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 2 with 106 elements and force 50
006:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 3 with 120 elements and force 50
006:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 5
006:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 4 with 7 elements and force 5
006:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 15
006:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 5 with 100 elements and force 50
006:10 red lion 2 marched to city 6 with 8 elements and force 5
006:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 5
006:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 7 with 29 elements and force 50
006:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 7 with 87 elements and force 50
006:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 15
006:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 5
006:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 10 with 120 elements and force 50
006:40 both red ninja 4 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 4
006:40 both red wolf 3 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 5
006:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 5
006:40 blue ninja 3 killed red lion 2 in city 6 remaining 20 elements
006:40 both red iceman 1 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 7
006:50 5560 elements in red headquarter
006:50 5570 elements in blue headquarter
006:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
006:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
006:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 3 elements
006:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 100 elements
006:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 9 elements
006:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 77 elements
006:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
007:00 red wolf 8 born
007:00 blue ninja 8 born
007:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 15
007:10 red lion 7 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 5
007:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 3 with 96 elements and force 50
007:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 3 with 3 elements and force 5
007:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 4 with 120 elements and force 50
007:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 4 with 100 elements and force 50
007:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 5
007:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 5
007:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 15
007:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 6 with 70 elements and force 50
007:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 15
007:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 8 with 9 elements and force 50
007:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 5
007:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 9 with 120 elements and force 50
007:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 5
007:40 red iceman 6 killed blue lion 1 in city 3 remaining 96 elements
007:40 both red dragon 5 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 4
007:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 4
007:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 4
007:40 blue ninja 3 killed red ninja 4 in city 5 remaining 20 elements
007:40 both red wolf 3 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 6
007:40 blue lion 6 killed red iceman 1 in city 8 remaining 10 elements
007:50 5540 elements in red headquarter
007:50 5550 elements in blue headquarter
007:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
007:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
007:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 70 elements
007:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 70 elements
007:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
007:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:00 red ninja 9 born
008:00 blue iceman 9 born
008:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 5
008:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 15
008:10 red lion 7 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 5
008:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 3 with 70 elements and force 50
008:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 4 with 87 elements and force 50
008:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 5
008:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 5 with 120 elements and force 50
008:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 5 with 63 elements and force 50
008:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 15
008:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 15
008:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 5
008:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 8 with 120 elements and force 50
008:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 5
008:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 10 with 117 elements and force 50
008:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue lion 6 in city 7
008:40 both red lion 7 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 3
008:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 3
008:40 red iceman 6 killed blue ninja 3 in city 4 remaining 85 elements
008:40 both red dragon 5 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 5
008:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 5
008:40 red wolf 3 killed blue lion 6 in city 7 remaining 20 elements
008:50 5520 elements in red headquarter
008:50 5420 elements in blue headquarter
008:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 9 elements
008:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 68 elements
008:55 red iceman 6 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 85 elements
008:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
008:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 63 elements
008:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red wolf 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
008:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 117 elements
009:00 red dragon 10 born
009:00 blue wolf 10 born
009:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 1 with 120 elements and force 50
009:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 5
009:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 2 with 68 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 15
009:10 red lion 7 marched to city 4 with 9 elements and force 5
009:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 4 with 57 elements and force 50
009:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 5 with 77 elements and force 50
009:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 15
009:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 6 with 120 elements and force 50
009:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 7 with 120 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 15
009:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 5
009:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 9 with 106 elements and force 50
009:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 15
009:35 blue wolf 5 took 2 sword from red iceman 6 in city 5
009:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue ninja 8 in city 8
009:40 red ninja 9 killed blue dragon 2 in city 2 remaining 20 elements
009:40 both red lion 7 and blue iceman 4 were alive in city 4
009:40 blue wolf 5 killed red iceman 6 in city 5 remaining 20 elements
009:40 red wolf 3 killed blue ninja 8 in city 8 remaining 18 elements
009:50 5400 elements in red headquarter
009:50 5400 elements in blue headquarter
009:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
009:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 9 elements
009:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 57 elements
009:55 blue wolf 5 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
009:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
