Jsoup - 使用详解与爬虫


jsoup is a Java library for working with real-world HTML. It provides a very convenient API for extracting and manipulating data, using the best of DOM, CSS, and jquery-like methods.

jsoup implements the WHATWG HTML5 specification, and parses HTML to the same DOM as modern browsers do.

  • scrape and parse HTML from a URL, file, or string
  • find and extract data, using DOM traversal or CSS selectors
  • manipulate the HTML elements, attributes, and text
  • clean user-submitted content against a safe white-list, to prevent XSS attacks
  • output tidy HTML

jsoup is designed to deal with all varieties of HTML found in the wild; from pristine and validating, to invalid tag-soup; jsoup will create a sensible parse tree.

教程地址如下 :

the website: https://jsoup.org/



至于为什么,则是jsoup会将得到的html解析为DOM Tree。拿到了DOM Tree,则一切就变得简单起来。



  • 一向认为,研究技术,首先看源码。
 The core public access point to the jsoup functionality.

 @author Jonathan Hedley */
public class Jsoup {
    private Jsoup() {}

     Parse HTML into a Document. The parser will make a sensible, balanced document tree out of any HTML.

     @param html    HTML to parse
     @param baseUri The URL where the HTML was retrieved from. Used to resolve relative URLs to absolute URLs, that occur before the HTML declares a {@code <base href>} tag.
     @return sane HTML
    public static Document parse(String html, String baseUri) {
        return Parser.parse(html, baseUri);

     Parse HTML into a Document, using the provided Parser. You can provide an alternate parser, such as a simple XML
     (non-HTML) parser.

     @param html    HTML to parse
     @param baseUri The URL where the HTML was retrieved from. Used to resolve relative URLs to absolute URLs, that occur
     before the HTML declares a {@code <base href>} tag.
     @param parser alternate {@link Parser#xmlParser() parser} to use.
     @return sane HTML
    public static Document parse(String html, String baseUri, Parser parser) {
        return parser.parseInput(html, baseUri);

     Parse HTML into a Document. As no base URI is specified, absolute URL detection relies on the HTML including a
     {@code <base href>} tag.

     @param html HTML to parse
     @return sane HTML

     @see #parse(String, String)
    public static Document parse(String html) {
        return Parser.parse(html, "");

     * Creates a new {@link Connection} to a URL. Use to fetch and parse a HTML page.
     * <p>
     * Use examples:
     * <ul>
     *  <li><code>Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://example.com").userAgent("Mozilla").data("name", "jsoup").get();</code></li>
     *  <li><code>Document doc = Jsoup.connect("http://example.com").cookie("auth", "token").post();</code></li>
     * </ul>
     * @param url URL to connect to. The protocol must be {@code http} or {@code https}.
     * @return the connection. You can add data, cookies, and headers; set the user-agent, referrer, method; and then execute.
    public static Connection connect(String url) {
        return HttpConnection.connect(url);

     Parse the contents of a file as HTML.

     @param in          file to load HTML from
     @param charsetName (optional) character set of file contents. Set to {@code null} to determine from {@code http-equiv} meta tag, if
     present, or fall back to {@code UTF-8} (which is often safe to do).
     @param baseUri     The URL where the HTML was retrieved from, to resolve relative links against.
     @return sane HTML

     @throws IOException if the file could not be found, or read, or if the charsetName is invalid.
    public static Document parse(File in, String charsetName, String baseUri) throws IOException {
        return DataUtil.load(in, charsetName, baseUri);

     Parse the contents of a file as HTML. The location of the file is used as the base URI to qualify relative URLs.

     @param in          file to load HTML from
     @param charsetName (optional) character set of file contents. Set to {@code null} to determine from {@code http-equiv} meta tag, if
     present, or fall back to {@code UTF-8} (which is often safe to do).
     @return sane HTML

     @throws IOException if the file could not be found, or read, or if the charsetName is invalid.
     @see #parse(File, String, String)
    public static Document parse(File in, String charsetName) throws IOException {
        return DataUtil.load(in, charsetName, in.getAbsolutePath());

     Read an input stream, and parse it to a Document.

