



  1. in terms of SR:在…方面;从…角度看;根据…来说。
  2. image self-similarity
  3. be on par:不相上下,旗鼓相当等。
  4. be in line with
  5. uniform perturbations:均匀扰动 / 摄动
  6. interdependence:相互依赖关系
  7. in a bid to = = in order to
  8. in a class-agnostic manner:以类不可知论的方式
  9. derivative:导数
  10. inconspicuous object
  11. salient objects
  12. cardinality:基数
  13. reach:得到
  14. drop-in replacement:简易替代者;作为简易替换器件;直接替代元件;替换零件
  15. to achieve this
  16. to this end
  17. feature responses
  18. salient:最重要的; 显著的; 突出的;
  19. as mentioned above
  20. define A as B
  21. human cortex:人类大脑皮层
  22. ……,as we describe next
  23. perpendicular direction:垂直方向
  24. intricate:复杂的
  25. analogous:相似的,类似的
  26. traverse:遍历
  27. variance:方差
  28. periodicity:周期性
  29. manifold:多的;多种多样的;许多种类的;名词(结合具体语境):多种可能的输出,集合等;流
  30. image manifold:图像流形
  31. magnify:放大,增强,一种正向作用的动词
  32. attenuate:减弱
  33. user scribble:用户涂鸦,根据具体语境或者图片阐述理解“涂鸦”二字
  34. pattern:模式;图案;花纹,根据具体语境选择
  35. imprint:CV中的一个任务,压印,将别的图像的某个区域的特征移到目标图像之中,进行细节补全
  36. invoke:调用;引用,援引;唤起
  37. right-most:最右边
  38. stem from:源于,出自于
  39. garment:服装
  40. alternate:交替
  41. utterly:程度副词,彻底地,完全地
  42. decimation:(数据)抽取
  43. they fail to match the fidelity expected at the higher resolution:它们无法达到更高分辨率下所期望的保真度
  44. fidelity:保真度,准确度,保真性,语境常见于信号、图像领域
  45. fail to:不能
  46. photo-realistic images:真实照片
  47. extensive experiments:广泛的,大量的实验
  48. perceptual difference:感知差异,视觉差异(对于图像,当时是视觉上的)
  49. solution:解,解决方案,结果(results)
  50. struggle to:致力于,努力
  51. exemplify:举例说明
  52. euclidean distance:欧氏距离
  53. version、counterpart、corresponding
  54. c.f.==confer:请比较,请对照/参看
  55. reside on/in:位于
  56. hallucinate:动词,(由于生病、吸毒)幻听,幻视,产生幻觉
  57. invariant:不变的;恒定的
  58. contour:轮廓
  59. artifacts:伪影
  60. in the sense that……:从某种意义上说
  61. outline:
  62. take it into account:把它考虑进去 or 纳入考虑范围
  63. the same elementary function:相同的初等函数
  64. exact:精确的;准确的;严谨的;严格的;一丝不苟的;精密的;严密的
  65. resemble:类似于
  66. be proportional to:与……成正比
  67. sublime:崇高的;壮丽的;宏伟的;令人赞叹的;极端的;极端而盲目的;一味的
  68. compact:紧凑
  69. termed = named
  70. in addition
  71. moreover
  72. furthermore
  73. further
  74. redundant:冗余的
  75. A outperforms B by a large /considerable margin:A 大幅度/以极大的优势 超越了B
  76. by considerable margins
  77. noticeable improvement
  78. symmetric:对称的
  79. marginal:小的,微不足道的,不重要的,根据语境选择
  80. effective
  81. effect
  82. reformulation
  83. preconditioning
  84. asymptotically approxiamte
  85. counterintuitive phenomena:
  86. perturbation:
  87. consistent phenomena:
  88. the philosophy of A:==idea
  89. to reveal the reasons
  90. compared to its couterpart
  91. to some extent
  92. potentially:可能
  93. collective:adj.集体的;共有的;共同的;全体成员的;总体的 n. 企业集团;合作农场;集体企业;集合 根据语境选择
  94. single & ensemble
  95. Remarkably:值得注意的是,
  96. exposition:阐述
  97. prior experience:先前的经验
  98. prior:先验(知识)
  99. acquisition:名词,获得,得到,收获,收购
  100. acquisition conditions:图像或数据的 采集/获取 条件
  101. Deformable Convolutional Networks:可变形卷积网络
  102. distribution:分布
  103. the loss of high-frequency info
  104. overly smooth
  105. sharp edge
  106. blur artifacts
  107. texture
  108. crucial research problem
  109. by a factor of four:下降为原来的四分之一;增长为原来的四倍,根据语境翻译。
  110. comprehensive analysis
  111. degradation model
  112. in crowd scenes:在人群场景中
  113. texture pattern:纹理,这里图案就用译出来了,因为纹理不就是图案,当然要译出来也没有问题。
  114. plain net:简单地堆叠层数的网络
  115. uderlying mapping
  116. identity mapping
  117. notorious
  118. counterpart
  119. similar phenomena
  120. be akin to:
  121. our ensemble:组合
  122. generalization performance
  123. with respect to
  124. a dedicated challenge for:一个为了……的专门的挑战/比赛
  125. tackle
  126. literature:文献、论文
  127. trivial
  128. non-trivial
  129. to counter this issue
  130. perceptually sound images
  131. perceptual quality
  132. human perception
  133. encapsulate:
  134. solely
  135. unexpectedly
  136. to the extreme
  137. reformulate A as B:
  138. concurrent with
  139. an alternative to A
  140. M:million
  141. models based on hierarchical feature fusion
