Fast Easy Blogging

All the experts tell you that your blog is the best way to market your business online (and it IS)…but you struggle to write posts regularly. I’ll show you how I easily keep my blog up-to-date, get more Google traffic, and use content to grow my business!

The experts say that your blog should be your online home base. You own it (unlike a Facebook page or Twitter account), Google loves content, and blog content is the fastest way to establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

The experts are right…but who knew it would take so much work!

I’ve been in this boat. My blogging was inconsistent and my business suffered. That was until I made the decision to blog regularly.

Did you know that…

  • Companies that blog get more online leads than companies that don’t
  • The more regularly you produce content, the more benefits you get from Googlesocial media and readers
  • Companies that blog regularly get more inbound links, social media visitors and traffic

All successful bloggers have learned certain techniques. No one was born a profitable blogger.

Imagine joining the ranks of the successful bloggers who…
…get kudos on their blog posts in comments and in social media
…get more shares of their posts in Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn or StumbleUpon
…have no problem coming up with new ideas for blog posts
…attract their ideal clients to their blog

>> Click Here to Join! <<

Using my blogging techniques, my posts get comments, shares and compliments from people like David Frey, Guy Kawasaki, Amy Porterfield, Denise Wakeman, Pat Flynn, Mari Smith and many other influencers in my niche!


What does a successful blog look like for you?

  • Becoming viewed as an authority in your field?
  • People asking you for interviews or to participate in their programs or giveaways?
  • Being asked if you take advertising on your blog?
  • Getting more people contacting you about your products or services?
  • Your sales going way up?

Your blog is an effective way to grow your business. But it won’t help you until you start producing regular content!




Stop struggling with your blog!

I use my Fast, Easy Blogging strategies to produce consistent content and to give myself more time to work on new products, consulting and sales while my blog builds up equity for me online.

For the price of a decent dinner for you and your spouse, girlfriend, boyfriend or friend, you get all of this forever. Packaged in an easy-to-use membership site which includes tutorial videos, audios, PDFs and diagrams. As well as a support forum for networking, feedback and assistance.

7 Modules of Content That Show You…

  • How to Write Posts that Get You Noticed (and how to promote them)
  • What the Blogging Pros are Doing To Stay “Top of Mind” with their audiences and how to apply this to your industry
  • How to Create Awesome Content Quickly Using Free Resources you didn’t know existed
  • Secrets to Original Content That Builds Relationships in Your Niche
  • Step-by-Step Guides to Creating the Most Sought-After Blog Post Types
  • How to Capitalize on the Biggest Trend in Social Media and Marketing with your Blog
  • Six Ways to Challenge Yourself in your Post Creation (only when you’re ready!)
  • My Favorite Tools and Technologies for Driving Traffic, Maintaining My Blog, Getting More Email Subscribers and for Search Engine Optimization

This is the course I wished I’d had three years ago…

This was designed to deliver exactly the type of training that I needed to grow my business and attract an audience of customers, partners and readers.

It’s NOT a product that is designed to keep you busy so you feel like you’re making progress.

It IS a product to get you moving forward right away (in fact, you can make significant progress on blog in a couple of hours).

(Only one payment of $97 $67 – limited time only!)

No Risk, No Questions Asked 60-Day Guarantee

Questions? Contact me here…



The Bonuses Below Are Worth Even More Than Price of the Course!

I’ve assembled several exclusive bonuses for this course. These are not available anywhere else!

Bonus #1:

5 Easy Ways to Create Blog Content Webinar

  • Access the webinar and download the slides for my most popular webinar to date
  • Over 1300 people registered and the system (maxes out at 200 people) and filled from beginning to end
  • Learn 5 incredibly easy ways to create insanely good blog posts – get more shares, comments and attention

Bonus #2:

SEO for WordPress Training

  • Learn the #1 thing on your site that Google cares about (and how to optimize that for ranking)
  • How to write posts that match the phrases that your potential customers are using to find sites like yours
  • Step-by-step tutorial on the 7 most important things you can do for your WordPress site

Bonus #3:

Blog Writing Workshop

  • For aspiring writers, this is the perfect formula for getting a high-quality post done
  • Pull up a pad of paper or word-processing software, download the cheat sheet and set the webinar to “play”
  • Produce that winning post quickly following my step-by-step process

Bonus #4:

Exclusive Interviews with the Marketing Experts

Worth more than the price of the course itself, this set of interviews I conducted with the best marketing minds I know, is both inspirational and actionable. I asked each of them to give specifics on things they and their clients have done to succeed online.

  • Listen at your computer, at the gym or in your car as 7 leading Marketing Experts share their most powerful secrets
  • These are all exclusive interviews conducted by me (so this is no PLR product). These are not available for sale anywhere else!
  • Access the cheat sheets (typically about 2 pages per interview) that condense the tools, secrets and processes into an easy-to-use format
  • Download the MP3′s and listen in the car, at the gym, at your computer or while you’re taking a walk

The Expert Interviews include:

  • Chris Garrett of Copyblogger (37 minutes)
  • Marcus Sheridan, The Sales Lion (46 minutes)
  • Pamela Slim of Escape from Cubicle Nation (49 minutes)
  • Denise Wakeman of The Blog Squad (49 minutes)
  • Danny Iny of Firepole Marketing (44 minutes)
  • Cathy Stucker, The Idea Lady (53 minutes)
  • Jack Humphrey of Friday Traffic Report (55 minutes)
  • Ali Luke, renowned blog writer and teacher (31 minutes)

Take your first step forward!

If you take action today, you’ll forever cast aside that excuse about “I can’t think of what to write.”

You’ll create better content. You’ll also make it faster and it will help you make connections (valuable connections) online.

Ask yourself these four questions:

  • How much is 2-3 hours/week of time savings worth?
  • How much is more online visibility and exposure for your products and services worth?
  • How much is having more authority and respect in your industry worth?
  • How much is a faster, easier sale worth?

If you start now, there’s only an upside and absolutely no risk.

Only One Payment (no subscription)

No Risk, No Questions Asked 60-Day Guarantee

Questions? Contact me here…




Fast, Easy Blogging Membership Site

  • Video, downloads, audio and written lessons delivered via a membership site – access it any time!
  • Free access to all upgrades and additions to the course, even when I raise the price!
  • All members have access to my support forum for networking, support and feedback!

These are all of my own blogging secrets…

I’ve used these techniques to get established in multiple niches and industries. They’ve helped me get published in some of the top blogs in the world, including, as well as many others. They’ve allowed me to get my blog listed in in two different categories as one of the top blogs in my industry. I’ve increased my traffic from search engines and social media significantly using the Fast, Easy Blogging Method. My blog has allowed me to connect with many of the leaders in my industry, to get new clients, and to get live and online speaking engagements.

Once I learned the ropes, guest posting suddenly became an option (note the huge amount of attention, comments and shares that a blog like Copyblogger can get):


Blogging strategically has led to shared (virtual) stages with many of the top marketers!

Blogging strategically has led to shared (virtual) stages with many of the top marketers!

If you’re looking to get noticed and to gain authority in your industry, this is the course for you.

Are you ready to join me?

If you’re ready to take action, the sooner you begin, the sooner you can start seeing results! See you on the inside.

Tom Treanor


Click here to Register

 Our 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee

If you’re not satisfied with the course in any way, you can return it for a full refund (via ClickBank) within 60 days of purchase.

No Questions Asked Guarantee.

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