     @param in          input stream to read. Make sure to close it after parsing.
     @param charsetName (optional) character set of file contents. Set to {@code null} to determine from {@code http-equiv} meta tag, if
     present, or fall back to {@code UTF-8} (which is often safe to do).
     @param baseUri     The URL where the HTML was retrieved from, to resolve relative links against.
     @return sane HTML

     @throws IOException if the file could not be found, or read, or if the charsetName is invalid.
    public static Document parse(InputStream in, String charsetName, String baseUri) throws IOException {
        return DataUtil.load(in, charsetName, baseUri);

     Read an input stream, and parse it to a Document. You can provide an alternate parser, such as a simple XML
     (non-HTML) parser.

     @param in          input stream to read. Make sure to close it after parsing.
     @param charsetName (optional) character set of file contents. Set to {@code null} to determine from {@code http-equiv} meta tag, if
     present, or fall back to {@code UTF-8} (which is often safe to do).
     @param baseUri     The URL where the HTML was retrieved from, to resolve relative links against.
     @param parser alternate {@link Parser#xmlParser() parser} to use.
     @return sane HTML

     @throws IOException if the file could not be found, or read, or if the charsetName is invalid.
    public static Document parse(InputStream in, String charsetName, String baseUri, Parser parser) throws IOException {
        return DataUtil.load(in, charsetName, baseUri, parser);

     Parse a fragment of HTML, with the assumption that it forms the {@code body} of the HTML.

     @param bodyHtml body HTML fragment
     @param baseUri  URL to resolve relative URLs against.
     @return sane HTML document

     @see Document#body()
    public static Document parseBodyFragment(String bodyHtml, String baseUri) {
        return Parser.parseBodyFragment(bodyHtml, baseUri);

     Parse a fragment of HTML, with the assumption that it forms the {@code body} of the HTML.

     @param bodyHtml body HTML fragment
     @return sane HTML document

     @see Document#body()
    public static Document parseBodyFragment(String bodyHtml) {
        return Parser.parseBodyFragment(bodyHtml, "");

     Fetch a URL, and parse it as HTML. Provided for compatibility; in most cases use {@link #connect(String)} instead.
     The encoding character set is determined by the content-type header or http-equiv meta tag, or falls back to {@code UTF-8}.

     @param url           URL to fetch (with a GET). The protocol must be {@code http} or {@code https}.
     @param timeoutMillis Connection and read timeout, in milliseconds. If exceeded, IOException is thrown.
     @return The parsed HTML.

     @throws java.net.MalformedURLException if the request URL is not a HTTP or HTTPS URL, or is otherwise malformed
     @throws HttpStatusException if the response is not OK and HTTP response errors are not ignored
     @throws UnsupportedMimeTypeException if the response mime type is not supported and those errors are not ignored
     @throws java.net.SocketTimeoutException if the connection times out
     @throws IOException if a connection or read error occurs

     @see #connect(String)
    public static Document parse(URL url, int timeoutMillis) throws IOException {
        Connection con = HttpConnection.connect(url);
        return con.get();

     Get safe HTML from untrusted input HTML, by parsing input HTML and filtering it through a white-list of permitted
     tags and attributes.

     @param bodyHtml  input untrusted HTML (body fragment)
     @param baseUri   URL to resolve relative URLs against
     @param whitelist white-list of permitted HTML elements
     @return safe HTML (body fragment)

     @see Cleaner#clean(Document)
    public static String clean(String bodyHtml, String baseUri, Whitelist whitelist) {
        Document dirty = parseBodyFragment(bodyHtml, baseUri);
        Cleaner cleaner = new Cleaner(whitelist);
        Document clean = cleaner.clean(dirty);
        return clean.body().html();

     Get safe HTML from untrusted input HTML, by parsing input HTML and filtering it through a white-list of permitted
     tags and attributes.