  142. to a certain extent
  143. amplification
  144. contraction
  145. wavelet transformation
  146. game-theoretic
  147. mutual game
  148. Nash equilibrium:
  149. human visual sense
  150. indicator
  151. the reconstruction effect is general in details:根据语境可以理解为效果一般
  152. abundant ,rich
  153. provide more reference information
  154. learn abundant high-frequency information
  155. in this exposition
  156. taxonomy==catergory
  157. memory footprint
  158. seminal work
  159. contender
  160. astronomical image
  161. forensics:图像取证
  162. fidelity term
  163. latent information
  164. interleaved with
  165. in contrast to
  166. uniform area
  167. for this purpose , to this end
  168. high-frequency corruption
  169. gram matrices
  170. local pattern == local feat.
  171. requisite
  172. residue
  173. acoustic
  174. nullify
  175. five-fold
  176. reliable prior info
  177. thorough review/survey
  178. as opposed to
  179. in the existing art
  180. in addition to
  181. inception
  182. the main highlight of == ……idea of
  183. for the sake of brevity
  184. by a significant margin
  185. fast-paced research
  186. Overall,
  187. encapsulate
  188. unfold
  189. sharp edge
  190. diliver impressive results
  191. in conjunction with
  192. in crowd scenes
  193. by a factor of
  194. slice
  195. lag
  196. noncompliance
  197. mimic
  198. At the time of
  199. precede == in front of
  200. three distinct models
  201. diagonal matrices
  202. weight layer
  203. online web portal
  204. crisp:形容图像恢复的细节好,干净利落,很sharp
  205. abbrivated as
  206. soundness
  207. exceptional performance
  208. absolute mean error loss
  209. mean square loss
  210. dense
  211. residual
  212. recursive
  213. skip connection
  214. local
  215. global
  216. concatenation
  217. weighted summation
  218. cascade
  219. curriculum learning
  220. receptive field
  221. self-ensemble
  222. resemble
  223. real-world scenarios
  224. upscale factor
  225. channel att
  226. spatial att
  227. low-frequency
  228. high-frequency details
  229. detailed high-frequency info
  230. fusion
  231. projection
  232. different-level features
  233. as a result
  234. therefore
  235. require no changes
  236. minor adjustment
  237. YCbCr color space
  238. luminance component
  239. magnification factor
  240. chroma component
  241. fit into:属于
  242. Most recent methods fit into this category
  243. to address this problem
  244. bitmap
  245. more diverse:更加多样; 不同的 ; 相异的 ; 多种多样的 ; 形形色色的
  246. by scaling the training images:扩大/增加/扩充训练图像
  247. setup
  248. quantize
  249. the quantization error
  250. spherical hashing codes
  251. centroid:质心
  252. follow:效仿,遵循,照着
  253. registration:配准
  254. whereas
  255. upper bound
  256. imprecise
  257. ambiguity
  258. incremental
  259. exponent:倡导者
  260. 明显的边界
  261. deformable patches
  262. interval degradation:区间退化
  263. succinctness = brevity
  264. feature recalibration:重新校准特征
  265. efficient
  266. effective
  267. efficacy
  268. effectiveness


  1. Recall that ……
  2. We follow the pratice in ……
  3. the recursive model has pros and cons
  4. find doing sth. difficult
  5. Carrying most if not all of input values until the end of the network is inevitable but very inefficient:在网络结束之前携带大部分(如果不是全部)输入值是不可避免的,但效率非常低。
  6. can be found in ……
  7. we have demonstrated that
  8. performance can be ffurther improved
  9. this strong evidence shows that ……
  10. these method suggest that……
  11. it is equivalent to hypothesize that ……
  12. is motivated by……
  13. it is worth noting that our model ……
  14. we argue that……
  15. we conjecture that……
  16. we have three major observations from Table 2 and Fig.2.
  17. But the small differences between A and B indicate that ……
  18. We present experiments trained on the training set and evaluated on the test set.
  19. A manage to overcome B
  20. the testing result of A is worse that of B.




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