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翻译 wordpress页脚修改_如何在WordPress中编辑页脚(逐步操作)

Do you need to edit the footer area of your WordPress website? The footer area appears at the bottom of each page on your WordPress site., 您是否需要编辑WordPress网站的页脚区域? 页脚区域显示在WordPress网站上每个页面的底部。 There...

2020-09-17 18:27:56 6387

翻译 wordpress 邮件_如何防止WordPress中的简报注册垃圾邮件

wordpress 邮件Recently, one of our readers asked us how to prevent newsletter signup spam in WordPress? 最近,我们的一位读者问我们如何防止WordPress中的新闻稿注册垃圾邮件? Sometimes spam bots fill in your newsletter signup forms...

2020-09-17 18:09:47 1594

翻译 wordpress创建_如何为您的WordPress网站创建是/否选择

wordpress创建Recently, one of our readers asked us how they could create a popup with Yes/No buttons? 最近,我们的一位读者问我们如何使用“是/否”按钮创建弹出窗口? Perhaps you’ve seen these used in an email list optin, or another...

2020-09-17 17:01:25 880

翻译 WordPress 2.8.1正式发布

WordPress 2.8.1 is officially released as it was posted on the WordPress Blog by Ryan. This version had two beta releases and multiple patches until it was finally released today. WordPress 2.8.1已正式...

2020-09-17 16:32:32 365

翻译 wordpress最佳架构_销售电子书的21个最佳WordPress主题

wordpress最佳架构Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for selling ebooks? 您是否在寻找销售电子书的最佳WordPress主题? There are dozens of WordPress themes designed to promote and sell digital products. You can ...

2020-09-17 16:23:06 927

翻译 WPBeginner的蓝图

We are often asked for recommendations on best WordPress plugins and services. People particularly want to know about the plugins and tools that we use to run the WPBeginner website. 我们经常被要求提供有关最佳Wor...

2020-09-17 16:02:47 246

翻译 wordpress侧边栏_如何在WordPress侧边栏中添加特色帖子

wordpress侧边栏Do you want to add a featured posts section in the sidebar of your WordPress website? 您是否要在WordPress网站的侧边栏中添加特色帖子部分? Displaying your top content as featured posts in the sidebar can hel...

2020-09-17 15:22:12 404

翻译 wordpress移动_如何在移动设备上隐藏WordPress小部件(易于初学者使用)

wordpress移动Do you want to hide a specific WordPress widget for mobile users? 您要为移动用户隐藏特定的WordPress小部件吗? Widgets are dynamic content that are often added in the website sidebar or footer. Sometimes ...

2020-09-17 15:02:17 508

翻译 wordpress语音插件_如何在WordPress中向语音添加文本

wordpress语音插件Do you want to add text to speech feature in WordPress? 是否要在WordPress中向语音功能添加文本? Text to speech feature allows you to add an audio version of your articles using artificial intelligenc...

2020-09-17 14:32:38 535

翻译 WordPress 2.8.3发布(安全补丁)

The best part about WordPress is that it has a huge community. Even though some might think that WordPress has so many security issues, and they send out updates so quick like a few weeks ago when the...

2020-09-17 14:22:22 199

翻译 21 Mindblowing高级免费WordPress主题

Recently, one of our users asked us how they can find premium-like free WordPress themes. There are plenty of beautiful free themes that are just as good as a premium commercial theme. In this article...

2020-09-17 14:11:34 247

翻译 程序员初学者接单_初学者的WordPress主题备忘单

Are you looking for a WordPress theme cheat sheet to quickly modify your theme or create a new custom theme? WordPress comes with many built-in template tags that you can use to get a head start. In t...

2020-09-17 14:02:32 371

翻译 wordpress最佳架构_家庭博客的21个最佳WordPress主题(2020)

wordpress最佳架构Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for your family blog? 您是否正在寻找适合您家庭博客的最佳WordPress主题? Lots of people use WordPress to build small family websites. It allows them to share fa...