009:55 red wolf 3 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 18 elements
009:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 106 elements
009:55 blue wolf 10 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:00 red iceman 11 born
010:00 blue lion 11 born
Its loyalty is 5390
010:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 1 with 117 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 2 with 120 elements and force 50
010:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 5
010:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 3 with 52 elements and force 50
010:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 15
010:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 15
010:10 red lion 7 marched to city 5 with 9 elements and force 5
010:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 6 with 120 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 7 with 120 elements and force 50
010:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 8 with 96 elements and force 50
010:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 9 with 18 elements and force 15
010:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 15
010:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 5
010:40 red ninja 9 killed blue iceman 4 in city 3 remaining 20 elements
010:40 blue wolf 5 killed red wolf 8 in city 4 remaining 20 elements
010:40 red wolf 3 killed blue wolf 10 in city 9 remaining 18 elements
010:50 5270 elements in red headquarter
010:50 5390 elements in blue headquarter
010:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 117 elements
010:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
010:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 blue wolf 5 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 9 elements
010:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
010:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
010:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 96 elements
010:55 red wolf 3 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 18 elements
010:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:00 red lion 12 born
Its loyalty is 5260
011:00 blue dragon 12 born
011:10 red lion 12 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 5
011:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 2 with 106 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 3 with 120 elements and force 50
011:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 15
011:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 5
011:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 5 with 120 elements and force 50
011:10 red lion 7 marched to city 6 with 9 elements and force 5
011:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 7 with 87 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 8 with 120 elements and force 50
011:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 5
011:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 10 with 18 elements and force 15
011:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 10 with 120 elements and force 50
011:35 blue wolf 5 took 1 bomb from red dragon 10 in city 3
011:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue dragon 12 in city 10
011:40 blue wolf 5 killed red dragon 10 in city 3 remaining 17 elements
011:40 red wolf 3 killed blue dragon 12 in city 10 remaining 18 elements
011:50 5260 elements in red headquarter
011:50 5270 elements in blue headquarter
011:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 106 elements
011:55 blue wolf 5 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 17 elements
011:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
011:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 9 elements
011:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 87 elements
011:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
011:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 red wolf 3 has 3 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 18 elements
012:00 red wolf 13 born
012:00 blue ninja 13 born
012:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 15
012:10 red lion 12 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 5
012:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 2 with 17 elements and force 15
012:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 3 with 96 elements and force 50
012:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 4 with 120 elements and force 50
012:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 5
012:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 6 with 79 elements and force 50
012:10 red lion 7 marched to city 7 with 9 elements and force 5
012:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 5
012:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 9 with 120 elements and force 50
012:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 5
012:10 red wolf 3 reached blue headquarter with 18 elements and force 15
012:10 blue headquarter was taken
Case 8:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 5890
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 4 with 110 elements and force 50
000:50 5970 elements in red headquarter
000:50 5890 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 110 elements
001:00 red lion 2 born
Its loyalty is 5860
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
001:10 red lion 2 marched to city 1 with 110 elements and force 50
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 3 with 110 elements and force 50
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 4 with 120 elements and force 50
001:50 5860 elements in red headquarter
001:50 5770 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 110 elements
001:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
001:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 110 elements
001:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 120 elements
002:00 red wolf 3 born
002:00 blue ninja 3 born
002:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
002:10 red lion 2 marched to city 2 with 110 elements and force 50
002:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 2 with 110 elements and force 50
002:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 50
002:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 3 with 120 elements and force 50
002:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 4 with 120 elements and force 50
002:40 both red lion 2 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 2
002:40 blue dragon 2 killed red iceman 1 in city 3 remaining 100 elements
002:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 3
002:50 5840 elements in red headquarter
002:50 5650 elements in blue headquarter
002:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
002:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 90 elements
002:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 70 elements
002:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 100 elements
002:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
003:00 red ninja 4 born
003:00 blue iceman 4 born
003:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 1 with 120 elements and force 50
003:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 1 with 70 elements and force 50
003:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 2 with 100 elements and force 50
003:10 red lion 2 marched to city 3 with 90 elements and force 50
003:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 3 with 120 elements and force 50
003:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 4 with 27 elements and force 50
003:35 red wolf 3 took 1 arrow from blue dragon 2 in city 2
003:40 both red ninja 4 and blue lion 1 were alive in city 1
003:40 both red wolf 3 and blue dragon 2 were alive in city 2
003:40 blue dragon 2 yelled in city 2
003:40 blue ninja 3 killed red lion 2 in city 3 remaining 120 elements
003:50 5720 elements in red headquarter
003:50 5620 elements in blue headquarter
003:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
003:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 85 elements
003:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 120 elements
003:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
004:00 red dragon 5 born
004:00 blue wolf 5 born
004:10 blue lion 1 reached red headquarter with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red headquarter was taken
004:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 1 with 120 elements and force 50
004:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 1 with 85 elements and force 50
004:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 2 with 120 elements and force 50
004:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 2 with 120 elements and force 50
004:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 3 with 25 elements and force 50
004:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
Case 9:
000:00 red iceman 1 born
000:00 blue lion 1 born
Its loyalty is 5990
000:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
000:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
000:50 5970 elements in red headquarter
000:50 5990 elements in blue headquarter
000:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
000:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:00 red lion 2 born
Its loyalty is 5960
001:00 blue dragon 2 born
001:10 red lion 2 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
001:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
001:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
001:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
001:50 5960 elements in red headquarter
001:50 5970 elements in blue headquarter
001:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
001:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
001:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
002:00 red wolf 3 born
002:00 blue ninja 3 born
002:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
002:10 red lion 2 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
002:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 50
002:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
002:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
002:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
002:50 5940 elements in red headquarter
002:50 5950 elements in blue headquarter
002:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
002:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
002:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
002:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
002:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:00 red ninja 4 born
003:00 blue iceman 4 born
003:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 red lion 2 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
003:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 4 with 21 elements and force 50
003:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
003:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
003:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 10 with 27 elements and force 50
003:50 5920 elements in red headquarter
003:50 5920 elements in blue headquarter
003:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
003:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
003:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
003:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
004:00 red dragon 5 born
004:00 blue wolf 5 born
004:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 red lion 2 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 50
004:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 5 with 19 elements and force 50
004:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
004:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
004:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 9 with 25 elements and force 50
004:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
004:50 5900 elements in red headquarter
004:50 5900 elements in blue headquarter
004:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 red iceman 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 19 elements
004:55 blue lion 1 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
004:55 blue dragon 2 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
004:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
004:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:00 red iceman 6 born
005:00 blue lion 6 born
Its loyalty is 5890
005:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
005:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 red lion 2 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
005:10 blue lion 1 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
005:10 red iceman 1 marched to city 6 with 18 elements and force 50
005:10 blue dragon 2 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 8 with 23 elements and force 50
005:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
005:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
005:40 red lion 2 killed blue lion 1 in city 5 remaining 10 elements
005:40 both red iceman 1 and blue dragon 2 died in city 6
005:50 5870 elements in red headquarter
005:50 5890 elements in blue headquarter
005:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
005:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 red lion 2 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
005:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
005:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
005:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:00 red lion 7 born
Its loyalty is 5860
006:00 blue dragon 7 born
006:10 red lion 7 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
006:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 red lion 2 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 7 with 21 elements and force 50
006:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
006:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
006:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
006:40 blue ninja 3 killed red lion 2 in city 6 remaining 20 elements
006:50 5860 elements in red headquarter
006:50 5870 elements in blue headquarter
006:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
006:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 red ninja 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue ninja 3 has 1 sword 2 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue iceman 4 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
006:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
006:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
006:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:00 red wolf 8 born
007:00 blue ninja 8 born
007:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 red lion 7 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
007:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 50
007:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue ninja 3 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue iceman 4 marched to city 6 with 19 elements and force 50
007:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
007:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
007:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
007:35 red wolf 3 took 1 bomb from blue iceman 4 in city 6
007:40 red ninja 4 killed blue ninja 3 in city 5 remaining 20 elements
007:40 red wolf 3 killed blue iceman 4 in city 6 remaining 10 elements
007:50 5840 elements in red headquarter
007:50 5850 elements in blue headquarter
007:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
007:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red ninja 4 has 1 sword 2 bomb 2 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 red wolf 3 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 blue wolf 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue lion 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
007:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
007:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:00 red ninja 9 born
