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原创 my comments on one child policy in China

 Pls go to http://home.wangjianshuo.com/archives/20060620_one_child_policy_in_china.htm for original article.    Actually, many of my foreign friends are keeping on asking me the same questions: Why

2006-06-21 17:20:00 2585

原创 over-exhausted of youngsters

There is an explosive news today(I didnt change it because I wrote this sentence on that news day). A young man at the age 25, working in a reputable Chinese big company, died because of working over

2006-06-01 22:24:00 991

原创 My comments on living costs in Shanghai

I am always arguing with my friends from other countries on this issue. In some ways, living costs in Shanghai is cheap, because goods here is cheaper. But it will be very expensive when it comes to b

2006-05-28 22:31:00 1656

原创 transfer to another team

The boss in Singapore called me to ask if I want to transfer to BA team. BA is business analysis, it is a separate team from design and development. Currently the project managers play the both role

2006-05-27 16:11:00 1280

原创 good and bad

Speaking aloud to get others attention is not good, but giving time to let others find out you are good is a good thing.Making a long-term plan is a good thing, but being unable to adhere to the pl

2006-05-26 21:03:00 935

原创 Mistakes because we are taking it for granted

We are always making mistakes on which we think we definitely will not make mistakes.This afternoon, I compiled one batch program with CICS option Y, I didnt notice it because I chose N in othe

2006-05-24 00:17:00 1080

原创 English speaking day

There is a regulation in our company ------everybody is requested to speak English every Friday. If you are caught of speaking Chinese on English speaking day, you will be fined 5 RMB and everybody wi

2006-05-14 16:57:00 988

原创 怎么学英语?


2006-05-06 23:25:00 1326

原创 performance appraisal

He is 15 days earlier than me to join the company.He worked 8 years in China, 3 years abroad with bachelor degree; I worked 2 years in China with master degree.He can resolve one problem one day;

2006-05-05 23:30:00 1119

原创 活着


2006-05-04 19:37:00 1095

原创 新想法


2006-05-04 12:31:00 945

原创 五一加班

几天前,老大说,五一加班吧,项目紧,没办法……,既然老大都说了,加就加呗,又不是第一次。今天,HR发邮件说,如果五一需要加班,事先争得老板的同意,可以有加班工资拿,大家还挺高兴,心想,公司终于给法定假日加班正名了,还等什么,赶紧写申请,让老板批呀。还没高兴几分钟,一伙人都垂头丧气的回来了,原来是画饼充饥,老板没批一个人的加班。 这就是所谓的外企老板,打着不违反中国法律的旗号,又想马儿跑,又

2006-04-30 20:32:00 895

原创 work related complaints

    I complained a lot in todays team meeting, and I dont know if my complaints irate other people, but I just spoke out what I wanted to say even in front of the big boss.    Actually I only rais

2006-04-28 22:19:00 1015



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