2020-09-17 13:53:24 643

翻译 wordpress插件_9个最佳WordPress RSS Feed插件比较(2020年)

wordpress插件Are you looking for the best WordPress RSS feed plugin for your website? 您是否正在寻找适合您网站的最佳WordPress RSS feed插件? RSS feed plugins makes it easy to automatically pull content from other webs...

2020-09-17 13:14:36 1282

翻译 适用于WordPress网站的12个最佳计算器插件

Are you looking for a calculator plugin for your WordPress website? 您是否正在为WordPress网站寻找计算器插件? There are many types of WordPress plugins to calculate prices, measurements, dates, form fields, and mo...

2020-09-17 12:43:51 1536

翻译 隐藏wordpress后台_如何在WordPress中轻松隐藏小工具标题

隐藏wordpress后台Do you want to hide the title of a WordPress widget in your sidebar or footer? 您是否要在侧边栏或页脚中隐藏WordPress小部件的标题? WordPress widgets make it easy to drag and drop dynamic content into your t...

2020-09-17 12:23:33 489

翻译 如何在WordPress中显示今天的日期?

A trend of displaying current date which was started with newspapers has been adapted by many blogs. As more and more users are using WordPress to create magazine style theme, this is just one of the ...

2020-09-17 12:14:23 630

翻译 6个适用于WordPress的最佳WooCommerce付款网关

Are you looking for the best WooCommerce payment gateways for your online store? 您是否正在寻找适合您的在线商店的 WooCommerce付款网关? Choosing the right WooCommerce gateway for payments is a very important decision. ...

2020-09-17 12:04:27 2362

翻译 如何在WooCommerce中添加免费送货栏

Do you offer free shipping on your WooCommerce store? 你们在WooCommerce商店提供免费送货吗? Offering free shipping is a proven way to reduce cart abandonment and increase overall sales conversion. The challenge...

2020-09-17 11:54:54 362

翻译 wordpress404_最好的最佳WordPress 404错误页面设计

wordpress404Every single user on the web has landed on at least one 404 page in their entire user surfing experience. The truth is that the number that users land on 404 pages is significantly higher ...

2020-09-17 11:44:20 846

翻译 wordpress 背景_如何在WordPress中添加背景图片

wordpress 背景Do you want to add a background image to your WordPress site? 是否要向您的WordPress网站添加背景图片? Background images can be used to make your website look more engaging and aesthetically pleasant. ...

2020-09-17 11:25:08 2986

翻译 wordpress最佳架构_应用程序的21个最佳WordPress主题(2020)

Are you looking for the best WordPress themes for apps? 您是否在寻找适用于应用程序的最佳WordPress主题? You can use WordPress apps themes to promote your app or software. These themes are designed to showcase your pro...

2020-09-17 11:15:43 535

翻译 wordpress最佳架构_25个最佳一页WordPress主题(2020)

wordpress最佳架构Are you looking for the best one page WordPress themes for your website? 您是否正在寻找适合您网站的最佳一页WordPress主题? WordPress one page themes are perfect if you want to set up a minimal and modern b...

2020-09-17 11:06:20 734

翻译 如何在WooCommerce中创建智能优惠券

Several of our readers have asked us how to create smart coupons in WooCommerce to extend the default functionality. 一些读者问我们如何在WooCommerce中创建智能优惠券以扩展默认功能。 If you want to go beyond the built-in WooC...

2020-09-17 10:46:50 715

翻译 WordPress 2.8.5 –强化版本

WordPress team has released WordPress 2.8.5 today as a hardening release to make WordPress extra secure. Because the update improves your site security, it is recommended that you upgrade as soon as p...

2020-09-17 10:16:18 85

翻译 wordpress 自定义_如何在WordPress中创建自定义页面

wordpress自定义Do you want to create a custom page in WordPress? You might notice that many WordPress sites have different layouts for different pages. A custom page allows you to have different layout i...

2020-09-17 09:23:46 1656

翻译 wordpress创建_如何在WordPress中创建警报栏(3种简单方法)

wordpress创建Do you want to add an alert bar to your WordPress site? 您是否要向您的WordPress网站添加警报栏? An alert bar or notification bar is a great way to let visitors know about important updates, special off...