008:00 blue iceman 9 born
008:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red lion 7 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 4 with 21 elements and force 50
008:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue wolf 5 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 blue lion 6 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
008:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
008:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 10 with 27 elements and force 50
008:35 blue wolf 5 took 1 sword from red ninja 4 in city 6
008:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue lion 6 in city 7
008:40 red ninja 4 killed blue wolf 5 in city 6 remaining 10 elements
008:40 red wolf 3 killed blue lion 6 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
008:50 5820 elements in red headquarter
008:50 5820 elements in blue headquarter
008:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
008:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 21 elements
008:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 red ninja 4 has 1 sword 1 bomb 2 arrow and 10 elements
008:55 red wolf 3 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
008:55 blue dragon 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue ninja 8 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
008:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
009:00 red dragon 10 born
009:00 blue wolf 10 born
009:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red lion 7 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 50
009:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 5 with 19 elements and force 50
009:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red ninja 4 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
009:10 blue dragon 7 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 red wolf 3 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
009:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
009:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 9 with 25 elements and force 50
009:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
009:35 red wolf 3 took 1 sword from blue ninja 8 in city 8
009:40 both red ninja 4 and blue dragon 7 died in city 7
009:40 blue ninja 8 killed red wolf 3 in city 8 remaining 20 elements
009:50 5800 elements in red headquarter
009:50 5800 elements in blue headquarter
009:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
009:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 19 elements
009:55 red dragon 5 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 blue ninja 8 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
009:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 25 elements
009:55 blue wolf 10 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:00 red iceman 11 born
010:00 blue lion 11 born
Its loyalty is 5790
010:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 red lion 7 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
010:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 6 with 18 elements and force 50
010:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 blue ninja 8 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 8 with 23 elements and force 50
010:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
010:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
010:40 red dragon 5 killed blue ninja 8 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
010:40 red dragon 5 yelled in city 7
010:50 5770 elements in red headquarter
010:50 5790 elements in blue headquarter
010:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 27 elements
010:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
010:55 red iceman 6 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 18 elements
010:55 red dragon 5 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
010:55 blue iceman 9 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 23 elements
010:55 blue wolf 10 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
010:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:00 red lion 12 born
Its loyalty is 5760
011:00 blue dragon 12 born
011:10 red lion 12 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 red lion 7 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 red iceman 6 marched to city 7 with 17 elements and force 50
011:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 7 with 21 elements and force 50
011:10 red dragon 5 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
011:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
011:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
011:35 blue wolf 10 took 2 sword from red dragon 5 in city 8
011:40 blue iceman 9 killed red iceman 6 in city 7 remaining 1 elements
011:40 blue wolf 10 killed red dragon 5 in city 8 remaining 20 elements
011:50 5760 elements in red headquarter
011:50 5770 elements in blue headquarter
011:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 25 elements
011:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 red wolf 8 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 red lion 7 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 blue iceman 9 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 1 elements
011:55 blue wolf 10 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
011:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
011:55 blue dragon 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:00 red wolf 13 born
012:00 blue ninja 13 born
012:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 red lion 12 marched to city 2 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 3 with 23 elements and force 50
012:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 blue iceman 9 marched to city 6 with 1 elements and force 50
012:10 red lion 7 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
012:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
012:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
012:35 red wolf 8 took 2 sword from blue iceman 9 in city 6
012:35 blue wolf 10 took 1 bomb from red lion 7 in city 7
012:40 red wolf 8 killed blue iceman 9 in city 6 remaining 20 elements
012:40 blue wolf 10 killed red lion 7 in city 7 remaining 20 elements
012:50 5740 elements in red headquarter
012:50 5750 elements in blue headquarter
012:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
012:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 23 elements
012:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 red ninja 9 has 1 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 red wolf 8 has 2 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 blue wolf 10 has 2 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 blue lion 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
012:55 blue dragon 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
012:55 blue ninja 13 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:00 red ninja 14 born
013:00 blue iceman 14 born
013:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red lion 12 marched to city 3 with 10 elements and force 50
013:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 4 with 21 elements and force 50
013:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue wolf 10 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue lion 11 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
013:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
013:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 10 with 27 elements and force 50
013:35 blue wolf 10 took 1 sword from red ninja 9 in city 6
013:35 red wolf 8 took 1 arrow from blue lion 11 in city 7
013:40 red ninja 9 killed blue wolf 10 in city 6 remaining 10 elements
013:40 red wolf 8 killed blue lion 11 in city 7 remaining 20 elements
013:50 5720 elements in red headquarter
013:50 5720 elements in blue headquarter
013:55 red ninja 14 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
013:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 21 elements
013:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 red ninja 9 has 3 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
013:55 red wolf 8 has 2 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 blue dragon 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 blue ninja 13 has 0 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
013:55 blue iceman 14 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 27 elements
014:00 red dragon 15 born
014:00 blue wolf 15 born
014:10 red dragon 15 marched to city 1 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red lion 12 marched to city 4 with 10 elements and force 50
014:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 5 with 19 elements and force 50
014:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 6 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red ninja 9 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
014:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 red wolf 8 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
014:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 9 with 25 elements and force 50
014:10 blue wolf 15 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
014:35 red wolf 8 took 1 bomb from blue ninja 13 in city 8
014:40 blue dragon 12 killed red ninja 9 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
014:40 blue dragon 12 yelled in city 7
014:40 blue ninja 13 killed red wolf 8 in city 8 remaining 10 elements
014:50 5700 elements in red headquarter
014:50 5700 elements in blue headquarter
014:55 red dragon 15 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 red ninja 14 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
014:55 red iceman 11 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 19 elements
014:55 red dragon 10 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
014:55 blue dragon 12 has 4 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
014:55 blue ninja 13 has 2 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
014:55 blue iceman 14 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 25 elements
014:55 blue wolf 15 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:00 red iceman 16 born
015:00 blue lion 16 born
Its loyalty is 5690
015:10 red iceman 16 marched to city 1 with 27 elements and force 50
015:10 red dragon 15 marched to city 2 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 red lion 12 marched to city 5 with 10 elements and force 50
015:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 6 with 18 elements and force 50
015:10 blue dragon 12 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
015:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 7 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 blue ninja 13 marched to city 7 with 10 elements and force 50
015:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 8 with 23 elements and force 50
015:10 blue wolf 15 marched to city 9 with 20 elements and force 50
015:10 blue lion 16 marched to city 10 with 10 elements and force 50
015:40 red iceman 11 killed blue dragon 12 in city 6 remaining 8 elements
015:40 red dragon 10 killed blue ninja 13 in city 7 remaining 10 elements
015:40 red dragon 10 yelled in city 7
015:50 5670 elements in red headquarter
015:50 5690 elements in blue headquarter
015:55 red iceman 16 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 27 elements
015:55 red dragon 15 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 red ninja 14 has 1 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 red wolf 13 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 red lion 12 has 1 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
015:55 red iceman 11 has 4 sword 1 bomb 2 arrow and 8 elements
015:55 red dragon 10 has 2 sword 1 bomb 1 arrow and 10 elements
015:55 blue iceman 14 has 0 sword 0 bomb 1 arrow and 23 elements
015:55 blue wolf 15 has 0 sword 0 bomb 0 arrow and 20 elements
015:55 blue lion 16 has 0 sword 1 bomb 0 arrow and 10 elements
016:00 red lion 17 born
Its loyalty is 5660
016:00 blue dragon 17 born
016:10 red lion 17 marched to city 1 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 red iceman 16 marched to city 2 with 25 elements and force 50
016:10 red dragon 15 marched to city 3 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 red ninja 14 marched to city 4 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 red wolf 13 marched to city 5 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 red lion 12 marched to city 6 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 red iceman 11 marched to city 7 with 8 elements and force 50
016:10 blue iceman 14 marched to city 7 with 21 elements and force 50
016:10 red dragon 10 marched to city 8 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 blue wolf 15 marched to city 8 with 20 elements and force 50
016:10 blue lion 16 marched to city 9 with 10 elements and force 50
016:10 blue dragon 17 marched to city 10 with 20 elements and force 50
016:35 blue wolf 15 took 2 sword from red dragon 10 in city 8
016:40 blue iceman 14 killed red iceman 11 in city 7 remaining 11 elements
016:40 blue wolf 15 killed red dragon 10 in city 8 remaining 20 elements
Case 10:
000:50 2 elements in red headquarter
000:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
001:50 2 elements in red headquarter
001:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
002:50 2 elements in red headquarter
002:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
003:50 2 elements in red headquarter
003:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
004:50 2 elements in red headquarter
004:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
005:50 2 elements in red headquarter
005:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
006:50 2 elements in red headquarter
006:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
007:50 2 elements in red headquarter
007:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
008:50 2 elements in red headquarter
008:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
009:50 2 elements in red headquarter
009:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
010:50 2 elements in red headquarter
010:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
011:50 2 elements in red headquarter
011:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
012:50 2 elements in red headquarter
012:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
013:50 2 elements in red headquarter
013:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
014:50 2 elements in red headquarter
014:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
015:50 2 elements in red headquarter
015:50 2 elements in blue headquarter
Case 11:
000:50 6 elements in red headquarter
000:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
001:50 6 elements in red headquarter
001:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
002:50 6 elements in red headquarter
002:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
003:50 6 elements in red headquarter
003:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
004:50 6 elements in red headquarter
004:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
005:50 6 elements in red headquarter
005:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
006:50 6 elements in red headquarter
006:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
007:50 6 elements in red headquarter
007:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
008:50 6 elements in red headquarter
008:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
009:50 6 elements in red headquarter
009:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
010:50 6 elements in red headquarter
010:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
011:50 6 elements in red headquarter
011:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
012:50 6 elements in red headquarter
012:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
013:50 6 elements in red headquarter
013:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
014:50 6 elements in red headquarter
014:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
