Given the root of a binary tree, each node has a value from 0 to 25 representing the letters ‘a’ to ‘z’: a value of 0 represents ‘a’, a value of 1 represents ‘b’, and so on.
Find the lexicographically smallest string that starts at a leaf of this tree and ends at the root.
(As a reminder, any shorter prefix of a string is lexicographically smaller: for example, “ab” is lexicographically smaller than “aba”. A leaf of a node is a node that has no children.)
class Solution {
//Runtime: 4 ms, faster than 55.51%
//Memory Usage: 38.7 MB, less than 5.17%
String ans = "~";
public String smallestFromLeaf(TreeNode root) {
dfs(root, new StringBuilder());
return ans;
public void dfs(TreeNode node, StringBuilder sb) {
if (node == null) return;
sb.append((char)('a' + node.val));
if (node.left == null && node.right == null) {
String S = sb.toString();
if (S.compareTo(ans) < 0)
ans = S;
dfs(node.left, sb);
dfs(node.right, sb);
sb.deleteCharAt(sb.length() - 1);//回溯