2020-09-17 09:14:03 376

翻译 如何在WordPress中显示最近的帖子

Do you want to show your recent posts in WordPress? Displaying recent posts help users easily discover your new content and spend more time on your site. 您想在WordPress中显示您最近的帖子吗? 显示最新帖子可帮助用户轻松发现您的新内容,...

2020-09-17 08:54:01 639

翻译 wordpress字体_如何在WordPress中轻松更改字体大小

Do you want to change the font size in your WordPress posts or pages? 您是否要更改WordPress帖子或页面中的字体大小? Sometimes, you may want to make a line or a paragraph larger, or you might want to increase the fon...

2020-09-17 07:44:25 3604

翻译 wordpress主题制作_如何在WordPress中制作即时贴

Are you looking for a way to show your most important posts at the top of your blog page so people can see them first? 您是否正在寻找一种在博客页面顶部显示最重要帖子的方法,以便人们可以首先看到它们? WordPress by default shows your newes...

2020-09-17 07:13:55 256

翻译 wordpress图像大小_如何修复WordPress中的常见图像问题

wordpress图像大小WordPress comes with some pretty neat tools to manage and edit images. You can easily upload images, align them, and even edit them inside WordPress. WordPress附带了一些非常简洁的工具来管理和编辑图像。 您可以轻...

2020-09-17 06:44:13 940

翻译 wordpress编辑器_如何在WordPress中禁用全屏编辑器

wordpress编辑器Do you want to disable the fullscreen editor in WordPress? 您是否要在WordPress中禁用全屏编辑器? After the update, WordPress 5.4 now opens the post and page editor in fullscreen mode by default. Whil...

2020-09-17 06:22:42 266

翻译 圣彼得堡三大教堂_2020年9大最佳教堂网站建设者(适合初学者)

Have you been tasked with creating a website for your church? If you’re not a professional web designer or developer, this can be a daunting task. 您是否曾受命为教堂创建网站? 如果您不是专业的网页设计师或开发人员,这可能是一项艰巨的任务。 The ...

2020-09-17 05:52:09 1703

翻译 我们将参加WordCamp Raleigh

WordCamp Raleigh is coming up soon (May 22 – 23) at Sheraton Raleigh Hotel, North Carolina. This time three of our crew members will be attending: Syed Balkhi, Amanda Roberts, and Muhammad Karim. We w...

2020-09-17 05:41:38 171

翻译 停业–保存WPBeginner

愚人节快乐 (HAPPY APRIL FOOLs DAY)Dear WPBeginner Users, 尊敬的WPBeginner用户, Uzzz Productions have been slammed with a major financial obstacle due to this recession. After having a group meeting with all...

2020-09-17 05:11:59 177

翻译 多个wordpress_40多个使用WordPress的热门大学

多个wordpressOften people think that WordPress is just a blogging platform that you use to start a personal blog. That might have been true in 2003, but now WordPress powers nearly 28% of all websites o...

2020-09-17 05:02:29 184

翻译 带有截图的WordPress 3.0概述

WordPress 3.0 is coming out very soon (May 1, 2010). The first beta version of WordPress 3.0 is already out for users to try out. You should try it on a test blog to see all the cool features. For tho...

2020-09-17 04:52:33 217

翻译 WordPress 3.0中的新功能(功能)

Syed Balkhi and Amanda Roberts of WPBeginner attended WordCamp Miami this past weekend on February 20th. After sitting through Jane Well’s presentation and talking with her after her speech, we have d...

2020-09-17 04:41:51 146

翻译 wordpress 自定义_如何在WordPress中添加自定义字体

wordpress自定义Do you want to add custom fonts in WordPress? Custom fonts allow you to use beautiful combination of different fonts on your website to improve typography and user experience. 是否要在WordPr...

2020-09-17 04:31:49 1331

翻译 github初学者指南_初学者指南:如何安装WordPress主题

github初学者指南Are you looking to install a WordPress theme? 您是否要安装WordPress主题? There are thousands of WordPress themes available (both free and paid). As a beginner, you may want to try out a few of t...

2020-09-17 04:11:15 538



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