015:50 6 elements in red headquarter
015:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
016:50 6 elements in red headquarter
016:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
017:50 6 elements in red headquarter
017:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
018:50 6 elements in red headquarter
018:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
019:50 6 elements in red headquarter
019:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
020:50 6 elements in red headquarter
020:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
021:50 6 elements in red headquarter
021:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
022:50 6 elements in red headquarter
022:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
023:50 6 elements in red headquarter
023:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
024:50 6 elements in red headquarter
024:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
025:50 6 elements in red headquarter
025:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
026:50 6 elements in red headquarter
026:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
027:50 6 elements in red headquarter
027:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
028:50 6 elements in red headquarter
028:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
029:50 6 elements in red headquarter
029:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
030:50 6 elements in red headquarter
030:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
031:50 6 elements in red headquarter
031:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
032:50 6 elements in red headquarter
032:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
033:50 6 elements in red headquarter
033:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
034:50 6 elements in red headquarter
034:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
035:50 6 elements in red headquarter
035:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
036:50 6 elements in red headquarter
036:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
037:50 6 elements in red headquarter
037:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
038:50 6 elements in red headquarter
038:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
039:50 6 elements in red headquarter
039:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
040:50 6 elements in red headquarter
040:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
041:50 6 elements in red headquarter
041:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
042:50 6 elements in red headquarter
042:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
043:50 6 elements in red headquarter
043:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
044:50 6 elements in red headquarter
044:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
045:50 6 elements in red headquarter
045:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
046:50 6 elements in red headquarter
046:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
047:50 6 elements in red headquarter
047:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
048:50 6 elements in red headquarter
048:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
049:50 6 elements in red headquarter
049:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
050:50 6 elements in red headquarter
050:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
051:50 6 elements in red headquarter
051:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
052:50 6 elements in red headquarter
052:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
053:50 6 elements in red headquarter
053:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
054:50 6 elements in red headquarter
054:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
055:50 6 elements in red headquarter
055:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
056:50 6 elements in red headquarter
056:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
057:50 6 elements in red headquarter
057:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
058:50 6 elements in red headquarter
058:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
059:50 6 elements in red headquarter
059:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
060:50 6 elements in red headquarter
060:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
061:50 6 elements in red headquarter
061:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
062:50 6 elements in red headquarter
062:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
063:50 6 elements in red headquarter
063:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
064:50 6 elements in red headquarter
064:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
065:50 6 elements in red headquarter
065:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
066:50 6 elements in red headquarter
066:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
067:50 6 elements in red headquarter
067:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
068:50 6 elements in red headquarter
068:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
069:50 6 elements in red headquarter
069:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
070:50 6 elements in red headquarter
070:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
071:50 6 elements in red headquarter
071:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
072:50 6 elements in red headquarter
072:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
073:50 6 elements in red headquarter
073:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
074:50 6 elements in red headquarter
074:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
075:50 6 elements in red headquarter
075:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
076:50 6 elements in red headquarter
076:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
077:50 6 elements in red headquarter
077:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
078:50 6 elements in red headquarter
078:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
079:50 6 elements in red headquarter
079:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
080:50 6 elements in red headquarter
080:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
081:50 6 elements in red headquarter
081:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
082:50 6 elements in red headquarter
082:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
083:50 6 elements in red headquarter
083:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
084:50 6 elements in red headquarter
084:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
085:50 6 elements in red headquarter
085:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
086:50 6 elements in red headquarter
086:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
087:50 6 elements in red headquarter
087:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
088:50 6 elements in red headquarter
088:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
089:50 6 elements in red headquarter
089:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
090:50 6 elements in red headquarter
090:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
091:50 6 elements in red headquarter
091:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
092:50 6 elements in red headquarter
092:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
093:50 6 elements in red headquarter
093:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
094:50 6 elements in red headquarter
094:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
095:50 6 elements in red headquarter
095:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
096:50 6 elements in red headquarter
096:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
097:50 6 elements in red headquarter
097:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
098:50 6 elements in red headquarter
098:50 6 elements in blue headquarter
099:50 6 elements in red headquarter
099:50 6 elements in blue headquarter

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