     @param bodyHtml  input untrusted HTML (body fragment)
     @param whitelist white-list of permitted HTML elements
     @return safe HTML (body fragment)

     @see Cleaner#clean(Document)
    public static String clean(String bodyHtml, Whitelist whitelist) {
        return clean(bodyHtml, "", whitelist);

     * Get safe HTML from untrusted input HTML, by parsing input HTML and filtering it through a white-list of
     * permitted tags and attributes.
     * <p>The HTML is treated as a body fragment; it's expected the cleaned HTML will be used within the body of an
     * existing document. If you want to clean full documents, use {@link Cleaner#clean(Document)} instead, and add
     * structural tags (<code>html, head, body</code> etc) to the whitelist.
     * @param bodyHtml input untrusted HTML (body fragment)
     * @param baseUri URL to resolve relative URLs against
     * @param whitelist white-list of permitted HTML elements
     * @param outputSettings document output settings; use to control pretty-printing and entity escape modes
     * @return safe HTML (body fragment)
     * @see Cleaner#clean(Document)
    public static String clean(String bodyHtml, String baseUri, Whitelist whitelist, Document.OutputSettings outputSettings) {
        Document dirty = parseBodyFragment(bodyHtml, baseUri);
        Cleaner cleaner = new Cleaner(whitelist);
        Document clean = cleaner.clean(dirty);
        return clean.body().html();

     Test if the input body HTML has only tags and attributes allowed by the Whitelist. Useful for form validation.
     <p>The input HTML should still be run through the cleaner to set up enforced attributes, and to tidy the output.
     <p>Assumes the HTML is a body fragment (i.e. will be used in an existing HTML document body.)
     @param bodyHtml HTML to test
     @param whitelist whitelist to test against
     @return true if no tags or attributes were removed; false otherwise
     @see #clean(String, org.jsoup.safety.Whitelist) 
    public static boolean isValid(String bodyHtml, Whitelist whitelist) {
        return new Cleaner(whitelist).isValidBodyHtml(bodyHtml);







        Connection conn = Jsoup.connect(url );
        String userAgent="Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/63.0.3239.108 Safari/537.36";
        // 修改http包中的header,伪装成浏览器进行抓取
        conn.header("User-Agent", userAgent);
        Document doc = null;
        try {
            doc = conn.get();
        } catch (IOException e) {





每个载入浏览器的 HTML 文档都会成为 Document 对象。

Document 对象使我们可以从脚本中对 HTML 页面中的所有元素进行访问。

提示:Document 对象是 Window 对象的一部分,可通过 window.document 属性对其进行访问。




 A HTML Document.

 @author Jonathan Hedley, jonathan@hedley.net */
public class Document extends Element {
    private OutputSettings outputSettings = new OutputSettings();
    private QuirksMode quirksMode = QuirksMode.noQuirks;
    private String location;
    private boolean updateMetaCharset = false;

     Create a new, empty Document.
     @param baseUri base URI of document
     @see org.jsoup.Jsoup#parse
     @see #createShell
    public Document(String baseUri) {
        super(Tag.valueOf("#root", ParseSettings.htmlDefault), baseUri);
        this.location = baseUri;

     Create a valid, empty shell of a document, suitable for adding more elements to.
     @param baseUri baseUri of document
     @return document with html, head, and body elements.
    public static Document createShell(String baseUri) {

        Document doc = new Document(baseUri);
        Element html = doc.appendElement("html");

        return doc;



什么是Element ?


在 HTML DOM 中,Element 对象表示 HTML 元素。

Element 对象可以拥有类型为元素节点、文本节点、注释节点的子节点。

NodeList 对象表示节点列表,比如 HTML 元素的子节点集合。



  • Element继承自Node
 * A HTML element consists of a tag name, attributes, and child nodes (including text nodes and
 * other elements).
 * From an Element, you can extract data, traverse the node graph, and manipulate the HTML.
 * @author Jonathan Hedley, jonathan@hedley.net
public class Element extends Node {
    private static final List<Node> EMPTY_NODES = Collections.emptyList();
    private static final Pattern classSplit = Pattern.compile("\\s+");
    private Tag tag;
    private WeakReference<List<Element>> shadowChildrenRef; // points to child elements shadowed from node children
    List<Node> childNodes;
    private Attributes attributes;
    private String baseUri;

     * Create a new, standalone element.
     * @param tag tag name
    public Element(String tag) {
        this(Tag.valueOf(tag), "", new Attributes());

     * Create a new, standalone Element. (Standalone in that is has no parent.)
     * @param tag tag of this element
     * @param baseUri the base URI
     * @param attributes initial attributes
     * @see #appendChild(Node)
     * @see #appendElement(String)
    public Element(Tag tag, String baseUri, Attributes attributes) {
        childNodes = EMPTY_NODES;
        this.baseUri = baseUri;
        this.attributes = attributes;
        this.tag = tag;

     * Create a new Element from a tag and a base URI.
     * @param tag element tag
     * @param baseUri the base URI of this element. It is acceptable for the base URI to be an empty
     *            string, but not null.
     * @see Tag#valueOf(String, ParseSettings)
    public Element(Tag tag, String baseUri) {
        this(tag, baseUri, null);



so many !



什么是Node ?


在 HTML DOM (文档对象模型)中,每个部分都是节点:

所有 HTML 元素是元素节点
所有 HTML 属性是属性节点
HTML 元素内的文本是文本节点


 The base, abstract Node model. Elements, Documents, Comments etc are all Node instances.

 @author Jonathan Hedley, jonathan@hedley.net */
public abstract class Node implements Cloneable {
    static final String EmptyString = "";
    Node parentNode;
    int siblingIndex;

     * Default constructor. Doesn't setup base uri, children, or attributes; use with caution.
    protected Node() {

     Get the node name of this node. Use for debugging purposes and not logic switching (for that, use instanceof).
     @return node name
    public abstract String nodeName();

     * Check if this Node has an actual Attributes object.
    protected abstract boolean hasAttributes();

    public boolean hasParent() {
        return parentNode != null;

     * Get an attribute's value by its key. <b>Case insensitive</b>
     * <p>
     * To get an absolute URL from an attribute that may be a relative URL, prefix the key with <code><b>abs</b></code>,
     * which is a shortcut to the {@link #absUrl} method.
     * </p>
     * E.g.:
     * <blockquote><code>String url = a.attr("abs:href");</code></blockquote>
     * @param attributeKey The attribute key.
     * @return The attribute, or empty string if not present (to avoid nulls).
     * @see #attributes()
     * @see #hasAttr(String)
     * @see #absUrl(String)
    public String attr(String attributeKey) {
        if (!hasAttributes())
            return EmptyString;

        String val = attributes().getIgnoreCase(attributeKey);
        if (val.length() > 0)
            return val;
        else if (attributeKey.startsWith("abs:"))
            return absUrl(attributeKey.substring("abs:".length()));
        else return "";

     * Get all of the element's attributes.
     * @return attributes (which implements iterable, in same order as presented in original HTML).
    public abstract Attributes attributes();

     * Set an attribute (key=value). If the attribute already exists, it is replaced. The attribute key comparison is
     * <b>case insensitive</b>.
     * @param attributeKey The attribute key.
     * @param attributeValue The attribute value.
     * @return this (for chaining)
    public Node attr(String attributeKey, String attributeValue) {
        attributes().putIgnoreCase(attributeKey, attributeValue);
        return this;

到这里可以归纳一下,document,element,comment etc are all Node instance。

你甚至可以认为,一个Html Document中,一切皆为节点!







  • 获取模板url

  • 添加头部用户代理伪装浏览器


  • 拿到Document

  • 建立自己的过滤规则

  • 获取自己想要的数据持久化







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